
Posted by
Maelkith [legacy]
29 September 2004 00:00:00

So I heard Alexa dances with the wolves..


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    01 October 2004 20:48:20

    Psha! I wasn't blatantly gay like him, making a name and suiciding it just so I could talk shit on the log page!

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    01 October 2004 20:37:46

    You spent the longest time here commenting from a name which didn't even exist. So you're not really one to be criticising the role and status of others. :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    01 October 2004 20:34:47

    Date: 01. Oct, 2004, 20:10:44 By: Midir

    Megs blow

    So says the suicided level 1!

  • Author
    Midir [legacy]
    01 October 2004 20:10:44

    Megs blow

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    01 October 2004 13:57:49

    The FRA riverhouse and boatman is still on the Limlight.

    I'm nearly 100% sure it was removed for a while, but was then replaced again. I'm glad it's back.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    01 October 2004 09:29:44

    I liked the Meg GH and I have some fond memories of some members from it as well. It was fun to walk the halls and have these overlapping old memories conflict with what I saw ;)

    I think it makes sense the way it is now. It's fallen a bit into disrepair (although that room that is under construction still is ;P) since the former owners have been gone a while.

  • Author
    Psykosis [legacy]
    30 September 2004 22:33:58

    Oh and a place to pickup and make contracts!!!!

  • Author
    Psykosis [legacy]
    30 September 2004 22:33:39

    I want to see the old durmanhoth hall with an assassin trainer in it :)

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    30 September 2004 21:43:15

    Blllllech. Megs, never liked em, never will :P

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    30 September 2004 21:35:40

    I couldn't figure out how to get back from the FRA hall, but you can swim out, so I did!

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    30 September 2004 18:28:05

    I got trapped in FRA GH once and couldnt get out :P Reached some Raven Lord (within a years time frame)

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    30 September 2004 17:36:41

    I think the old Rimsilval hall would probably have been a better place to dump the MC records.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:52:57

    The FRA riverhouse and boatman is still on the Limlight.

    Asking him about passage is a bit fruitless these days though.

    I wouldn't mind seeing it turned into a big casino with an npc named Marsellus as door security, Throm Jr on the blackjack table, and Smoke and Kitiana as a couple of npc 2 bit 40something hookers inside.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:49:34

    ok..but my point still remains valid! :P

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:42:29

    goddamnit, my computer is betraying me! and Scypio beat me anyways :(

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:41:52

    actually, last time i checked there are 'ruins' of FRA, and 'ruins' of Durmanhoth.. well, not much but they're still there.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:41:45

    actually, last time i checked there are 'ruins' of FRA, and 'ruins' of Durmanhoth.. well, not much but they're still there.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:32:27

    There's ruins of FRA GH, I thought.. I've never been to Megs GH before and I think it's a great, special place.. and if it's been changed, as you're saying, then probably it was even finer at the time..

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    30 September 2004 16:21:45

    I think that's a way of looking at it, but as someone who was a member for longer than just about anyone else, I can say while I don't like seeing the guild as it is, it's better than not seeing it at all which was the only other option. Would you rather see the remnants of the old guild and remember the good times you had there, or see nothing to mark that it even existed and pretend that it hadn't. I know some of you feel like it's degrading to the old Megs to see their hall open to the public with a bunch of changes to make it generic and less like the old Meglivornth...but instead of thinking that way, you need to learn to enjoy it. The fact is, the Meglivornth as a guild is gone, and it's not coming back no matter how much of a fuss is raised. Just be thankful the guild is not gone without a trace forever like the other guilds. There is no ruins of the FRA guildhall or the Rimsilval guildhall. I think there's no reason to complain about this. At least the old Megs can see in code once again the place they used to call home and remember fondly their time in the Meglivornth...but it's long past time to let it go.

  • Author
    Monet [legacy]
    30 September 2004 03:16:44

    There are those of us who were members of the Meglivornth who have actual logs of the gh before this distilled version of it was rereleased. For those of us who do remember, this is like seeing our old home, except it has been neglected and is falling apart. To everyone who was never a member of the Megs, I am sure it is a cool, large new area just waiting to be explored.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    29 September 2004 21:48:13

    Long live the Meglivornth!