
Posted by
Rasputin [legacy]
01 November 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

I killed the fugly duckling (old log)


  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    10 November 2004 17:12:59

    No moron, I want last comment!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 November 2004 00:18:58

    Fuck you guys, my last comment. Geddit? Gotit? Good.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    09 November 2004 23:04:08

    I'm Sexy!

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    09 November 2004 09:59:06

    Hirgail... keep trying! ;))

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 November 2004 05:51:56

    I'd just like to have the last word in this stupid thread...gimmie a moment to think of something memorable to say...


  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    08 November 2004 21:43:48

    One more to be sure it will be!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    08 November 2004 21:43:33

    Is it at top comments yet?

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    08 November 2004 18:54:39

    Yes they are Hallam, but hemp comes from the cannabis plant.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    08 November 2004 10:30:25

    I don't understand Hirgail references :((

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    08 November 2004 08:59:47

    I'd just like to say that Cannabis and Hemp are different things.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 November 2004 01:31:02

    This thread is gayer than a women with a 5 o'clock shadow during Mardi Gras in Sydney.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    07 November 2004 23:12:28

    You just have to get Rasputin started on something, and it will surely go to top comments!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 November 2004 21:06:37

    7 now!

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    07 November 2004 20:01:41

    8 comments left!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 November 2004 14:05:15

    Maybe he's an angry fellow, who knows, do you?

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    07 November 2004 04:28:24

    Why would he be mad at people who don't know what he looks like? If you're going to use overplayed insults like that, at least have it make sense.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 November 2004 01:42:51

    Speaking of ugly, I think you're probably the one self-concious and stay in all day and take your anger out at everyone across the internet because they don't know what you look like. My advice to you is stop flaming and go get laid, if you can...

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 November 2004 01:40:18

    Rasputin, you almost made me laugh, but please do try harder... But gotta hand it to you, you are pretty funny! (yeah right)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    06 November 2004 23:39:40

    but then we might have to talk about something as controversial as the ugliness of your face. like is it just plain ugly or full blown butt ugly? :P

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    06 November 2004 23:20:45

    If you keep commenting on this thread, it just 'might' go into the top comments :)

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    06 November 2004 20:26:08

    the theory of reverse speling.

  • Author
    Trap [legacy]
    06 November 2004 16:59:03

    man, i think i just found a new #1 for my biggest idiots list, Trempk, you've got to be the #1 piece of evidence supporting the theory of reverse evelution, what an ape.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    06 November 2004 01:24:24

    *GASP* OMFG Betus is in GV?! I agree that Barcelona is a cool city, and economy works in cycles. Also, if a company spends a shitload of money on research, you can't expect it to share its results with everyone right away, so all its expenses are effectively wasted.

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    05 November 2004 23:33:32


  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    05 November 2004 21:14:52

    Hahahaha! Chord just read this whole thread, what a monumental waste of time!

  • Author
    Chord [legacy]
    05 November 2004 19:01:36

    i can't believe i just read this whole thread

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    05 November 2004 10:12:25

    I second that, Iarla.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    05 November 2004 04:18:55

    Barcelona fucking rules.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 22:25:41

    I fully agree with Hirgail, I have also to notice that THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the best known drug against the bad side effects of chemotherapy, not only to increase appetite but also to fight against nauseam, weakness and high pressure.

    Resputin shut up, I keep the Freelance in my desc cos I'm too lazy to change it and I like the colors xD, everybody and his grandmother knows I was KoDA, now I'm GV, I'm Beeenz, Beyaz and Finduiluin friend, I'm Spaniard, I live in Barcelona and I hate illiterates and/or people who cannot see beyond his noses or beyond what their goverment 'feed' to them ;-))

    Betus dixit

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 21:22:34

    and not everyone is focused on money, a lot of people are though. money could be enough of a motivation for people to invent something that would dominate the market for their benefit :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 21:20:45

    companies don't make the individuals in them a genious :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 21:19:17

    you're forgetting that companies can be made. alot of inventions and new things have came from companies that weren't already major corporations. its sad of you to think that people not in those are either incompitent or the system makes it impossible for them to do so if they have the knowledge. i disagree with you in the part where if the research department in a company figures out something that they have to share it with everyone else.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 November 2004 21:10:55

    No, insted we'll have to live with the knowledge that any and all research done is done purely to make X company a profit and that anything contrary to that will be swept under the carpet, I would like to thank drug companies for helping me win this point in advance, you guys are swell:)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 20:50:17

    a big mistake would be assuming i don't think research for new things is good. i do, but i think it should be carried out in the private sector and not through government. that way you won't have this big conspiracy idea of governments trying to suppress knowledge and the like.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 20:44:00

    you're comparing it to the 'drug of choice' alcohol. you also mentioned the drugs that are better pain killers have far worse side affects? my fucking ass marajuana has the best pain relieving to side effects relationship. khranium you apparently didn't read all of what i said which i'm not surprised since this conversation has been drawn out pretty far. i said there are better solutions out there that haven't been invented or made yet. i was saying that this idea of the current 'biogasoline' is a far cry from being as effective and cost efficient as gasoline. if improvements are made then hell yes it'd be better. i also doubt that you'd find me to be a poster child for the media because in america a lot of views are widely publicized through the media. ie don't do drugs, alcohol bad, wear your safety belt or die, etc. in your comment you didn't justify a damn thing, all you did was give your opinion on how you view the economies current 'serious downtrend?' if you didn't know economies works in cycles so for you to have the attitude that it should always be going up is full of shit.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    04 November 2004 19:36:21

    Rasputin looks like the poster child for the eat-what-they're-fed, believe-the-news, that's-all-I-want stereotypical American. If you want to be taken seriously, at least put some thought and originality into your arguments. You can't deny that things are on a serious down trend economically and with regards to global relations right now, so why not search for alternatives rather than attempt to justify why we should continue with the same self-righteous, gluttonous and ecologically destructive behavior?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 November 2004 18:51:19

    I with I were illiterate:( Anyways, medicinal cannabis is mainly used as an appetite stimulant for people with terminal illnesses, most often cancer and are undergoing radiation therapy which fucks with the human body almost as badly as the cancer itself. And there may be more effective pain killers, but they generally have far worse side effects and in some types of pain cannabis is almost unrivaled in it's ability to give relief.

    It is habit forming, but not physically addictive and is linked to mental illness. That being said, it is fact ..you got that? FACT that it is a far less harmful drug than the leading recreational drug of choice..the LEGAL recreational drug of choice, alcohol. It is illegal because hemp is a massive threat to the textile industry.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 17:30:21

    betus, i'd also like to point out everyone knows you're in gv so you should quit pretending to be a freelancer or whatever. damn loser :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 16:16:30

    I'm sorry Sarys ;-))

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    04 November 2004 16:04:18

    Wtf Betus ruined it for me.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    04 November 2004 16:03:56

    omfg 100

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 15:51:46

    My final comment;

    Rasputin now I know who you are ;-))

    Go play with your GI-Joe toys...

  • Author
    Usul [legacy]
    04 November 2004 15:44:52

    yeah! please! shut-the-fuck-up! Goddamnit, don't you people know there are people out here who actually use this logpage for t2t related logs and not some stupid american post-election discussion over which dude can make his car drive on marihuana-oil based kerry/bush tax cuts....jeez!

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 14:07:13

    more like -Betus, the high asstapper of men

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    04 November 2004 12:24:33

    You guys, stop this crap :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 10:33:08

    Face it, Bin Laden is approaching his objectives : to bring the USA to bankruptcy, just enjoy 4 more years of Bush!

    (and when you will be tired come to the old, decadent, corrupt and pervy Europe, enjoy legal Marijuana, same sex marriage, low tax alcohol and smoke in public places! Sun, Sex and Sangria!!).

    Betus, the Spaniard

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    04 November 2004 10:09:06

    If this were a face-to-face conversation, Trempk and Rasputin would both be bleeding on the ground!

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    04 November 2004 03:11:30

    Here's an idea: Shut the fuck up. Thanks.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 03:06:05

    Now I get ya. This damn talking via typing causes a lot of problems that usually wouldn't happen in face to face conversations.

    Anyway, poop happens. <-- Joke... hmm, not that funny now that I pointed out it was a joke.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 02:54:19

    by logic i meant deisel is made then after a lot of refining comes gasoline. so obviously diesel would be cheaper by far than gasoline because it has a lot less costs of production.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 02:52:12

    all i can say now is that you don't know me in the slightest which i think is very easy because i'm not a well known person. i cuss a lot to everyone and the majority of the time i don't mean offense. i just cuss because i feel like it. if it severely bothers you then i guess we shouldn't talk because it'll always slip out eventually :P

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 02:46:42

    'try to at least use a little logic'

    Well my logic tells me that you are attacking me for no reason. That's fine, I just thought we could disagree and still be cool, oh well.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 02:37:14

    i said dumbass once, go cry a fucking river. and yes you showed alternatives to oil but they're crappy ones. sorry for not knowing you're ultra sensative and need to be in a non-curse word enviornment.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 02:24:47

    'uh this country and many other are dependant on oil'

    My original point being that we don't have to be dependant on oil, because bio-diesel can be used in cars and trucks, though I guess we expanded from there.

    I thought this was a civil discussion, your result to insults mysitifes me, as I was not trying to attack you.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:48:24

    diesel fuel and gasoline are not the same thing* (made a little correction :P)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:47:01

    again diesel fuel and gasoline prices are not comparable so you shouldn't compare biodiesel and gasoline.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:45:40

    try to at least use a little logic if you don't know the actually answer :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:45:25

    it doesn't, and diesel fuel is cheaper. dumbass :P

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:42:54

    Why refine gasoline at all if unrefined works just fine?

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:38:28

    Biodiesel costs about .66 per liter or about $ 2.50 per gallon. It is available in all 50 states at either pump stations or at retailers to fill bulk containers.

    A bit more than gas costs, but who knows what the future prices of gas are. $ 2.15 where I am now.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:31:18

    also, its not that they require a lot more power its that they require a lot more fuel. which makes it utterly wasteful to use gasoline for your 'big rigs'. a comparison would be taking a shower, using just as much water as normal, but from a supply of 20oz bottled water bottles :P or something along those lines.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:26:58

    the difference if you did not know is that gasoline is refined many many times more from the product 'diesel fuel' they are very different things.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:25:58

    get rid of i said :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:25:47

    i said pasted the link and it was being compared to diesel fuel only, which is not the same thing you'd but in a camaro :P

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:14:49

    I'm not talking about farm tractors either, and if you'd go to the site I put there you can see that it is for use in cars too. Diesel and bio-diesel powers tractor-trailors (big rigs) which need a lot more power than cars do so i am pretty sure that would refute your argument.

    P.S. A good documentary to see is The Corporation, which talks about and shows the kind of tyrannical companies in the US and US companies abroad today. It is pretty funny at times too.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:11:13

    i was curious as to how much it'd cost to refine your vegy oil to be comparable :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 01:09:29

    which is my point. diesel fuel is not gasoline. i'd like to see it compared to gasoline, even a low octane like 87? we're talking about cars, not farm tractors.

    Trempk, i don't think marijuana is bad for you. addictive? i'd say yes if you consider things like caffiene addictive but i wouldn't compare it to cocaine or the like. marijuana is mind altering, if you didn't know. I don't think marijuana should be illegal or any other drugs because people should be allowed to get as fucked up as they want in the privacy of their own home. all i pointed out which i think even you should accept is that there are other drugs that have better effects than marijuana for things like glaucoma and the like.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:41:05

    If you think that marijuana is as bad as the government would want you to believe, then you're just ignorant. Conspiracy or not. And a lot of conspiracies are true, people's defense to them is to just write them off as conspiracy theories. Some people like to research this stuff though before they agree. Marijuana is good for a lot of things. We could have a big discussion about that any time. Gateway drug=bullshit. Addictive=bullshit, etc.

    Anyway, a guy I used to know's uncle invented something that helped his car get like 80 miles per gallon. Companies buy these kind of things up like crazy just to sit them on the shelf and hold the pattents for them just so people have to buy more gas. Its a problem that can be solved, all the government has to do is put in some effort. But the companies have too much control over it.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:35:46


    Bio-diesel fuel offers basically the same power/torque as standard diesel fuel...

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:31:23

    The agricultural industry produces a lot of the kind of waste that could be used for propulsion, in fact the government pays to have excess grain and other crops destroyed due to over production. I don't know what kind of power bio-fuel produces but there are companies that use it to power their tractor trailors so I doubt that it is much less than gasoline... I'll check on it and get back to you.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:23:51

    last thing. i'd like to point out that trempk sounds like the conspiracy brother from the movie undercover brother :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:22:58

    i suck, bye, i'm going!

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:22:38

    produce the vegetable oil that was refined enough to be of a comparable combustability* :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:21:36

    marijuana isn't a cure and there are more effective legal substances that can be used for these so called 'medicinal purposes' as a pain killer

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:20:40

    people don't want to drive tractors at a few miles per hour. i'm pretty sure and would guarantee vegetable oil doesn't have the combustability as gasoline. if it does, which i doubt, then i'd venture to guess it'd cost substantially more to produce in as massive a quantity as gasoline is.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 November 2004 00:20:21

    I know it man, another instance where special interest and propaganda are pulling the wool over american's eyes. At least Kerry supported medical marijuana

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:57:39

    Did you know that hemp can be used to produce oil that can work in cars gas tanks? Oil from hemp can also be used to make plastics and just about anything else that fossil fuels can be used for, but conviently the plant is illegal (thanks to William Randolf Hearst who used his newspaper empire and funds from it to champion a committee that got the laws pushed to congress and passed). He also coined the word 'marijuana' because it sounded Mexican which didn't appeal to the American public. There is much more to it, but it is definitely interesting research.

    P.S. The internal combustion engine was originally made by a farmer to run off of agricultural waste, i.e. vegetable oil (bio-diesel fuel) but then was changed after the creator died and it was modified for its current use.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:38:48

    we already have nuclear power plants btw :P so thats why i'm assuming you mean cars.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:37:48

    i didn't really focus my comment on gasoline powered cars. i think hydrogen cars and whatnot will be a great alternative and most likely better in every aspect.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:33:42

    And I think Kerry might have done that, i have no doubt that bush will not

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:32:59

    Well, all we'd have to do is something like the manhatten project and we could come up with an effective alternative energy source. Then we wouldn't be completely dependent on it like we are today.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:30:10

    Go Trempk!

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:26:54

    if you didn't know bush doesn't make the us dependant on oil, the companies that use crude oil to make their products are. and with all the plastics and byproducts of crude oil, i don't see it being irrelevant to any nation that produces things any time soon.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:24:27

    uh this country and many other are dependant on oil and i highly doubt bush is waging a religious crusade against iraq.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:21:50

    Thats the central difference between republicans and democrats. Democrats think you should help the poor and Republicans think the poor should help themselves.

    What we need to do is get off of oil. Kennedy said we were going to the moon and how long did it take to do that? Bush should say 'We're going to get off of oil' and it would happen. But he wont because he doesn't have the countries best interest in mind. He has his own and his religions interest in mind. His dad, his dad's friends, his friends, even himself all are heavily invested in the oil business. Republicans just say 'Oh thats crazy.' If we weren't dependent on oil, we would have no reason to bother with the middle east. But bush doesn't want that, because his religion has a reason to bother in the middle east and he doesn't want to fold his hand over there. Its ridiculous.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:20:37

    if you think a progressive national tax cut is bad then maybe you should also think a progressive national income tax is bad too? if you don't i guess you just want to screw the rich because they make more money.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:16:51

    more not move, sorry about the error

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:16:16

    heh, i started off in poverty and am now almost in the middle class. and no i don't think its stacked against the people who have to start from the bottom. i do believe if you pay 100k in taxes you should get move money back from a tax cut than someone who paid 3k. i don't see why you think giving more money back to the people who pay more is such an injustice.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 22:39:19

    Handout? I'm sure you bought into all the bullshit saying that Kerry would have raised taxes on your ass. There are people out their cleaning up human shit. And you don't think they deserve another $2 an hour instead of giving people who make over $200,000 a year like $15,000 more?

    Everything is stacked against the lower class. If you don't see that, you're a complete moron. Its not entirely Bush's fault. He just doesn't care. The government just needs to get off of small business' backs and they would be ok. And neither candidate would do a good job doing that.

    The only reason why Bush won is because Osama has half of the country pissing in their pants thinking that al queda gives a shit about attacking some little town in kentucky and he was able to con a lot of the heavily religious people into thinking that he's leading by his faith and 'doing God's work.' When in fact he's leading by his special interest buddies checkbooks, just like the democrats would do. But at least they don't put the fake ass religion face on it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 22:39:03

    test (commenting not working)

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 22:20:18

    wait.. all your families problems are his fault? and why don't you use some of your own advice. not everyone would benifit from kerry and more handouts like yours would but i guess if someone else gets stuck with the shitty end of the stick its okay? i can already here your argument. it might be something like you aren't struggling.. you found a job that supports you and your family, so you can pay more taxes to help support my washed up ass. and don't even bother dreaming about how kerry would help small businesses more than bush because thats full of shit.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 22:08:12

    First of all I'm not a fucking democrat, assholes. Second of all, everybody I know will benefit from another 4 years of George Bush. My mom can lose another $15,000 on her 401-K. My Grandmother can celebrate when her medicare payments go up next january. My uncle can do a jig when he has to close the jewelry store thats been in the family for over 60 years because his health care payments go up to $700. My other uncle can be happy that he can keep working at wal-mart while he looks for a second job cause he's only making a minimum wage that isnt near capable of sustaining his family. My dad and mom can be happy that their time and a half overtime gets wiped out along with a week of her vacation time cause her unions can't negotiate due to the bush economy. And last but not least, I get to keep looking for a job that I can't find in my field (biology), while my county continues to piss and shit all over the environment. But aside from that, maybe my parents can hope to get another 6 fucking dollar check from another bush tax cut.

    You guys that voted for bush are so fucking blind to other peoples problems it makes me sick. I ate at pizza hut today and i could barely eat because the thought of the next four years depressed me so much. Maybe we can kill another 100,000 iraqi civilians and let every single person in the government get a free pass from such a fuckup. It boggles my mind. And thats a lot of boggling.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 21:15:02

    Ok. *thumbs*

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 November 2004 19:12:27

    Yea, even Jay Leno made a comment about how Liberals just KNOW they are right and everyone else is wrong so if you disagree with them your an idiot. This tends to go along with my personal experience as well.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 18:31:15

    his reaction is like the 30 plus other democrats i talked to today. so nice assumption on your part. i'm not going to say every democrat does that but i'd lean toward the majority. so although your point would be great if it were true, it isn't.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 18:29:41

    I like how you took one person and made his reaction to be the reaction of every demeocrat. That was awesome.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 18:15:04

    just like democrats to throw a huge hissy fit if they don't get their way. why don't you try to learn how to take a loss and change so you can win next time? not that i want you to do better since your ideals are fucked at the core.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 November 2004 17:45:02

    I'm in a state of complete shock right now. I'd like to apologize to all the bulgarians for bashing them. Cause I'd really rather be a bulgarian than an american right now. I'd rather be anything, I just don't believe it

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    03 November 2004 16:11:56

    Now look what you did. You made me have to read the c word. I hope you're all fucking pleased with yourselves.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 15:08:30

    stupid fucking cunts :P

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 15:06:49

    i think you're also leaving out that level 20 warrior beating me up, which was the only reason i was losing a lot of hp

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    03 November 2004 15:06:09

    heh, pwned is kae hiding in womens restroom and dying when she leaves? neat. and if me getting pwned means the victim died then hip hip hurray i hope i hear that analysis from you in all of my logs.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    03 November 2004 09:22:52

    In regards to the actual log...

    Kae pretty muched pwned Rasputin. Bargain price too.

    Certain members of the MDMS have, in the past given members of the Took clan a certain amount of disprespect. That's true. However, Celine's actions in this Log pretty much explains WHY (again, certain members) of the MDMS have a lot of disdain for the Tooks.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 08:55:27

    I guess I smoke pole. *shrug*

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    03 November 2004 08:22:32

    what does being cool have to do with you smoking pole bakal? go back to taking it from behind with your frat fags.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 08:11:36

    Hey, who said that first? Connor or someone. Anyways, nice attempt to be cool Demandred. *thumbs*

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    03 November 2004 07:54:56

    Bakal, remove cock from mouth then speak.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 07:47:34

    Demandred and witty don't go in the same sentence.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    03 November 2004 07:34:52

    omg. squibb is stealing my words!! I so would have said that! Instead now i'm forced to come up with something wittier.

    If trempk really is fucking elephants, i dont think the comments made in his direction on this page would hurt anywhere near as much as that would. And Koz, stay the hell away from my bathroom window.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    02 November 2004 19:23:32

    I doubt Trempk is 6 foot tall Koz.

    *winks at Camillus*

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    02 November 2004 19:18:15

    And the ZING goes to Squibb.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    02 November 2004 19:09:57


  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    02 November 2004 18:22:22

    I know a lot of 6 foot dicks.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 November 2004 18:20:41

    Thats what I meant, that I had just voted. And hope that we as a country collectively fuck him in the ass with a 6ft elephant cock.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 November 2004 18:19:10

    I'm sure you'd share a dick with him though, you fucking tool.

  • Author
    Nogoth [legacy]
    02 November 2004 18:18:50

    Trempk, Most people opt to vote, rather than use animal genitalia in lurid, un-natural acts.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    02 November 2004 17:33:37

    Sorry Trempk, I doubt Bush and you share the same pleasures.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 November 2004 16:44:08

    just did my part

    fuck George W right up the ass with a 6ft elephant dick

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    02 November 2004 16:28:48

    if you didn't know, sarcasm doesn't come across in text.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    02 November 2004 16:25:38

    Don't call me a fucking moron! It hurts my feelings:( Besides, if you couldn't tell that I was joking, I don't think you're in a position to call anyone a moron:P

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    02 November 2004 16:23:30

    justifying a general case on one specific case. fucking moron :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    02 November 2004 16:12:58

    To back up my Hobbit RP claim, I pose this intruiging question: Did Bilbo ever kill Frodo? The answer is no. Therefore no Hobbit can ever attack another Hobbit in this game without a massive breach of RP standards.

    Case closed.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 November 2004 15:02:19

    Anyone who doesn't know that Rasputin rocks is a philistine and should have their eyes summarily put out.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    02 November 2004 12:50:36

    Kae rocks in this log, while Rasputin comes across as that kid from www.pwned.nl, Kae makes her way through this log with a sense of fun and adventure:)

    BTW, in the case of Hobbits, it IS almost universaly true that they are all allies and wouldn't be attacking each other:P Save a few bad apples that have gone over to Sharkey's side.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    02 November 2004 12:45:15

    What's fugly?

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 November 2004 07:45:56

    Is she really fugly?

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    02 November 2004 07:14:19

    Damn i'm hot in other people logs.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    01 November 2004 22:55:49

    She owned you.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    01 November 2004 22:13:29

    HP:145 EP:43> The next time you see 'poqer', you will do: 'hunt power'. Typing 101 is required here!:P

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:36:40

    Hit her again! Hit her again!

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:24:04


  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:23:57

    omg, rasputin is so cool *worship rasputin*

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:03:02

    Either way, you're queer :))))))))))))

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:01:09

    That didn't make much sense so I'll try again. Saying two people of the same race makes them allies is trash :P

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    01 November 2004 20:00:52

    It's equally bad RP for Kae and her MDMS friends to constantly make snide and rude comments about the Tooks.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:59:24

    Heh, thats like saying all dunedains are peaceful with each other and every other race. Which is complete garbage in essence.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:54:40

    The funniest part of this log is that Kae Bracegirdle got attacked by Celine Took.

    Since when are the Tooks and Bracegirdles at war? I think that's really bad RP by Celine. She should have helped out her fellow shireling, not helped the assassin.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:54:23

    Let me guess then, many ainu friends, or at least one with some power? If so then I don't like their subjective distribution of punishments.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:40:23

    Btw, Kae is a skilled player and has been around for over 7 years, I don't agree with you calling her a noob.

  • Author
    Rasputin [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:33:47

    I killed the noob for a just cause!

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    01 November 2004 19:03:45

    'omg,u noob killer,u suck'