Noiran (2)

Posted by
Natraon [legacy]
02 November 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Read below.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 November 2004 14:17:24

    Yes they are.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 November 2004 00:59:45

    As if all christians are such great people anyway

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    05 November 2004 16:43:20

    No actually Dookie tried to make Beornings a very respectable guild. And i think he succeded at the end. But then again Dookie did not go out and look for a war, he stuck to RP and only killed people who were a threat to his guild and to his members. I fought alot his side many times. On the note of Noiran claim jumping, i don't know how many years i have been playing, but i have never known him to claim jump anyone.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    05 November 2004 15:43:22

    Right Krimpatul, I'm sure you had RP in mind when you let all those powerplayers in before the war, eh? Stick to being a newbie guild, that's what ya'll would be best at.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    05 November 2004 13:01:50

    Anyone that can honestly say they have seen me claimjump someone other then BKD, VC, Amruin, Galadhrim, and an assortment of various unguilded players? I think not! I'm clean, I tell ya! Clean!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2004 11:31:27

    I thought what Krimp said was funny.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    05 November 2004 07:56:30

    Oh my, well Noiran it was not like you are saying, i can see several lies that you implement in there. And Trempk, in new editing of guild rooms we plan to code NPC who will baptise all members and make newborn christians from them, happy now? And yes, Frippi.. how to say this, from always i thought that you are born to be GM, so come apply and i'll make you GM in no time. From always I recognise great leader with feeling of organisation and handling with RP in you. You rock!

    I dont know why even i'm commenting this, but oh well i'm with my morning coffee and too lazy to play probably..

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    05 November 2004 03:37:48

    If they get a capable GM.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2004 03:34:26

    Beornings have never been close to being a respectable guild, imo, and i doubt they ever will unless they do a big member purge

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    05 November 2004 03:22:52

    Beornings suck.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    04 November 2004 13:43:42

    If you had listen to what the person said, I didnt do anything, that person did all the work. You just tried to screw me over so you could feel better about yourself....

    Step outside into the real world, and enjoy it, I have

  • Author
    Noiran [legacy]
    04 November 2004 13:35:06

    Fdl Apeture, aww. funny how you hate me cause i didn't care to forgive you after you backstabbed me.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    04 November 2004 13:29:01

    This was amazing, keep it up!

    Noiran, You deserve everything that you get you heartless man

  • Author
    Noiran [legacy]
    04 November 2004 13:22:29

    Well Azbakhar, Beornings are even claimjumping BKD from what ive heard. As for how all this came around. 2 months ago i had claim on SS, in comes Ostvel Natraon jump my claim. i tell them that its my claim and to leave. Natraon being himself ignores that while Ostvel made up a story how he was there at reboot but left. So i send some tells to Krimpatul, there Guildmaster. Not suprisingly krimpatul does not respond to any of my 8 or so tells about how his members were jumping my claim. So i proceed as anyone would, i tried to get SS eventhough they were there. Natraon starts to threaten me about how im looting them.... I never have listend to Natraon and never will.

    So i keep messing the quest up for them until they leave the scene. Later Rotterdam came and messed it up and im not sure who got the actuall sword anymore. I have other reasons not to play Noiran and well when i started playing him again i work some orcs outside erebor to get more moral. I had no idea that Beornings had hitlisted me for trying to get what was rightfully mine. Anyone that can honestly say they have seen me claimjump someone other then Rendor?.

    So i was unequiped and unaware that Beornings were so low to actually believe that i claimjumped/claimlooted whatever Natraon made up.

    For being 3 manned without contract lowering there fines, no big loss.

    I then ask krimpatul what the hell that was for and he says i was on the hitlist for corpselooting.... so i tell krimpatul he is a lameass for ignoring my tells that reboot this so called 'looting' occured. I get the, oh i must have been afk. (he was aging seconds at the time.)

    Well most of us have seen all of this go down before, Guild gets alot of members and alot of activity.....leads to the guild forcing there superiority on the mud...look at us we are uber.. time passes and the guild starts getting all the shit thrown back at them. Natraon its fun to see that at least one guild in Arda let you into there ranks.

    Oh almost forgot, as i called krimpatul and his guild names i was hitlisted again, then i was offerd that they would ignore that matter if i apologized. Funny stuff there, apologizing for being accused of corpselooting and then getting double tapped for it.

    Watch the defensive comments after this one, fun reading for sure.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    04 November 2004 05:18:52

    Speaking of old news, it's Azbakhar!

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    03 November 2004 23:12:42

    I'll bet you that Beornings probably jumped Noiran, being he is a previous member of BkD, they have done the same thing before. But lets not bring up old news.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    03 November 2004 19:25:24

    And if I'm ever stupid enough to put myself in a position to get double-tapped. Then, by all means, proceed.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    03 November 2004 19:25:00

    Given the changes to PK deaths, I don't think double-taps are all too terrible.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 November 2004 18:44:38

    Double taps aren't lame.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    03 November 2004 15:42:28

    Wonder why I can't comment on the next log.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 November 2004 13:27:54

    *clap* Good job guys, really, you turn an otherwise respectable kill into another bullshit doubletap.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    03 November 2004 10:07:52

    Bad double tapping. :(

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    03 November 2004 04:43:51

    Yeah i'm with frippi, i dont like him, never have liked him, but double taps are lame. But i'm not really surprised beornings did it.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    02 November 2004 23:26:01

    Double taps are lame, but I can't say I like him/alts. So, good logs!

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    02 November 2004 22:21:24

    Good stuff!