Last log from me

Posted by
Devon [legacy]
23 August 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Goodbye everyone.


  • Author
    Sluggo [legacy]
    31 August 2004 15:33:29

    *whimper* Later bro :)

  • Author
    Ardnas [legacy]
    30 August 2004 02:41:45

    Take care Devon and Warrax! *looks a stupid bug runing around on my screen*

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    27 August 2004 20:16:01

    Erm..not that I play anymore either, I couldn't endure boredom like you did's stupid to nuke one of the coolest guys around. As a person and as a player. It's like - Devon plays to make the mud fun and this is what he gets for reward. Well, you get some attention to RL, friend:)

    This mud was fun 3 years ago and most of the fun is gone just because of the 'raw power' thing. Really, if you have 'something between the earlobes' (other than a thread which holds them fixed to your head), you would want more opportunities to use your brains and to be sure that in combat you can rely on something other than chance.

    Good players with plenty of time to waste always end up PKing or stealing or something like that - playing tricks is always the natural way of expression for seeking (and finding) minds.

    *hands a chocolate cake to Devon*;)

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    27 August 2004 19:53:30

    Bye Kaek and have fun building your RL char!

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 August 2004 17:41:09

    And about the log - players come and go... and return. Anyway - good luck with your life.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 August 2004 17:40:00

    When you are a god and you have to deal out judgement, you have to consider all points of view. This is not always easy, you know. I can pay some respect ot the current gods because most of the times they try hard. They might not always be right but at least they try.

    When you are criticising someone you have to consider his point of view. Otherwise you're just ... incompetent fools.

    I see angry thoughts and comments here.. You guys should try to be more, hmm, impartial. Mature. You know. Try it, it's not bad.

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    27 August 2004 17:13:00

    You were a cool guy, Zavosh. I wish I'd got to know you earlier. Best of luck in the real world.

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    27 August 2004 16:24:08

    *if we didn't hate each other

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    27 August 2004 16:23:54

    Wow, Kaeka, if we didn't each other I'd probably be sad.

    And Tilion: Fuck you, you're one of the reasons this place started to go downhill with your 'I could care less about the players' attitude.

    Shit, we've all been nuked, a billion times. I guess we just determine who the biggest losers are by who keeps coming back. ...Oh, shit. Spose I'm in the running.

    Vote Marvin for Power of Administration! I'll... buy you a mud vending machine! And... hold daily votes on people you want to be deleted! I have immunity, of course. =p

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    27 August 2004 00:31:27

    I dont know you very well, Kaekavoos...but your comment seemed...heart-felt, for lack of a better word. Taking your comment as the truth, one thing puzzles me. If you were purposely abusing a bug, in an attempt to get nuked/hardbanned, why would you loan that gold out? did you realize that it would have negative consequences for the people that you gave this gold to?

    Again, I talked to you a few times, but didnt know you very well...I am not accusing you, or anything, I am genuinely curious if you knew this or not. From your comment, I think you would have been a good guy to get to know, and I think the mud will be less.

    Devon, I consider you one of my friends, though it hasnt always been that way. Needless to say, I was hoping that you would be active again, and your old self, and you will be missed. Good luck both of you, and I hope that you stay true to your convictions to never play this mud again. Its a terrible place that rips your soul out.

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    26 August 2004 23:06:08

    I'm going to miss talking to you and stuff, Kaek, you're an awesome guy, but hey, I suppose it's for the best. You'll be missed for sure.

    Hoping to still be able to sound sincere... kthxbye :(

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    26 August 2004 23:04:21

    Bye :(

  • Author
    Kaekavoos [legacy]
    26 August 2004 20:32:54

    Here is my own personal goodbye 'comment'. First of all, to those people who called me a 'repeat cheater/bug abuser', let me explain to you the situation.

    I got nuked a while back for announcing a bug on '96 mud's commline. If anyone remembers that, the '96 mud was ridden with bugs and everyone was abusing them. All I did was say out loud on the comm that a serious bug existed. My main char got nuked on the real mud for that, with the reason 'extended bug abuse'.

    During my seven or so years as a mudder, this was the first time I had been nuked for cheating. I had been an ainu for one whole year as the character Kaekavoos (Beor), and considered myself a good citizen of Arda. I did not cheat, I did not spread MP or quest info, and I didn't even chat on the commline. I stayed invisible and worked, as many ainur don't. I had to demort because I was not going to have access to the internet.

    The nuking of my main char for cheating would prevent me from ever immorting again. This took away my motivation for staying. I decided I wanted to quit mudding, but felt like suiciding/departing would not offer me enough closure and I'd return. I abused a gold bug that I personally had coded an activity log for so that I would get nuked. No one knew about the bug but me and Draugluin. It took the ainur two months to notice the log, and meantime I told no one about it. I deserved and desired the nuking/hard ban that I got, but the others were completely innocent of this. I know Draugluin has been telling people that I told him they knew about it, but that's a lie. In fact my last tell on the mud was to Draugluin, telling him that no one did.

    Anyway, I'm off to the real world trying to build a reputation that is going to matter when I'm 70 years old. I'm gonna approach it like building a character, minus the playerkilling and bullying! Have fun everyone. And don't you say he'll be back, cause I won't! Hopefully Draugluin will keep me away :P


    Warrax, Kaekavoos, Kerner, Beor, Azagthoth, Zavosh, many more and a small army of level tens.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 August 2004 20:06:37

    I am not here to 'Defend' Draugluin but seriously, if you are friends with people who are known repeating cheaters/abusers then probably your gonna get nailed because of them(same for RL too). He is PoL, you can't hire Johnny Cochran and sway him, trust me I have tried argueing with him to no avail. I see you guys at level 19 in just over 1 day time anyhow, not like its a huge setback for most of you. I guess it comes down to people getting so upset when 'we feel that we 'bent' the rules in the proper way' most of the time(not saying in this instance).

    Hopefully they will give ER's more leeway in pk'ing and other stuff to allow the more aggressive players to play how they want as I have to agree, to kill a careful player good at HB'ing solo or even 2 man is a sucker bet.

    Anyhow, best of luck Devon, hope your curiosity gets the best of you when ER's arrive and you come back.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    26 August 2004 19:58:19

    Still gonna come over to your house and wreck it


  • Author
    Ugrim [legacy]
    26 August 2004 18:59:28

    Ta ta. Take care in the free world! It was fun though, was'nt it? :P

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    26 August 2004 17:18:24

    I think most of us agree with your words Devon. The sum of theese changes have made things like **skill** and **Deception** useless in this game. It used to be so fun to plan and execute cunning ideas to steal/kill.

    A good rule to messure if a change is good for the game. If the change is made because this new thing is more //realistic// or //thematic// it is a sure killer of the long term gameplay.

    Atleast you got nuked by Draugluin who takes the time to tell you what you supposedly did wrong :P . . try getting nuked by Osse and then spend a month trying to get a word out of him ;)

    Anyways if I ever get back to the mud it will be somewhat empty without your pressence.

    - Raq

  • Author
    Amzel [legacy]
    26 August 2004 08:44:50

    'damn, another of arda's best pkers down the drain'

    yeah, another of arda's best struck down by Draugluin the Tyrant

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    25 August 2004 12:23:08

    draugluin is sexy

  • Author
    Devon [legacy]
    25 August 2004 10:13:29

    To Draugluin:

    I did come to you with this matter. And I was told you didn't nuke people who had done nothing wrong.

    And you also told me, that Kaekavoos had told you, I knew about the bug abuse. So no chance of getting him restored.

    That's what lead to this. I hope you're happy.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    25 August 2004 08:47:09

    Being PoL means having to have the bitch-switch on 24/7 *shrug*

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    25 August 2004 05:13:08

    Hey Draugluin, thats a novel idea. Instead of turning on the bitch-switch, just ask a question or two. hmmmm.

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    25 August 2004 04:35:55

    Thank you.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    25 August 2004 01:02:12


    As always, anyone who believes they have been wrongfully punished can contact the PoL. In fact, someone already has, has been found innocent, and restored.

    Sorry for the mistake, Cerebus!

    A lot of the rest of this is silly, though.


    Take care Devon! Feel free to come check out the game again later, we've got some exciting things coming for thieves and ERs that I personally know (from our convo's) you would enjoy. Unlike some others, who are simply -not- welcome back.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 August 2004 23:50:39

    I know what the bug was, Squibby :).

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    24 August 2004 23:47:09

    I used to seriously doubt they would nuke people for recieving any amount of gold.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 August 2004 23:23:37

    Seriously doubt they would nuke people for 100 gold.

  • Author
    Saelon [legacy]
    24 August 2004 23:15:58

    It would be illustrating to know what amounts were involved.

    (Shudder at the thought that some day I might borrow 100 gold from a friend for healing and find out later that he had bug abused baking bread in Buckleberry or something and ka-boom!!)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 August 2004 22:59:04

    Seriously, I have never been given any large sum of gold so I guess I am one of the few who makes it all on their own. BTW, anyone know what the gold bug was? >:]

    Oh and yea, I bet you will see Devon again when ER's finally come out, I mean after playing the game so long it would be hard not to come back and check them out.

  • Author
    Khelban [legacy]
    24 August 2004 19:41:39

    I hated the mortal realm too. After 5 years of playing, of course, not all this char, I got quite bored and hated it. So I did the next best thing, immort. Immort, playtest, heck even being a dedicated newbie helper would let you experience new things and keep you playing this game.

    By the way, don't abuse bugs and don't be stupid and no one get nuked. Simple.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    24 August 2004 18:32:48

    Tilion: I thought that was already how it worked.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    24 August 2004 17:38:24

    This is all a bit melodramatic considering you were basically already gone 2 years past...but anyway I agree with the content of the message.

    Mud blows.

    Impossible to pk outside mordor.

    Inside mordor is almost always empty.

    Stupid ainur.


  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    24 August 2004 16:52:31

    I, personally, would like to see all characters of a typist deleted if they violate a rule/bug abuse in a way that would usually lead to deletion. That way people would think twice about it when they purposely abuse a bug. And so yeah :p

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    24 August 2004 16:28:38

    Cya bro. I'll miss talking with you.

    To the Ainur: You've used piss poor judgement in your nukings regarding this issue. I have given and received money from half the people on this MUD. I don't ask where it comes from, and I don't really give a shit. I know the histories of these chars in the past. But not all of them are violators of MUD policy. If you are gonna nuke people for having associates who cheated type 'who' and start with the top. Maybe pretending to be a 'god' has somehow unhinged you. If you doubt me, just talk to Scatha for longer than 2 minutes. Your actions and decisions DO have repurcussions.

    And please, for once take some criticism and reflect upon it instead of responding, 'Well f*** you too then', and pushing another button.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    24 August 2004 16:13:27

    I'm too outta things to actually know if I had any dealings with you, but in any case, good luck in real life and shit.

  • Author
    Devon [legacy]
    24 August 2004 13:01:40

    Aww, Naith :(

    I miss you! *huggle*

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    24 August 2004 12:39:29

    Genuinely sorry to read this post, Devon. You were true quality.

    I wish you all the best in your stupid sounding football game.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 August 2004 11:59:35

    I... Don't understand what Eizan is talking about. Hmm.

    Anywho, Phu, Filil, Fairfax, Cerebus and Draklord were all nuked because of an error on the part of the ainu, since none of them knew the person was abusing bugs.

  • Author
    Feasul [legacy]
    24 August 2004 10:44:05

    Goodbye friend, keep on rockin' :)

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    24 August 2004 09:50:26

    i think the ainur may be making an example do that people who do cheat know not to involve their friends i guess.

  • Author
    Phu [legacy]
    24 August 2004 09:42:08

    I guess i have to stop comment on this page, since i now can't back it up anymore. Can someone explace this to me: How the hell am i supose to know someone is giving me 'bad gold', I have resived gold from so many ppl i don't even know who to blame.

    To the ppl i know: it was fun playing with you, enemies or not. To the ppl i love: I miss you forever. To the ppl i dident know: stphu ffs.

    Phu was nuked at 23:15 08/21/04

    Phu the dwarf Master Assassin (Demonic)

    Departed from Arda Gender: male

    Age: 8d 11h 7m 2s

    Info: See, The world aWaits my Arrival

    Nuke Reason: known gold abuse recipient

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    24 August 2004 09:03:08

    Good luck, Nick. I hope it's not goodbye.

    One of these days you'll have to come to town for dinner and then we can drink up the wine I buy in Denmark, since that's all swedes go to Denmark for anyway ;)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 August 2004 07:42:53

    TB: Perpetuating our own dislike of the game since 2000!

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    24 August 2004 06:14:28

    Cya mate.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    24 August 2004 06:02:42


  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    24 August 2004 04:48:43

    this is all just my opinion that i have put about the last 5 minutes of though into : the mud went downhill as soon as people started making like 5 characters for each typist. as well as those clans that had a monopoly on everything in the game(weapons, pkilling, best healing, quests, gold-making etc.) and they were only loosely afffiliated with guilds in the way that they used them to store their gear and had no moral or ethical guidelines they had to stick to. this type of game-play morphed the game as we knew it into a technically-based type of mud which only a certain few dominated because they had the best gear and had every huntbreak memorized so that you were going to die one way or another. but there was no point in really giving much resistance because the second that character was too high on the fines scale or had too many enemies, they would simply move to another character. that led to many players, most of them oldies, to leave the game because they didnt care much for that aspect of the game. that aspect of the game is still at this point in time controlling the way people have to play the game and it is turning the game to shit. so, in a way, i think devon may perpetuated his own dislike for the game.

    yes, i know this rant was gramatically horrible and what not, but i dont care.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 August 2004 04:46:47

    Cya later Devon, your log site was still the best one i've ever seen :P.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 August 2004 04:25:14

    I'll miss you but I think you made the right choice, a game that's no longer fun isn't worth playing. Take care and stay out of trouble! You know what I mean;).

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    24 August 2004 01:50:09

    Ah, screw it... I suck arse at speeches... Take care, bla bla... etc, I still have you on ICQ :p

    /The Berserker

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    24 August 2004 00:58:26

    *sighs I never was good with words.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 August 2004 23:32:41

    Take care Nick, good luck with whatever you do - and let's see if it sticks this time - I hope for you it does. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 August 2004 23:28:48

    !?! How are we going to settle our little score Devon :( shit.

    See you later man.

  • Author
    Devon [legacy]
    23 August 2004 23:04:55

    Just wanna say a few things before going to bed..

    First off, I'm glad I'm not the only one with the view, that the past was better. And to Daukar: Just because the present isn't the past, doesn't mean we have to settle, does it?

    Secondly, I'll have to admit that I'll miss the people of Arda. But the game and concept just isn't the same to me anymore. I felt no pleasure in logging on and gathering equipment.

    Pounder: As for real newbies, the feeling I was getting is, there aren't very many of them. Most of the lowlevels are people who start over with a new race, new prof or whatever. Some even take their time, because it's either in their RP, or perhaps because being level 19 just isn't all that cool?

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:59:35

    It has been interesting to see the changes that have happened over the past few years. While I in no way think the mud sucks or anything now, it does seem that at least in pking, there has been a turn for the worse. There used to be so many factors involved, like filling hands, blinding with light, disarm etc.. and now it has become much more one dimensional. The receiving end was funner too, solos and 2 mans seemed much more prevalent as there was a higher percentage of success due to all the extra tactics that could be employed. Now it's bang bang bang most of the time. ramble ramble ramble ramble shutting up.

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:38:57

    I really couldn't care less about the quality of t2t, declining or otherwise. I don't care about nukings or bug abuse either. All I know is that I've lost a good friend, and it won't be the same without him.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:31:11

    Its the same mud, but a very different place. The type of game play has changed alot. One of the largest differences is, the stripping away of the aura of imagination. The mud as a whole, has become much more technical, and the people's general interpretation has followed. Instead of people wandering around lost for much time as was so very typical before, people have aliases and travelto they can rely on. People don't care about their personal feelings on particular weapons, if someone tells them its better than this or worse than this, that is going to dictate whether they use it now. This only really affects the older generations of players. Meet up with a newbie (a real one), spend some time with them, and you will see a very different outlook on arda. Try to not tell them specifics but give them general inRP type of help. Thats one of the fundamental aspects that is altering the view of arda. The game is still generally the same, its how RP, helping, and how we view equipment and pk'ing is what is changing. Devon, was a very interesting set of characters. He had (and fortunately) would not let others influence him very much. He had his own way of playing. Despite our differences, and a couple style variants, I thought he was a good asset to the towers. So if you old schoolers out there wanna keep losing more and more assets to the towers and replace them with idiot power players with no sense of style, keep doing stuff the same, otherwise you know what to do.

  • Author
    Daukar [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:24:15

    Even if I did think the present sucks, I'd try to make the best of the situation instead of hang around and whine about it. If Devon didn't like playing the game as it is now, he did the right thing in stopping. If he were to hang around and complain about how much better things were before, he'd just do himself an ill-favour.

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:21:33

    You don't think that the present pretty much sucks?

  • Author
    Daukar [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:17:33

    People claiming things were better before should try to make the best of the situation. It's no use claiming things were better 3 years ago when you know things won't go back to what they used to. It's better to adapt to the situation, and try to see the good parts of life. 'The good old days' are past, the present is now.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    23 August 2004 22:16:18

    :( Miss you dude!

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    23 August 2004 19:50:35

    As an alt of him said, 'Welcome the the club!'.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    23 August 2004 19:27:50

    damn, another of arda's best pkers down the drain

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    23 August 2004 19:06:47


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    23 August 2004 18:34:25

    You just agreed on being full of shit? :P

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 August 2004 18:13:37

    It's true.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    23 August 2004 17:52:56

    you're full of shit josef. shut the hell up.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    23 August 2004 17:41:32

    Take care :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 August 2004 17:28:31

    Have fun!

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 August 2004 17:27:48

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, damn I lost count how many times you've made posts like this!

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    23 August 2004 17:18:21

    Goodbye my friend. You'll be missed.