Comm Antics

Posted by
Obsidian [legacy]
19 December 2004 00:00:00

Saphira made me post this. :(


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    22 December 2004 16:49:13

    Some of the older threads are the same. Huge one-sided flame wars with Tuareg. :P

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    22 December 2004 16:29:22

    Here's a little tip for the admin;

    When removing comments it might be a good idea to also remove replies or other relevant comments. It looks a little stupid to see people making reference to non-existant statement, or arguing with imaginary people.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    22 December 2004 11:59:50

    Why was my comment removed? :( Well i think its just testement to the fact that Deb has her hand in the pants of all the males in some sort of power in this game. I'm sure she's a great girl, but jesus guys, get some self respect. If i'd have been locked up for 20 years and hadnt seen a stitch of pussy, and i'd had to choose between her and my hand, for my last bit of pleasure before i got the death sentance, i'd take my ha...ok, i'd take her and put a paper bag over her head...and one over mine just in case her's fell off.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    22 December 2004 06:57:12

    ^ Obsidian: When I was 10, it was more like vaseline/penthouse,


    ^ Obsidian: I was an early bloomer.

    ^ Pike: Jesus taught me a few good deeds and he returned them to me...

    ^ Obsidian: Years ago

    ^ Paraiko: No, he hooked you on glue, Pike

    ^ Obsidian: I mean a LONG time ago.

    ^ Obsidian: When Jesus was a little baby.

    ^ Obsidian: I made him cry

    ^ Pike: He always taught me, 'Always take in what you give out'

    ^ Paraiko: Sounds like an axiom for anal sex

    ^ Obsidian: I bet a priest told you that one.

    ^ Pike: I hope you guys aren't dissing jesus

    ^ Obsidian: Did the priest offer to annoint your ass afterwards?

    ^ Gaudrin: no just the putz who's using his name in vain

    ^ Obsidian: '...Hey.... -this- isn't holy water...'

    ^ Pike: he also taught me 'Always pay people to what they give you'

    ^ Pike: Funny enough he said 'Especailly priests'

    ^ Obsidian: 'Be still my son, my son, and let yourself feel the power

    of the christ, lest I (use) the rod of disepline(sic) be used upon thee.'

    ^ Pike: The Priest in my church loves all children

    ^ Obsidian: I get to quote Rathmar, now.

    ^ Obsidian: ' the face.'

    ********** Obsidian gets jailed at this point... **************

    OK. Obsidian's my bud. Personally this doesn't offend me in the least. I also tend to suspect that Pike was playing the role of the ingenious... a straight-man as it were for increasingly racy comments. Looks like He kinda bolted when the shit hit the fan. Having said that, I have to say that this isn't within the boundary of acceptable comm usage.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of the informal warning for this kind of situation. Eg:

    ^Ainur: I'll be handing out Warnings if the topic doesn't change immediately.

    That ought to do it, I figure.

    ^ Pike: Why am I beginning to think of a 'Retard'

    ^ Rathmar: Hello!

    I thought this was a case of priceless timing. :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    21 December 2004 15:44:06

    Lame, cripple. Not really worth this comment.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    21 December 2004 12:15:04

    OOPS, i just noticed i posted the link with mithgil instead of koz:(

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    21 December 2004 08:03:56

    I'm certainly not, at one point in time of the history of this mud you didn't see this on a comm but now you do, the ainur are less severe, so you just have to deal with it if it offends you, or comm off. Not much you can do about it, unless you happen to be one of those ainur and take another turn in the severity of the monitoring.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    20 December 2004 23:51:20

    I find it hard to believe that people are still surprised and outraged by things like this.

    Obsidian's comments were far from the worst of the conversation, but again, some people are held to different standards than others.

    To sum it up:


  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:33:53

    Actually, after reading mudsex logs starring Deboraha, watching her positioning herself as the monument of good taste never ceases to amuse me:)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:29:32

    Debs is a friend who I like very much and I don't much like what you said to her. But yeah, in the balance of things a nuke was too severe a punishment.

    I learned a long time ago to let arbitrary abuse of power and our powerlesness to do much about it roll off my back. Since it's just the way human natures works, give someone power, it will be abused.

    It's just a comm, you can say what you like to your friends in privacy but the comm is a public forum and there ARE children who play this game. The admins are simply trying to be responsible and see that people don't get offended.

    Still I think some kind of more appropriate punishment system be introduced. Rather than nukes, jailings or even warnings. Perhaps a person should simply be banned from the comm for X hours of character age, depending on how far over the line they stepped and after X number of offences, just get banned from it for an indefinate period of time.

    A persons character should not be irrepairably harmed for what are essentialy non-gameplay based offences.

    At the same time, we should also accept that the comm isn't like sitting around with your friends. It's a public space and we should show some decorum.

    P.S. Bugger off I'm tired and yes I am a hypocrite:P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:19:40

    About the only metaphor I can think of is this: It's like the mud is an abortion clinic and everyone on the mud except for Deboraha is pro-choice.

    Note: This is only a metaphor, I'm not really saying we're all pro-choice, just a metaphor, relax you pro-life sons of bitches.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:12:19

    well deboraha thinks people should be beaten to death with baseball bats for jokes made on the log page. biatch. i agree with bakal.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:10:46

    Well, first off, I'm joking... and I wasn't serious. I mean, I don't wanna look like Iago or something, do I? I thought most of us would be able to recognize that, but I guess it's not always the easiest thing to tell when someone is joking especially in text. Second of all, sure some of the stuff that's said on the comm isn't all that appropriate, but nine times out of ten it's said in good humor and with a joking spirit. It's in situations like this log where Deboraha fails to see the humor while the rest of us had no problem chuckling at a few innocent comments. I'm real sorry if it hurts her precious eyes to read such lewd comments, but she can comm off and she can ignore people. It's not so much that I blame Deboraha for what happened to my character, I don't really blame anyone directly, I just think it's fucked up to get nuked for something I've done so many times before and never had a problem with it, but you know, c'est la vie.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 December 2004 18:00:29

    So Bakal in your opinion, being a hateful ass that would suggest that someone you barely know, be shot in the womb..isn't as bad as some fucking character on a game being deleted? I mean, clarify things. Since from this perspective you look like a total fucking whacko.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    20 December 2004 17:52:35

    I think it would just be nice if there was one fucking standard, so there wasn't that 'grey' area in wich certain things are considered ok by one ainur and then considered nukable by another. I mean, if we had that then I wouldn't see too many people getting warnings, silenced, jailed, and nuked.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    20 December 2004 17:48:54

    My favorite part of this log was when Kozlodoev was sending the tells. Oh, and this log just proves Deboraha is a fiendish whore and should be shot in the womb. She can take her anti-'gross' values and shove them up her ass. This is the year 2004 and things aren't the same as they once were, Grandma. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    20 December 2004 17:30:25

    You mean to say that... you actually read this?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 December 2004 12:55:28

    I started reading this and I saw 'Someone' and I said to myself 'That's Mathias' and it was!

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    20 December 2004 12:29:36

    Who gives a shit?

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    20 December 2004 11:28:54

    Pike lies, he is not 10 years old!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    20 December 2004 10:16:40

    Denial reason: 'Thank you all for voting, but we frankly don't give a shit, so if you don't like our rules, stay off our comms!


  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    20 December 2004 08:44:11

    Trempk, your a friend but I sincerely hope the petition gets thrown out. The last thing I want is to have to decide how much swearing and obscenity I want to listen to today.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    20 December 2004 06:01:51

    I see how it is. Obsidian gets jailed and I get capitol punishment. FUCK YOU FUCKING GUY!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    20 December 2004 04:33:29

    You're all fucking ignorant. Thanks.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 December 2004 03:29:02

    My petition got forwarded to valinor 5 days ago to get accepted or rejected, btw

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    20 December 2004 01:35:33

    wow, no way i could possibly read all htat.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    20 December 2004 00:31:43


  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    20 December 2004 00:26:23

    That was pretty funny Etrius :D

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    20 December 2004 00:03:37


    Obsidian made some comments that were unwelcome to the ainur, he was jailed, people cried and whined and flooded the comm with rubbish and Obsidian stayed in jail, and no-one cares. Good result all around.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    19 December 2004 23:57:54

    Anything that keeps Obsidian's annoying twaddle off the comm gets a thumbs up from me.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    19 December 2004 23:49:03

    Was too long, I didn't read it. It didn't have colour. It looked boring. Someone sum it up for me. Thanks.