MUD - Monty Python Style !

Posted by
Saelon [legacy]
29 June 2004 00:00:00

this might suck, and might surely be taken down

Rebu Boon: Hello there. How do you do?
Korndawg: We are the "Most Gangsterous Mafia" Guild. We take only the best. So shove off.
Rebu Boon: What is a guild?
Korndawg: Piss off. ubernoobler. You dont know what a guild is.
Rebu Boon: But how can I know what a guild is unless someone tells me?
Korndawg: You asked me three questions. Now you die.
Rebu Boon: What three questions? I was only wishing you a good day.
RabidDawg: Korndawg, thats four questions. Now we have to level bash all people whose name
starts with R.
Korndawg: Right! That will teach those bastards what the Most Gangsterous Mafia is all about.
Korndawg (thinks): All right, lets start with RabidDawg.
RabidDawg: But I am in the same guild you nonce.
Korndawg: Oh! Right. Lets kill everyone whose surname starts with B then.
Rebu Boon: Nice meeting you guys, I guess I will see you later.

--- long drawn chase ----

Korndawg puts Rebu out of his misery.
RabidDawg puts Rebu out of his misery.
AcidChomper backstabs Rebu!

^ Korndawg: legend Rebu. stfu noob!
^ RabidDawg: legend Rebu. dont mess with MGM.

Rebu revives.
Rebu : Ouch. What cant a guy say hello?

Korndawg: Lets just triple bash him for that.

(Rebu logs off)

Korndawg: God I hate quitters.


A few days later, Rebu killing a few things.
Sir Billy: I must warn you, with the permission of my immediate superior,
    Sir Ted, that killing in our lands, as per the third amendment of
    our council as founded by Lord Whompalot is not allowed.

Rebu: Did you say something ?

Sir Billy: I have to warn you of the extremely disastrous nature of the
    actions you are about to undertake! You are alone responsible for the

Sir Billy: O, blessed is our soul, its Sir Ted, (salutes) Sir Ted!

Sir Ted: All right their Billy?

Sir Billy: Yes Sir Ted, most alright by your graciousness. I was just
    passing through these fine lands of ours when I had the unpleasant
    task of dealing with this young fellow who dares shed blood of our

Sir Ted: Are you sure this is our kin?

Sir Billy: Why yes Sir Ted! Wasnt this NPC decreed as under our
    august protection in the last meeting presided by our Dear Lord

Sir Ted: Of course, of course!

Rebu: Well then folks, see you later, (grabs loot from the now dead

Sir Billy: This is most disastrous of actions. We should form a
    committee to discuss how we can punish this young fella for his

Sir Ted: Yes, yes I agree. In fact I will head a committee to decide
    whether we should form such a committee immediately..

Sir Billy: You are truely a man of action, Sir Ted.

Sir Ted: You flatter me Sir Billy. .. (and so on)


(In Ainur Jail)

Rebu says: Help!!
(Guard knocks Rebu down)

Rebu tells DarkLord: Help me!
(Guard knocks Rebu down)

After several hours:

DarkLord shimmers into reality:
You need a name change.

Rebu: Why?

DarkLord: Dont tempt me to nuke you!

Rebu: Nuke? You mean like delete my character?

*DarkLord nods at Rebu

Rebu: Okay, what shall I keep my name? How about Amaso?

DarkLord: You have two warnings now.

Rebu: Why???

DarkLord: Dont you know what Amaso reversed is? We are very democratic here.

Rebu: Oh :( Can it be George then?

Darklord: That will do. Log in with your password:

Rebu: Erm can I know why I need to change my name ?

Darklord: Its simple. Rebu reversed is Uber, which is German, and we dont
want to associate ourselves with ex-Nazis!

Rebu: Oh. I never thought of that.

DarkLord: Thats why you have two warnings. Now piss off.

Rebu: Okay :( sorry. wont do it again

DarkLord: Keep that in mind!!
=============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

^ George: Hello everyone.
^ Everyone: How have you been George? Back from your 39th nuke?
^ George: nuke?

Lightman tells George: Welcome back mate! Nice to have you back. You will be
    with our PHE guild wont you?

George tells Lightman: PHE??

Lightman tells George: Oh come on.. Party of Happy Elves! :) We are happy and
    we have fun, we are merry and we like the sun !

George tells Lightman: Cool, you sound like nice people.

Lightman tells George: Yes, we are very nice people. Everyone of us!!

-- so George gets "welcomed back" into PHE

George says: Hey merry elves. Want to go hunting somewhere?

Simperia: Hunting ?? Hehehe :) You are joking right?

George says: No.. I mean like in the dark forest?

Simperia: Dont you know we are at war with MGM ? For last 2 months? We dont
    go out when we are at war. Its like being in a siege.

George: Oh. Thats strange.

Simperia: Why?

George: Because my friends room-mate's cousin's brother has a character in
    MGM and they say they dont go out because they are at war with PHE!

Simperia: Thats a trick! We dont want to fall for that ! Do we now ?

George: But what then do you do the whole day? Sit in your house ?

Simperia: Exactly! Its so fun. We are the merry elves and we like fun! When
      the wars over we will see the sun!

George: But thats not right! We must fight! Thats how wars are fought!

Simperia: No, no, no, George. Thats not it. This is new war psychology.

George: All right then, I guess I want to just go out and enjoy myself, nice
    staying with you guys.

Simperia: We will try to get you a legend! Take care.

George: Bye then.


A day later.

George revives.

Zorask: Filthy PHE!
George: What did you kill me for?
Zorask: We are the killers unlimited!

George: So?
Zorask: So, you die. Filthy PHE.

George: I am not even PHE!!

Zorask: That doesnt matter. You will die again. No one leaves PHE and lives.

George: But that doesnt make sense! You just said PHE are filthy.
Zorask: Dude, when you leave PHE you are obviously going to join MEP.
George: MEP? Merry Elves Party ??

Zorask: See! Thats why we killed you.
George: But this is hopeless! I am getting killed by everyone, the MGM for
        being at war with PHE, the killers unlimited, for being in PHE
        by MEP for being in PHE and by the Good Souls of Arda too!

Zorask: Thats what you get. Good souls of Arda obviously has all their alts
        in MGM, and you know MEP doesnt like PHE much. And we dont like
        your name. So you die.

George: This is hopeless. I am tired of this game.
Zorask: Hah. You will come back! Your fines are probably high.

George: ??


And a day later.

HP:90 EP:86> suicide
Please enter your password:oops_wrong_password<enter>

You have reached level 22! Congratulations!

In Ainur jail (A dark dingy cell)

DarkLord: You know you bug-abused.

George: I did? I was trying to suicide.

DarkLord: Hah! Save that for the jury. Now you get nuked.

George: ? Whatever.

DarkLord hits the panic button!

GGGGG eeeee 000000
GG    ee    00  00   \  /
GG GG eeeee 00  00    \/
GG GG ee    00  00    /\
GGGGG eeeee 000000   /  \

George has incurred DarkLord's wrath and is no more!
Nuke Reason: Bug abuse in suicide.

^ HappyCamper: Woot! New Ascii. Filthy cheaters! Nuke'em all!!