Da Boffo

Posted by
Pounder [legacy]
09 September 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

No honor, No life.


  • Author
    Luthien [legacy]
    17 September 2004 01:35:42

    Damn, maybe it's time to divert our attentions to something other than Boffo? Iarla is already back and recovering quite nicely. I doubt it even matters to him at this point. Whether right or wrong, why bother giving Boffo so much attention? Doesn't that sort of have the opposite effect?

    Just my unwelcome two cents, I suppose.


  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    14 September 2004 01:53:40

    Good to see him die again. Boffo really doesn't deserve to be over level 3 any time in the next 2-3 years, maybe barring an apology and being killed down to level 1 in a public execution. This is a great example of what happens when there's too much immortal interference in mortals' lives. The response to Boffo's unfounded reports of harassment by Iarla makes me proud to play this game still. If he weren't being bashed now, I don't think I could continue to be active.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    13 September 2004 21:46:16

    i guess it just depends on the protection the harassee gets from the ainur :P

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    13 September 2004 18:28:22

    3 times may be considered harassment, as far as I know.. and help user.rules gives the following:

    C. Repeated, habitual killing of any player may be considered harassment.

  • Author
    Phu [legacy]
    13 September 2004 17:12:39

    so, how many times can you kill someone before it's harassment?

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:54:17

    Sorry, I tried. :p

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:26:34

    Darrick, you've got pathetic punctuation skills and it bugs me!

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:05:53

    Boffo-In one of these logs I could've swore you were packing a DCLB,

    If I was wrong then hey my mistake,I can admit i was wrong,Unlike some.Anyway,You say you're rusty?Anyone can break a hunt from where you were:Combe and Bree,Rivendell also.Its not hard,I promise.And as to me knowing nothing,well hehe,I know this:Im a sorry damn assassin but I sure as hell can kill YOU.Thanks :)

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    13 September 2004 08:59:50

    where? i didn't see random bullshit with 'weak and clownlike' thrown in every paragraph

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:56:56

    You know, Nogothrim just made 2 of the best comments ever.

    All class old son, all class.

  • Author
    Barin [legacy]
    12 September 2004 20:35:15

    hvatit gnomov trahat' :)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    12 September 2004 20:32:37

    I want this comment section nuked for harassing me. It took too long to read all these comments and without exception(except mine) they're all stupid and unfunny.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    12 September 2004 20:10:51

    Huli stranicu chitaesh! Idi uchis'!

  • Author
    Dogar [legacy]
    12 September 2004 19:14:01

    It's not like Otoron and Iarla weren't harassing the comm for long time :P

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    12 September 2004 18:47:39

    It was Trempk who said that.

  • Author
    Barin [legacy]
    12 September 2004 18:36:22

    I think that you shouldnt forget it in a week or two, like Taudrek said, but try to have iarla reinstated instead.

    My 2 roubles

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 September 2004 17:54:32

    ...so come and sing along!

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    12 September 2004 16:48:50

    We might be able to work things out amicably etc except for the fact that the ainur will not discuss it, and work to extinguish even any discussion of it by silencing/jailing anyone who speaks of it.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    12 September 2004 16:04:29

    Tainted love, tainted love.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 September 2004 16:03:23

    Now I'm gonna pack my things and go.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    12 September 2004 15:57:51

    I love you though you hurt me so

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:34:13

    Don't touch me please - I cannot stand the way you tease!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:33:31

    Touch me, baby, tainted love.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:32:32

    This tainted love you've given.. I give you all a boy could give you.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:31:48

    Once I ran to you - now I'll run from you.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:30:39

    And I've lost my light. For I toss and turn, I can't sleep at night.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 September 2004 12:29:03

    The love we share seems to go nowhere.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    12 September 2004 09:54:37

    other people took care of it for you iarla ;P

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    12 September 2004 09:38:14

    My only regret was that I didn't make it 4 times :P

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    12 September 2004 09:12:16

    Oh yea.

    I never bragged about having Iarla nuked. Anyone who says that I did, is making it up, or heard it 2nd hand from someone else who made it up. I was just relieved. Well, I might go as far as to say 'satisfied.'

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    12 September 2004 09:09:17

    A couple quick points:

    In the three logs that were posted here, of my being PKilled, in two of the three I had NO gear. In the other one, I had a Yew bow. I *know* how to get a Dark Crimson, but I've never gotten one. I think I might be able to do it. I'm not really sure. However... it's ALSO worth pointing out that the weapons I've been pkilled WITH include: Balrog's Whip, Aiglos, and several Fangs of Sauron... my gear is pretty irrelevant in the face of what my attacker's have been packing... and yes, I do also use multi-nock and kickback (although you can't do this when you don't have a bow) So, uhm... Darrick you know nothing. Thanks.

    The last time Iarla and (Was it Demandred?) attacked... yeah. I just stood there at Rhos. I was multi-multi-nocked, and just waitin' for them to come back through, like I knew they would (after wandering through, shaping and smirking at me) I was quite surprised when Iarla mercifuled... but no, that was his mistake, because when I did leave, he hunted and finished the job (whew!). Other than that, no. I haven't been 'letting' people kill me... I've just never been all that talented, and I'm REALLY rusty. I haven't had serious attempts (outside of this last week) in like, two years.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 September 2004 05:57:44

    Bah, we'll all forget this in a week or two anyway and go back to business.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 September 2004 05:55:37

    Two wrongs don't make a right paraiko. Wrong is wrong is wrong, whether you admit it or not, all that really matters is whether you right your wrongs or not. right? :p

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    12 September 2004 05:18:02

    Well, I would think they'd need to remain in the good graces of the other admin.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:58:36

    powers arent elected. i don't think they have to worry about political suicide :P

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:36:30

    It'd be political suicide for a PoL to admit he's wrong, so I doubt we'll see any of that, however passionate and righteous the appeals are in this forum.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:30:52

    well fimbu, i, like many of your friends, have shown myself to be a repeat offender in the past. he's been PoL quite a while and has been the one to deal with most people who screw up in one way or another. i imagine if i were him, i'd probably stop listening to excuses and nuke first, ask questions later. im not taking his side. god knows i've hated him for a longass time :P but he can't be blamed for everything. i don't agree with otoron and iarla getting the boot, not even a little bit. however, there have been many cases of harassment that have been overlooked, like thieves guild contracting people until they suicide. perhaps he just needed some high profile players to use as examples to prove that this kind of shit won't be tolerated. there's a large blurry line between trying to get your point across to someone and harassing someone. what does it take to get some people to understand your point of view. you kill them, they may get that you don't like them or whatever. but then they just want to taunt you and fuck with you more to prove you didn't impede them in any way. it's like rp battles. someone attacks the npc's you're defending, you attack and kill them. but they still keep coming back and doing it. do you keep defending (and in cases like anselmo, which im sure you're familiar with fimbu) and let them keep reporting you in rp, or do you just ignore them. ok, i have more to say, but im doped up on booze and cocaine, and i've talked enough. i doubt most people will get this far. i'll continue my crusade later :P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:10:43


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    12 September 2004 04:10:10

    I doubt any group is being targeted by the administration, except for the group of people that the administration just plain don't like. And by administration I mostly mean Draugluin, who I have been friends with on and off, but who I am liking less and less with every mean thing he does to my friends, who are wonderful people and he should be able to tell that!

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    11 September 2004 23:31:50


  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 23:26:49


  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 23:26:31

    Sssh, Douglas. To be fair this has been an emotional affair all around, I think we can forgive a few flames here and there.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    11 September 2004 23:23:00

    that sounds so superficial

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 23:11:20

    Ok, you're right. Kind of sounds bad when you say it like that. It felt right at the time though. I apologize.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:48:37

    The ones where you dismiss everyone as retards then go onto make absurd generalisations.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:47:22

    I base it on your comments, obviously.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:46:43

    phew ;-) for a moment there I was thinking 'what have I done!'

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:44:26

    What do you base this on?

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:38:15

    To clarify; my last comment was directed at Kilth, and not Scatha.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:37:19

    You are, of course, free to express an opinion. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a shitty opinion and you're a complete retard. Likewise, we're allowed to express that opinion. Idiot.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:35:56

    Pounder, rest assured that neither Daen Hecil nor RoI are being 'targetted' in any way. Please also do continue to playtest, because finding bugs etc is your task, and you certainly would not be nuked for it. I think people just feel very strongly on this issue, but are making the mistake of thinking that shouting all their opinions on here or on the comm line will somehow make things better again in their eyes. I don't want to see anyone else end up being punished for this (neither does anyone on the administration), and I do wish it would just calm down and things would be worked out amicably with the affected parties. Of course, I know this is too much to ask ;-)

    [ Yay I finally remembered my password, not that I come to this place often at all ;-) ]

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:22:49

    Zelindo, I don't know you either. Don't throw poop at me. I bet you're really a friendly person. Probably not though.

    If I want to express my opinion, I will.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    11 September 2004 22:00:41

    The pathetic thing is that he succeded at getting him nuked. Who the fuck cares that a newb runs to the ainur... Happens all the time... Boffo is not the problem here. After Streak, Tuareg, Beeenz (and a ton of others I wont mention to avoid starting yet another flame war) we can handle any amount of mortal assholes:) So pretending that Boffo is the root of all these problems is silly. The real reason is much scarier...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 September 2004 21:32:18

    If you're a douchebag, or an asshole, or talk a lot like me, you should know that people are going to try to kill you. You either quit pissing people off, join a powerful guild so they're afraid to attack you, learn to defend and protect yourself, or quit the game. Its as simple as that. Bug abuse is one thing, but learn to fight your own battles. Try to be civil and apologize and work a deal or something with the guys and then if they still want to try to make you miserable then go to the ainur with it. But you can't go to the ainur after you told a guy to fuck off or whatever and expect people to understand. There's a lot of ways out of it besides getting somebody nuked.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    11 September 2004 19:51:24

    then I'll probably get nuked for it :P

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    11 September 2004 19:51:09

    I'll deal with Kilth

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    11 September 2004 19:29:13

    Kilth. Seriously. Shut. the fuck. up. Who the hell are you? You're no one. You were a level <14 for the longest time. Then you suddenly leveled up and started talking shit. Go kiss VC's ass some more, or something.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    11 September 2004 19:11:19

    weak and clownlike for sure.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    11 September 2004 17:20:11

    What can you say? Some people will always have ainur backing, others will always be targetted and judged especially harshly.

  • Author
    Ragorn [legacy]
    11 September 2004 16:35:36

    no fucking way.

    I was jsut some little newbie that was impressed by him, then I met some real friends

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 16:30:59

    Oh, I got the feeling you were like brothers IRL. Bleh, whatever.

  • Author
    Ragorn [legacy]
    11 September 2004 16:30:04


    he acused me of loads of shit and went of with his new little madeye buddy.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 16:27:57

    Aren't you and Beyaz like brothers, Ragorn?

  • Author
    Ragorn [legacy]
    11 September 2004 16:13:17

    In response to Deborha:

    When I was Treyz I have a week were I was killed 7 times, for being a jerk...like boffo. I didnt cry to ainur and i didnt have fun, but the people that killed me had a reason, I was an idiot.

    Boffo on the other hand is being a jerk, LETTING people kill him jsut so he can fucking have them nuked!

    This guy is almost as bad as beeenz/beyaz/finduilun!


    P.S Dont block me for all the MP info i just let out please:)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    11 September 2004 15:44:17

    'I sent a mail to Draugluin asking him to look into why I was getting targetted so much'

    I've often wondered about the thought processes that pass through people's mind while they strap on thier big red shoes and prepare for a day of juggling and making balloon animals.

    The admin make themselves available to the weak and clownlike of T2T. You cant blame boffo for being who he is, you can only blame the admin for responding to such clownosity.

    I was once nuked for whispering 'die bitch' to kitiana while she bled to death. FRA used gods for that and gods now get used against them. What fags around, clowns around.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    11 September 2004 15:34:58

    Im sorry but this is a crock of shit.Ainur tell people not to be 'pussies' all the time.Yet this panzy can whine about getting killed 2 times,threaten the person who killed him IRL,then get the killer nuked?Theres just something wrong here.For instance a 52 day old char getting killed in west Arda?BREE?RIVENDELL??At 2 days old as a total newb i knew how to keep from getting my ass corpsed in the area surrounding Bree at least.Another thing:Boffo is almost always using a DCLB and in not a single one of these attacks has he tried to multinock,kickback,headbutt,or any other defensive measure,let alone a huntbreak!All i can gather from this is basically what Pounder said:Valinor has their own agenda with all this and so does Boffo.Boffo has LET himself be killed and harassed,nobody is that inept after playing the game as long as he has.He has let these people kill him and he has danced on their graves after the mushroom clouds clear.All hiding behind 'harassment'...Makes me fucking sick.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    11 September 2004 14:49:19

    if making the game not fun for people is a nukable reason then what about all the people who lost fun because of boffo. using your reasoning he should be nuked 100 times over? :P and its not impossible to have fun while being killed. boffo could have done many things to end it, instead he decided to encourage it to get people nuked. I AM MAKING A CHAR AND I AM GOING TO KILL HIM.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    11 September 2004 14:40:15

    Pounder, it could be, and is more likely, not that the admin are out to get the DH and RoI , rather that some members of those 2 particular guilds have been pushing the envelope of what the administration deems acceptable, for whatever reasons.

    Boffo is not my favorite character on t2t. I think he is often arrogant and self-righteous and full of ideas that are more trouble and annoyance than he is worth, however, repeated contracts and kills making it impossible for him to play and enjoy the game is not acceptable. The multiple nukings over harassment assert that the administration feels the same way.

    T2T is a game and games are supposed to be fun, not exercises of sociopathic tendancies :p

    People can blame Boffo all they wish but they people who have been nuked in relation to the level-bashing of Boffo have only themselves to point the finger at. No one forced them to do the things which they have done towards Boffo. They weren't hacked; there were no supernatural mind-controls involved.

    I will miss Iarla if he opts to stay gone. I hope he gets that job he was telling me about. However, I won't blame Boffo for the things Iarla has done to himself.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 September 2004 13:34:27

    Something to consider...

    First off, it is pointed out that Boffo is over 50 days of age and coming in at over 1248 hours of active gameplay I would hardly consider him a newbie and defenseless. And from what i hear, he bragged about the fact that iarla got nuked on the comm after it happened. Someone who truly was harassed would just be relieved that the harassment is over and not tell everyone in the game he just 'won' the war with iarla.

    Second thing, it feels very much like the current target of the admistration are DH, RoI, or their friends. The amount of things that have been done against them by powers or ainur lately makes me almost entirely afraid of doing anything especially when something during a playtest could be easily considered a bug and I might be nuked. And I happen to be good friends with both guilds that makes me doubly possible to get a nasty surprise which makes me fearfull of my farting self!:( Some other guild grouping do something illegal so the ainur pick on you. I will give you 1k if you can. And if your in either of the above mentioned group, assume all your tells are being snooped.:(((

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    11 September 2004 12:37:57

    Hey, Wassie! :) Although, I do remember that you said anyone who would comment with the name Wasach, would not be you :P

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 11:39:04

    You didn't really get anything across as such. You only made a dumb comment. A comment so dumb that I couldn't help but waste my time responding to it. Unless the message you tried to convey was 'I'm an idiot', then I'm afraid you didn't get very far.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    11 September 2004 05:59:49

    glad to see you're still around wasack. you always made the game interesting.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    11 September 2004 05:53:16

    Boffo I think I speak for everyone here when I say this: You're a fag.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 September 2004 04:35:20


    I heard about your Uncle and his wife, Zoso...I'm really fucking sorry man. You have my most sincere condolences.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 September 2004 04:34:23

    I didn't know Iarla, atleast not as Iarla and I don't know Boffo either...HOWEVER...

    I do know what it's like to be continuously contracted, gangbanged, doubletapped (only once or twice just so the Assassin could get the contract money) and generally get the shit kicked out of me by a large group of players...I won't name names, they know who they are and I know who they are and it's all in the past. I learned valuable lessons and I put them to good use...much to the dismay of many.

    What I will admit too is that at first, being rather stupid...I whined to Valinor and I pleaded with the PoL at the time that I was being harrassed.

    I was told (and I cannot remember his exact wording at this point, years later...) that I should stop being a pussy (basically). From what I've gotten, this hasn't been going on for any particularly good length of time. Boffo pissed someone off and this person was using means coded into the game to exact punishment on Boffo. Consider that these same instruments were used against me (and other people in the years since the game was introduced) and haven't changed in any appreciable manner since the time they were used on me................

    I call bullshit. Flat out, this nuke was bullshit. I've pretty much always back the Ainur, silently mostly but pretty much always. I don't particularly like all of you but I've always respected the time you put into coding this game for the players.

    What should have happened at the most severe was MAYBE a strong warning to Iarla and Draugluin you should have told Boffo to quit being such a panzy, grow some balls then 1)take his beatings like a man or 2)fight back until they leave him alone. Boffo isn't a new player to the game, he is/should be able to take care of himself and accept the consequences of his actions. It's his problem, not the Ainurs if he can't protect himself from people killing him for things he does.

    So, incase you forgot as I wrote more after stating it...

    This was bullshit.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 September 2004 04:34:09

    SO it /__was__/ harassment after all?

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    11 September 2004 02:19:51

    BTW, I don't know Boffo, or really care. I'm not defending his actions, was just making a random observation.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 02:09:54

    And I'm not KoDA and I never repoted in RP battle. And I'm hobbit.

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    11 September 2004 02:07:11

    Heh you contracted him because he wasted your time. It seems to me that this whole game is a huge fucking waste of time. I mean it's not like any of us are getting payed, or gaining any life experience. At most it's an escape or a release, you know a bit of fun. So in effect he wasted your time while you were wasting time.....The things people get upset for here is truly amazing. Oh and I'm sure you'll have something witty to say like 'Fuck Off!', so it's duly noted and you can save the skin on your finger tips.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 02:05:38

    Btw, Boffo is hardly the first to spam the comm with idiocy and mean remarks. And maybe it wasn't that great he got Iarla nuked.

    Or maybe it was? It's in the eye of the beholder.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 02:02:39

    Glad I got my message through.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    11 September 2004 01:59:26

    I who to be I she be your girlfriend

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 01:08:48

    Bleh. I just re-read my last comment and it sucks. Maybe I should just summarise as: stfu Kilth.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 01:04:34

    But, to be serious for a moment. You're right. I do care about my friends, it's only natural. However, you are wrong in assuming that I don't give a shit about anyone else. I dislike Boffo because I find him to be pretentious, querulous and overly arrogant. Not because he isn't one of my friends. Boffo, with his painfully OTT lifestory and vexatious comm blather, is hardly representative of the 'common man'. And I think you'll find quite a few people who agree with me.

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:57:18

    Now, this is the same Kilth (KoDA) that reported in RP combat and quit in battle, right?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:54:54

    he sure showde me what and idiot I am?

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:51:05

    I find it amusing that the same comment in which you dismiss me as a retard contains no less than two grammatical errors, one typo and some abysmal punctuation. Well done, Kilth. You sure showed me.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:43:15

    Acting like an asshole can be fun, but don't let it take you over, making you a real asshole.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 September 2004 00:42:03

    Oh my god, there are some many idiot retards here. Hi Douglas. Hi Hirgail. And of course Retaudrek ;)

    Who the fuck was Iarla anyway? Some TB/stwa/FRA/whatever ... you all care about your friends, wich is a good thing. But what about **the common man** ... you don't give a fuck about him/her. If you don't know the person, fuck it. That's alot of players general idea.

    That's bad.

    Thank you.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    10 September 2004 23:36:00

    then again, someone should probably do the same for me :P but it hasn't happened yet.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    10 September 2004 22:30:24

    i contracted you for your whole collection of crap that you sent to MC, valinor, and petitions and the comm. because a good portion of it was stupid ass shit that made me feel like i had wasted my time after reading it. so, in essence, you were contracted for wasting my time. where's the line between persecuting someone for being a stupid annoying dumbass, and persecuting someone for their ideas? if someone has to kill you repeatedly before you realize that you need to think about shit before you say it instead of throwing out every goddamn hairbrained piece of shit that comes to mind, then you deserve it.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    10 September 2004 21:21:57

    beyond ridiculous....


  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 September 2004 21:13:11

    Just a little point of clarification from me, which has nothing to do with whether I like Boffo or not...

    My post about the headbutt change was meant to convey my dislike for it, not my support. I guess my sarcasm isn't always so clear. :P

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    10 September 2004 20:28:30

    Why did I refuse a name change? Pretty much what Deboraha said. There would be no point. Even the most drooling of drooling idiots would wonder who this 'new' 50 some day old Clanmaster of the Mathom Society was and perhaps be suspicious... Equally important to me, is that Boffo has been my identity since 1999. Even longer than I had my original character -even though that character amassed a lot more days play (something like 120, dunno).

    During the same stretch of time that I was suffering all the attempts and contract kills, I sent a mail to Draugluin asking him to look into why I was getting targetted so much, see if there was a link between Contractors and PKillers. This was well before I threatened Iarla's hands IRL.

    A note about that. What I meant to convey to Iarla, as much as anything was that it's one thing to play the game, but by continuing to attack me, he was going beyond 'the game' -and how would he like it if I did the same? The fact that we live in the same city just made that seem like too tempting a message to send him. Of course, I regretted sending him that tell almost immediately after I sent it. It was just a retarded thing to do. On the plus side, Iarla obviously wasn't too scared, because he mud mailed me his address. I mailed him back, and admitted that there was no bite behind my bark. I also CC'd this mail to Draugluin at the time. I knew I had been in the wrong, and had stepped up to it.

    Now, it wasn't just that Iarla had pkilled me that was causing me issues. One of the tells he sent me, post pkill was 'Killing you is my new favourite past-time.' Shortly after that, he sent me a tell letting me know he was behind the PKill of Kae (who is not my girlfriend, never has been, never will be. She has been a friend of mine on the MUD for a long time though). So, he's not just pkilling me, he's pkilling my friends to get at me too. He wanted to reassure me that 'they' would keep putting contracts on us both. Who's 'they?' I don't know. To be honest, Iarla took that nuke on behalf of everyone of 'they.' It wasn't just him... but unless any of you who know that you're one of 'they' want to step forward and take a plutonium enema for your principles...

    Please, no more of this bullshit that he was 'just an assassin doing his job.' This was an organized case of harassment instituted by a group of people, apparently starting with Kaekavoos (who's nuking I had nothing to do with) who don't like the now infamous petition 149. Well, that petition passed with plenty of margin. Petition #228 which specifically asked that #149 be over-turned was voted down by the players. Players such as Caber (on a previous log of one of my PKills) admit that it's been a good change. Let's look at the logic...

    *If you attack someone with a weapon or even barehanded, whether you hit or miss, that's 'an action.'

    *If you need to take something out of your pocket, say a jerky and eat it, you lose an attack, because you're performing a different action.

    *If you decide that you want to line someone's face up, work your way inside their guard, and smash your head into their face, that's an attack, that's also an action -really not any different than if you attacked them with a weapon. Hit, miss, one action.

    *Of course, a headbutt is 'more useful' than a weapon attack, because you can use it to break a wizard's concentration, and it apparently does more damage. That's why you pay to keep up your Tactics (not to mention the bonus to damage in regular attacks, and the ability to bash most doors and locks).

    *A headbutt in the game is a lot different than a headbutt in real life... because people in a street-fight, are NOT wearing armour, helmets, using a shield, and or a sword. All the headbutts I have seen (there's a particularily good one in 'The Knock Around Guys') are almost surprise attacks. Yes, being the recipient of a headbutt is liable to stun you, or knock you down. However, one could argue the same sort of thing about, say: Being engulfed in the flames of a Balrog's Whip, Shot in the neck with a barbed arrow, stabbed right through the chest with a longsword, having your knee ground into hamburger by a 12 pound spiked mace...

    *What it really breaks down to is this: Petition 149 was about giving Headbutts BACK to warriors. Some players just don't like it because they can no longer type '5headbutt jimmy' and magically get 5 free attacks, or until one hits -whichever comes first.

    Well, after half an hour of typing, I'm liable to be late for work. I have likely changed nothing. Those people who want to hate and continue to target me will continue to hate and target me. Those players who appreciate that I meant well in my petition, enjoy my roleplay or are my friends will continue to support me. Thanks for the love, people.

    Eh -I added this to the 'most recent' PKill log... but while I was adding it, someone removed it. That was almost a big waste of time...

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 September 2004 20:16:26

    Actually, I mocked Iarla and his choice of names quite a bit! Some day I was planning on making Ilfalfa, so we could be Iarla and Ilfalfa.

    On a related Little Rascals note, I also think 'Elfelfa' is the best name for an elf. Ever. If you use it, please sent me royalty checks. Thanks.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    10 September 2004 19:36:58

    I think that probably says more about you and your circle of friends than it does about Iarla or his choice of name.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    10 September 2004 19:36:52

    Don't you need exp to gain levels? silly me, waiting to reach level 20... *wink*

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    10 September 2004 19:30:05

    I had no idea how popular and 'legendary' that Iarla, in all of his 10 days of player age was. Most of the people in my circle of friends are like 'Who's that chick and why's she got it in for you so bad?'

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    10 September 2004 12:45:45

    Wonder if Scypio realizes how fucking little experience matters.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    10 September 2004 08:30:27

    OMG he cant even break in Bree! HE should be nuked!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 September 2004 06:34:27

    That, sir, is vile slander.

    I like pubescent boys. There is quite a difference.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    10 September 2004 04:58:49

    otoron likes prepubescent boys :p

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 September 2004 04:31:34

    Dammit. I was gonna agree with Kujo, but I refuse to agree with these two assclowns!

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    10 September 2004 04:06:04

    Agreed with Lomar.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    10 September 2004 03:47:13

    Agreed with Kujo.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    10 September 2004 03:45:25

    haha. zing.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 September 2004 03:08:03

    I guess being refused into DH for the umpteenth time has turned you against Iarla, eh Zeus? Who said the Bulgies weren't smart!?

    Iarla is a true legend of the game, and, as Otoron said, he'll be remembered long after you and your whiner alts.

    In summing up, Zeus, shut the fuck up. Thank you.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    10 September 2004 00:17:31

    Just 2m exp? sucks:P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    09 September 2004 22:41:15

    Kilth, I don't mind you, but stfu.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 September 2004 22:20:38

    Bitter Zeus, that pretty much everyone likes him, and no one gives a shit about you, and will forget you as soon as you fulfill one of you're 'never coming back' promises?

  • Author
    Zeus [legacy]
    09 September 2004 22:14:20

    who cares about stupid Iarla. He is a complete jerk. And killing newbs does not help. I have tried:(

  • Author
    Zeus [legacy]
    09 September 2004 22:14:13

    who cares about stupid Iarla. He is a complete jerk. And killing newbs does not help. I have tried:(

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    09 September 2004 21:58:41


  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    09 September 2004 21:46:29

    Keep them coming!

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    09 September 2004 21:46:18

    Excellent, excellent log!

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    09 September 2004 21:27:30


  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    09 September 2004 21:26:01

    Iarla will probably be back and remaxed in a week or so, because he's so good and know it.

    I think **Boffo is cool**, stop killing him.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 September 2004 20:46:09

    OMG harassment! You killed him and didn't have his contract! Wait a minute....YOU'RE NOT EVEN AN ASSASSIN!!!