deornoth dies

Posted by
Delrerango [legacy]
21 October 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

deornoth and delrin pkilled me once and deornoth hunted me for alkath a week ago. revenge 2 u, sir!


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 October 2004 05:32:37


  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    23 October 2004 15:44:23

    Btw, Demandred... SHUT UP your dirty mouth, chicken.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 October 2004 15:41:00

    See you in a few months durad, just like the last dozen times

  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    23 October 2004 15:40:09

    Drauglin has explained about the trading items thing, but he hasnt answered durad and others ppl in this comments about the ?unfair warning?. i would like to hear that answer.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    23 October 2004 08:27:19

    Good to Rasputin is back, but aside from that. Seriously, this game has changed a hell of a lot, and I have to say that not all the changes are for the best. In the eye of the Admin. I'm sure they think they're doing good, but they need to step back and put themselves in the shoes of the players because without us, the players, this mud is nothing. I wish a lot of the changes that have been made weren't made, but I'm not gonna bitch and moan for the rest of my life about it, I've moved on and adapted to the changes.

    Don't know what the fuck this post has to do with anything, but it felt good to say it, so fuck you :)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    23 October 2004 06:33:14

    stfu fag

  • Author
    Zerox [legacy]
    23 October 2004 06:22:19

    I dont really get this, Melkor with friends created this game, I belive they should be able todo what everythey want with it, since we are not paying to play it, we should just be grateful that we can play this game.

    I like the ainurs, they have spended lots of time writing code to make us have fun. Sure if they misjudge people sometimes, but they are human(RL).

    P.S. And if the game is as fucked up as many of you seem to think, why dont you just stop playing?! Hell, if this game is just something that annoy you, just stop, noone is forcing you to stay.

  • Author
    Trap [legacy]
    23 October 2004 04:59:52

    its even cooler when you just steal a set of equip, sell it to a shop, and get bad ass equip with your alt :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 October 2004 02:46:08

    Since when are you humble, Durad? :P


    Go get yourself a life and leave us here to rot for another few years (Although you're probably back in a few months at the most).

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 October 2004 22:16:51

    However, to stop playing because the ainu is Power of Law, Administration, ERs and pretty much everything else, is perfectly fine, imho.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    22 October 2004 19:53:27

    To stop playing just because you don't get along with an ainu isn't cool.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    22 October 2004 19:00:00


  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    22 October 2004 18:56:35

    It IS okay to sell a weapon or whatever to a shop and buy it with your alt, for those confused/wondering.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    22 October 2004 18:02:17

    Erm. Stupidest. And I'll miss you, Durad. Good luck with whatever you do.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    22 October 2004 18:01:54

    Possibly one of the stupdiest warnings ever. Well done, Draugluin.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    22 October 2004 17:58:10

    Draugluin has been doing shit like this for a long time... It's funny how no one cares about this issue until their friends get affected...

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 October 2004 17:04:57

    I don't say this to many people, but... I'm happy to see you go.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    22 October 2004 16:58:37

    Because when you said 'I found it on the ground' I didn't know you meant 'I found it on the ground in the village'!

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    22 October 2004 16:42:21

    Damn I was drunk last night, but i still stand by my comments!

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 October 2004 15:16:14

    naith told me to sell that aiglos :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 October 2004 15:15:49


  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 October 2004 15:15:36

    whoops *whistle

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 October 2004 14:09:09

    Draugluin issued it, then I when I tried to talk to him about it, was issued another, but the second one I can understand, cuz I said fuck to him :P

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 October 2004 14:07:34

    Having Aiglos passed through a shop however is clearly not multiplaying, and I quote this from help multiplaying: '2. Any trade of equipment or gold between characters must occur through a shop or third party (ie Player A must sell it, then log in as Player B and _buy_ it)'

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 October 2004 13:28:39

    Having Udungul pass Aiglos to your moral aligned alt could be considered mp though, Durad.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 October 2004 10:17:15

    Rolf, that's so wrong. No one should be unjustly nuked for sure, but an unjust warning is also something that should not be handed out. It takes the whole point out of the 'Law' part in the punishment system. I can quite certainly understand why Durad's upset, and getting amerced for any form of kill in Mordor that didn't involve blatent cheating is ludicrous.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    22 October 2004 07:59:13

    Durad, you can't whine over a silly warning. I thought you were made of better material then that.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    22 October 2004 07:27:54

    Hmm. It was a warning? I've gotten those for less. If you got nuked, go ahead and bitch, but it's a warning. Let's go on with life. kthxbie

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    22 October 2004 06:32:40

    Who issued the warning?

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    22 October 2004 06:14:56

    I'm so friggin sick of this MP violation bullshit when it comes to certain people. Deornoth a) is a skilled player( yea he is) and b) was in mordor (yea he was) and c) actively pk's people or assists others in pk'ing (yea he does)

    So please ainur, if you have the power to silence me for a month on the log page then you must read this, so please respond. How can others peoples alts who both fight war against Udungul in last war be any different from this? Or is it simply a weak leadership case up in the ainur when 'friends' of certain ainur die they get pissed and make harsh/rash judgements?

    If it was Deornoth's alt who stays out of trouble and doesnt pk that got whacked, id see the warning. But you are talking about a guy who constantly goes into mordor and kills stuff.

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    22 October 2004 06:09:52

    Warned for a pk in Mordor? Seriously fellas, what the fuck are you doing to this MUD?

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    22 October 2004 04:26:20

    wow.. you got warned for a mordor kill..

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 October 2004 04:25:03

    Oh, and to all you player killers out there, don't make alts to kill people, because its just multiplaying.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 October 2004 04:20:56

    I got warned for this kill on Deornoth, because it was 'mp'. Apparently, you're not allowed to kill your alts enemies with an alt, because it violates the character seperation policy. Well, clearly, I am not violating that, because this is a kill in Mordor. It is in the Udungul Vanguard's theme that we protect Mordor. We were FORCED to protect Mordor by the Power of Law himself a while ago. Well, now, I can't protect Mordor because it is MP, because, apparently, Deornoth is an enemy of an alt. so, basically, what does this tell me? It tells me that I am no longer welcome here and there is no point to mudding anymore. I cannot protect Mordor, as to my RP, I cannot player kill anyone, because of the fear that they are an enemy of my alt. Basically, my mudding life is ruined because of a power hungry scumbag who does not know what democracy and fairness means. No chance was given to me to explain this kill, no chance was given me to justify why the warnings were unfair and unjust. Well, what do I say to that? Fuck this game, because its not worth my time and its not worth yours. Maybe once these assclowns smarten up and stop screwing around with people's lives because they have no RL life, I will come back, but right now, its definately not worth it, unless you intend to do a lot of ass kissing.

    One day, you all will realize this as well and when that day happens, I will be waiting for you on the RL side.

    To all the cool people on this mud, I will miss you and will try to keep in contact with you. To my enemies, well, was fun. To the power hungry bastards out there, fuck you.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    22 October 2004 01:56:56

    film actors guild, i bet

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    22 October 2004 01:54:39

    This may have something to do with his guild affiliation.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 October 2004 01:51:22

    Deornoth is going to try to beat Dwain's record for deaths in one month.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    21 October 2004 23:47:14

    Delrerango is so very cool.