
Posted by
Logan [legacy]
13 September 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

He reported Tanar.. He withdrew the report but forgot to say the magic word. (UG)


  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    15 September 2004 10:51:23

    i'd just like to say hobson is a douche bag. i don't have a good reason, i just wanted to call someone a douche bag :p

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    15 September 2004 06:11:30

    i'd just like to say tilion is a douche bag for blocking me for saying the name of the thieves guild.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    14 September 2004 13:05:50

    how can you people be so evil? :( I've tried, I always feel bad when I try

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    14 September 2004 10:32:39

    pop some of those pimples? grow the hell up, assclown.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    14 September 2004 10:06:28

    Actually i find Iarla cool too, and Ash is without doubt a good swindler, i would love to be as good as him anytime, though trempk you are right its hard...

    Douglas why dont you go pop some of those pimples.. I am done commenting on you...

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    14 September 2004 09:35:25

    you can be a swindler without being a total jackass. ash at least does it with a smile.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    14 September 2004 09:03:41

    hehe, well, iarla was cool if you knew him, but he was a complete asshole to everybody who wasnt his friend. Then again, I guess the 1/10th thing is still true. Tanar's just trying to be as good of a swindler as Ash, and there's no way thats possible. Ash>>Tanar

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    14 September 2004 08:31:38

    too bad you'll never be 1/10 as classy or as good at the game as iarla was tanar.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    14 September 2004 08:19:34

    Iarla was nuked at 21:06 09/7/04

    Iarla Stickyknickers the dunedain ass19 (Deathmaster) (Moral)

    Departed from Arda Gender: male

    Age: 10d 3h 26m 20s

    Iarla is a member of the Daen Hecil.

    Info: Say Hello To the Pro (TB)

    Nuke Reason: Harassment

    Enough said....

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    14 September 2004 02:26:11

    I hope a really strong wind blows and you get some of me in your eyes!

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    14 September 2004 02:25:47

    This is harassment, and I for one, will not stand for it

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    14 September 2004 01:03:20

    Ghulznor is a loser, always ha...wait a second. Who the fuck is Ghulznor? I think I remember him from Calacirya's legendinfo. That's about it.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    14 September 2004 00:57:20

    oh, but it's ok for tanar to use peoples real names on here tilion? you have no business being an admin here.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    14 September 2004 00:19:24

    Tanar doesnt know anything, He needs to learn his alt's, he's falling behind :(

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    13 September 2004 22:44:33

    You should work in politics or PR Tilion, that's some classy whitewashing.

  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    13 September 2004 22:18:47

    While I perfectly understand your concerns, Etrius, I assure you we are trying the best we can to limit the impersonations, flames, and numerous insults here. However, time and personnel are huge factors here. We simply don't have the man power to guard this site 24/7. But I assure you that if we find anything inappropriate we will take the necessary actions.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    13 September 2004 22:10:57

    No Tilion, I'm afraid that doesn't address all of my concerns.

    I fail to see why one organisation, an organisation which shall remain nameless, recieves preferential treatment above all others. Your statement about rules makes reference to 'comments that may offend a player or a group of players', which is all well and good. But in the last twenty logs alone I can find numerous comments which could be interpreted as such. The second comment in this very string says that 'BkD went to hell years ago'. Shortly before that I read about SoU being chasisted for their supposed guildbreaking. This whole website is full of insults and flames, opinions about organisations. RoI even had a whole log dedicated to how much they suck at RP. But the afformentioned organisation gets even vague references to them removed instantly, whether they're flames or not. That, Tilion, is my concern.

  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    13 September 2004 21:58:42

    Please gents. On behalf of the moderators I'd like to remind you that flaming, off-topic comments, and whatnot is not tolerated. Furthermore comments that may offend a player or a group of players is not allowed. Should this continue to happen we will warn you and in worst case permanently ban you. Please familiarize yourself with http://logs.dyndns.dk/rules.php.

    I hope I addressed all your concerns Etrius.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    13 September 2004 21:42:31

    Ok, well, let me rephrase. Why, precisely, was Anibus blocked?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    13 September 2004 17:36:26

    Why the hell are BkD killing people for Tanar? That's bullshit.

  • Author
    Roikadark [legacy]
    13 September 2004 16:27:31

    I mean the player is my father, in real life. =P

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    13 September 2004 15:41:20

    Excuse me, Roika... But aren't you supposed to be an elf? Wtf is going on nowadays:P A silvan has a dwarf father...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    13 September 2004 15:38:58

    Pfft, 'reasons', face it, most people PK someone because they can, because it's fun to PK people and any reason to target someone will do. Plus it was worth 7k to him.

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    13 September 2004 15:17:58

    I know its non of my business, but Logan, seriously, you think thats a good enough reason for you to pk a guy who 'withdrew a report on your friend' but did not say sorry? Geez, talk about bullying people into shit...

  • Author
    Beater [legacy]
    13 September 2004 15:09:53

    d0ug14s r 4ss

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:57:23

    Yeah, I'm a noob :P. And I tried to kiss your ass, but I couldn't, because then I would be known as a pedofile.

    And never..ever that I'll sacrifising myself for a guild that tries to kill their applicants.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:34:11

    did i touch your gspot douglas.. why dont you grow some hair on those young balls..

    and in the meantime try to read a book instead of mudding all your life a way (what is it now over 19 chars ?).. might train up one of two of your retarded braincells

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:18:28

    ghulznor is a noob that i told to fuck off. he wanted to apply and tried to kiss my ass but had no chance in hell. as for you tanar, what have you _ever_ done? 'wow, i can say i have whip and try to sell it for 5k so i can dupe some noob out of gold, then contract him with his own gold if he whines.' yeah, you're a real standup guy tanar. too bad you fucking suck at everything except hitting the MT citizens up for gold.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    13 September 2004 14:08:24

    i dont take offense what a 12 years old lad finds amusing to write..

    but i do agree with ghulznor...

    Date : 13-09-2004 Time : 13:56

    From : Ghulznor

    he should die

    Date : 13-09-2004 Time : 13:39

    From : Ghulznor

    Douglas is a faggot, always been, always will be :)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    13 September 2004 13:21:52

    Has anyone ever kissed an ass for real? I mean, I've seen it on TV and drunken guys on bars do it on girls and stuff... but anyone done it for real?

    And who would enjoy it? It's not like it gives any sensations is it?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    13 September 2004 13:03:34

    well since no one i know knows the name, i guess he's not that well known. also, the last person who used someone's real name on here got their account removed. or do you think you're above that since you're a loser dane and kiss log'o'mania's admins asses irl?

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    13 September 2004 11:15:16

    Douglas Enlighten you.. arent you asking a awful lot ?

    hint: could be the name of a wellknown cheater typist...

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 September 2004 09:21:43

    Gotta give credit here, Logan nailed him.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    13 September 2004 08:52:17

    someone enlighten me on the reggie matthes reference?

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    13 September 2004 08:43:45

    Any comment comming from the cheater Reggie Matthes is really relevant... NOT

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 September 2004 08:27:02

    Out of process of elimination, I have determined the alt! Fimbu=Caber

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:56:29

    what is this, comment with 2 separate chars from one typist on the same log day?

  • Author
    Palpatine [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:43:55

    this is pretty sad, i dont see any good reason in killing him

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:42:23

    You killed someone's father? You heartless son of a bitch.


  • Author
    Roikadark [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:38:41

    Randyb is a hand of eru dwarf.

    he was disguised as demonic. And also my dad.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    13 September 2004 06:26:25

    He was demonic when i checked. Maybe he was disguised? One good dwarven friend hands me 7k to whack an ex-durm.. I didn't decline.

    dont blow it out of proportions.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    13 September 2004 05:58:44

    wow logan, never expected that from you... since when do bkd kill random dwarves? especially random moral dwarves... but then since bkd went to hell years ago what can i expect

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 September 2004 04:44:41

    What a breath!