Comm Antics

Posted by
Obsidian [legacy]
19 December 2004 00:00:00

Saphira made me post this. :(

^ Pike: Please someone kill Majin and Melinea in the name of christ, 
     have treasoned my country and me on my behalf!
^ Deboraha: pike put a sock in it
^ Pike: Shut up
^ Gaudrin: indeed
^ Gaudrin: woh, pike blow it out your ass
^ Obsidian: It's love. Let it blossom into something more.
^ Pike: Just because you are a little kinky and enjot mudsex too
^ Taudrek enjoys mudsex.
^ Obsidian: Like lewd public sex.
^ Gaudrin: exactly
^ Taudrek: As does the voyeur in me.
^ Pike: I'm 10YO, I don't need to know this crap!
^ Paraiko: Why is someone who's surname is 'stickyhands' concerned 
^ Pike: It's called glue
^ Gaudrin: his mommy dropped him on his head?
^ Gaudrin: twice?
^ Paraiko: Pike, you have to see the perceived conflict of interest 
     stickyhands/mudsex, stickyhands/mudsex
^ Paraiko: It's clear as day
^ Pike: no
^ Pike: glue/jesus, glue/jesus
^ Pike: I'm a choir boy
^ Paraiko: ahahahaha
^ Paraiko: Jesus gave you a glue habit?
^ Obsidian: And you're 10?
^ Paraiko: Go Jesus!
^ Etoile: Jesus is dead.
^ Gaudrin: Etoile, I can't pick on Trisana when she's finally keeping 
     mouth shut.
^ Paraiko wants to get down on his knees and start pleasing Jesus!
^ Obsidian: When I was 10, it was more like vaseline/penthouse,
^ Obsidian: I was an early bloomer.
^ Pike: Jesus taught me a few good deeds and he returned them to me...
^ Obsidian: Years ago
^ Paraiko: No, he hooked you on glue, Pike
^ Obsidian: I mean a LONG time ago.
^ Obsidian: When Jesus was a little baby.
^ Obsidian: I made him cry
^ Pike: He always taught me, "Always take in what you give out"
^ Paraiko: Sounds like an axiom for anal sex
^ Obsidian: I bet a priest told you that one.
^ Pike: I hope you guys aren't dissing jesus
^ Obsidian: Did the priest offer to annoint your ass afterwards?
^ Gaudrin: no just the putz who's using his name in vain
^ Obsidian: "...Hey.... -this- isn't holy water..."
^ Pike: he also taught me "Always pay people to what they give you"
^ Saphira: It's all sticky
^ Pike: Funny enough he said "Especailly priests"
^ Saphira: Eww Gross
^ Obsidian: "Be still my son, my son, and let yourself feel the power 
     the christ, lest I the rod of disepline be used upon thee."
^ Pike: The Priest in my church loves all children
^ Obsidian: I get to quote Rathmar, now.
^ Gaudrin: just like michael jackson
^ Obsidian: " the face."
********** Obsidian gets jailed at this point... **************
^ Someone: I'd like to see this conversation become cleaner.
^ Gaudrin: I'd like to see Pike go to hell
^ Saphira agrees with Gaudrin.
^ Pike GASPS and prays to God.
You tell Deena: Obsidian is in an ainu prison and cannot reply to you
You tell Deena: he wanted me to tell you that
^ Gaudrin: God can't help you here...
^ Pike: Gaudrin, I wasn't the one having a mud-orgy with Majin and
Deena tells you: ah...what happened to him?
^ Gaudrin: neither was I
You tell Deena: choir boy talk on the comm
^ Gaudrin: but you should have STHU along time ago.
^ Pike: I should have?
^ Gaudrin: yes.
^ Pike: You were the one who was encouraging me to carry on...
^ Gaudrin: Pike, do yourself and the rest of the mud a favor...
^ Gaudrin: put your lips together and breath through your nose.
^ Pike: No, not suiciding,
^ Pike: Ok, time to ignore gaudrin
^ Gaudrin: aww, my feelings are so hurt :(
^ Gaudrin: someone comfort me!!
Deena tells you: and he got jailed for that?
You tell Deena: yep
^ Taudrek: Is 'Big Fish' a good film?
^ Gorestel: Yes
^ Ash: yes it is
^ Ash: Just ask Iceman!
Deena tells you: and where does it say in the help files that you can't
     talk about that on the comm?
You tell Deena: ask Scatha
^ Pike: Why am I beginning to think of a 'Retard'
^ Rathmar: Hello!
^ Deboraha: hello!
^ Gaudrin: hellooooo
Deena tells you: it seems like he was 'harassing' someone
^ Rathmar: It's Sunday!
^ Deboraha: indeed!
"deena not anymore than Gaudrin was
You tell Deena: not anymore than Gaudrin was
Deena tells you: because someone said that they wanted the comm
     cleaner...yet there is nothing dirty about talking about religions
     and choir stuff
^ Saphira: Rathmar, Obsidian tells you "Hi, Rat" from his ainu cell. ;)
^ Gaudrin: oops
^ Deboraha: How are you Rathmar?
^ Etoile yawns
^ Saphira: Apparently there's something dirty about choir boys and
^ Saphira: That shouldn't be discussed, or even inferred on the comm.
Deena tells you: damn..this mud has really gone to shit..they've talked
     about worse things on the comm and it's rare that someone is 
     for it
Pike tells you: is that why?
^ Saphira: Therefore, to be safe, no one is allowed to say the words
     "choir boy" and "priest" on the comm anymore. They will be added 
     the censored word list.
^ Gaudrin: wtf
^ Deboraha: you guys were being disgusting
^ Someone: ah, the cocky routine.  It never ceases to amuse.
Ash tells you: what was he thrown in jail for?
^ Saphira: Well, Honestly, someone, don't you think it's just a TAD
^ Deena: i agree
^ Someone: I think it's way ridiculous that someone who's a constant
     reason for discussion to degenerate into filth, should be allowed 
     get away with it.
^ Mathias: I think it's ridiculous that we keep having the "free 
     discussion every now and then :P
^ Ash gets away with it.
^ Gaudrin: did Pike get tossed into prison?
^ Gaudrin: dang, it got silent quick...
^ Etoile: too many priests have gotten away with molesting young 
^ Etoile: that's a political statement, not a perverted one.
^ Ash: and old men too!
^ Deboraha: so have too many rabbis and too many nuns and too many 
     uncles, fathers, mothers, aquaintances, etc
^ Saphira: Besides, there's been a lot worse said on the comm and 
     have gotten away with it.
^ Mathias: Saphira, in the old days, people got away with saying things
     that we now ban.
^ Deboraha: pedophiles exist in every social spectrum
^ Mathias: Wanna know why? Because nobody was looking.
^ Saphira: The old days doesn't count yesterday
^ Etoile: nevertheless, oddly, rabbis tend to molest young females, not
     young males. From the tales I've heard, anyway.
^ Mathias: Why can you speed on the freeway and get away with it, or be
     locked up for reckless endangerment? Because someone's watching, 
^ Mathias: Saphira, the point is the same.
^ Saphira: When there's 3 ainu on and someone makes a reference to 
     rape" on the comm
^ Mathias: I don't have profanity triggers on anymore to lead me to 
^ Etoile: the point is that the MUD does not belong to the players.
^ Kozlodoev: what just happened?
^ Someone: I'll code you all an autoloading piece of soap, so you can
     shove it in your mouths.  Maybe that will help.
^ Kozlodoev: who what did huh?
^ Etoile: it belongs to the ainur, who can prevent us from saying 
     they feel like.
^ Etoile: it's not a democracy.
^ Saphira is REALLY trying to keep from saying what she really wants 
^ Someone: Etoile it's not like we're at all unreasonable.
^ Saphira: Sometimes, Someone, it seems that way.
^ Saphira: At least to us.
^ Etoile: that depends on whose definition of"unreasonable" you're 
^ Saphira: I mean, there was nothing totally unreasonable that was said
^ Etoile: sometimes you're unreasonable, and sometimes you're not.
Kozlodoev tells you: WHAT JUST HAPPENED
^ Saphira: I'm just trying to understand
Kozlodoev tells you: TELL ME
^ Gaudrin: and sometimes we pick and choose who we are going to apply 
     standards too
^ Etoile prefers free speech, no matter how filthy.
Kozlodoev tells you: I YEARN TO KNOW
^ Etoile: but that's just my political leanings showing.
^ Saphira: I am curious to know, where the line is drawn...  What makes
     one thing acceptable and another not?
^ Arkkanis: We need a comm for 18+ :(
^ Deena: there's no way to really tell if someone is 18 or not
^ Etoile: Saphira: the line is drawn where the Ainur want to draw it.
^ Gaudrin: hehe, nice call Arkkanis
^ Saphira: If you watch PG-13 movies, there are PLENTY of innuendos of
     that sort
^ Saphira: Watch Mrs Doubtfire sometime, and get a load of all those
^ Arkkanis: I'll fax a pic of my id and blurt some stuff out to prove 
^ Gaudrin: it's not even that simple Etoile
^ Saphira: You said keep the comm PG-13, and it has been
^ Deboraha: to understand what? you guys were having a juvenile
     conversation more suited to the back of a junior high school bus 
     the main comm, complete with the idiot giggles
^ Gaudrin: the line gets drawn by whichever Ainur is on at the time
^ Etoile: who cares, Deb?
^ Deboraha: It's annoyinh
^ Deboraha: annoying too
^ Kozlodoev: You are annoying, Deb
^ Mathias: Yes, and some Powers nuke people for first offenses, and 
     take the trouble of warning them.
^ Kozlodoev: I don't see you being banned
^ Kozlodoev: for some reason.
^ Mathias: Life is dynamic.
^ Etoile is of the opinion that just because speech is annoying or even
     obscene, doesn't warrant censorship
^ Deboraha: Yes but often amusing at the same time ;)
You tell Kozlodoev: obsidian got jailed for talking about choir boys 
     priests on the comm
^ Pike: - - - - - BEEP BEEP - - - - -
^ Deboraha: Sure it does
^ Deboraha: when in a private place, such as a mud
^ Gaudrin: Pike, continue to breath through your nose.
^ Etoile: I didn't say it wasn't permitted, I just don't believe it's
^ Pike: And there is nothing wrong with mudex?
^ Pike: Mudsex
^ Gaudrin: nope
^ Azariah: nope
^ Etoile: I'll repeat what I said before: the ainur can do whatever 
^ Deboraha: I do. It only gets worse if no one says stop
^ Switch: so long as you take the right precautions...
^ Saphira yearns for you all to watch Mrs. Doubtfire and hear the sort 
     adult innuendos that a PG-13 movie is allowed to have.
^ Deboraha: there has to be a line of acceptable discourse which is far
     too often overstepped on the main comm
^ Etoile: but Idon't think that makes censorship acceptible, as a
^ Deena: i have watched it..there isn't anything wrong with the movie
^ Etoile: why?
^ Saphira: And if what was said earlier was crossing the line, then I 
     we need to be properly briefed on the proper way to use the comm 
     the help files
^ Etoile: if you don't want t o hear it, comm off.
^ Kozlodoev: oh psha, deboraha.
^ Saphira: That too, Etoile =P
^ Ash: Remove the comm!
^ Deboraha: again :p
^ Mathias: OK!
^ Saphira: Good one, Ash
^ Ash: Remove comm, tells and says.
^ Kozlodoev: I will only send adult innuendos to Ash in tells from now 
^ Etoile: I just don't see the point in censoring speech.
^ Kozlodoev: arg!
^ Ash: The mute mud
^ Kozlodoev: Ash!
^ Deena: that's a bit extreme ash
^ Saphira: If the comm gets removed, Ash, I will come after you not 
     on the MUD, but in real life.
^ Etoile: most people on the comm want to hear it.
^ Ash: And emotes.
^ Azariah: My entire humble opinion about this matter, is right in the
     movie Southpark: bigger, better and uncut.
^ Etoile: lewd or not.
^ Kozlodoev: Can we have gestures?
^ Paraiko: bigger, LONGER, and uncut
^ Switch: I'll give you a gesture koz ;)
^ Ash: Ack! ainu! Saphira is comming after me in real life, do 
^ Pike: What are you referring to, Paraiko? :P
^ Etoile: and even the 13 year olds that play here (are there any?) are
     well prepared for the kind of ospeech that commonly occurs.
^ Ash: Thats all i need, being hunted down by shemales in real life.
^ Azariah: one of the best movies ever, pike
^ Gaudrin: that's it, where's the standards!!
^ Someone: help comm_policy, Sahpira.  That's all we ask of you.
^ Paraiko: the South Park movie, Pike ;P The greatest movie ever
^ Etoile: so who are the ainur trying to protect? Themselves? Their own
     moral vision of how the MUD should be run?
^ Deboraha: that doesn't make it acceptable, Etoile
^ Kozlodoev: screw that. I talk to my friends about all kinds of shit
^ Etoile: who's to say that your definition of acceptible should trump 
     definition of acceptible?
^ Etoile: you've been out of the states too long, Deb.
^ Kozlodoev: I want to come hear to a friendly environment
^ Deboraha: The people who privately sponsor and manage the mud, Etoile
^ Saphira: And please send me a tell with the line that was so graphic?
^ Someone: Because we run the game, and you play here because you agree
     by the rules we set.
^ Someone: Or rather, the rules that the admin for the past 10 years 
^ Etoile: right, it's a dictatorship, not a democracy.
^ Kozlodoev: *here
^ Etoile: but again, I don't think that makes it right.
^ Deboraha: It's a bloody mud, Etoile
^ Gaudrin: right "someone"
^ Saphira: I have a question.
^ Deboraha: get over it :p
^ Etoile: who cares?
^ Saphira: If we stop playing
^ Gaudrin: so there are no player rights?
^ Saphira: And stop donating
^ Etoile: I'm arguing it in theory
^ Etoile: no, there are no player rights.
^ Saphira: And this MUD gets no usage
^ Saphira: Would it still be around?
^ Switch: Etoile, I think the point is, live with it, or leave it, but
     don't sit here complaining.
^ Deboraha: Yes because Curuntar would finally be able to play in peace
     and quiet
^ Etoile: so now its ok to nuke dissenters who complain respectfully?
^ Saphira: This goes both ways. You run it, but we run on it.
^ Gaudrin: would there be a point in coding agame if no one played it?
^ Etoile: believe me, I *get* the way the MUD works.
^ Deboraha: so quit if you feel opporessed :p
^ Etoile: you needn't explain it to me.
^ Switch: but people DO play it and manage not to get warned for
^ Someone: We put a lot of effort into providing an enjoyable game.  We
     want people of all ages, races, creeds to be able to enjoy it 
     feeling offended by what others say or do.  If you want to 
     about that, then I think that speaks volumes about you.
^ Gaudrin: SO...
^ Saphira: Did someone offended say something?
^ Kozlodoev: Most people are feeling offended by your censorship 
^ Saphira: Was there a mortal who spoke up and said, "I'm offended!"
^ Kozlodoev: and that doesn't worry you in the least
^ Etoile: As much as absolutely HATE the message of the KKK, I'll 
     to the death their right to say it.
^ Gaudrin: when Pike sat there blasting people for blaspheming God and 
     got retorted...who did you throw in jail?
^ Saphira: And if so, were they forced to hear it? Because after all,
     there IS a 'comm off' command
^ Deboraha: I did rather. You were gross and if you had been ragging on
     blacks instead of roman catholics no one would want to defend you
^ Saphira: My grandmother got offended when Susan Summers was wearing a
     short skirt on an interview show.
^ Saphira: She can always turn the channel. I told her that.
^ Switch: people shouldn't have to comm off just so you can say what 
^ Etoile: there are lots of things that offend me. But I believe the
     offenders still have the right to say them, or do them.
^ Kozlodoev: wtf happened to trempk's petition about the comm anyway
^ Ash: We have declared the Lothlorien comm for PG-42
^ Paraiko: Catholicism has been the greatest force for evil in all of
     history, Deboraha ;P They deserve to be "ragged on"
^ Switch: and as a note, walk up to a police man in the UK and shout 
     at him. they WILL arrest you for public disorder.
^ Deboraha: with every right comes responsibility, Etoile
^ Etoile: I realize the administrators don't feel the same way, but
     hopefully I'm still free to advocate for free speech.
^ Etoile: no, I pretty much believe free speech should be unfettered.
^ Azariah: hmm, let's make a profanity comm for @cirithungol
^ Azariah: after all, it would be thematic
Gaudrin shouts in Westron: RUN PIKE RUN!!
^ Saphira: Well, technically
^ Switch: let's just live by the rules as they are and stop feeling the
     need to try to break them?
^ Saphira: Any comm is under the rules in comm_policy
^ Deboraha: Abd Saphira and Obsidian ignored their social 
     to behave in a proper manner as per the comm policy. As a direct
     result of this, Obsidian was jailed.
^ Etoile: and you're old enough to comm off if something offends you, 
     you don't want to hear it.
^ Saphira: Why are you throwing my name in there, Deboraha?
^ Etoile: I don't think people HAVE a social responsibility, in 
     to behave properly.
^ Saphira: What did I say?
^ Deboraha: Because in my opinion you were just as gross
^ Saphira: What did I say? Send me a tell
^ Etoile: because I don't think one person's definition of appropriate
     should trump another persons.
^ Switch: Etoile: I don't want to have to comm off just to avoid the
     minority talking offensive rubbish
^ Saphira: Switch, it's not a minority
^ Gaudrin: apparently it's not a minority
^ Kozlodoev: you are the minority switch
^ Etoile: and I don't want to have to comm off when I hear people 
     for gear on the MUD.
^ Kozlodoev: that for the sake of stupid america political correctness
^ Saphira: Actually, not just here, but real life, it's the minority 
     ruins it for everyone else by getting offended so easily and being 
     prudish and so unwilling to compromise.
^ Etoile: because I find it annoying; butits still allowed
^ Gaudrin: because whenever the ainur silence someone or throw them in
     jail, you have 10-20 times the number jailed/silenced getting on 
     comm in protest
^ Kozlodoev: we have to all bend over for
^ Switch: really? you think that more than 50% of the mud feel the need 
     hurl offensive abuse over the comm? I rarely hear them, it's 
     the same old faces and their alts.
^ Saphira: It's when you post a funny joke about a caterpiller making 
     with a french fry and everyone laughs and one person takes offense
     that all hell breaks loose.
^ Etoile: who cares?
^ Kozlodoev: what is abuse switch?
^ Rathmar: I have a feeling that not only have I missed something, buy
     perhaps I shouldn't get involved now that I'm here :P
^ Etoile: I've suffered my share of mud bashing. I don't bitch and moan 
     the ainur to stop it.
^ Saphira: In my experiences, the majority of people have no problem 
     such topics, language, or behavior
^ Etoile: if I don't want to hear something, it's MY responsibility to 
     off, or comm off.
^ Saphira: And if it bothers them, they avoid it
^ Etoile: you can't even define it by majority/minority.
^ Etoile: because I don't think it should even matter.
^ Saphira: If you don't like people being loud and roudy, you stay away
     from the bars
^ Serem: etoile, let's have wild lesbian sex
^ Saphira: If you don't like rock music, you don't go to a concert
^ Etoile: Maggie's interested, I'll send her your way.
^ Saphira: If you don't like the way people talk online, then don't go
^ Etoile: it leaves too much room for hypocrisy to permit some forms of
     speech and not others.
^ Someone: or more to the point, if you don't like our comm rules, get
     off our comms.
^:agrees with Etoile
^ Saphira agrees with Etoile
^ Lysander: you guys are saying the same thing over and over again
^ Switch: but the point is, there's a rule, and if it exists, and you
     break it, expect the consequences. if you don't like the rule it's
     YOUR responsibility to log off/suicide/depart.
^ Etoile: so if we don't like your policies, we're not free to dissent
     publicly on the comm?
^ Gaudrin: or change the rule?
^ Saphira: Switch, it happenned because we all felt it DIDN't cross the
^ Saphira: We were unclear that it was crossing the line
^ Etoile: it's not just obscene speech you're trying to ban, it's
     content-specific speech?
^ Kozlodoev: that just proves again you don't give a shit what the
     majority of the players want and are guided buy  your own twisted
     morality values.
^ Gaudrin: gl
^ Etoile hasn't been warned for profanity for as long as she's been 
^ Someone: we don't mind people openly disagreeing with our policies. 
     what I'm referring to is that if you don't feel you can obide by 
     rules of our comm, then ask for a commban.
^ Kozlodoev: and also pretend that you never falter.
^ Switch: Koz: I'm the last to have odd moral values. I swear, I make
     unsavoury jokes, but I respect the rules.
^ Saphira: Make me ainu for a day, and I will give a warning for any 
     EVERY remotely offensive bit of speech
Deena tells you: i better pay more attention to the comm now
^ Saphira: And everyone will learn to be better people.
^ Saphira: And not speak such rubbish
^ Serem: asking for a commban doesn't do anything
^ Kozlodoev: bullshit switch
^ Serem: i've asked more than once on more than once char
^ Lisuan: Without rules the mud will fall into a pity image of what it 
^ Serem: and you guys were like "monitor yourself"
^ Kozlodoev: i can be warned for the most idiotic shit
^ Saphira: We're not asking for no rules, we're asking for more 
     enforcement, that's all
^ Etoile: but I still believe others should be allowed to say it. It's 
     policy that's good for me in real life, and I believe is good 
here. I
     understand that those in power don't feel the same way, and 
     this is a dictatorship, you can do whatever you want.
^ Etoile: but I don't think its fair, and I don't have to like it.
^ Kozlodoev: obvious solution: 2nd comm
Deena tells you: so you guys were talking about how some priests molest
     choir boys?
^ Kozlodoev: but noooo
^ Arkkanis: adult only comm :)
^ Switch: why should the ainur make that? they've no reason to.
^ Saphira: Obsidian would, as always, like to implore you all that
     dislikes what he says to ignore him.
You tell Deena: It wasn't actually said, that's the thing, it was 
^ Kozlodoev: because you want a ban on your comms. most people don't
^ Etoile: I think the easiest way to enforce it is to NOT enforce it.
Deena tells you: heh..there's nothing offensive about that
^ Azariah: Ahem.
^ Etoile: just like the Ainur finally decided to remove themselves from
     guild/theme decisions, or whatever.
^ Azariah: The machinery of the V-chip is very simple. It is placed 
     the child’s skin, where it emits a small shock of electricity
     whenever an obscenity is uttered.
^ Gaudrin: someone doesn't like what someone says to them on the comm, 
     pK them
You tell Deena: and it was so vague, it really wasn't against the rules
^ Etoile: less interference is preferable, in all mediums.
^ Switch: Etoile - you can't take that as an example of improvement?
^ Saphira: Here's the thing:
^ Kozlodoev: now say:
^ Kozlodoev: fat floppy donkey
^ Kozlodoev: ...
^ Jabba: I vote for the V-chip!
^ Azariah: arg!
^ Etoile: I think it's the most drastic improvement and bodes so well 
     the future of the MUD. Besides Switch, I can take it any way I 
     well please.
^ Deboraha: you boys watch too much tv:p
^ Kozlodoev: ok i misquoted that probably:(
^ Azariah: you damn ..arg!..what the ugh! dammit you mother aaaaah that
Deena tells you: there are 4 main rules to the comm: profanity,
     harassment, advertising and hate speech..and it was none of those
Rathmar tells you: What was the exact quote that set this off anyway?
^ Azariah: Success! The child doesn’t want to swear!
^ Kozlodoev: ainur please read petition 540
^ Etoile is out of EP. Off to walk the dog.
You tell Rathmar: it was a bunch of stuff
^ Kozlodoev: look at the little numbrs on the right
^ Saphira: Scrolling back on the comm conversation
^ Saphira: Obsidian was the cleanest one of all
^ Serem: ok, this locking doors with pick is lame.  now you can lock 
     that weren't meant to be locked.  hey look, someone's killing
     erestor, i'll just pick the door locked while they're killing so 
     can't heal, then loot their shit when they die
^ Switch: meh, I've said my piece. I'm content that those who break the
     rules get warned/jailed/nuked/hardbanned. They're just not harsh
^ Someone: we've read it kozlodoev
^ Kozlodoev: they might tell you what the majority of the mud feels.
^ Saphira: You should have heard what Paraiko said!
^ Fofester: Ok, so who got nuked
^ Saphira: which was 10x worse than what Sid said
^ Pike: Not me
^ Kozlodoev: and a vast majority too.
^ Deboraha: just jailed
Rathmar tells you: Was Obsidian pushing it?  And be honest, you know 
     you push it on the comm.  Or at least, I do.  I don't want to 
     get involved unless this was some sort of ridiculous crackdown.
^ Gaudrin: I'm sorry, are we asking for fairness?
^ Kozlodoev: Saphira please post that log
^ Kozlodoev: i want to read it:(
^ Pike: Whose comm was the dirtiest?
^ Saphira: I gotta cut it out of all my movement spam =P
^ Kozlodoev: I'll give you 100 gold.
Deena tells you: i'd like to see this log too
^ Toby ^
^ Saphira groans. This is gonna take a while
^ Josi: meow
^ Saphira: Afk for a bit
^ Azariah: moew
^ Arkkanis: You used to be them quick right Saphira?
^ Pike: Is she gonna post it on the log page?

(Personal Side Note) I can't comm off, so, you know.... shut up now.