Last log from me

Posted by
Devon [legacy]
23 August 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Goodbye everyone.

So it all ended.. Almost 8 years ago I started playing this game. October 1996.

I've had alot of breaks in those 8 years, but this time the break is for eternity.
So what has changed? Alot. Arda has changed - and not for the better. Imo, the game
was alot more fun 3 years ago, than it is today.
Pkilling was more fun. You could blind people and use tactics - not just raw power.
Thieving was more fun. You could actually steal equipment from people (using disarm and
deadly spears or arrows).

Anyway, what drove me over the edge this time, was a completely random nuke I had no fault in.
I've been nuked before, but I never whine when it's my own fault. It's a risk you take.
But this time I didn't do anything or take any risks.

First time I was nuked, was back in 1997. I was on summer holiday and had hibernated my main char.
During the vacation I came across a library and logged on with a new char. Someone harassed him, 
and I told him I'd kill him. Came back from the holiday to find my main char nuked because of that
threat by my other char. But hell, I was new back then.

Second time two of my chars were nuked for the Esgaroth quest bug. Fair enough.

Third time I had a maxed char nuked for not caring about getting a warning.
Draugluin: I'll give you a warning. Me: Fine, I don't give a s*** 

And now.. Fourth time. I get nuked for borrowing gold from someone who apparently bug abused to get it.
Without me knowing at all.

Think what you want. I'll leave it up to you :)

So it's all over for me. I wanna say thanks to everyone for making some of the time in Arda enjoyable.
I used to have alot of fun and I guess that's why I was still playing. Thought that might come back.
It hasn't. And I've been waiting for 3 years.. So color me stupid ;)

I could list a whole bunch of close friends, but I won't. I'll just forget someone, and I don't want that.
But thanks - you know who you are!

Lastly.. If you do feel like talking to me, I'm on icq from time to time.. #11152497
