
Posted by
Rhaemir [legacy]
10 December 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Wizard solo.


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    13 December 2004 05:28:05

    Still bitter, Tanar?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    11 December 2004 23:20:55

    Haha, Bakal's comment, would, if it was a log, be a six!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 December 2004 17:00:05


  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    11 December 2004 15:55:31


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    11 December 2004 06:22:09

    So once upon a time when I was in, oh let's say 2nd grade, I was on the playground playing soccer or something and I got into an argument with another kid. Like all arguments at the age of 8 it became a name calling contest and the kid called me a 'pussy'. I hadn't heard this word yet as I was only in 2nd grade and so I quickly said the only thing I could think of, 'Atleast I have one!' The kid obviously didn't know what a pussy was either and stood there dumbstruck and defeated.

    So the next day all confident from victory I'm playing soccer with the big kids, who often invited me to play with them cause I WAS JUST THAT FUKCKING GOOD!, I got into another argument with one of the older kids. Coincidentally this kid called me a pussy too, and since what I had said the previous day won the argument I went ahead and said it again to this kid, who indeed knew what a pussy was. Every kid and his sister erupted into laughter at what I had said and I at first turned a little red and asked what the hell a pussy was. When I learned what it was I began laughing at my own retarded ass. To add to my good fortune on that fine afternoon the recess teacher was nearby and asked what we were all laughing at. Not knowing who asked the question I quickly explained between fits of laughter. When I turned around to see who had asked the question her face was red and my ear was tightly pinched between her fingers and thumb and I was being led off the principals office. Moral of the story? Don't play soccer with the older kids... bahahbhahbahbahlksdfjalsdjfklaweuroak.

    THE END! *bow*

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    11 December 2004 01:48:25

    Last six logs (Winnetou's sucks so it doesn't count) are soloes, cool!