Demandred dies :( :)))

Posted by
Alkath [legacy]
14 November 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Two-manned! Great fun, at least for me and Deornoth!


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    19 November 2004 16:02:13

    MELS and Icey was in the log, Duncan ;)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    19 November 2004 15:59:45

    or icey you know:P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    19 November 2004 15:59:24

    Good fight, can't read all comments, I'm at work:P

    Er, SS sux for PKs, doesn't it.

    *pets Pounder*

    For PKs - use MELS (haven't tried it with the new change though) or whippie

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    19 November 2004 01:44:30

    stfhu frippi, i mean, darn i stink at spelling

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    19 November 2004 01:43:00

    stfhu fripp, that is

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    19 November 2004 01:42:44


  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    19 November 2004 00:00:31

    Can we stop commenting on this log now please?

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    18 November 2004 22:26:23

    You would not dare to disagree with the Z-Mysta!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 November 2004 22:02:01

    *misses Bakal*

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 November 2004 22:00:00

    and Rand for that matter ;) Both are stubborn, can't believe they stopped!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 November 2004 21:59:43

    Oh, and DID someone ban Demandred? :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 November 2004 21:58:03

    I would disagree with Zicex anytime.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    18 November 2004 17:24:17

    Hmm... it's just human instincts I guess, bu you can't disagree with us, right?

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    18 November 2004 15:15:02

    Oh and btw, evertime i make a commetn, why does someone always have to say ' you are such a Tool' i mean really i know i am.. lok at my name :P

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    18 November 2004 14:53:22

    Or, rather, a whole bunch of people contributed to it. :P

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    18 November 2004 14:31:14

    No, Monet brought it there. Yay her.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    18 November 2004 14:20:57

    so.. this means that it is now the most commented!

    Yay me

  • Author
    Monet [legacy]
    18 November 2004 00:30:41

    Say it isn't so? :p

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    18 November 2004 00:07:27

    You know, 2 more comments and this will go into most commented too!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 November 2004 16:48:18

    The only reason, Elariel you haven't improved guild relations with the Beornings is because they kill everything that isn't nailed down, including your King for his sword, and aren't likely to stop doing that for some poxy treaty;)

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 November 2004 15:29:49

    You're such a tool. HAHAHAHAHA.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    17 November 2004 15:05:40

    Well after reading through all these posts.. all 130 of them i can honestly say .. what was all this about again.

    Guys and girls, and well Devinius, you gotta get some sunlight or something cos you turned a good log into something that nobody will remember cos you all flamed it to hell, well some of you, As Pounder said in like comment 12, it was a great fight and anyone could have left, but well it's all been said and done, Demandred died, VC got bragging rights, and we will all be here tommorow to see more of this.

    Demamndred is a good enough player to relevel and get his own back.

    BTW being in a guild means that you have friends to help you bang others, why else would you do it, it makes a pk a hell of a lot easier and gives us something to read

    Thanks for listening, can't wait till i am on these pages again as a ghost

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    17 November 2004 13:57:12

    The only reason we haven't improved guild relations with the Beornings is becase BeoAmruCirKoda doesn't sound as cool as AmruCirKoda (or whatever it was that Direkien used to call us) :D

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 November 2004 11:43:13

    'We didn't start the fire! It's was always burning since the world's been turning, we didn't start the fire!'...Eh?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 November 2004 03:14:36

    Did not, you are such a fool, Frippi.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    17 November 2004 00:26:41

    I can speak my mind on the beornings in one way here and treat them completely different in character on the mud. Myself and most of my guild have always wanted to improve relations with them in the game, but that ball has always been in their hands. Its not my fault if more than once, they've not only dropped it, but threw it out the window. Besides, I have very little to do with in game relations between our two guilds, so nothing that I say here should matter in the end result.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 23:48:01

    You suck Alkath. I had more gold than you.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 November 2004 23:47:03

    A shame the best log ever posted, logged by the best player ever, has it's comments section spammed with flame :(

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    16 November 2004 22:40:54

    There are no 'high and mighty morals' and 'idiots'. There are people you like and people you dislike. That's the only truth, but I guess neither Pounder nor Lomar are smart enough to understand it.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    16 November 2004 22:27:15

    Its a good thing all the high and mighty morals all reside in one guild and all the idiots reside in another one. It really makes it much easier to appreciate and like almost all the other moral guilds.(from an immoral standpoint)

    Which guild is the cool one and which one is the lame one :P

    And Rhoads, my dick is bigger then yours :P

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 22:15:43

    I have yet to see a guild that is happy-go-lucky and doesn't use at least a slight insult when a guildmember makes a mistake, but thats besides the point. this was talking about relations between two people who aren't apart of the same guild. devinius, you failed to address what the topic was about so as much as i agree with your comment on certain aspects of it, it was fairly irrelevent to what was being said. pounder is cool, marsellus is cooler, and devinius is as fabulous as big gay al on south park.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    16 November 2004 22:14:35

    Some problems arouse me as well.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 21:05:51

    He's very swish indeed.

  • Author
    Monet [legacy]
    16 November 2004 21:01:23

    Devinius is definitely fabulous! I wish I was Demandred and could get some Devinius lovin! *sighs*

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 20:48:30

    This comment will be the 118th.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 20:47:07

    Okay that's more than one thing - how many comments is this? Does someone want to count for me I can't seem to load that column in this fucked up browser.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 20:46:32

    Well I think this page needs another Devinius comment - but I'll try and give Rico a hint - this is not the real world. Sure our characters on Towers are controlled by real world people; but let's face it. The only things that seem to transfer onto Towers from the real world are bad attitudes, uber-ego's, and the *points below* tendency to resolve differences of opinion using personal attacks.

    Sure there are 'some' other characteristics, but they don't apply to this point because they are positive/good, by and large, that only seem to be demonstrated by moral players. Although I daresay evils have their own sense of 'good' 'honor' 'loyalty' - a veritable contradiction of what evil should be about imho, but meh, what can you do.

    Anyhooo what the hell was I babbling about? Oh Rico, right. Your sentiments are all well and good, but in the Towers environment, you don't bad mouth guildmates - and when they act like a retard you kick them out or teach them better ways. At least that's been my experience among the more civilized/moral and even a couple of evil guilds. YES I am suggesting there are uncivilised guilds in Arda.

    At the end of the day the only thing that is immutably irrefutable is that Demandred is a stud; Jerf is studlier; Rimsilval were better than Durmanhoth; oh and did I mention I am fabulous? Ok.

    Well I'm off to chew on my Dunlending. *CIAO*

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    16 November 2004 20:43:22

    I'm here to spread love.

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:42:36

    not being civil doesn't inherently mean you are enemies. so yes, you can be allies and insult each other.

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:40:30

    still ally is just a stronger friend then neighbor. so from rand's point of view they should not insult each other even more, but my point is still refuting that because they do. being allies does not make you friends or civil to each other :P

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:40:21

    What I meant is that if anyone else said that I'd want to pk him and their guild. But they are neighbors, therefore I can't do that. And the problem arouses.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:30:32

    Both USA and France are members of NATO (from the NATO homepage: 'NATO is an alliance of 26 countries from North America and Europe blah blah blah') which makes them allies.

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:29:41


  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:29:07

    He didn't mean it literally moron, he meant it politically. Like Rand did. Besides, the Atlantic is smaller than the Pacific.

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:27:37

    neighbor's in the sense of political allies. just like he said beornings are neighbors of amruins. he was using it as a political term, not as hey you're my next door neighbor. would be cool if you could figure out a better way of refuting my points by not changing the meaning of the words i use. you super british guy, you.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:24:56

    I shot a bb gun at my neighbor once. He wasn't too pleased when it missed him and hit the cat. :(

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:24:35

    How the hell are French neighbours of USA?

    Its the other side of the Atlantic man....japan is closer to USA than France.


  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 19:19:17

    Uhh, if you stand back and look at what you're saying rand, you're wrong. I'm republican and that doesn't mean its wrong of me to talk bad about a republican thats retarded. I shouldn't have to defend him or not be able to give my opinion about him because he is affiliated with republicans. That might be a bad example but the point still applies. You should be able to give your opinion of a person or group and doing so shouldn't be treated as heracy or contempt, even if the said group is supposed to be your ally or neighbor. Ooh ooh, good example. The French are american's neighbor, definately not ally, and we both think each other are pieces of shit :P

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    16 November 2004 18:53:53

    I don't think I'll have enough time to reply on all the flames against me. But I'll answer to the most imortant points.

    First of all, Demandred hasn't done anything spectacular at all, except for joining the so-called Uber DH guild, which isn't spectacular at all. Secondly, the meaning of the 'lick sb's boots' and respectively 'one's ass' is when you're extremely obedient to someone in order to gain an advantage. This means that you 'kiss sb's ass' in order to get something out of it. When you do that usually you say postitively exaggarated words about the person and kind of treat him like a god. This is what ass licking is, and it's different from cherishing somebody. Also, Pounder is a hypocrit and if it depended on me I would ignore his comments. And Trempk is a flamer who, in my opinion, should stop talking to his Neighbors as if they are his enemies. I don't care whether he wants to talk OOC or whatever, this simply isn't acceptable, as Krimpatul pointed out.

    Finally, I think this comment section has finally deserved it's place in my ignore list. I just hope I will be able to stop myself from reading it.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    16 November 2004 18:31:38

    Having spent my dinner break reading your comments (totally worth it), I have one thing to say.

    FDL@Rolf, your comment rules. :)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    16 November 2004 18:27:40

    I lick Rolf.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    16 November 2004 18:08:20

    I have 3 alts on the mud atm...1 is playable...but i do not play anymore, not obsessively anyway.

    2 of those oare pretty obvious, for those who know and love/hate me....

    The other is Jehovah whom i started but got bored of quickly. Kill him if you see him and feel that urge to do so.

    Thanks for your thoughts over the last 4 years...whether they be love, hate, contempt or whatever.


  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    16 November 2004 18:03:45

    100th comment!

  • Author
    Rico [legacy]
    16 November 2004 17:59:59

    what about people like frippi who go through blow-up dolls like jared and subway sandwiches.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 17:51:12

    I'm sure you have a new alt. It's like 95% true that if you comment on this log page, you mud :P

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    16 November 2004 17:19:06

    Do you see me, or any of my alts playing now Fripp? doll arrived 3 weeks ago and i haven't looked back since ;)

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 17:14:42

    Ok, Mr. I aged five days a week for 4 years.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    16 November 2004 17:07:05

    You people still quarrelling like old ladies?

    Sheesh guys! Get a life, or a blow-up doll or something...

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 November 2004 15:15:54

    I'll jump on the bandwagon and say that I love Elariel as well!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 November 2004 14:40:35

    I care too much about you Elariel <3

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    16 November 2004 13:54:34

    I agree with Elariel, seems we have big egoes in little brains here ;-))

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 13:47:35

    And if it WAS a competition, Durad would outmatch you on all of the below. :P

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    16 November 2004 13:47:00

    OOOO here's an idea - next log, I dare Demandred and Rand not to get into flame about who's more lame, who sucked who's dick, who's flossing with who's mom's cunthair, and who's drunk the most cum.

    It's not a competition boys, I'm sure you've both done plenty of all.


  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    16 November 2004 13:46:59

    Trempk is Trempk. At least you always know what you are getting from him and what to expect from him. You at least have to respect the fact that he speaks his mind regardless of what anyone says (including his own guildmates). I, personally, wouldn't have him any other way.

    I think too many people around here care too much about what others think of them and not enough about just being themselves.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 November 2004 13:05:34

    Damnit Rolf, that's my line! ...Which I stole from Debs..If she stole it from you, fine, otherwise I want my royalties!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 November 2004 12:50:13

    *gives Rolf a long, loving french kiss*

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    16 November 2004 11:01:22

    Rhoads..I dont need to say that, everyone knows i've got the biggest dick!

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    16 November 2004 10:53:54

    I don't see why you all keep saying Trempk is flaming, and in Krimpatul's case, how he's ruining the good name of Amruin.

    All he does is express his opinions, which he should be allowed to. What is flaming is the pointless arguing shit between Alkath, Demandred and Rand where we have 50 comments per log them just taking turns on calling eachother stupid, ass-kissers and what not.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 November 2004 10:50:39

    First of all, come on, 'I fucked your mom' lines are one thing but using the weakest one ever is another.

    About kissing ass, you could have just said that ruiniel was a decent player, but you complimented him at least 5 times in the same comment. And if you ask me, he was never as good a crazy berserker as Nemesis.

    Second, I rarely post here with any name but this one anymore. Partly because its supposed to be OOC, and partly because im too lazy to switch. Sure, a few times my actions in the game have reflected poorly on my guild. Then again, I'm sure I've gained a lot more respect for my guild than I've taken lost. Concerning the log page, if someone lets one person's actions here affect their opinion of a group that that person consists only roughly 1/50th of, well that person's kind of...i don't know what but its not cool. I don't really put much weight into any opinion concerning respect when it comes from a beorning, for now anyway(excluding 2 or 3 members). I can't say they've ever done anything as a guild to earn my respect.

    Maybe I should make an alt and join them, then I can come on here and do the same thing i do now as Trempk to try and boost 'good name'

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    16 November 2004 10:44:53

    Discussing on the internet is like paralympics, even if you win you're a retard.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 November 2004 10:38:53

    Making it short: 'My dick is bigger than yours'. That's all you people are trying to tell each other :P

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    16 November 2004 10:10:46

    I like Pounder.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 November 2004 09:48:40

    From rand:

    Someday you'll maybe learn the difference between licking asses and this. Or maybe not. *shrug*

    That is one of the most funny statements I have ever heard.:) Not to mention rand, NUMEROUS sources have indicated you have acquired settings 'incredibly' close to that (basically a copy with almost no modifications) of ruiniel's settings.

    Besides, rand, you aren't in this log. So clearly you are the immature person who doesn't know the difference between style and ass licking. Because mainly, Alkath had honorably left Demandred to spam himself, and you came in with no reason. And heh, Trempk isn't the only one ruining the reputation of the guild he is if he is doing such a thing in the first place.

    Its a good thing all the high and mighty morals all reside in one guild and all the idiots reside in another one. It really makes it much easier to appreciate and like almost all the other moral guilds.(from an immoral standpoint)

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    16 November 2004 09:28:56

    Date: 16. Nov, 2004, 9:15:17 By: Rand

    I even think that you showed me a new meaning of the word 'shit'.


    ps.Trempk, can you pls use some other alt when you insult? You are ruining good name of Amruin.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    16 November 2004 09:28:01

    I like Trempk and Monet.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    16 November 2004 09:15:17

    Trempk, you're wrong. Demandred is good at flaming. You're good too. At least for this kind of flaming. I'm trying to point out the truth, while you both are speaking things based on NOTHING. I even think that you showed me a new meaning of the word 'shit'. Also, Trempk, obviously if you like someone you lick their ass. Unfortunately, that's not the issue with me. All I did was pay tribute to Ruiniel. Someday you'll maybe learn the difference between licking asses and this. Or maybe not. *shrug*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 November 2004 07:17:32

    Ruiniel lost his style when he pretty much went from solo daredevil to common gangbanger. And funny how you said you never kissed anyone's ass and then kissed ruiniel's ass 3 comments later, rand :p Anyway, I'd bet you've got a hell of a lot to make up in that area to catch up to demandred. Aside from all that, you both suck major ass at flaming, so take Pounder's advice and let it go.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    16 November 2004 06:43:20

    I hate Demandred

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 November 2004 06:35:41

    I hate frippi :P

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    16 November 2004 06:23:20

    I hate you all.

  • Author
    Monet [legacy]
    16 November 2004 06:15:52

    I like Camillus for liking Demandred

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    16 November 2004 05:47:07

    I like Demandred for liking me.

  • Author
    Adaron [legacy]
    16 November 2004 04:47:57

    What the heck

    I thought I was the only one with the title of 'Raging Death Incarnate'


  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    16 November 2004 03:09:04

    I think everyone needs a big bowl of stfu. Hi people!

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    16 November 2004 02:32:40

    I like Camillus and Etrius

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    16 November 2004 01:24:02

    It was still retarded to attack him there. It's easy to break pretty much anyone at ZZ. I know, I've done it before! :):):)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 November 2004 22:03:00

    Storm Bow ended up in Galadhrim GH, so he lost his most precious one.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    15 November 2004 21:58:50

    Yeah. SS in VC armoury. scary


  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    15 November 2004 20:49:28

    Blah blah blah.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 November 2004 20:12:08

    Well, he was a good player but I'd consider a lot of players better than him including Rand.

    And as for Demandred, yea I would take the extra stat loss to keep good uniques out of the hands of my enemies as he did here.

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    15 November 2004 20:02:03

    No, his style was to attack people in perfect shape in the worst places and hope he got lucky.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:51:58

    Nah, Squibb, you remember shit. His style was to buy all vovs and flasks he can get his hands onto:P

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:44:32

    Ruiniel's style from what I remember was never leave GH without 2 full flasks and a VoV

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:39:06

    Indeed, but I luv u more, Etrius...

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:31:25

    Don't you just love the drama of it all.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:29:39

    Ahahah, funny is that I wrote the comment after reading only the first sentence of Pounder then read the rest and the last one and haha:)

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:29:07

    I like how at one point he's in the centre of the flaming and then he tries to act a totally impartial guy who is 'cool' and 'wise' and acts like the most mature one online.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 18:28:22

    I think Pounder should be banned too, after all he started this shit:)

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    15 November 2004 17:03:04


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 November 2004 16:18:26

    Someone please revoke Rand and Demandred's commenting ability for a few days please? This was a great log, I talked with all in the log and we had a good time talking about wtf we were all thinking about being stuck in a small smelly cold burrow with artic air outside. And me and demandred on the fly trying to learn the art of the drunken master!


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    15 November 2004 15:49:28

    Demandred... isn't good...

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 12:00:32

    Took you 5 comments to reply back to my 1 sentance, i just found that really funny. If it wasnt true you wouldnt need to defend yourself that much would you?

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:45:09

    Ruiniel... he's a very cool guy, an excellent player. I don't think anyone can say that they are 'better' than him. He has his own style, which is unequalled. Of course, nowadays with all these changes it will be kind of hard for him to play but he stays in my memory as one of the best:)

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:34:29

    I'm tired of shit. *vomits*

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:32:15

    And just for the record, I've written ALL my settings alone. And I mean ALL. Pounder,Demandred and whoever supports that theory can go to hell.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:30:18

    YEA, like I ever tried to lick anyone's ass, right Demandred? If you are too blind to see the truth let me tell you that you're the one who can't play without friends(or wait, can you play good at all?). I've never EVER tried to lick anyone's shoes, unlike you. Or wait, you're not trying, you're doing it. Did your self-confidence boost up because of the gangbangs you've made? Or because of the fact that you are in the ?ber DH guild? Come on, it's high time you shut your mouth up.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:27:22

    please:{ someone make him shut up, i can't stand his stupidity...

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:27:09

    kid? who are you calling kid punk. your still sucking ruiniels cock trying to be as good as him, pity even with his client your nothing but a hack wannabe.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:25:55

    you're just one arrogant show-off kid, go away

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:23:02

    soloed me? when? i don't remember, it's possible

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    15 November 2004 10:22:29

    Epic! *clap*

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 09:54:27

    Well considering i've solo'd your alts more times than i can count on 1 hand, i'd say i'm doing alot better than you are my cumguzzling friend.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 09:11:48

    I think when I dealt 10rounds on you when you were near death and didn't kill you was pretty close, so you can't really say anything about it.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 November 2004 09:10:12

    Oh, Demandred, you 'think' you are uber, and that wasn't just in this log but always. That's what I meant, if you didn't GRASP the meaning of it. Go away.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 November 2004 08:42:05

    Hi, Vallejo.

    Hi, Morgar.

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    15 November 2004 05:04:30

    Don't forget to floss, Demandred. =p

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 03:51:27

    God i love that word.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 03:51:17

    Dont make me kick your ass morgar. Your a cunthair away from hillbilly heaven my friend.

  • Author
    Morgar [legacy]
    15 November 2004 03:34:05

    Vallejo is to the mud what a punch in the stomach is to a pregnant woman.

    And since when did Demandred have a sense of humor? I see he put my gold to good use though.

    Hi folks.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    15 November 2004 02:34:43

    This log sucks, not for any particular reason, it just does. Hi by the way.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 02:31:26

    Really Rand, you should be more upset with Alkath, he's got closer than you ever have.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    15 November 2004 02:00:02

    Date: 14. Nov, 2004, 18:02:24 By: Rand

    Good show, once again shows that Demandred is not as uber as he thinks he is

    You really are a sour fuck, how the fuck was i meant to be uber when i was drunk you anal retentive needle dick. Say hi to your mom for me.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    15 November 2004 00:12:46

    Come on boys, grow up would you. Pounder you said it old bean.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    14 November 2004 21:58:43

    I find Hirgail's first comment pretty ammusing...

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    14 November 2004 21:07:57

    Oh, and good log!

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    14 November 2004 21:07:18

    Btw Pounder YOU HAVE MELS attack everyone in the room. :) I just think the outcome would have been different if Pounder attacked both, i know you guys were drunk but you guys had so much healing on both sides i think you would have been able to turn the deaths around. Anyways, not saying anything bad i know you guys were focusing on Deornoth *shrug shrug*

  • Author
    Frippi [legacy]
    14 November 2004 20:12:16

    Rand, if you are indeed bored, do us the favor and go away. Forever. Thanks :)

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    14 November 2004 20:09:09

    What's the score so far in this war?

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    14 November 2004 19:55:49

    You wish. : )

    After falling down the peak and the first few rounds of combat I was down at around 50hp, and Pounder and Demandred kind of kept me there all the time. Triggered off pretty quickly, I'd rather be killed in combat than suicide. ; )

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    14 November 2004 19:48:02 guys didn't even have that jump down the mountain triggered? What the hell were you thinking? 'Hmm, maybe if we go attack them, they'll stay in the room and fight until someone dies!' You're lucky that's what did happen. Though maybe Deornoth had it and just turned it off because he was low...but I'm hoping he wasn't that smart. :)

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    14 November 2004 18:23:09

    Theres a war and its midterms for me? :'(

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    14 November 2004 18:06:50

    I'm bored of this shit, why am I reading the this section anyway?!!

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    14 November 2004 18:06:04

    Pounder's now trying to act the wise guy, not the infant one. Just trying. Keep trying. Someday the effort might prove worth it.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    14 November 2004 18:03:30

    'Would rather kill myself and get my eq back than let them take my gear and my pride' Right, your pride == shit. You said that only because that's what you did in this log. Go away.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    14 November 2004 18:02:24

    Good show, once again shows that Demandred is not as uber as he thinks he is

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:59:41

    Would've been cool if everyone stood and fought until only one was left. I would most likely have fallen after Demandred, and then Alkath and Pounder would've fought a close one, probably with Alkath on the winning end. That would've made an awesome log, and an awesome experience. : )

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:28:43

    Nurse! We've got a flatliner! No seriously, i dont care, Alkath your a top bloke, i'm good friends with on another mud. If you feel the need to claim the kill, go for it. I did everything i could to put up a good fight, pounder told me to stay so i thought 'why not stick out till the end we might get lucky and nail one of them'. I could have left when they entered, i could have reported and laughed my ass of, instead i stuck around and i think it was worth it, sure i died but hey, deornoth almost died aswell. Probably not a smart move in the end, but we didnt realise we were so drunk, if we were sober like we thought the fight would have been alot more interesting. Nice log.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:19:21

    Hi Sarys<3 Wise words Pounder..problem is that for SOME people...not mentioning any names...*looks accusingly at Alkath and Demandred* ...half of the reason they seem to do anything on the mud is for bragging/flaming rights on the logs page:P Which if they enjoy it, good for them and funny for us, for so long as we're smart enough not to take a word they say seriously:P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:14:43

    Everyone in VC and DH and those after VC know the risks and that it is now a war. There aren't any secrets so please everyone whoever dies or whatnot, that side please dont' whine. Alkath and deornoth took a risk, it paid off. Thats that. Alkath took a risk earlier and that didn't pay off. Please quit being retards and starting this stupid ass shit every log. I think the last 3 logs are really fun logs in their own rights. None of the people are newbies, and a mistake in each of the cases ended a life. So what? Its going to be a good war.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:14:23

    Hey Hirgail :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:14:01

    Actually, it was even better than a 'clean' kill: you lost more! Save your equipment, of course, so perhaps it was worth the sacrifice.

    Good log.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:13:39

    One of these days, you guys will be sitting in a retirement home for mudders talking about old times, and you'll bring this up and laugh. Then Demandred will say 'But still...technically you didn't get me' to which Alkath will reply 'STFU, I did so!' Then Demandred will pull the plug on Alkath's life support system.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:11:59

    Both of you shut the fuck up

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:11:49

    I knew what i was doing idiot, i left with 1hp, how the hell was i going to get lucky with 1hp? :P Whatever, VC can claim the kill, but it wasnt a clean kill.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:11:43

    I take full blame for demandreds' death. I should have just told him leave. :( OR we should have stayed once we decided on that. Oh well what can you do.


  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:10:22

    Still sucking solon dick thallan?

  • Author
    Thallan [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:09:30

    Robbed them of putting you away dem? Looks like you tried to run and hoped to get lucky and not die and did, excuses excuses???

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:06:02

    It was good timing, i knew it was coming, didnt realise how drunk we were, could have jumped easily and got away, but i hung round till the end to rob them of putting me out of my misery. Would rather kill myself and get my eq back than let them take my gear and my pride.

    HP:1 EP:224 Before a gaping crevasse(n)

    HP:1 EP:224 You jump into the crevasse and land in a heap at its bottom! That hurt!

    A snowy trail atop Zirak-zigil(se)

    HP:-46 EP:220 A dangerous precipice atop Zirak-zigil(nw)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:03:24

    Oh this is definately a good war:)

    Good luck to all who are in it;P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:03:17

    haha, well, thanks for staying, I had fun, Deornoth was at 60hp when Demandred jumped down.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:02:18

    Demandred shut up:)

    Good set up. We shoudl have left but i swear we were less drunk LOL:)


  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 November 2004 16:00:37

    Funny I dont see You killed Demandred.