CoU do what they are best at... run.

Posted by
Therina [legacy]
08 September 2004 00:00:00

I've had enough talking about it.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:16:12


  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:27:00

    the log wasn't worth reading tool, so the comments have to be :P

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    10 September 2004 13:41:20

    What i want to know is.. how can the this post that rated so badlt get so mant responses.. as i was reading this i forgot what the log was about :P

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 September 2004 04:46:01

    Fimbu is your leading competitor for doing that stuff, but he usually does it intentionally. Lame.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 September 2004 04:19:44

    I love you, Fimbu.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 September 2004 20:19:50


    Btw, thats 6 comments in a row from fimbu. I now reserve the right to not feel stupid when do 3.

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    09 September 2004 13:48:03

    What can i say :P

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    09 September 2004 13:38:35

    He didn't run, he got tired chasing your ass across the plains, and stopped running. If anything, Blace is fat, and lazy.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    09 September 2004 10:36:58

    And I dedicate this weeks 'Naith's Ahahahaha Award' to Fimbu for 'Someone asked to see these comments' comments.

    It received stiff competition from the 'Ahahahaha's I had to donate to the concept of a guildmate requesting to see a log of an anonymous figure backstabbing and then hunting off.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    09 September 2004 06:41:11

    i need a job. i don't have the time to invest in kissing a new guilds ass for a month :p

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    09 September 2004 06:14:48

    Douglas you said it:

    'the whole reason i didn't try to put another char in dh after my nuke was because i was tired of pk and the bullshit that goes along with it.'

    Wanna Join GG or Jewel Smiths with me? Only places that rplay anymore.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    09 September 2004 03:21:46

    Date: 08. Sep, 2004, 23:09:03 By: Kozlodoev

    Right. Letting shits like Lopiki in, really made BKD sink to a new low.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:10:16

    Nah. I would never do that.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:09:55

    (Or perhaps I'm just using this as a method of avoiding responsibility for what I post!)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:09:24

    So I felt I had to share them with EVERYBODY on the MUD

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:09:02

    Btw, those are really lame comments, I know, but someone asked to see them.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:08:42


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 September 2004 00:08:23


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    08 September 2004 23:43:01

    Well actually Demandred, we did take you off the hitlist because of your guild affiliation. For whatever reason, it was bullcrap to me.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    08 September 2004 23:09:03

    Right. Letting shits like Lopiki in, really made BKD sink to a new low.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 22:24:32

    Trempk, thats bullshit, they took me off the hitlist cause i gave MMAIL back to them that i got off a corpse of their member. Wasn't this the same trempk who was bitching at someone about being misinformed?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 September 2004 22:09:16

    I kind of find it funny that i think demandred was taken off the bkd hit list temporarily because he joined dh and look how he shows his gratitude!

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:48:49

    c'mon guys...can't we talk about it some more?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:47:28

    therina, if you shave your beard i'll have sex with you.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:32:42

    And I posted this log just because a guildmate would not stop asking me for it. *shrug*

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:21:19

    Caber has a point in it, even if I'm bkd and don't like it. I rated the log a 1 because I thought it sucked too. :)

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:19:12

    Caber WINS! Flawless Victory!

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:09:19

    Ahahaha. I don't really feel like reading all of these comments...but come on, Therina. You've officially given up your right to ever mock anyone for a log that was too dumb to post. See, it's funny when someone posts a log, and then someone else posts a log with the same title showing the first poster getting OWNED. Unfortunately, you didn't have any owning to show, and instead of waiting until you did, you just posted something really dumb. :P

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 19:02:53

    Besides you created tons of more loser alts than I ever did so I don't see what the hay you're wanking about.

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:58:01

    Sorry Douglas for calling you a loser killing random people because you're right you don't. Shitloads of people who still do however. I don't think anyone, not even you get why you spamm everyone with crap and tell them they suck they are idiots and whee you died you suck etc.

    That I'm from sweden has nothing with this to do anyway, has it?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:52:52

    chaoz, how about you show some skill, you swedish noob. the whole reason i didn't try to put another char in dh after my nuke was because i was tired of pk and the bullshit that goes along with it. then you and your bkd guildmates start running around and acting like you're hot shit, when you can't do a damned thing. barberi made a mistake letting you, lopiki and memic in, especially knowing your histories. bkd's turned into nothing but a collection of loser alts from other shitty guilds. if it were thematic for me to kill you all, i would. so why don't you create some more loser alts and come after me so I can have the pleasure of at least wacking your typist.

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:44:32

    Where is the fun in random killing? It could be thematic for an assassin to kill for a C, or in wars, or hitlisted people. I know I used to random kill people and shit how fucking stupid don't I feel about that today. But placing contracts on everyone you can find to get to kill anyone or just kill a random moral or whatever for fun? What the heck is that all about?

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:39:27

    and since when does age have anything to do with this game. when did you have to be 30 and act politically correct to play an onlime game. maybe you should take that pole out of your ass so you can slouch like everyone else who plays to have fun :P

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:35:26

    dude, if that was directed at me in any way all i can say is i wasn't around when they were so i don't know wtf to copy :P

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:31:59

    That makes you look 12, not 13. :op

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:31:18

    Im spitting my mind out just like you do all day long and for some reason its obviously to mess up for other people who aren't as experienced as the somewhat older players. I don't see any of the really old players spitting rude bullshit at the lesser skilled, the older ones who you 'elites' are trying to copy.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:26:00

    sorry everyone here is 13 and retarded that isn't your friend!

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:23:28

    when did i say i hoped? i made a bad and inappropriate joke, learned my lesson and never said anything like that again. if it bothers you that bad why don't you go cry on someone's shoulder :P

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:16:49

    I don't need to tell people I hope they lose their next child in RL like you. And I don't have to comment peoples RL name, RL phone number, RL adress etc. like Douglas. But thats all a part of your perfect retarded society of not thinking.

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:15:31

    You are a retard too Anibus. I'm gonna go tell everyone I know your alts too.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:10:42

    Well they're not exactly renowed for their PKing ability, but there out their giving it a go. Props to them for standing up to BkD, most other guilds would have backed down and found the diplomatic solution. They may not win the war but there sure as hell going to take a few BkD with em.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:08:04

    Id like to see bkd act like morals...

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 18:04:42

    what i meant was, chaoz, is that anyone can look at the 70+ logs your chars have posted and say you have no skill. douglas barely posts any of his logs. I know what douglas has done and seen what you've done, and you're the one who's lacking.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    08 September 2004 17:49:36

    CoU have never even come close to winning a war. They've been decimated time and time again. The only difference this time is that they have DH helping them.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    08 September 2004 17:17:49 That log owns. Now everyone do me a favor and go to hell :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    08 September 2004 17:14:28

    You can all stfu and bow down to me, as I am your rightful god. Praise my asshairs and kiss my toes, then you may be free to make spiteful comments at your leisure.

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:40:59

    I see thats very important to you Anibus. But no. I don't comment often. I felt I needed to do it now. It was directed at Douglas anyway, not you if I wrote it right.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:32:25

    I think douglas' chars have shown more skill than yours chaoz. or is it because he doesn't have a top poster he isn't all great and stuff like you?

  • Author
    Chaoz [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:23:58

    All of this flaming is fun to read and all but..

    Douglas you messed up little 12 year old retard, go show some god damn skill and stop bullshitting people to fear just because you're old. You got nothing to come with so give it a fucking rest you prick.

    Everyone else you rock and I love you, hugs and so on!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:16:19

    Demandred, Barberi doesn't talk harsh...except on a few rare occasions and to a few rare people. Douglas is one of those people. Rare because of his obvious stupidity without it being obvious to himself, I guess that is what the obvious stupidity is all about.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:11:47

    Grr! You get that wrong just to bug me don't you?! It's stab stabbity STAB STAB STAB!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    08 September 2004 16:06:38

    stab stab stab STABBITTY stab!!!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:49:48

    War war war war war war war war war! Go to war! War=fun. Normality=the kind of boring shit the mud has become.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:48:46

    everyone knows who kaelic is and i really don't think anyone gives a damn.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:48:08

    Barberi, brings out the harsh talk. And this is no war, this is me getting some payback. I've been attempted by BkD before, and i'm sick of rolling over and letting them get away with it. Lets face it, their inept, even when they have 5 men in a party. Anyway, as my log stated, i'm sick of talking about it, show us your more than a mouth with big words Barberi.

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:44:41

    oh nm, did not know Demandred was invloved :p

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:44:12

    hum, and where is this CoU bang log?

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:42:27

    How did the war start? Out of interest.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:24:42

    Oh my!

    Ok, I will take this in order I think. First off, Douglas your a complete moron/wanna-be has been/never will be information gatherer. Cause it was me that wanted war with DH and it was me that thought we could take them. Logan was COMPLETELY against the idea at the time for his own reasons.

    BKD folks, 3 man? That isn't exactly a bang, a LOT of firepower, but a bang? Nah. The only reason they got him was cause he is rusty. He will get back into the swing of things, and all of you that killed him just don't know what you have awakened. He is gonna piss all over your corpses and let the flies finish you off.

    We killed Vildoran, we killed him with 3 (4?) folks. He wasn't expecting it and I know he is a very good player and we got him cause he was hitlisted. We had some pretty decent firepower as well. And he did retailiate like a real man and he soloed 3 or 4 of our guys. He did a really good job, was patient found them out in the open doing stupid crap that they should never have done. He did a good job in it, but the guys he killed sucked in it and he found them at their worst. Shows a good deal of patience on Vildoran's part. Then I guess we retailiated back to him with another bang, I don't know much about that part.

    Another thing! Demandred, I thought it was rather pathetic dragging up logs from 300 logs ago!!! And saying 'here is BKD getting soloed, duh uh, cool!' 300 logs ago! Oh well, then I noticed Therina dragged up even older logs to show soloes on you. Grr! Guess a stupid comment deserved to have itself dragged down even further.

    Blace, if you don't have a better comment, spare us all and shut your trap. Devon, yeah I know tell me about it. Douglas, as always STFU! NO REALLY, STFU!!!! YOU FREAKIN LOSER!!! Tired of your lameness, we ALL are! Naith, arg, can't say anything to you cause you will say something back to me and make me look stupid...grr!

    Ok, here is me zipping it.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:23:10

    Yes, please, let's not. I was just saying that Vildoran soloing a couple of BkD, doesn't make CoU great compared to BkD. My comment about logs of you getting solo'd was just to point that it's totally irrelevant.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 15:18:17

    Dont make me get logs of all your chars getting solo'd therina.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 14:54:54

    there you go Demandred. Just a few logs of you getting solo'd.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 14:51:12

    Yes? So? I'm just talking CoU-BkD, I know what Vildoran did was really cool, and I applaud him for it, and I don't like that we returned the favour with a bang, because that made him look even better. However, BkD still own CoU.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 13:50:16

    there you go Therina. Just a few logs of BkD members getting solo'd.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    08 September 2004 13:22:19

    You should be able to give 0 ratings to logs.

  • Author
    Devon [legacy]
    08 September 2004 12:37:11

    Oh god.. I'm so glad I stopped playing..

    I so don't miss all the bickering and bitching and whining and what not. :)

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    08 September 2004 12:06:46

    eh douglas i never said we'd beat the hell out of dh, but you - my little fellow - can come and try me anytime if you want

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:53:01

    Congratulations Therina you can count

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:47:42

    CoU's answer to two logs ( and v of their members getting soloed, is one of our member getting banged.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:33:49

    ?Christ, i think we've done enough flaming for now. At least i have. Not that it doesn't amuse me how you come along and think you know everything, like that litle DH detail..?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:29:28

    make up your mind, im either a has been, or i've had a lot of alts. i respond to one insult and you make up another. do grow up.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:27:54

    dont flatter yourself, you had a bunch of alts and that was about it.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:26:08

    haha, rather be a has-been than a never will be.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:25:39

    eh, i wasn't in favour of hostilities with dh. So get your facts straight before you let your mouth run eh, washed up has-been.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:21:12

    haha, logan. i like how you and grozin and some of the other tools in bkd talk about how you'll beat the hell out of dh if you go to war with them too. you aint got shit.

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:18:13

    Hehe Logan is funny

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:17:28

    BkD's answer to a log of their member dying, a log of them being attempted.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:15:28

    Oh dont steal away his moment in the sun. It's CoU's time to shine. Just before we bash them into disbanding once again..

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:14:17

    Bang? Right. And BkD soloed a few corsairs, please, shut up.

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    08 September 2004 10:13:18

    Uha and look at the previous log see what else we do.