Irun Demanded his corpse!

Posted by
Alkath [legacy]
22 September 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Demandred tells you: oh well, i'll take this out on your so called newbies Demandred tells you: but honestly man, i'm going to really fuck your guild up for this :(


  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 September 2004 13:52:29

    and demandred may not be the greatest player and does bangs a lot. but at least he doesn't make a lot of chars for bang fodder with lower fines, ok.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 September 2004 13:50:01

    i killed way more vc than they killed me. biatch! did vc ever kill me? :P (not talking about this char of mine in particular)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    24 September 2004 01:23:05

    I think it's funny how hard Demandred's trying to downplay his death. Everyone dies, stop trying to defend yourself. And stop whining about guildbreaks. If you can't kill them before they get there, it's your own fault.

    Meanwhile, I'll continue to idle and suck at this game. Kthxbie.

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    23 September 2004 18:08:02

    Don't you guys ever get tired of sitting around here arguing like a bunch of fucking morons about stupid shit like this all the time?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 September 2004 17:53:43 <- Adaron dies from Demandred, 8th of June. <- Demandred dies twice from me, 12th of June.

    That's hardly three months. And there was no log posted at least, from you, killing a VC prior to that Adaron death. I guess this revenge came a bit late, but who cares, really, as long as we get it done somehow, and I can promise you, that you've lost more from killing my guildmates, then I've done, from killing you.

    Oh well, guess you'll come back with some other rubbish back at me.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    23 September 2004 16:27:12

    When alkath? Another 3 months after i smacked your members like last time?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 September 2004 13:33:55

    demandred, when did we become friends? you're just talking rubbish as always, all I'm saying is that if you do kill our newbies, expect this one to come kick your ass again

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    23 September 2004 12:46:25

    Whee, more bickering, i love it. You know what , i think whoever said it that this is a game for Rp and not PK is totally dead right, i rremember playing this game befor all this PK crap started and well we all had 'fun' playing this game, now it is kinda sad to see ppl exploit the fact that some of us want to play this game for fun and when we keep getting killed over crap, well the game becomes less fun, so well you all can think that you are better players than everyone else, but when you can trigger every huntbreak there is, it is not really playing the game, the game is now playing you, aliases that do everything for you is being abused, and yes i am guilty of that as well, but hey you got to roll with the punches.

    Did any of this make sense?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    23 September 2004 12:21:51

    let's be gay together logan!

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 September 2004 11:29:24

    Uhm, i dont check this site often enough to respond to anything usually. But Naith, that was the goal of that whole puh-lease comment. I dont know, maybe people cant handle that everyone ain't hardcore serious about what they say here on this, what has turned out to be, a forum for geeks without life's. A new log is just another oppurtunity to let loose some of that inner rage you guys got hogged up inside. *shrugs* remove this comment section?

    What else can i say... everyone is gay?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 September 2004 10:47:33

    Sorry, but getting on the mud and gangbanging a bunch of people (most of whome aren't even near being in my league of ability to play the game) isn't my idea of backing your talk up.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 September 2004 10:36:30

    Second death, actually.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    23 September 2004 07:36:52

    Was referring in context to the war btw. Just for you schmucks who cant read between the lines. And GV, i'll be pissed if you report me for that guildbreak you just did on my party.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    23 September 2004 07:34:33

    Trempk, when i said about killing newbs, i was being sarcastic. VC have always claimed when i kill one of their members that it was a newbie kill. If they came out past lothlorien while i'm online, i'd attempt there upper members. Last time i had this discussion with VC, it was followed by a series of logs of me killing their members. Hell i could post logs of both Alkath and Irun breaking me solo or with 2 men, at their GH. And only just surviving. Back to this log, Having 2 rangers feint all over me, and making it as far as i did, when i only had 150hp to begin with. And all i get is bitches saying, yeah good to see demandred dying, any log demandred dies in is pure 6. Whatever, i broke the fuckers in the log, and died cause i chose the wrong break. Trempk get a life, get a woman, get a clue..We dont care what an old 'hasbeen/neverwas/never could be' idiot has to say. If your so high and mighty, maybe you could actually back up the shit you say...hahahaha. Yeah that'll be the day.

    On a side note, as the only active member of my guild, i've nailed 12 people from other guilds, this is my first death. I guess they were all newbies too eh Alkath?

  • Author
    Adaron [legacy]
    23 September 2004 03:53:39

    Um, Douglas, as of this moment, and the next couple weeks, yeah, I'm inactive.

    And you guys better not touch my Fofester (most active player EVAR)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    23 September 2004 03:19:51

    'Then you all went inactive, and i moved on'

    Oh, get over yourself. We haven't been active in over a year. Or maybe that's just me. Whatever.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    23 September 2004 01:22:49

    Date: 22. Sep, 2004, 19:39:07 By: Adaron

    Of course, I'm inactive when things get interesting ^_^

    right. like you're inactive.

  • Author
    Baradgul [legacy]
    23 September 2004 00:08:57

    Kinda agree with Eznima. Grab a beer or 12, log on, yarn to your mates (or total strangers), and kill a few orcs or whatever in the meantime...

  • Author
    Annael [legacy]
    22 September 2004 23:46:17

    Bah! I deride your mocking abilities Clotho!

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    22 September 2004 23:23:46

    Aww. Love ya Ras. :)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 September 2004 23:22:19

    stfu noob!

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    22 September 2004 23:18:38

    I wasn't replying specifically to you, Trempk. But in general. People seem to think that because they are fighting against someone, they must mock and deride them at every possible oppourtunity. Which is... silly. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 September 2004 23:05:10

    Umm, 'acting 'like' a newbie' kind of implies that he isn't one, huh? Not that I think he's anything special either, though.

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    22 September 2004 22:48:55

    Demandred isn't a newbie. He can be an asshole to his enemies and a pain in the neck. But he isn't a newbie. To make such gross underestimations would be foolish.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 September 2004 22:37:42

    And you shouldnt whine about people not leaving their guildhall when your own guild(and everyone else's) does the same thing.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 September 2004 22:35:58

    Hey, anyone could back up their talk by killing a bunch of newbs. So shut the fuck up demandred. And people say I whine. I've never seen so many excuses in my life. 'This happened, this happened, I only died cause i did this.' Just say you were a moron and died cause of it. He shouldnt attack me cause i was nice to him :( *cry*

    If you dont want to die like a newb, don't act like one.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    22 September 2004 22:32:53

    Quite a drunken rant Dem...nice work :D

    And unfortunately you probably will come after our newbies. But that will make them stronger too. So go ahead, but don't gimme this bs about no one else doing anything because it the same ol' bs everyone always cries about. I actually figured better from you.

    Anyway, it was a sloppy kill, but it worked, and i suppose that's what counts.

  • Author
    Adaron [legacy]
    22 September 2004 19:39:07

    Of course, I'm inactive when things get interesting ^_^

    Nice to see the action from Circa, especially UberGM Irun! Wish I coulda been a part of it.

    Bad luck, Demandred, you did make it to the break, though. Always fun to see you die, mostly because you've killed me a couple times :P Things should be interesting for a bit.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 September 2004 19:09:28

    Anyway, i would like to say that props to Alkath and co, but honestly, you guys did a shithouse job, you picked the worst location to bang anyone. The ONLY reason this succeeded is because i had too much gold on me to hit my flask. I could have picked a different break too, one that wouldn't make me lose hp, cause i think when i fell from cellar i hit -1hp. At any case, that was my mistake, and it was my mistake to tell Alkath that i was making gold and training secondaries, he obviously took advantage of our recent friendship in which i'm sorry to say alkath, you've pissed me off for the last time. Your a snotty little child who is constantly trying to prove your better than everyone else by posting shit like this and the comments i made to you in some vain effort to humiliate me. Remember last time i told you i'd fuck up your guild? I nailed 9 of your members in 2 weeks. Then you all went inactive, and i moved on. And yes you can hide behind your alts, and sit at loth sp and complain how i never attack you i only attack your supposed 'newbie' guildmates. I think the real reason you did is bordering on Multiplaying, but i'll leave that up to the ainu. Some bullshit about Irun said he wanted you dead, Irun the lamest GM in arda leaves his guildhall once in a fucking blue moon. Your guild is pathetic, you only come out of your guildhall in party's or to go to khamul. So Alkath, next time your sitting at loth sp, spamming the comm about how DH never attacks you, only your lowbie/newbie guildmates, remember this. Those lowbie/newbie guildmates, are your only source of eq cause your older members lack the testicles to range out past Lothlorien. And big deal, your going to follow this by saying, i went to BD and got some gear this boot, why didn't you attack me then...well alkath, next time i see you out of your gh/lothlorien, and you can make sure that i'll know as soon as you set out, i'll be on your ass quicker than Irun at one of your guild party's.

    Anyways, i'm drunk and raving. Anyone who has said i dont backup my words with action, has his tongue too far up Trempk's ass. In closing its nice to see VC have lent a hand, i'll be visiting your newbies after the weekend.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 September 2004 18:57:29

    My math was meant to point out that the gear itself + your gold you lost, probably brings you on the looser side there already, and to add to that, you lost stats, skills and exp.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 September 2004 17:14:14

    Dude..I only lost 2.8k in stats. Your math isn't too good.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    22 September 2004 17:10:07

    wholly sweet jesus!! moral guilds have more han one kill per guild? Or did that get counted as 1 kill for each person in the party?

    Honestly, if you moral guilds actually got your shit might actually break even, if not win. Yet, we know that ain't gonna happen...and here we are with ERs getting closer and closer to release and only know do you show (remote) signs of working together.

    pfft...must have been a really bad day for Demandred (don't know him to well but I know guys that killed him)

    As for RP...everyone bitches that it's left the game but no one does a thing about it.

    Just my $0.02

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:58:07

    If you want total warfare, or want to show you have the biggest dick, go play counterstrike or starwars. This is not a game of only sole motherfuckin PKs. We are here to have fun, and having fun does not mean log on, look for an enemy to kill or try to relevel because of gangbang. For some of you, that might be true, but for the best chunk of people here, they are not looking for that sort of 'bullshit' fun. Whatever happens, I hope the game never snowballs down to that state of 'total warfare'.

    As a side note, I realise I am an active participtant of this war, but I also would like to make it clear that I have been trying to stop this war. But for some reason, I am always the bad guy..Which I am:p

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:42:42

    He lost 2.8k, storm bow, 2dark rings, etc, how can the total fines that was around, hmm, let me think, maybe 4.5k, which he'll then get 3k of, make it up? :P

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:30:08

    Nice log! even i wish it had a little less people in it!

    Tharion, Try to make a few solo!

    Valacirca, Nice to see you people kicking it.

    Demandred, level back up, reimbursement should take you almost back up.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:22:23

    My face, it ain't listening.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:15:36

    I hate it when I post a comment, and it turns out someone else has got one in between mine and the guy I was responding to.

    Also, in unrelated news, when someone says 'Puh-leeze' like that, I can't help but imagine in being said with a 'speak-to-the-hand' motion, which, I'm sure you will agree, is a little bit homosexual.

    No offence.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:09:45

    It's just unfortunate that one of those guilds has exactly two and a half members active.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    22 September 2004 16:08:12

    It's far from total warfare. It has nothing to do with RP wich, sadly was a feature lost long ago. What we have here is a dick-measuring contest. So PUH-LEASE, go on and stuff your ardav2 visions somewhere where the sun dont ever shine.

  • Author
    Lopiki [legacy]
    22 September 2004 15:22:37

    Date: 22. Sep, 2004, 14:42:56 By: Demandred


    I've had a real bad 2 days. And a nice start for my weekend down the coast. Be back on Monday guys!

    I know how you feel, man:)

  • Author
    Lopiki [legacy]
    22 September 2004 15:21:08

    Arda is getting closer and closer to my view of things. Each time another guild enters the war, I am happy. This is real RP. Not the sissy type that was happening for too long. Total warfare, as it should be. No more idiotic unthematic treaties between moral and evil guilds. And I am proud that my guild started it all this time. Woo.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 September 2004 15:09:08

    2 dark rings, 2 full flasks and 3 silver arrows to that.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:57:28

    I think you didn't find jesus :P

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:55:26

    Sucks I didn't get a 'You punish XXX for disobeying the Dark Lord!' too.

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:51:54

    That's a sweet gold loot.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:47:26

    add 2dark rings to that :)

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:44:29


  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 September 2004 14:42:56

    get flask from cloak

    Too heavy.

    I've had a real bad 2 days. And a nice start for my weekend down the coast. Be back on Monday guys!