Galuf doing some comm stuff

Posted by
Zoso [legacy]
20 November 2004 00:00:00

Lost his buffer so I'm posting for him. It sucks though :)

<HP:230 EP:213> ^ Galuf: You find yourself in a barren hall. There are exits leading ahead
     and to the side. On the floor, a spider skitters frantically away. To
     go ahead, turn to page 53. To go right, turn to page 71
^ your adventure sucks galuf. spiders are scary.
^ Zoso: your adventure sucks galuf. spiders are scary.
<HP:230 EP:211> ^ Adelinnor: page 71
^ Galuf: c
^ Arkasas: go right
^ C?
^ Zoso: C?
<HP:230 EP:208> ^ Well it's my life and I do what I want
^ Zoso: Well it's my life and I do what I want
<HP:230 EP:203> ^: chooses B and C
^ Zoso chooses B and C
<HP:230 EP:199> ^ Galuf: The tunnel narrows as you decend deeper into darkness. With a
     sudden cold flush, you realize you've stepped futher below ground and
     water has been to assail your ankles. To continue onwards, turn to
     page 33. To fall back, turn to page 92
^ Adelinnor: page 33
^ Arkasas: 33
^ Galuf: Suddenly, you are struck by the sudden image of falling water.
     With a crash, you sink down into another chamber, the river above you
     falling in streams down your rapidly-cooling body.
^ Galuf: As death's grip begins to wrap around you, you can think of only
     two options: to crawl frantically for the tunnel above page 14$04, or
     to dig yourself an alcove to wait it out... page 47
^ Galuf: beh, this is harder than it looks
^ Galuf goes back to Star Trek
^ Adelinnor: page 47
^ Chord: night
^ Galuf: Wrapping yourself in handfulls of mud, you wait out the torrent
     of falling water until it ceases, at least breaking free into a cool
     coccon of brown mirk. You think you could probablly tunnel forward
     page 17 or even deeper into the cavern page 59
^ Toruh: deeper
^ Adelinnor: page 17
^ Arkasas: deeper
^ Galuf: ooh, a tie
^ Toruh: we're diggin for gold here
^ Arkasas: damn right
^ Orgald: then go get it!
^ Caber: Hahaha, awesome.
^ Toruh: soon as he turns the damn page, we will
^ Adelinnor: Ok but you guys can go deeper and die then :P
^ Caber: 17! 17!
^ Adelinnor: Thank you Caber
^ Toruh: your gonna die anyway, might as well happen now
^ Orgald: you have to take risks to l
^ Arkasas: lol
^ Adelinnor: I did one of these books before.  I never ever lived past the
     third choice.
^ Orgald: i got one it is about a plant called morton industries.....
^ Adelinnor: You have my stapler.
^ Galuf: The muddy tunnel at last breaks free into the solid rock of the
     water bed. You search for a fissure and dive into it, ended up admist
     a ruddy stream of water underneath the earth.
^ Galuf: Although the other side looks promising as a means of escape,
     you think riding the rapids would be surer way to freedom.
^ Arkasas: ride the rapids
^ Caber: Oooh no. We're not trusting what this book tells us our instincts
^ Orgald: ride the rapids
^ Adelinnor: other side.
^ Toruh: yeah rapids are prbly death, i want the other side
^ Galuf: omg, caber r teh cheat! :)
^ Orgald WHistles solftly
^ Orgald: oops
^ Caber: "While you think the rapids will probably lead you to fame,
     fortune, and not death, there's also some other exit."
^ Orgald: u hate this mud client
^ Arkasas: I thought it just sounded cool
^ Caber: "As you begin to swim through the rapids, you hit your head and
     die! Oh, all the fame and fortune you'll miss out on! Oh well... THE
^ Orgald: this is just a game!
^ Orgald: yeah right
^ Arkasas: As you begin to swim through the rapids, you realize that your
     just sitting at your computer thinking weird stuff... You feel like
     an idiot.
^ Adelinnor: You sure do, don't you. :P
^ Arkasas: definately
^ Caber: As the realization dawns on you that your name is one letter off
     "Arkansas," you begin to pity anyone who is associated with you. THE
^ Arkasas winces
^ Galuf: You cross quickly to the other side, just as the adventurer
     behind you, a halfling by the name of Mithgil, bounces hard to a most
     painful death.
^ Galuf: WrenchWing your eyes away from the sight, you search the walls of
     the tunnel, looking for any way leading up. Both  a slender crack 
     and  a large depression look promising
^ Arkasas: Large depression
^ Adelinnor: Crack
^ Arkasas: move move move
^ Caber: The depression sounds...depressing. Let's do it!
^ Orgald: too deep
^ Orgald: you might die......
^ Caber: Wait, is there prozac in your inventory?
^ Adelinnor: No.
^ Adelinnor: The crack
^ Arkasas: Im off, g'night
^ Orgald: yes
^ Caber: I used to have a whole bunch of Mario Bros. choose your own
     adventure books.
^ Caber: Talk about awesome.
^ Arkasas: someone log the rest of the story for me   ;)
^ Adelinnor: I miss my Legend of Zelda books :(
^ Pallasch: I hate books like that. Took me forever to find the good
^ Caber: As you reach over to click the "log" button on your client, you
     have a stoke and die. Guess helping Arkasas was a bad idea after all!
     THE END.
^ Caber: Uhm, stroke. The word was stroke.
^ Galuf: You push hard against the muddy depression, and at last it gives
     way, leading towards a sloping ramp. Eagerly, you scale the dirty
     mound, heart arching deeply for the brightness of sun.
^ Galuf: Unfortunately, your ascent is stopped by a rocky cavern with two,
     inperceptible exits. To the north and To the south
^ Orgald: go east!
^ Caber: What retard led us into this underground cave, anyway?
^ Adelinnor: Bah, go north you dolt.
^ Arkasas: suicide, quickly!
^ Galuf: I forget now
^ Toby: NORTH
^ Caber: I logged on in the middle of it, it isn't my fault.
^ Arkasas: comm legend caber and log off
^ Caber: No way! SOUTHERN PRIDE!
^ Allantir: What the hell are we talking about?
^ Caber waves his rebel flag.
^ Toby: South isn't even an option!
^ Caber: Yes it is.
^ Caber: Iiiiin Dixieland where I was born!
^ Toby: Oh. I thought it said east. Wtf.
^ Adelinnor [longsword] Orc.
^ Arkasas: Go back through the depression
^ Caber: Early on a frosty morning, look away! Look away! Look away,
^ Orgald: hich way would that be?
^ Galuf: Boldly, you venture north, sure that freedom is at hand. It is
     after only a few paces that you hear horrible, wrenching sounds
     emanating from the orafice before you. It is a massive water-viper!
     Do you: attack with all your power or run like the coward you
^ Pallasch: HAHA RUN GALUF
^ Toby: ATTACK
^ Adelinnor: ATTACK TEAMS FFS.
^ Pallasch: RUN
^ Orgald: run like the coward you are
^ Caber: Wait, let's be smart about this.
^ Adelinnor [arrow] Water Viper.
^ Orgald: that thing will crush you!-----hehhehehehehe

<HP:230 EP:230> ^ Caber: I'm googling to find a water viper's weakness.
^ Adelinnor: Use thunder!
^ Orgald: vipers are the really big snakes......
^ Adelinnor: LIT 3!
^ Caber: Do we have any antivenom on us?
^ Adelinnor: No, I have a longsword and some arrows with a bow.  I shot
^ Adelinnor: IT SHOULD BE DEAD.
^ Galuf: You strike boldly at the snake, inflicting many fatal blows,
     Unfortunnately, the beast manages to wreak a good deal of damage to
     you before perishing, leaving you mortally wounded unless you can
     find aid.
^ Caber: We can't just turn our back on the snake, it'll see it as a sign
     of weakness.
^ Galuf: You doubt more effort would be useful. Do you wrap yourself in
     the snake's carcass and rest or  trudge forward like an idiot
^ Orgald: idiot
^ Caber: Good one, guys. Way to get us mortally wounded.
^ Caber: Hide in the snake's carcass.
^ Pallasch: Told you to run Galuf.
^ Galuf is so drunk right now
^ Orgald: trudge forward like an idiot---now i want you to die
^ Allantir: ...
^ Adelinnor: Wrap up in the snake skin.
^ Allantir: This is worse than Risk talk on the comm.
^ Caber: With WoW gone until Tuesday, I feel so empty.
^ Galuf: %HIG$Confused by the number of armchair adventurers shouting
     instructions, you collapse on the snake's dead body and wait for the
     blissful embrace of death
^ Adelinnor: Kill galuf!
^ Orgald SMACKS Galuf with the snake skin!
^ Pallasch: Your all ded:)
^ Adelinnor [arrow] Galuf.
^ Inigo: that was a long trivia
^ Caber: Risk on the comm was awesome.
^ Galuf: Miraculously, you find your dream not filled with the endless
     horror of death, but a warm, comforting feeling
^ Caber: Hey, let's play Risk.
^ Toby: SEE!
^ Caber: I need to redownload it.
^ Pallasch: Viva la EOTW!
^ Inigo: So, is that RoTS trailer worth watching with sound?
^ Caber: Where my other Risk homies at?
^ Galuf: Yes, the rest has rejuvenated you. The snake's innards have
     sealed your wounds and reviatalized your spirit. You feel the desire
     to go foreward. Do you Roar in trimph or Dig skyward?
<HP:230 EP:222> ^ Orgald: roar
<HP:230 EP:217> ^ Caber: Roar!
^ Adelinnor: Dig you tard.
^ Orgald: i want every wild animal to kill you!
^ Toby: Roar!

<HP:230 EP:221> ^ Caber: Fine. No Risk. Maybe I'll just go to bed to spite you all.
^ Pallasch: Wouldn't bother me one bit.
<HP:230 EP:221> legend caber
Caber Trickytrousers the dunlending Mastermind (Demonic) 
On for:  19m 14s                          Gender: male
Age: 50d 1h 47m 24s                       
Can be mailed: Caber@DolAmroth
Caber is a member of the Daen Hecil.
Info: . 
<HP:230 EP:222> ^ Adelinnor: I'd play risk, but well I cant stay up that late :(
^ Galuf: Letting loose your bestial instinct, you relinquish the entirety
     of your being into one audial burst which reverberates through the
     cavern, weakining the ceiling into one large pile of goo.
^ Adelinnor: I gotta get up friggin early tomorrow
^ Allantir: I'd play Risk, but well, I'm not a homo.
^ Galuf: Before letting the opporunity pass, you leap forward, grabbing
     the wet composte of the surrounding earth and pulling youself to
     blissful freedom, arms straining to their utmost in the effrot.
legend allantir
Allantir the dunedain Enchanter (Villainous) 
On for:  13m 1s                           Gender: male
Age: 5d 14h 5m 58s                        
Can be mailed: Allantir@Dale
Info: Maybe I should just play god and shoot you myself. 
<HP:230 EP:223> ^ Galuf:  After what seems like days of struggle, with your muscles nearly
     bleeding from the strenuous effort, you break free, victorious unto
     the bright summer day!$09$
^ Caber: 9/10 experts disagree with Allantir's previous statement.
^ Pallasch: 9/10 experts are gay.
^ and the tenth one? is too distracted from the bj?
^ Zoso: and the tenth one? is too distracted from the bj?
<HP:230 EP:221> ^ Allantir: 8/10 experts agree that most percentages are made up.
^ Namarik: good thing those are fractions then eh
^ Toby: 10/10 experts agree that 8/10 is a fraction, not a percentage.
Crusaderr has idled too long.
Crusaderr left the game.
^ Allantir: Gee, put me in my place.
^ Tavor: pwned.
^ Pallasch: Haha, geek.
^ Galuf: Before you stands Mathias, master of theme. An immortal who has
     sent you through such hell on a mere whim of his own. Enraged, you
     deicde there are only two possible recourses: kill him, or beg for
     forgiveness, then kill him
^ Toby: kill!
^ Caber: Beg for forgiveness? For what? :P
^ Caber: Just kill him, thanks.
^ Namarik: beg then kill just to confuse him
^ hump him
^ Zoso: hump him
<HP:230 EP:222> ^ Caber: Ooh, that would throw him a bit.
^ Caber: Can we pick how we kill him?
^ Caber: I vote for draw and quarter.
^ Toby: Is Beyond Good and Evil worth reading?
^ slash him with a big anime sword
^ Zoso: slash him with a big anime sword
<HP:230 EP:219> ^ Caber: Hey, maybe Graffiti totally has new clues!
^ of course it is, toby
^ Zoso: of course it is, toby
<HP:230 EP:215> ^ wait, i mean stfhu
^ Zoso: wait, i mean stfhu
<HP:230 EP:210> ^ Pallasch: OMG
^ Galuf:  Possesssions lost in the muddy trial, you lash out with only
     your fists, putting up a commendous front. Mathias laughs and casts
     you aside easily, looking towards Eru for permission to smite you.
     You hear a whisper in your ear. Do you listen, or ignore it?

<HP:230 EP:212> who a
                                  The Two Towers

Mathias steals Castamir's title. Mathias hates you.                              (Overlord)  

Total ainur: 1
Total users: 84
<HP:230 EP:212> ^ Allantir: Why not just nuke him?
^ for what?
^ Zoso: for what?
<HP:230 EP:208> ^ Pallasch: For stfhu
^ Caber: Listen to the whisper! Listen!
^ oh, we're not allowed to say that? 
^ Zoso: oh, we're not allowed to say that?
<HP:230 EP:204> ^ Pallasch: I got warned, then silenced, then silenced again.

<HP:230 EP:204> ^ yes,'re silly
^ Zoso: yes,'re silly
<HP:230 EP:200> ^ Pallasch: Am not :(
legend drogian
DEATH to... erm, um, hmm.  DEATH To Drogian!                  Oh, hmm, wait. 
Rank: Lord (male)                         
Age: Immortal                             
Info: Be ready. 
To do it right.
<HP:230 EP:201> ^ well anyway. you can stfhu too.
Elyaavie enters.
^ Zoso: well anyway. you can stfhu too.
<HP:230 EP:198> ^ Galuf: Unable to defeat the power of the Valar, you give your life force
     over to the voice, and wait for death. Fortunately for you, the Dark
     Lord Melkor had been watching over your trials, waiting for his
     chance to redeem those would whould be subject to commands not his
^ Caber: Kill him! Kill Melkor!
^ Galuf: Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body
     disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for
     conquest.40$Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body
     disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for
^ Caber: Reveal your true identity as an agent of Eru!
Your ability to speak has been revoked for 2 minutes of age.
[ Valacirca ] Elyaavie: night
Elyaavie left the game.
<HP:230 EP:204> ^ Someone: Alright, alright. Zoso has been silenced for the naughty
<HP:230 EP:205> ^ Pallasch: I didn't mean it :(

<HP:230 EP:206> ^ Galuf: Melkor rises up, his wish for the throne of Arda clear. Unable to
     combat him, the lesser Ainu step clear, making way for Manwe, King of
     the Valar.
<HP:230 EP:206> ^ Adelinnor: haha.  You're such a dork :P
<HP:230 EP:207> Pallasch tells you: Sorry :(
<HP:230 EP:207> ^ Pallasch: How long? :P
<HP:230 EP:209> ^ Galuf: You have the lordship ofcomm hist
 Arda in your hands, the command of years
     in the void to think for THIS MOMENT at your side. Manwe is but dust
     in the wind compared to your magnificence
<HP:230 EP:210> You can speak again.
comm hist
Last 20 comms are:
^ Allantir: Why not just nuke him?
^ Zoso: for what?
^ Pallasch: For stfhu
^ Caber: Listen to the whisper! Listen!
^ Zoso: oh, we're not allowed to say that?
^ Pallasch: I got warned, then silenced, then silenced again.
^ Zoso: yes,'re silly
^ Pallasch: Am not :(
^ Zoso: well anyway. you can stfhu too.
^ Galuf: Unable to defeat the power of the Valar, you give your life force over to the voice, and wait for death. Fortunately for you, the Dark Lord Melkor had been watching over your trials, waiting for his chance to redeem those would whould be subject to commands not his own.
^ Caber: Kill him! Kill Melkor!
^ Galuf: Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for conquest.40$Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for conquest.40$
^ Caber: Reveal your true identity as an agent of Eru!
^ Someone: Alright, alright. Zoso has been silenced for the naughty acronym.
^ Someone: Don't use it, yadda yadda.
^ Pallasch: I didn't mean it :(
^ Galuf: Melkor rises up, his wish for the throne of Arda clear. Unable to combat him, the lesser Ainu step clear, making way for Manwe, King of the Valar.
^ Adelinnor: haha.  You're such a dork :P
^ Pallasch: How long? :P
^ Galuf: You have the lordship of Arda in your hands, the command of years in the void to think for THIS MOMENT at your side. Manwe is but dust in the wind compared to your magnificence
<HP:230 EP:211> comm hist
Last 20 comms are:
^ Allantir: Why not just nuke him?
^ Zoso: for what?
^ Pallasch: For stfhu
^ Caber: Listen to the whisper! Listen!
^ Zoso: oh, we're not allowed to say that?
^ Pallasch: I got warned, then silenced, then silenced again.
^ Zoso: yes,'re silly
^ Pallasch: Am not :(
^ Zoso: well anyway. you can stfhu too.
^ Galuf: Unable to defeat the power of the Valar, you give your life force over to the voice, and wait for death. Fortunately for you, the Dark Lord Melkor had been watching over your trials, waiting for his chance to redeem those would whould be subject to commands not his own.
^ Caber: Kill him! Kill Melkor!
^ Galuf: Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for conquest.40$Your uniqueness runs away in a red blur as your body disintegrates, becoming part of the Dark Lord in his final bid for conquest.40$
^ Caber: Reveal your true identity as an agent of Eru!
^ Someone: Alright, alright. Zoso has been silenced for the naughty acronym.
^ Someone: Don't use it, yadda yadda.
^ Pallasch: I didn't mean it :(
^ Galuf: Melkor rises up, his wish for the throne of Arda clear. Unable to combat him, the lesser Ainu step clear, making way for Manwe, King of the Valar.
^ Adelinnor: haha.  You're such a dork :P
^ Pallasch: How long? :P
^ Galuf: You have the lordship of Arda in your hands, the command of years in the void to think for THIS MOMENT at your side. Manwe is but dust in the wind compared to your magnificence
<HP:230 EP:211> ^: ohnoes, naughty acronym!
^ Zoso ohnoes, naughty acronym!
<HP:230 EP:206> ^ Toby: Is anyone actually paying attention to Galuf at this point?

<HP:230 EP:208> Autosave.
^ Inigo: Why are the trivia questions so long?
^ Galuf: Shall you dispose of this enemy -- this TRAITOR to the plan of
     Eru for a peaceful Middle Earth -- in but a single thought$, or a
     majestic spectacle to make those in Arda *remember* the awful price
     of treason?
comm list
Tuned to the comm line are:
Adelinnor, Allantir, Avondred, Caber, Datura, Dervan, Galuf, Idle, Inigo,
Jee, Kalor, Lithalae, Mahurz, Mathias, Mikelos, Namarik, Nildnab, Orgald,
Pallasch, Piotyr, Pounder, Tavor, Thalus, Toby, Zoso
<HP:230 EP:210> ^ Orgald: i chose fart on eru
^ Pallasch: Somone turn him off.
^ you mean...what you really want to say is
^ Zoso: you mean...what you really want to say is
<HP:230 EP:207> ^ Pallasch: Sthu :P
^ 'Galuf, why don't you...'
^ Zoso: 'Galuf, why don't you...'
<HP:230 EP:202> ^ Galuf: geez, if you want me to stop, just say so
<HP:230 EP:198> ^ Galuf: I thought this was fun
^ Pallasch: Sthu is ok!
^ really?
^ Zoso: really?
<HP:230 EP:193> ^ Pallasch: Yeah.
^ Allantir: Yes, because it doesn't contain the almighty f letter.
^ Pallasch: F
^ Pallasch: It's worse when you capitalize.
^ Allantir: You should be careful Pallasch.
^ Pallasch: Crap.
^ Allantir: Azmodan got nuked for saying 'fu'
^ Zoso: EFF
<HP:230 EP:190> ^ Pallasch: FDL
^ Pallasch: Good.
legend azmodan
Azmodan was nuked at 15:24 11/19/04
Azmodan the eorling Wolf Spirit (Demonic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 32d 9h 56m 36s                       
Nuke Reason: Too many warnings, wheelspin.
<HP:230 EP:191> ^ Pallasch: Imean.
^ Allantir: What is this world coming to?
^ Pallasch: _DL
^ wow, azmodan nuked too? :)
^ Zoso: wow, azmodan nuked too? :)
<HP:230 EP:186> ^ Inigo: OMG
^ it's a pogrom
^ Zoso: it's a pogrom
<HP:230 EP:182> ^ Allantir: Watch out for the comm police.
^ Inigo: It was hale and hearty last night!
^ Inigo wails
<HP:230 EP:183> ^ Pallasch: I'm going to petition that the letter _ be banned.
^ Mahurz: No one say any naughty words...or bad things might happen >
^ you're all leaving for WoW anyway
^ Zoso: you're all leaving for WoW anyway
<HP:230 EP:179> ^ Galuf: The populace of Arda is deterred - your victory accomplished.
     With naught to prove, Melkor flexes but the merest iota of his true
     power, and Manwe and the Valar cease to exist. Arda is the Dark
     Lords, and they shall serve him forevermore.