Zeus thinks its cool

Posted by
Lomar [legacy]
23 September 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

To idle kill and double tap. Well, we might as well start idle killing and double tapping you guys eh.


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    27 September 2004 16:55:54

    That isn't breaking a double-tap, Barberi. That's avoiding it in the first place.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    25 September 2004 00:43:07

    beornings fucking suck. nuff said

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    24 September 2004 20:56:45

    Naith, it is SUPER easy to avoid double taps. Ghosts travel almost instantly so you have at your disposal, almost all of Arda to revive at a graveyard/healer, run to a nearby bank withdraw 5 gold run to an inn, rent, go up, go tent, go in your room all in about 4 seconds.

    But then again, you would have to prepare for it, hence, thinking it a possibility that your attackers would do such a thing. But precautions are good.

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    24 September 2004 19:54:22

    People who have double tapped newbies, shouldnt complain about double taps themselves. Or should I say, people who live in glass houses should not change with their lights on? (or something like that)?

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 September 2004 13:27:01

    I must be the skankiest skank :P

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    24 September 2004 12:19:16

    it's, not I... meh

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    24 September 2004 12:18:44

    I just so damn sexy when Naith says 'fuck'.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    24 September 2004 12:11:59

    Regarding the idle debate, I find it strange that someone alone in the village who was not idle would not fade when the gate guards are shouting that the village is under attack.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    24 September 2004 11:24:44

    Thallan, did you actually know you were going to say that stuff when you posted, or did you just do the typing equivalent of opening your mouth, cross your fingers and hope for the best?

    '...Double tapes are _easy_ to break...'

    How in the holy world of fuck is it easy to break a pk when you have the three small problems of being naked, without healing, and 0 ep? It's a statement like that that will probably get your own ass double tapped in the not-too-distant future, with this very line as a caveat to do so.

    '...those who _do_ get double tapped are kinda lame themselves...'

    I sincerely hope you aren't honestly trying to justify double-tapping with a line like that. Double tapping is in general fucking skanky, and I can only think of a handful of rare examples when it might be condonable. I don't see how this, or 'well, he was kinda lame' qualifies as one of them.

    '...And finally, to you lomar, killing rambler(newb) is the equivalent to a double tap...'

    And finally this: the piece de resistance in your 'short and simple' post. I'm going to go against my own grandmother's advice when I respond to this, who told me never to argue with an idiot for fear that they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience, but: 'No. It is not. You fucking fuck.'

    There, you made me say fuck. I hope you're fucking happy.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 September 2004 11:03:51

    oh well, he's only making himself look like shit

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 September 2004 11:03:32

    Otoron is still totally right though, but it's quite lame of Lomar trying to make them look even worse.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    24 September 2004 08:43:28

    Haha, so if I've understood this correctly, Lomar edited in the 'has died' whatever thing to make his killers look like shitheads? That's pretty freaking lame too.

  • Author
    Adaron [legacy]
    24 September 2004 03:46:33


    After Lomar's looting trigger went off, there was no 'There is no corpse near you' message sent back from the mud.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    24 September 2004 03:21:08

    So your best defense is, 'I knew he wasnt there but he wasnt technically idle.' (Which is at dispute)

    You're fucking dog excrement.

  • Author
    Thallan [legacy]
    24 September 2004 01:32:46

    I thought I've said this but maybe I didn't, lomar was idle for 11mins, then he comes back and is unidle for about 2mins, then he goes idle again, it was at that time that we started killing the guards, he had unidled _himself_ then, to try and make us look like real jackasses, he goes and inserts that Someone says: Lomar has died. Into the log, which was never said, he unidled himself then went afk again and yes we did kill him while he was not as his PC but he wasn't _idle_ either. Ta-da!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 September 2004 01:26:22

    His own backstab triggers was set off, which made him unidle in beginning of attack.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 September 2004 01:24:46

    Zeus, you actually got what I said wrong a bit. I said bangs in this situation are fine. But going after players when they are clearly not actively at the keyboard very much is never an acceptable reason. This includes idling in places like halls that are accessible if something is killed. Some people just don't belong in guilds, (see myself for one example), and inn rooms kick you out and reset and all kinds of junk now incorrectly. Double tap shouldn't happen to good players, and those who do it are clearly poor players as well or cannot manage their hate and realize this is a game. As for lomar being afk. After they killed him the first time, he didn't move for at least 5m after because he showed up as idle 5m ghost. So I hate to say it, but its fairly probable one of you set off one of his triggers because he was sitting there for a good amount of time.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 September 2004 00:47:04

    All + foot + mouth = ?

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    24 September 2004 00:23:54

    as a person who was there, i legend'ed him before we got him, he wasnt idle. we used no trigger.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    24 September 2004 00:18:55

    you don't post cool logs though :P i fail to see how i'm a shithole too!

  • Author
    Zeus [legacy]
    24 September 2004 00:15:32

    Guys I guess its time that I post a comment. Fist of all this log is edited. As you can see Lomar was not idle on the other log. This thing with someone says 'Lomar has died.' is edited and I have no idea why. Still it was idle kill since lomar was not at the PC. But he was attackable by the lawsys. I saw a good time to kill him and I did. I am sure he and his friends would do the same to anyone so I dont care. He killed a complete newbie 20 mins before the bang. As you can see he posted the log. I dont find it worse than this one and I am glad that he saw what it is to be killed when you can do nothing about. And the double tap. I had merciful first time and the contract did not fulfill so we decided to double him so we can get the 3k C and lower my fine.

    As for Pounders comment he is completely right. I prefer soloes I love to try and try and do something thats makes me feel proud. But In those times of war and in those times of the mud history that are now people are too pussy to leave gh without a full set of healing shit and finds on every possible enemy. It requires amazing amount of time to wait for the target to fuck up and I dont have it atm.

    This is war. They bang, we bang. It has been this way before and it will be this way in the future.

    And posting cool logs is completely useless nowadays because of the existence of shitholes like Douglas and Hobson. When people learn to value the efforts of other players and maybe try learn something or do something better then the whole mud will be a better game to play.

  • Author
    Thallan [legacy]
    24 September 2004 00:08:46

    Otoron, I was talking about sometimes double tapping may occur. Zeus didn't set off his trigger with that say hence why I said 'This log bas been edited by Lomar'

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    23 September 2004 23:40:07

    Thallan, you miserable piece of shit, dont even try to say 'sometimes these things must occur'. I dont give a shit what Lomar did or didnt do. Setting off people's triggers to make them attackable and then killing them WHEN YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT THERE is never fucking justfiable. People who do such things are rancid pieces of dog excrement that deserve to spend the rest of eternity sitting on someone's porch in a brown paper bag, flaming.

    The issue isnt what Lomar does or doesnt say, or the skill he does or doesnt have. The issue is the miserable pieces of shit who abuse someone's client to kill them when they know the person has no ability to defend themself.

    Your 'short and simple' statement should have been: DONT IDLE IN AN ACCESSIBLE PLACE WHEN YOU ARE AT WAR WITH PITIFUL LAMEASSES LIKE US.

  • Author
    Thallan [legacy]
    23 September 2004 23:03:38

    One last thing: This log has been edited by Lomar.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    23 September 2004 21:58:45

    that was neither short, nor simple.

  • Author
    Thallan [legacy]
    23 September 2004 21:42:24

    To keep it short and simple, DON'T IDLE IN AN ACCESSIBLE PLACE WHEN YOU ARE A GUILD AT WAR/WITH A CONTRACT. Some people, unfortunately, deserve this kind of punishemnt and those who _do_ get double tapped are kinda lame themselves. Double tapes are _easy_ to break. Lomar, you in fact _did_ deserve this and I know even before this you'd of done the same if you had gotten the chance. Now, that's all for this log. I love how lomar posts every single thing that happens to him just so he can get higher on the top posters. That's all for that!. Another thing, I also love how lomar will cry and whine that no one attempts in the war but yet, when you have people to hunt and land a decent attempt he won't leave GH or in this case DH village! So, sometimes, situations like this must occur. I also like how lomar claims that I never leave GH when they have hunters online but then will come and try to kill my party members while we're golding a hypocrite. It just amuses me how much Lomar does it in everyday speech. And finally, to you lomar, killing rambler(newb) is the equivalent to a double tap, then to post and boast about how you killed a person who couldn't rent an inn room if you gave him 5 gold and said rent room? C'mon seriously, I thought you at least had more skill then that. Bye.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 September 2004 21:15:04

    Trempk + foot + mouth = ?

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    23 September 2004 20:37:13

    that was after they double tapped me and gave me a reason to participate.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    23 September 2004 19:51:56

    Ok this was pretty lame. But yeah, we all know if we're to idle these days we need to stand somewhere where others can't go.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 September 2004 19:19:50

    What about this, Hobson? http://logs.dyndns.dk/viewer.php/7973

    Looks like you were in the war afterall

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    23 September 2004 16:35:54

    actually, it was the second tap if you count the double tap on me :P although i was killed for matters outside of the war but beornings want are insisting that they be counted towards to score. And fyi, I had nothing to do with the war but I do now :p

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    23 September 2004 16:08:23

    Wow, after reading Pounder's and Annael's comments I almost feel more mature:P

  • Author
    Annael [legacy]
    23 September 2004 16:06:05

    Everyone does bad, dishonourable things from time to time. I'd say almost every person in this game has done something they're not proud of with at least one of their characters. That being said, I hope this is the first and last tap we see in this conflict. Let's try and have a fun and interesting war, not just a childish 'I'm better than you are, you noob!' waste of perfectly good testosterone.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 September 2004 15:48:06

    Two bits or whatever it is, one, you guys do me a favor for each other. Stick to straight bangs, don't idle kill please. I thought this war was actually fairly cool in general (although it sorta went bad for those members who don't like pk's when compared to those who were doing the most killing), but idle kills and double taps are really not that nessary. Double taps aren't needed, if you got him once, there is almost a 99% chance you will find an opening again.

    Demandred, you said you had respect for zeus? Maybe its still possible to respect that person that you once respected? What zeus did recently is not respectful though. Hmm, you figure it out. And I don't understand whatsoever zeus's thoughts behind doing a kill, it doesn't fit his personality at all. Odd.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 September 2004 15:40:39

    Dwain how do you have a unconsecutive death?:)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 September 2004 15:19:18

    Meh, more than 'lame.' Setting off a trigger to unidle someone is fucking ridiculous. Getting doubled was Lomar's fault (though really, who expects morals t go pulling a double tap, huh? :P), but the unidling trick still sucks so much.

    If I could amend the archive's rating system, I'd add in a rating of -2 as 'I hope you get a warning for this, you trigger-abusing fuck' and then pick it for this log. I'd also add in a 'Hall of Shame' section where the logs with the most negative ratings could go. It'd probably consist of 18 logs by Treyz and this one by Zeus.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 September 2004 15:03:20

    Setting of the trigger to unidle him was pretty freaking lame though.

  • Author
    Dwain [legacy]
    23 September 2004 14:33:08

    Double taps suck!!! So do 842 consecutive deaths.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    23 September 2004 14:31:20

    heh, i bet tilion was the one who removed the log :P

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 September 2004 14:25:42

    Where did the 'Tapping someone is the only way to hurt them, with the low playerdeath losses.' or 'It's your own fault if you let yourself get doubletapped, it's easy to avoid it.' or 'Idle somewhere safe.' go?