Ethir, Rand, Curr and Obxidian dies

Posted by
Oracle [legacy]
24 October 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

So here we are, me and Mr. Pounder going 2on4 in BD Tower on some morals. We win of course *woot* Also starring Gothwin and Perry, doing their wonderful cleaning on our leftovers :) *thumb* Note that, when we actually got out of the lock Pounder was at 27hp and I was even lower ;0) Love you all, thanks and good night. Drive safe!


  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    01 November 2004 17:41:59

    Yeah, this log is complete shit compared to the two logs now below it on the all time top 20 list.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    30 October 2004 16:10:21

    Also, I am sad to see that this log moved some awesome ones away from the top 5... This one can't be compared with Calenril's, imo. I am almost sorry for playing good in this log, haven't it been for me it'd not even be on the top20:P

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    30 October 2004 16:08:43

    They'd attack anyone who they don't know.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    27 October 2004 19:41:51

    I had a lowbie demonic alt get triple tapped in mordor once when I was just wandering around the place trying to learn all depends on who you come across. (and if you are dumb enough to keep reviving >:) )

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 October 2004 19:07:40

    You'll get attacked if your alignment is anything other than neutral with CU or your alignment is moral. Or if whoever is in there feels like it.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    27 October 2004 18:48:23

    Thats a lie Pallasch.

    I have been killed at the Shaman healer in CU. Not in combat with anything.

    I'm not whining though....Mordor is lawless, so they had every right to kill me.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    27 October 2004 18:17:09


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 October 2004 18:16:54

    I don't know any of them.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:36:12

    'I tried that arguement once on Oracle, when i was killed in CU.

    I was still learning then, and yes i was pissed cos i was not given a fair chance to try to learn a new area, or new quests, in a new area to me'

    If you aren't killing in Mordor, they won't attack you.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:22:50

    Erm...even though Oracle posted it....


  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:20:24

    I agree with Pounder reason for posting.

    Most logs are just standard pk...whether they be solo or a bang.

    This logs make a nice change.

    Not only is it semi-exciting, as i said in an earlier comment it shows an area which most of Arda do not get to see for themselves.

    I think the fact that Rand was 'teaching' people about BD is no reason for him and his friends not to be killed/attempted.

    I tried that arguement once on Oracle, when i was killed in CU.

    I was still learning then, and yes i was pissed cos i was not given a fair chance to try to learn a new area, or new quests, in a new area to me.

    I accept the fact that i was in 'his Mordor' as he put it at the time. I also accept the fact that because i did know know the area, it did not make me immune to being killed by those who protect that area.

    If you are going to go to Mordor, experienced or not, expect to die.

    If you get out alive...Hey, Bonus!

    Fin the dunedain heavy sleeper :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:20:01

    I dont think anyone in this log is a friend of Trempk actually Poundie :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:01:24

    And yeah I just posted it for people to read something other than, trigger x todo hunt x, set trigger for maiden/waterfall/thrands, hit x, x dies, get all from corpse of x.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 October 2004 17:00:21

    Its pretty obvious your hurt ego about how you felt seeing one of your friends die in this log is getting in the way of your brain functions trempk. There were only 2 people from the evil side ever in combat with anyone in their party at any one time. I rate moral logs who kill immorals just the same and I have even been known to rip on those immorals posting lame bangs and what not but I guess rating a log a 3 and rating a bang on the otherhand like some have done as a 6 is very strange to me and points out how often people here can't seperate personal feelings from the logs. Like I said, if I hadn't switched my stupid cloak around (which was my mistake obviously) this battle would not have carried long at all. With rand and the rest most likely ending up as corpses on the stairs alone. But like i said, rand and his friends fought well and me and oracle tried to fight good considering we only had 2 people.


  • Author
    Phu [legacy]
    27 October 2004 11:02:18

    It makes me laugh, it's so funny how ppl still care with ppl rate logs at, it's the never ending issue at the log page. This can be applyed onto, more or less, to every log.

    wannabe cool poster dude: - OMFG u Rated it a 1, WTF is worng with u

    Always pain in the ass dude: - THIS IS CRAP, I know how it ended befor I even opend the log. Pure 1, I wish i could rate it lower

    Hang around cool poster dude: - WTH, they where 9 and he solod them all with no heal, textbook slughter.

    Posting expert: - FU u ALL, QQ less n00b, kk, plz, thx! and ADMIN BAN THEM FOR HARRASMENT! =P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 October 2004 10:26:53

    Well, I thought the log completely sucked aside from the lockup, and thats not all that great, imo. It might start out as a 5, then it quickly drops to a 4 with all the spam and useless crap. Then it goes to a three when you realise that its in BD and the odds are so stacked in your favor. Then after they almost get you, you just leave, heal, and come back with a bigger party to finish them off. Valiant effort by their party, but thats that.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 October 2004 05:27:32

    As I said it was all bad luck - I have to take a risk and I did, it proved a lethal decision.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 October 2004 05:26:45

    I know how to, I can, I have done it:)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 October 2004 22:23:27

    I think that as solo assassin you'd have a hard time to get out when there are evils in the house, I was solo trying to get out against three evils, and that was a bitch

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    26 October 2004 21:14:44

    Rand, I know that, but can you really leave the place without quitting if the enemy is patient, either that or dying? That's what I meant basically. If so I stand corrected! Perhaps I should have used 'lost' instead of 'died'

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    26 October 2004 14:07:42

    I rated it a good log because:

    a) Pounder is cool

    b) I dislike all the people that died

    c) Rand tried to kill me once :(

    d) Beornings


  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    26 October 2004 05:57:41

    I had sort of an epiphany about what some of the tells, or as Bakal wonders 'what the fuck was really going on.'

    Rand was teaching some Newbies, and he was protesting to Oracle/Pounder that preying on a newbie class wasn't quite cricket.

    At least, that's my guess, and it makes sense... and explains why Rand was so upset that he let the team get seperated and killed.

    As always, a log is GOOD when it's not just 'set trigger, trigger trigger, kill victim, loot corpse.' We see both sides actually strategizing. I enjoyed it a lot, and I'm gonna rate it up.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    26 October 2004 05:54:32

    Before you start bitching at me for dropping a comment, I would like to say that it's not necessary for someone to die in there when being banged, Calenril. This log was preceeded by bad luck.. and some mistakes of mine:P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 October 2004 04:52:49

    I dunno. Those tells Rand sent to Oracle just make me wonder what the fuck was really going on in this log. Whatever.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    26 October 2004 04:32:42

    I'm not complaining man, I mean like I said it was probably great fun for you, I don't mind seeing the log posted or anything, just saying why I find other logs more exciting. :) Taste's different.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 October 2004 04:15:40

    So first you complain about being banged in mordor calenril and now you complain about two mans:) JK.:)

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    26 October 2004 03:13:13

    It was a prolonged execution as I said. It lacked almost any nail-bitingness so from me it doesn't get a super high vote. The only time it was a bit exciting was the lockup, but it was almost (note almost) more impressive that they almost killed the attackers despite seeming largely new to BD (I am myself). I bet it was exciting to be either of the players in it, though, always is in these cases.

    So while it was pretty cool... I mean, we all knew the guys were gonna die (or quit D:), pretty much regardless if either of the attackers did. :) And I don't say that to insult the general playing skill of the victims, it's just a fact when the enemy can bring in healing and go heal continously while you can't leave the area.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 October 2004 01:57:37

    '-The fact that it was 3 noobs and Rand (who is good, and yes he is no matter how much you hate him because he owns you)'

    Bahahaha, keep sucking up to him Oracle!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 October 2004 01:29:34

    The julius winnetou log was fairly good, but all it really consisted of are two players who hunted each other and then winnetou who barely got julius at the last second (without triggering for slab). I am sure this has happened alot at least in arda logs. Now as opposed to the spike log, that was awesome and it should be top log. But don't say we just went into BDT to slaughter newbies. They were all es'ed and we went inside with 2 people knowing there was a decent sized party in there and we used tricks and got them to backhunt across the evil stairs. Then it got nailbiting during the lock up and finally the gothwin showed up to end it all. And man, i was typing bash door for like a solid 10 rounds at the end there.:)


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 October 2004 20:27:51

    I would love the log to be edited a bit, removing a lot of the 'kill <name>', 'Triggered! doing: hunt <name>' and 'You are already hunting <name>!'

    If so, it'd get a 6 from me, but not as it is.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 October 2004 20:07:17

    Heh, I don't bash logs. I just try to wrap my head around why people pop a boner anytime multiple people die. It really happens quite often. I think there's like 3-5 logs of KoDA being caught in Mordor and getting slaughtered like sheep. Besides, I've got like 8 posted logs. I have like 50some saved on my PC. If I wanted to be like Winnetou and post every damned log of every newbie I ever killed I could, but I'd rather not waste the log viewer's time :P

    One more thing, I know Rand is a good player... I don't think I mentioned that he sucks. I give him props for atleast trying to save the party of newbies. Just because I don't necessarily 'like' the guy doesn't mean I think he sucks. It's hard not have a certain amount respect for a player's ability in today's T2T. You never what new tricks a newbie has learned. It's everchanging. Ciao.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 October 2004 19:54:11

    -The logs you mentioned rock Bakal. Just put yourself in the position of the people in the log and you'll see that this one was rather funny and creative, though I didn't expect it to do so well on the all time top.

    Comment on 'good log :p':

    -I don't post logs any more unless I think they are above the usual and above the average, not to mention a good read. I stopped posting logs because people like you, Douglas and several others bash them for whatever silly or personal reason. So I say 'good log', big deal? I keep my playerkilling/fun/theft/etc. logs to myself because I like to look back and have a smile at times. But some logs are good enough to be seen by more than just the people involved.

    -The fact that it was 3 noobs and Rand (who is good, and yes he is no matter how much you hate him because he owns you) matters in this case very little because at the point where me and Pounder desperatly tried to bash ourselves out and manage to get out a couple of rounds away from death was indeed as Logan very nicely put it 'nail-biting'. It wouldn't matter if it was 2 Pounders and 2 Oracles beating us down because they would have done the same kind of beating no matter who deliverd it on us.

    -Read the log, more than once if needed and vote accordingly. Nothing to it. (Thats not aimed for you Bakal.)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 October 2004 19:08:49

    Um, Spike Divides and Conquers and then the log of Winnetou and Julius fighting in Mordor. Those were pretty good. Dude, come on kids, when Oracle stops halfway through the log to say 'good log :P' I have to wonder what the fuck is important to this guy.

    Yeah, hey, props to killing newbies. 6 ALL THE WAY! EXTRAORDINARY! NEVER SEEN THIS HAPPEN BEFORE! Wait, wait... yes I have. Pounder, you know I love you.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    25 October 2004 18:15:50

    This log moved my log away from the top1! Bitchez!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 October 2004 16:51:46

    NP, NP Bakal, give me an example of a log here that you think is extrodinary?

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    25 October 2004 15:14:45

    Bakal, thus the execution part of my comment. :P

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    25 October 2004 14:53:32

    Mighty fine log.

    It is good because those noobs among us get to see Barad-Dur, and not die in the process.

    Also, Pounder is in this log, which makes it a 6 all the way!

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    25 October 2004 11:24:48

    Monday morning, at work.

    Urge to laugh: fading.

    Ethir says in Westron: Leave me alone!!!!!!

    Rand tells you: no man, this is wrong

    Urge to laugh: rising.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 October 2004 04:33:57

    Hey Squibb, what's good about this log? I'm just curious.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    25 October 2004 00:55:50

    Rand says in Westron: I feel like suiciding

    If only.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 October 2004 22:11:34

    I have read most logs and think its up there Bakal. Maybe you think that a log of someone using aiglos/mithril mail/vov/flask and backhunting a solo attempt is the greatest, but that is where we differ. *shrug* vote accordingly

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 October 2004 22:06:32

    Don't get me wrong, it was a pretty efficient kill and all, but it's not like someting extraordinary happened here :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 October 2004 22:05:37

    A bunch of newbies and Rand were in BD. I don't get why you all think it's amazing when multiple newbies die :P

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 October 2004 21:59:18

    Wow, nice log. Good fighting all around. And Rand probably didn't want to hunt and get dropped on stairs again I am guessing.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 October 2004 20:15:50

    I am not impressed...

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 October 2004 15:46:45

    Nice job w/ the stairway. I love that place!

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    24 October 2004 14:44:50

    Wicked stuff.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 October 2004 14:43:50

    Sucks that Elves can't use BD without a giant EP drain:( Great fun, entertaining log:)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 October 2004 11:00:14

    Bah, I did get it 2 out of 3 times!:)

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    24 October 2004 09:46:46

    The part where you're down on 28hp and Pounder finally bashes down the door.. that was nail biting;)

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    24 October 2004 05:42:57

    You notice Rand sizing you kill Obxidian <--- That is cool.

    Oracle, I think I'm going to call you Mr. Spam from now on.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    24 October 2004 05:17:39

    Ethir says in Westron: Oracle you will pay

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Nice kill, good to see Rands corpse.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    24 October 2004 04:28:46

    Yay you killed all the faggots I dislike, especially Rand! <3 Oracle and Pounder. Oh, Perry owns and umm, who can forget Gothwin. <3<3<3 all 4 of you!

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    24 October 2004 03:47:44

    Prolonged execution. But some nice fights.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    24 October 2004 02:59:58


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    24 October 2004 02:28:04

    sweet log

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 October 2004 02:06:13

    All i can say is, awesome fight on both sides. Neither were perfect and both fought really hard. The tables in this insane battle turned more than once that is for sure! Good fighting to all involved!


  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:44:21

    Yeah, Alkath. I was more than happy he didnt, not to mention surprised.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:42:29

    Now if Rand just hunted you that time they locked you, the tables were turned that time, eh?

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:39:44

    As Gmoney once said, 'They set us up the bomb!'

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:39:09

    P is a funny letter.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:34:58

    Wow. That was pretty epic.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 October 2004 01:26:27

    Im sure you all recognize the client, but hell.. I can't keep a log like this to myself.
