Info Session

Posted by
Psykosis [legacy]
13 October 2004 00:00:00

Colorized info-session help file. A little easier to read.

Added some color to the info-session to make it easier to read.
Posted it so people who might be interested can read it a bit easier as well.

Help for info_session (General Help)

On October 7th, I held an impropmtu Info Session to answer some
questions, dispel rumors, etc, about things on 'dev list' and
things involving Guilds and ERs. At the time of this conversation,
all information was planned and accurate - but remember,
development is always a fluid process. I've edited the log heavily
to include (hopefully) only questions and answers. I hope if you
weren't online, you get something out of it anyway. I'll try
to offer and answer questions when I have the time.

Note: Spoonster rules for providing the log to me.


^ Draugluin: I can answer questions, sure.
^ Illumenar: How exactly are you removing Valinor from the process?
^ Illumenar: IE: Anyone can make a guild?
^ Draugluin: By no longer voting on new guilds, by no longer reviewing
     guilds, by no longer peering over the shoulders of guilds, etc.
^ Jasumin: Wouldn't that make it infinitely easier to get a guild into the
^ Illumenar: So how do you control for "bad guilds" "unthematic guilds"
     and ugh, "stupids guilds"
^ Draugluin: You don't have to worry about satisfying 12 different people
     to become a guild, and you don't have to spend your life worrying
     that one day someone will decide for some reason to
     change/modify/inspect some aspect of your guild.
^ Kitiara: so anyone can make a guild?
^ Draugluin: Yes, it will be much easier to get a guild in the game. Which
     is probably a good time to make sure you understand the core point,
     the "attitude change" required, if you will: Guilds are to be tools
     for players to use, like anything else.
^ Illumenar: What are you doing with evil guilds like, SoU or UD?
^ Draugluin: We will provide them to you as tools to use, and provide
     objective, -codeable-, thematic restraints. From there, it's up to
^ Draugluin: If there is enough money and enough people for 250 guilds,
     then so be it. Have fun.
^ Illumenar: Are you going to turn them into ER guilds?
^ Draugluin: (an impossibility at the moment, mind you, since I know the
     number of players, amount of gold, etc...but just to humor jasumin
^ Draugluin: ERs will not have guilds, and we won't turn anyone into an ER.
^ Draugluin: ERs have an entirely different social/grouping function.
^ Illumenar: Are you going to limit the amount of evil rping free races
^ Draugluin: One which will start being explained to you (FR non
     playtesters) eventually, but not tonight :P
^ Draugluin: Well, that's tough to ask, based on 'limit'. We have approved
     systems to make life more difficult to be 'evil' living in
     'good'-controlled lands, yes, but we're not going to make it so you
     can't do it, or there's a cap, or anything silly :P
^ Draugluin: ERs do not have guilds, no. Let me take a minute and explain
     their social structures.
^ Draugluin: ERs are able to give support to other players as their
     leaders. There are a finite number of these leaders (the number
     provided based on total # of ER players), called Warlords.
^ Draugluin: When you 'support' your Warlord, that means you want him to
     lead you. Warlord-controlled groups are called 'Legions', and are
     provided a comm, places to gather, armouries, etc.
^ Draugluin: They act both as quasi-guilds and communities, given an
     ER/Sauron twist of theme.
^ Jasumin: The main difference being that the Warlord has a dictator like
^ Draugluin: Right. Warlords are much more like dictators...except...
^ Draugluin: If people stop supporting you, you are no longer a Warlord! So
     you can't just screw over your followers constantly.
^ Draugluin: It's self-policing and even accounts for inactivity. The older
     you are as a player, the more "worth" your support of another has.
^ Jasumin: I see...are there advantages other than the obvious power
     advantage to being a Warlord?
^ Draugluin: So a 50d old ER who supports someone counts for more "points"
     than a 1d old. Yet both count some.
^ Elmdor: How long will it take to max an ER?
^ Draugluin: There are other features, yes, but they all have to do with
     policing your legion, etc. It's not like you get higher stats or
^ Jasumin: Yeah, with the disadvantages of being a Warlord....why (besides
     having your own minions maybe) might you want to be one?
^ Draugluin: We hope for it to be equally as difficult to max an ER as an
     FR, eventually. That said, ERs will be totally new, and initially,
     lacking things, or maybe having too many of something. We've
     playtested for a long time to get the right balance, but nothing is
     perfect. So I hope that answers it: We want it to be "as hard", but
     don't get yourself all freaked out if it's not like that out of the
^ Draugluin: Because it makes you a leader, the same reason anyone would
     want to be a GM.
^ Draugluin: Not everyone makes decisions based on stats and gold
     gathering. However, even those that do might find it fun to be an
     ER-themed leader. It's much more...hardcore...than a guildmaster.
^ Essex: DRAUGLUIN. Previously Valinor has had a long-standing policy of
     restricting one typist from having both an immortal character, and
     also a guildmaster character. The reason for this was that an
     immortal might unduly influence things for a guild.
^ Essex: Once your disasterous policy of removing Ainur from the Guilds
     Business is impleemnted, will this restriction be removed. Please
^ Draugluin: Right. Well, I know I hadn't personally pondered if this
     changes any of our rules concerning Ainur having alts in Guilds. I
     know we haven't stated anything officially, so I'll check on that
^ Elysia: will the change affect the ability of one typist to have
     multiple chars in a guild?
^ Draugluin: I'll bring the ainur-alt issue to Valinor for discussion, and
     I'll either announce a rules change, or have new reasons for why it's
     not okay.
^ Draugluin: Similarly, Valinor has to decide if the change to guilds
     affects the "only one character in one guild" rule.
^ Draugluin: Guilds are required to have a minimum number of members, and I
     don't think we'll be open to the idea of using yourself, 14 times, to
     make a guild. Since if you were a hardcore goldmaker, I suppose, you
     COULD support such a thing.
^ Armand: draug, if you want to answer a question, please for all
     seriousness answer this.It takes an ainur to change the gm of a
     guild. why? what standards to ainur look at when changing gms?
^ Elysia: I am interested in the GM changes Armand is asking about. If it
     takes an ainur to change a GM now, how will that be handled after
     Ainur have extracted themselves from the guild process. And how will
     guildhalls be made?
^ Draugluin: Actually, probably 95% of the reason it takes Valinor action
     to change a GM is because we currently have no quality, fast system
     in place to change them yourselves. I plan to suggest we simply let
     'overthrow' handle cases of GM negligence and disappearance, and
     allow GMs to simply name their successor much like ClanMasters
     already can.
^ Draugluin: For the time being, Scatha will still make GM changes for you,
     in addition to the 'overthrow' command.
^ Draugluin: (help overthrow)
^ Draugluin: We won't leave you without a way to make the changes, but I'm
     sure we'll look to make it something you can do without our help.
^ Draugluin: Hobbit Stomach change: Frippi, it's pretty close. I think
     there is one problem to work out, and you'll see it shortly.
^ Draugluin: We had a recent staffing change that put us a bit behind on
     Maker-level coding, but that's all straight, so stay tuned. Your
     stomach will grow soon ;)
^ Draugluin: The legend top changes, well.
^ Draugluin: Hey, lets be honest, I jumped the gun putting them on dev :P
     No one is actually working on them at the moment, as they're
     preoccupied with other things. (like hobbit stomachs, etc).
^ Draugluin: So, just blame me for you knowing about it too soon, and
     you'll have to wait a but on that one :P
^ Grymlar: what about er's, why arent they on the dev list?
^ Draugluin: Haha, good question.
^ Draugluin: Here's the answer: I couldn't think of a way to describe
     everything without having it be "dev list...more (.00004%)", so I
     just figured anyone who knows to type 'dev list', knows ERs are
     coming :P
^ Draugluin: I get long-winded enough on small dev entries...the whole
     addition of what amounts to the second half of t2t might force me to
     write a small novel :b
^ Draugluin: Well, no, I haven't given any dates and I don't know if anyone
     made such a promise while I was retired, but if so, sorry.
^ Draugluin: The state of them is:
^ Draugluin: We are currently finishing up Regions (dev 4), and in the next
     two or so weeks look to implement that, and start playtesting it
     immediately with ER playtesters in Eastern Arda, fighting FR
     playtesters (but not harming with the rest of you). We'll ask them to
     test Regions extensively, along with combat.
^ Draugluin: After that, we'll shut down playtesting to fix any problems
     and address any last minute issues that arise, and then it's release.
^ Draugluin: This is the current schedule, barring my death, or some major
     problem (which I don't foresee - Regions is working beautifully on
     testmud at the moment, it's so cool...way cooler than it was ever in
     my imagination).
^ Elysia: if we were moving towards an ainur free guild creation system,
     why were guilds put through theme review and forced to change theme?
^ Draugluin: Because we tried to work fanatically to ensure guilds were
     "just so", and have found that such a policy doesn't include
     everyone, isn't objective enough, and makes guilds into something
     twisted, which we don't want.
^ Draugluin: So, while it took a while, the guilds who were forced to
     disband can return, without worry, and just curse that it took as
     long as it did, but should remember better late than never ;)
^ Elysia: if, for example, members of the old Durmanhoth wanted their
     guild and theme back, would that be granted to them?
^ Draugluin: Well, remember, the key is we won't "grant" anyone anything.
     If they make it and pay for it and set it up, it's theirs.
^ Fofester: I wanna know who came up with putting Alexa there
^ Draugluin: Hmm. I can't remember. Me, I think.
^ Draugluin: Yes, let me say a bit about that.
^ Draugluin: Restrictions will be based, largely, upon a choice GMs have to
^ Elysia: it just seems a bit unfair to force them to change and then
     decide oops we made a mistake and allow them to change back
^ Draugluin: Elysia: There's no time machine. We think this is the best
     thing for Arda. What happened before isn't reallt the point.
^ Draugluin: GMs, when creating a guild, will declare it to be good, evil,
     or impartial. They'll also declare if they are made up of all races,
     (mostly) one race, or (mostly) two races. Kill restrictions will be
     generated automatically based on these answers, and GMs can add
     optional restrictions as they desire.
^ Draugluin: So yes, Impartial guilds will be allowed, but don't make the
     mistake of thinking impartial is synonymous with "no restrictions, no
     thematic boundaries".
^ Draugluin: Also, restrictions use a see-saw to balance out. The more
     races you accept, the more types of things you have to worry about
     killing. So guilds who are very exclusive, have a harder time
     recruiting, but are forced to have less restrictions. Guilds who
     accept tons of types, have an easy time of recruiting, but a hard
     time with restrictions.
^ Mithgil: So, what happens when G-Unit applies to be a guild?
^ Draugluin: G-Unit, the group of popular American rap stars, cannot
     currently (nor in the future) be a clan.
^ Draugluin: As the first step to being a guild is to be a clan, they can't
     apply to be a guild.
^ Elmdor: Why can't they become a clan?
^ Draugluin: Clans must meet very basic, but important, requirements: They
     may not be profane, harassing, or rule-breaking, and they must be
     based in Tolkiens World. As you no doubt suspect, American Rappers
     G-Unit have nothing to do with Tolkiens wordl. Similarly, you can't
     be guys with spaceships, microwaves, etc.
^ Fofester: What about current guilds? Are they going to be downgraded to
     fit the new guild standards, particularly regarding the hall?
^ Draugluin: Well. It all depends on the guild, Fof.
^ Draugluin: Some guilds will -definitely- face some guildhall changes.
^ Elysia: will guildhalls additions/upgrades still be possible post
^ Draugluin: A cursory review of what everyone has provides a pretty
     limited list of 'big changes' Scatha and I have to handle. We've
     developed a list of everything that is 'standard', (and thus
     keepable), and it's the hope that Scatha's coding time can be spent
     coding more new features for everyone (as he has been, some, with
     things like the new log additions, etc), instead of specific things
     for only a few people.
^ Fofester: So, current halls will probably lose 'special rooms' and keep
     the more basic stuff (armoury, board rooms, bar, etc)?
^ Draugluin: Oh, lets see. Halls, cosmetic rooms, banks, mailrooms, shops,
     bars, 1 guild weapon, 1 guild armour, 1 guild pack, 4 guild boards,
     gm rooms, libraries, npcs, ... Wouldn't be sohcked if I'm forgetting
^ Draugluin: All of which GMs can buy, desc, have approved, pay for, and
     see appear like magic.
^ Draugluin: Ranking systems, voting boxes, I forgot those.
^ Draugluin: The ability to be 'hidden' is standardized...
^ Draugluin: Comm hists and features to systems that will remain are
     already standard, those stay.
^ Draugluin: Oh, gossipers stay.
^ Fofester: Cost-wise, will current guilds be paying about the same amount
     for the rooms/items they're able to keep?
^ Draugluin: Some things will go up, some down.
^ Draugluin: Actually, most of the increases are in 'initial costs', and
     aren't huge -- but current guilds won't pay construction costs
^ Boffo: If the guild has already paid for feature 'suchandsuch' they just
     keep it?
^ Draugluin: So for current guilds, they'll only notice rent adjustments,
     which are largely the same. Some more, some less, but nothing
     drastically different. Nothing like adding extra zeroes, etc :P
^ Draugluin: If it's a standard feature, yes, Scatha and I will work with
     all GMs to transfer you from "now" to "new" as seemlessly as
^ Elysia: I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but what is the time
     frame on this change? is this something that will be released within
     a month or 2? or something that will take closer to 6 months or a
^ Draugluin: Right. You won't have to reapply, wait 30 days, or any of that
     stuff. Scatha and I will basically drag you through any changes to
     get you "in system". Noticable changes to you, minimal. You'll be in
     the clan room now. Heck, that might be the only change you notice
     other than guildhall changes.
^ Draugluin: A month or two.
^ Draugluin: Much is already coded, and it's a high priority issue.
^ Fofester: What about guildhall locations?
^ Draugluin: Guild hall locations are up to the applying CM/GM, and subject
     to approval by Scatha (Guild Liaison) and myself (PoA).
^ Elysia: ok. A clan has the gold to become a guild and wants to become a
     guild. I assume that getting a guildhall installed will take an
^ Draugluin: We won't allow guildhall locations to mess with the game,
     basically. Beyond that, we don't much care what gridroom or other
     room you choose.
^ Elysia: will you be implementing any changes that will affect guild
^ Draugluin: No, we hope to automate the process post-approval-of-location.
     It is possible that it will require scatha to edit a few files, but
     nothing that takes months.
^ Draugluin: No, guilds will disband when they run out of members or money
     (less than 15, less than enough to make rent 2 times in a row)
^ Elysia: so, in theory, someone could make a guild, have 14 alts of
     friends join it but be inactive, and if they could make the gold to
     pay for the guild themselves, it would be allowed?
^ Draugluin: Yes. (she said alts of friends, meaning 15 uniquely-owned
^ Draugluin: Any other questions about things for ERs or Dev?
^ Fofester: With the name changes, will legendinfo include like old name
     or something?
^ Draugluin: Yes, there will be a reference to the new name. This was a
     tough decision, but we feel it's best to do that to avoid having
     namechanges go from what we want (a way to improve a bad early name
     selection for more rp) to what we don't want (a way to harass, or
     suicide-without-suiciding, etc).
^ Draugluin: If you are doing a namechange for the right reasons, having it
     be public for a short time won't hurt you. If you legitimately need a
     namechange to be in secret, you should be contacting the PoL.
^ Draugluin: Oh jeez. Pretty sure its 30d, like when suiciding or being
^ Draugluin: If it turns out to be 15 or something though, don't be
^ Draugluin: The stop using a skill is very close, Janika. I'd look for it
     in the next week or so.
^ Azmodan: How fast does the stop using a skill go?
^ Draugluin: At what rate does simply aging lower Other skills?
^ Janika: 1 point per hour of age
^ Draugluin: Forgetting does that times 5, I believe.
^ Azmodan: Can I do two at once!
^ Draugluin: No, you cannot, Azmodan.
^ Fofester: What's the time frame on the Level quest revamps?
^ Draugluin: Unknow. The resources are put elsewhere at the moment.
^ Fofester: And pick toggling... what do you mean by that one?
^ Draugluin: I mean: "Allow pick to act as a toggle, and re-lock a door
     that is unlocked."
^ Draugluin: Please note that a door must HAVE a lock to be locked,
     unlocked, relocked, or whatever.
^ Fofester: Locking would require a skill check same as unlocking, right?
^ Draugluin: Yes, a balanced skill check will surely be involved.
^ Frippi: What circumstances do you mean in the thieving experience?
^ Daetur: oh Draugluin, what about 19 quest and 20 "quest" before release
     of ERs?
^ Draugluin: The level 19 quest is something a group has claimed and begun
     designing, however, it isn't something I will wait for before ER
     release. Maybe it'll be done first just out of circumstance, and
     maybe not.
^ Draugluin: Did someone ask something about thief experience?
^ Frippi: I did.
^ Frippi: How exactly will theft tracker work, and what circumstances are
^ Draugluin: It'll work to track your thefts, for use in code. Currently,
     the only planned use is to give monsters who "know" you as a criminal
     (thief who steals from them/tries to) a small bonus toward catching
     you. An awareness boost, if you will.
^ Draugluin: It'll also provide data for lots of future content or
^ Draugluin: Circumstances for experience, you mean?
^ Frippi nods.
^ Frippi: How small of an awareness bonus are we talking here? :P I don't
     want npc's remembering me and attacking me.
^ Draugluin: At this time, no, they only get a bonus toward 'catching' you.
     However, if you've ever been caught by an npc, you've seen the "A
     fight starts" message.
^ Draugluin: A small bonus is all I'm saying. It's not huge, it's not
     insignificant, and we don't give out numbers like that :)
^ Draugluin: The circumstances, well, I won't give you anything like a look
     at the code, but I'll generalize and say: The npc must be a
     "challenge" for you (ie, no abusing by robbing lowbie mons). You must
     be using thief abilities. The exp you can get in a 2 week time is
     limited. You must actually succeed in the theft :)
^ Draugluin: Excuse me.
^ Draugluin: I MEANT to say: The exp you can get FROM A SINGLE MON in a 2
     week time is limited.
^ Draugluin: So you can't spend 2 weeks robbing just one npc over and over
     for exp. Not open for abuse :)
^ Fofester: So, theoretically, a thief could never kill anything if he
     found enough 'challenging' npcs to rob?
^ Draugluin: No, not theoretically, Fofester.
^ Draugluin: Wait.
^ Draugluin: Ok, Fof: Yes and No. Theoretically in that you could take
     FOREVER and level like that, yes. No, in that it's planned to
     subsidize, not replace, killing exp.
^ Draugluin: Initially, no guards are planned to block access based on
     thefts. However, that's a very logical expansion. I'd expect it soon.
     Steal from guards a lot, they're less likely to stand there like a
     goof as you walk past them.
^ Draugluin: Anything else?
^ Draugluin: Nothing else? Okay then. Take care. 

-- Draugluin, Power of Administration/ERs/Law