
Posted by
Armand [legacy]
27 December 2004 00:00:00

Last 20 comms are:
^ Grimscar remembers Aquila.
^ Wiggin: contemporary of Folde too
^ Grimscar: I miss Arda, circa 1997
^ Grimscar: It was prime back then
^ Crusaderr: well Aquila left the guild in 1997 and you're not on the 97 roster anywhere I can see
^ Crusaderr: I do recall you being in of course, just not that far back
^ Marzan: Back in the day
^ Grimscar: you know what the best part of 1997 was
^ Grimscar: Most of you weren't here.
^ Wiggin: When was Ohtar made guildmaster, and who was guildmaster before him?
^ Crusaderr: I was guildmaster before Ohtar
^ Wiggin: OK, i wasn't in when you were guildmaster
^ Crusaderr: and he was made GM during the spring of 97
^ Wiggin: he was a new GM when I joined
^ Wiggin: call it late 97 or early 98
^ Crusaderr: well he was sacked as a GM in the summer of 97
^ Crusaderr: however that would explain why I don't have you listed
^ Wiggin: he was definitely GM when I joined, and I remember the sacking
^ Marzan: I bet he was cool
^ Crusaderr: as I sort of lack any records from his span as GM
^ Crusaderr was sort of banished during that reign ;P
^ Wiggin: yep :)
^ Marzan nods
^ Grimscar: And why, oh why would that be?
^ Crusaderr: ironically it's because I was fighting Ohtar on his changes
     to make us into a role playing moral guild
^ Crusaderr: well among other things
^ Grimscar: I bet it was because you were a pompous ass :)
^ Crusaderr: everyone worth a damn on this mud is a pompous ass
^ Wiggin: hey, should I still have this "Channeling" command?"
^ Grimscar: touche
^ Adaron: Touch what?
^ Wiggin: er skill
^ Wiggin: I built the thing up to 70 and all :)
^ Crusaderr: I still have it so probably
^ Wiggin woke up today in the void, with something amiss in Arda.
^ Crusaderr: that's ok once they dumped our entire guild into the void
     during a meeting
^ Crusaderr: it happens
^ Wiggin: apparently my career as a ranger didn't play well with changes
     to the mud during hibernation
^ Marzan: just play the guitar and sing about it
^ Crusaderr: ah you logged in to the whole ranger changing station
^ Grimscar: the ranger-changing station thats probably not there anymore
^ Crusaderr: so what'd they do for ya?
^ Crusaderr: manually reimburse your stats?
^ Wiggin: who knows, a giant spider did it. I don't meddle with Unlights
^ Grimscar: haha
^ Grimscar: Don't look into the lights!
^ Marzan: life's a bitch
^ Adaron: Can you look into an Unlight?
^ Grimscar: I remember dead lights
^ Grimscar: from IT
^ Adaron: Or do you have to unlook into it?
^ Crusaderr: I think you should uncomm that :P
Alexa tells you: a leather scout ruck (open) is now on sale as lot 928,
     minimum bid 140 gold we are poor little lambs... who have lost our
     way... baa... baa... baa...
^ Crusaderr: so Marzan, Adaron has a question for you
^ Marzan: ask
^ Crusaderr: [ Valacirca ] Adaron: wasn't marzan koda?
^ Marzan: no
^ Adaron: What he said
^ Adaron: Ok
^ Marzan: Marzan was what he thought KoDA was
^ Adaron: Oh
^ Adaron: Ok
^ Grimscar: Uh
^ Adaron: Crusaderr says in Westron: you forgot to mention one thing
^ Grimscar: Why can't you guys speak for yourselves? :P
^ Marzan: I do not understand why I am being called a murderer in Lendin
^ Adaron: If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!
^ Grimscar: Lendin is connected to Linhir...not sure where else.
^ Marzan: I have never killed in Linhir
^ Adaron: Crusaderr says in Westron: we can talk for ourselves, it's just
     more fun confusing your sorry minds like this
^ Grimscar: They wouldn't call you a murderer for no reason. have you
     killed anything there?
^ Marzan: except the sailors
^ Grimscar: there - Gondor
^ Adaron: Crusaderr says in Westron: do me a favor and say we don't speak
     for ourselves because it's not fun
^ Crusaderr: I would've just called them morons, you don't impersonate me
^ Marzan: I have killed quite a few morals lately, but not anywhere near
^ Adaron: Oh, i forgot that one
^ Adaron: Crusaderr says in Westron: that he's a moron
^ Crusaderr: you've already screwed everything up Adaron
^ Crusaderr: I can't run a skit with you apparently
^ Marzan: yuck
^ Grimscar: Yeah but Marzan, Lendin is connected to other communities>
     have you killed anything moral anywehre in Gondor?
^ Marzan: Marzan: KoDA was supposed to protect Lendin, they did not, and
     now because I have killed in Southern Gondor, I cannot even rent in
     my own town
^ Adaron: Ok
^ Marzan: perhaps unthematic, but KoDA is constantly unthematic
^ Grimscar: So that gives you a reason to do so?
^ Grimscar: Why would you kill your neighbors?
^ Grimscar: How does that defend Lendin?
^ Marzan: we are three former KoDAs who rode away from KoDA
^ Slugz: whats lendin
^ Grimscar: Its a small town near Linhir
^ Adaron: We?
^ Marzan: because we choose who we trust, because were betrayed by those
     who were sworn to protect us
^ Grimscar: I am a Minas Tirithian, yet I defend all of Gondor, including
     Linhir, Dol Amroth, and even Lendin, if given the chance.
^ Grimscar: And I highly doubt that you were betrayed by KoDA.
^ Marzan: I highly say, I was
^ Marzan: is this a KoDA MUD?
^ Marzan: I was there
^ Grimscar: What's that mean?
^ Grimscar: shrug, so tell your side. I heard theirs.
^ Marzan: I already tried that
^ Marzan: the truth means nothing
^ Slugz: i think it is great that people are rising against evil in all
^ Crusaderr: oooh tell the story I'm bored anyway and could use a good
^ Grimscar: Well, you're half right, marzan.
^ Adaron: So, because KoDA wasn't doing something right...you left, and
     started killing morals?
^ Grimscar: The truth only means nothing when you have no credibility.
^ Marzan: I have been trying to tell the story for weeks within the
     parameters of MUD rules
Hart tells you: you probably dont, but ill ask anyways, you want my
^ Adaron: Like, without cursing profusely?
^ Grimscar: there are no rules
^ Crusaderr: I'm not sure what parameters you could violate by telling us
     why you believe KoDA made you bend over
Hart tells you: goodnight armand :)
^ Slugz: yeah i like stories too
^ Grimscar: And how you're suddenly a better person by killing morals
^ Grimscar: And hell, who cares if they're morals - By killing other
^ Marzan: I do not hide behind alts
^ Marzan: KoDA is not worth it
^ Marzan: they pretend to be moral, I trust those who are evil more
^ Marzan: at least they recognize their evil side
^ Grimscar: I think you're nuts
^ Marzan: KoDA is filled with people trying to be moreal who have no spine
^ Crusaderr: so what you're basically saying is KoDA is the Great Satan?
^ Marzan: KoDA died a long time ago
You go away from the keyboard.
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Crusaderr: on a secondary note
^ Bit: Could you give us the story now puhlease?
^ Crusaderr: what does having a spine in rl have to do with mudding
^ Grimscar: No kidding.
^ Marzan: KoDA pretends to be moral but they are filled with alts all
     plotting against one another, like any other guild
^ Adaron: I'm an invertebrate, are you saying there's something wrong with
^ Crusaderr: there's something wrong with you, but it extends beyond the
     fact that you're retarded
^ Adaron: :(
^ Marzan: the most moral people I have met in this MUD are immoral
^ Slugz: alright more story less flame please :)
^ Grimscar: How about me, Marzan
^ Marzan: I always thought you were pretty cool :)
^ Marzan: Rufus
^ Grimscar: who is rufus :P
^ Marzan: Julius
^ Grimscar: from now on I want to be called Rufus
^ Bilungada: ok Grimscar
^ Grimscar: Rufus is the most bomb-diggity name ever
^ Marzan: then I would honor you
^ Adaron: We don't have any alts, do we?
^ Marzan: Rufus was great :)
^ Adaron: In VC, that is?
^ Grimscar: heh
Alexa tells you: a huge, dusty shield is now on sale as lot 929, minimum bid
     200 gold Megs
^ Crusaderr: Yeah we don't have any alts in VC Mithgi...err I mean Adaron
^ Grimscar: HAH
^ Grimscar: Adaron is really Jesus
^ Bit: Shhhh!
^ Grimscar: I know, because he has a fish in his legendinfo
^ Marzan: I think he is trying to justify himself
^ Grimscar: And everyone knows thats Jesus' fish
^ Crusaderr: That would explain why everytime he goes into the GM office
     alone with Irun, I hear Irun screaming Jesus real loud
^ Grimscar: The very definition of a holy orgasm
^ Marzan chuckles
^ Grimscar: Know how to tell if a girl is having a fake orgasm?
^ Adaron: My comeback
^ Adaron: Is coming
^ Grimscar: She keeps screaming "Oh Crusaderr! Oh Crusaderr!"
^ Adaron: Just wait
^ Crusaderr: I was going to say she's in bed with you
^ Marzan laughs
^ Crusaderr: but then I figured that'd be too easy
^ Grimscar: :)
^ Grimscar: I plagiarized that one from a stand-up comic...
^ Marzan: it was funny :)
^ Adaron: Complete with the Crusaderr part?!?
^ Adaron: Weird.
^ Crusaderr: I'm famous the world over Adaron
^ Grimscar: well, its one of those 'insert name here' jokes :P
^ Adaron: So is Hitler!
^ Grimscar: Hitler was just misunderstood
^ Adaron: Not really
^ Grimscar: No, really
^ Adaron: No, not really
^ Grimscar: He said "I want to kill all of yous", meaning his
     generals...but they heard "All the jews"
^ Kanex: yeah, he was trying to save Arafat 40 years later..
^ Grimscar: He was just misunderstood.
^ Marzan: ouch
^ Grimscar: boom boom, ching!
^ Marzan chuckles
^ Crusaderr: I dunno when you're packing a moustache like his, you should
     be killed regardless of what horrible crimes you commit
^ Crusaderr: with a look like he had, he was well on the road to mad
     scientist if he didn't get the evil dictator job
^ Grimscar would normally say something about your mom and her moustache
     at this point
Leofa tells you: hey do you think you could help me quest a sword?
^ Adaron: Ouchtown, population Cru.
^ Marzan chuckles
^ Crusaderr: admission of going out with bearded ladies is kind of like a
     suicide move even when it's a your mom attack
^ Marzan: yes dont date dwarf ladies
^ Marzan: I havent but it sounds like a bad idea
^ Crusaderr: I think that rule extends beyond the mud
^ Marzan laughs
^ Crusaderr: so someone wanna spot me like 2 grand so I can buy a 23 inch
Alexa tells you: an ivory shield is now on sale as lot 930, minimum bid 150
     gold FRESH  Been silenced for over 2 hours now...
^ Adaron: No
^ Grimscar: Uh, whats the royal guard Nero
^ Nero: A newbie clan :)
^ Grimscar: what do you do
^ Adaron: guard
^ Adaron: Royalty?
^ Nero: Protects Erebor and Esgaroth
^ Grimscar: I see
^ Pelle advertises: If you join know, you'll get a blem for free!
^ Grimscar: Erebor, AND Esgaroth
^ Pelle P
^ Pelle: :P
^ Grimscar: So
^ Adaron: How do I join?
^ Grimscar: What do Erebor and Esgaroth have in common
^ Nero: I dident write the theme
^ Marzan: fish
^ Pelle: Their near each other.
^ Bilungada: they start with E
^ Bombil: booth got problem with orcs? don't try to find logic in the mind
     of a newbie :D
^ Marzan laughs
^ Crusaderr: I think it's more of a regional based things, but hey I like
     the enthusiasm
^ Crusaderr: I don't even feel like protecting one place let alone two :P
^ Adaron: We don't protect Moria?
^ Crusaderr: oh we just told you that so you'd go away for awhile :P
^ Marzan: I think dwarves are cool, I just do not understand their need
     for tunneling
^ Grimscar: yeah well, I don't think Esgaroth would have an evil person
     defending them
^ Grimscar: And since when does Esgaroth have a King
^ Adaron: Haha, that's funny. But really, why am I spending all my time in
^ Pelle: they don't...they have a master
^ Grimscar: Royal guard implies Royalty
^ Grimscar: So you would be in the service of a King or a Queen
^ Grimscar: Right?
Sorry, you have idled too long.
Connected to host towers.angband.com
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The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

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Your name? armand
Password: poop

News in Arda!  1 message, type "news" to read.

Playtesting news!  2 messages, type "ptnews" to read.
There are 111 new petitions to read!

Last logon:  Mon Dec 27 01:19:50 2004 from
do who,uptime,tell alexa list

    This room is considerably brighter than the foyer, thanks to a small
window in the western wall. 

    Unfortunately, the addition of a window is not linked to any measurable
improvement in construction practices.  This room, like the foyer west of
it, is made entirely of cheap wood hastily slapped together.

    In the center of the room and dominating it is a large, wooden table.
The table is made of higher-quality wood than anything else you've seen 
here.  What would be an average piece of furniture anywhere else stands 
out here as a work of art.  A number of inexpensive chairs are arrayed 
around the table.  A woven basket sits in the table's center, as does a 
strongbox. There is a small sign tacked to the wall above the strongbox. 
A note board has been mounted on the east wall so that guild members can 
leave messages for each other.

    A mongrel dog lies in front of the open doorway in the northern wall.
    The only obvious exits are west and north.
 An empty keg
 An old leather baldric
 A keg of Mead of Rohan
 An empty bottle
 A trash can
 The Board of the The Aina Amarth [21 notes]
HP:230 EP:230 
Do: starting commands.
HP:230 EP:230 
                                 The Two Towers

Armand War Pig the dunlending Archmage (Demonic)                            (guildmaster)  
Sivion Ringwë'elen, the silvan Jewel-Smith                                (guildmistress)  

Total friends and enemies and ainur and guildmates:2
Total users: 59
HP:230 EP:230 
The Two Towers has been up for 4d 7h 47m 1s.
HP:230 EP:230 
Last 20 comms are:
^ Marzan: BkD is cool, but I am not pimping out my clan, I am not even the CM :)
^ Bombil: Woh touchy
^ Grimscar: Disband your clan or I will disband it for you
^ Kanex: ainur are need back to guild process, at least to be restrict with theme
^ Marzan: it is not my clan
^ Grimscar: Not you Marzan
^ Grimscar: The Royal Guard :P
^ Nero: Arent we aggressive today...?
^ Marzan: ah
^ Grimscar: Yeah, Nero, we are
^ Grimscar: I'm tired of your punk ass killing in GOndor
^ Serag: owned!
^ Nero: I just shielded!
^ Nero: :D
^ Grimscar: Like I care?
^ Nero: Probebly not
^ Bombil: grimscar lighten up dude
^ Grimscar: Bombil, shut the hell up , noob
^ Marzan: Grimscar speaks the truth
^ Crusaderr: you're going to let him talk to you like that Bombil?
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Grimscar: Not to mention the leader of this 'The Royal Guard' is a
     Demonic thief
^ Kanex: lol
^ Grimscar: Makes me even more positive that its a sham
^ Pelle: I'm disguised.
^ Nero: Im not :P
^ Pelle: But I'm immoral...so it doesn't really matter..
^ Crusaderr: how about you royal guard guys all swear fealty to me and
     become my squires
^ Marzan: immoral is as immoral does
^ Crusaderr: your duties will include getting me wine from the bar to keep
     my comm ep up, and beating Adaron down

^ Grimscar: You penetrate Pelle's disguise! His true alignment is Immoral
     Pelle is a mass-murderer and is forbidden to enter MinasTirith!
^ Camillus: You can speak again.
^ Bombil: hehe :D only reason i quit this game is because people are on
     here just so they can messure thier di*ks and think they are all
     mighty and shit. hey grimscar congratz you are good at a text based
     game and can talk shit to people on a comm. you just won the biggest
     di*k award a'la t2t style
^ Grimscar: Thanks, noob
^ Adaron: NO ONE BEATS
^ Adaron 
^ Crusaderr: damnit and here I thought I had the biggest
^ Adaron: down
^ Marzan: Bombil speaks the Truth
^ Crusaderr goes to find the pump
legend bombil
Bombil the dwarf Woodsman (Immoral) 
On for:  11m 45s                          Gender: male
Age: 18h 48m 46s                          
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Camillus: Crusaderr tells you: why'd you get silenced?
^ Adaron: send one of your squires to find it
^ Crusaderr: you do know you can send a mail to a person when you're
^ Crusaderr: which is what I was expecting
^ Camillus: yeah, like I'd go to that trouble =P
^ Arikon: mine might not be the biggest but it gets the most use
^ Crusaderr: you went through enough trouble to make an auction tag :P
Alexa tells you: sturdy armour is now on sale as lot 931, minimum bid 150
     gold Fresh
^ Grimscar: Heh.
^ Grimscar: Aphasia's clan is almost as stupid
^ Camillus: so "someone" silenced me for 2 and a half hours, when they
     told me it would only be 2 hours
^ Marzan: I never tried to pretend my dik was bigger than it was
^ Marzan: I am what you see
^ Grimscar: According to Aphasia's clan info, she personally is in charge
     of all Nazgul
^ Crusaderr: speaking of silences and warnings, I'm about 2 weeks away
     from being warning free again
^ Grimscar: And was appointed this position by Sauron himself
^ Camillus: and I've never gotten punished for my 8 years being here and
     then people like Marzan can talk about their dik... nice
^ Marzan: I always healed good and evil alike with no prejudice
^ Crusaderr: I got silenced for an hour for talking about a dime bag once
^ Iceman: haha legend resin
^ Crusaderr: it just all depends on who's on at the time and what mood
     they're in
^ Marzan: then I became a warrior like my older brother Korath who killed
^ Camillus: I've said a whole lot worse... I bet even Culfinglin herself
     has said worse over the comm
^ Grimscar: Are there enough freaking Gondor clans
^ Adaron: I think my silences were just for spamming and being an idiot to
^ Adaron: I don't really remember, though
^ Grimscar: Lendin Knights, the Laerabren, the Cymbrogi, Army of the
^ Grimscar: Four clans and three guilds
^ Marzan: Corin
^ Crusaderr: well Gondor is a big area I guess
^ Adaron: Gondor is a pretty big area, I suppose
^ Arikon: and think of where 99% of the war is
^ Crusaderr: I wager a big area Gondor is
^ Adaron: And with it's size, Gondor is pretty large
^ Adaron: Er, its
^ Arikon: you know when you look at it comparitivly, gondor is pretty
^ Crusaderr: well with Widower attacking it, I suppose it would have to be
^ Camillus: you do use a lot of those Widower jokes...
^ Crusaderr: only because everyone knows him
^ Camillus: yeah, he's a nice guy
^ Crusaderr: I can't very well crack a joke about Snok and expect everyone
     to get it
legend bombil
Bombil the dwarf Woodsman (Immoral) 
On for:  22m                              Gender: male
Age: 18h 56m 12s                          
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Camillus: how about Snarf?
^ Adaron: Yeah, using me just isn't as good
^ Grimscar: haha, I pwned Snarf once
^ Crusaderr: Snarf doesn't really need to have jokes made aobut him
^ Crusaderr: he does a good enough job by himself
^ Crusaderr: about him too
^ Grimscar: I killed snarf when he was level 13, using a wooden sword :P
^ Crusaderr: he was in VC, but parted with us on bad terms for some reason
     I can't recall
^ Wiggin: whoa, alexa moved
^ Grimscar: I had 'wield sword' in my alias to attack him and there was a
     wooden sword on the ground...I still got a double-massacer backstab
     on him
^ Camillus: he suicided saying he had to get to RL but was back a few
     months later...
^ Crusaderr: the best one for that was Beregor :P
^ Crusaderr: he suicided to finally end his mud career, and then made an
     alt and was back in 2 days ;P
^ Camillus: heh
^ Slugz: the most fun person to see killed was Gregor
Alexa tells you: a dwarven mining pack is now on sale as lot 932, minimum
     bid 150 gold Pack.
^ Camillus: I'd have to say Frosty on that one
^ Grimscar: I'd have to say, almost everyone one of you.
Alexa tells you: a helm of Rohan is now on sale as lot 933, minimum bid 100
     gold 2 fights old.
^ Camillus snorts.
^ Grimscar: Except Camillus. Because he's a humper.
^ Camillus: Grimscar has been silenced for 2.5 hours
^ Crusaderr: I dunno the most fun person to see get killed is probably
^ Crusaderr: because he tries to put forth a public face that he doesn't
     care and it was all in good fun
^ Grimscar: Shit, I might have to agree with Crusaderr for once
^ Crusaderr: but in tells he mfs you like crazy
^ Grimscar: Yup yup
^ Grimscar: <-- Last person to kill Pounder
^ Grimscar: Well, pretty sure anyways.
^ Crusaderr: Pounder is my first PK in a few years
^ Grimscar: Almost got him two days ago, got him ND.
^ Crusaderr: well I was in on it, wasn't a solo job of course
^ Slugz: jesus 284 days
^ Crusaderr: holy hell he's seperated himself from Jad that much?
^ Crusaderr: he just broke Jad's record like 2-3 months ago
^ Grimscar: Jad musta found a level 1 ranger 16 year old in real life
^ Grimscar: One day, I will too!
^ Camillus: I've never had a problem with Pounder, he's always been cool
     with me
^ Grimscar: Pounder's been a whore ever since he started his little pk
^ Crusaderr: either that or he accidentally pulled too hard and ended his
     ambitions with an injury
^ Grimscar: Of course, maybe I'm biased because he attacks my guild a lot
^ Grimscar: But maybe its the crappy "I defend Mordor now after 284 days
     of age"
^ Crusaderr: if it was just about that I could respect him
^ Crusaderr: however it more runs along the lines of him wanting to be a
     DH without actually signing on and suffering the consequences of
     having the tag
^ Grimscar: But he really only defends it from people he doesn't like
^ Grimscar: That too, Cru
^ Crusaderr: plus he likes to claim that he's independent and has all
     these skills because of it
^ Grimscar: But then he might not be able to have such good relations with
     Rangers of Ithilien
^ Grimscar: They wouldn't be able to store whip for him so he can kill in
     Gondor all he wants
^ Crusaderr: the RoI should merge with that Royal Guard clan or whatever
     they were called
^ Crusaderr: they both follow the same theme path apparently
^ Crusaderr: I've seen the RoI have more bad relations with moral guilds
     than any other type
^ Grimscar: RoI's written theme is awesome - But how they actually play is
^ Crusaderr: they actually came out and banged Irun the other day while he
     was in a rp battle against the SoU in Dol Guldur
^ Grimscar: You're shitting me
^ Crusaderr: no shit
^ Grimscar: They tried to kill me about half a dozen times when I was
^ Camillus: they are active?
^ Grimscar: At the time I was an applicant to KoDA and they tried to get
     me removed as an applicant because I would get the huge brass shield
^ Crusaderr: yes well apparently now if you've ever set foot in that area
     at all, you can now be attacked 20 years in the future for it
^ Crusaderr: because that was why they claimed to have traveled all the
     way up here to get Irun
^ Grimscar: Yes, and they'll kill a moral for that - but store whip for a
     demonic DH-wannabe so he can kill in Gondor
^ Crusaderr: well with a guild that made Otoron GM though what can you
     expect I guess
^ Grimscar: He and I haven't been friends in a while :P
^ Crusaderr: If he and I were friends ever I was really drunk or high and
     don't remember it
^ Grimscar: well he and I used to be guildmates
^ Crusaderr: well I never even knew the lad existed until the RoI appeared
     on the radar
^ Grimscar: and Pounder and I used to be friends.
^ Crusaderr: so I may know some alts, but I don't really remember him
^ Grimscar: Yes well see I'd been using that ranger-trainer in Henneth
     Amon since it was put in
^ Grimscar: And then they created their guild around it, and expected me
     to stop using it
^ Grimscar: Even though it was the only place you could max dodge in the
^ Crusaderr: yeah well I think that pretty much pissed off everyone
^ Grimscar: But what -I- find most deplorable is that I've never seen an
     RoI defend anything in Gondor - even
^ Grimscar: ever
^ Crusaderr: hell a guild should just pop up on Zirak Zigil and lay claim
     to it
^ Adaron: I'll continue to defend it with my life!
^ Grimscar: well Adaron, you're just delusional
^ Crusaderr: yeah well defending Gondor probably isn't as fun as trying to
     pk your fellow moral guilds for wanting to get uniques and train I
^ Grimscar: But we can tell that because you believe in Jesus and the
     Easter Bunny
^ Adaron: And that makes me delusional?
^ Grimscar: Yeah a little
^ Camillus: Hayzuse?
^ Camillus: or GeeZuse?
^ Camillus: christ, why can't everything be spelled phoenetically
^ Grimscar: because then it would be spelled fonetikali
^ Crusaderr: besides that
^ Crusaderr: it wouldn't be as fun if it was that way
^ Crusaderr: foreigners could learn English really easily and we wouldn't
     be able to laugh as much
^ Grimscar: Speaking of Christ
^ Kanex frowns
^ Camillus: I kind of grew out of it when I was 18 anyway
^ Grimscar: Why does 80% of America believe in God?
^ Adaron: How about
^ Arikon: just in case
^ Marzan: pot
^ Crusaderr: America likes insurance
^ Crusaderr: so Arikon is probably correct
^ Adaron: Why doesn't 20% of America believe in God?
^ Kanex: because it is written in your bills
^ Grimscar: Because 20% of america is well-educated and free thinking
^ Camillus: speaking of god, I was thinking of what would be the most
     offensive bumper sticker the other day...
^ Arikon: because american doesnt believe in god
^ Arikon: american might america doesnt
^ Camillus: and if you want to hear it, ask me
^ Adaron: So, anyone who believes in God isn't intelligent and free
^ Grimscar: No, just most of the
^ Grimscar: them
^ Grimscar: 90% of Christians are not free thinking
^ Crusaderr: I dunno if the number is quite that high
^ Kanex: religion = ignorance
^ Grimscar: They're just trained to believe
^ Marzan: Grimscar is correct, but I would put that at 95
^ Crusaderr: and religion hardly = ingorance
^ Adaron: So, what's better
^ Arikon: i consider myself a christian, im just a non denomonational
^ Crusaderr: religion gives people basic core values to live their life by
^ Grimscar: well, I'm just recalling my experiences at the Mustard Seed
     Church of Lawrence, KS, and my stint as a catholic schoolboy.
^ Crusaderr: there's nothing wrong with that
^ Bilungada: just some of them, just some
^ Kanex: but they live a lie of a life
^ Marzan laughs
^ Wiggin: unless those core values are wrong, of course
^ Crusaderr: if they're happy with their life what does it matter
^ Adaron: Ignorant zeal, or free-thinking mediocrity?
^ Bilungada: just some of them, just some!
^ Grimscar: Cuz, Cru, they try to convince others that THEIR life is also
^ Grimscar: And then spread the word of Jesus on like a virus
^ Crusaderr: that's when you slam the door and go back to watching
^ Grimscar: well, I'd rather be watching something violent or with nudity
^ Adaron: Well, naturally.
^ Grimscar: And then I notice that Christians have taken away my nudity on
     NYPD BLue
^ Gorestel: Cause the people who put that stuff out aren't similarly
^ Camillus: like violent porn?
^ Grimscar: And Christians have thrown a fit about Janet Jackson's nipple
^ Grimscar: And Christians have thrown a fit about my Howard Stern
^ Camillus: it was pretty gross...
^ Gorestel: Who wants to see that?
^ Grimscar: Then I pick up a holiday newspaper
^ Gorestel: Of course, anyone who actually watches the Super Bowl Halftime
     Show deserves what they get
^ Grimscar: And all the editorials read about how Christians want us to
     hate agnostics because agnostics hate Christmas
^ Grimscar: And that we should bring back Nativity scenes into schools
^ Gorestel: It's true!  There's an army of agnostics outside my house with
     torches and pitchforks
^ Grimscar: And whats wrong with prayer during school?
^ Grimscar: And I think that Christians need to relearn the First
^ Grimscar: And that's why I get annoyed at Christians.
^ Camillus: oh there must be more...
^ Slugz: In the schools i went to you are allowed to pray all you want
^ Slugz: It is making it a requirement that was a no no
^ Gorestel: Well, I can't speak for the majority, but the few of us who
     actually think about these issues just want to keep options open. 
     I'd rather kids learn about all religions than none.
^ Rathmar: This is like watching an episode of CNN's Crossfire.
^ Crusaderr: in the school I went to, you prayed you made it home at the
     end of the day alive ;P
^ Rathmar: Because it sucks.
^ Grimscar: I went to a public school and we were required to pray before
     sporting events, because both coaches were also ministers.
^ Camillus: you actually watch crossifre?
^ Gorestel: Texas?
^ Grimscar: Small town Kansas.
^ Crusaderr: he probably saw a commercial for it once :P
^ Gorestel: Ahh
^ Gorestel: The flat state
^ Grimscar: My brother and I were the only two people in the entire school
     who would refuse to pray with the team
^ Crusaderr: you rebel you
^ Gorestel: Did you guys have a losing season because of it?
^ Camillus: damn sexy football team...
^ Adaron: Wow, you complain so, it almost sounds like you care. Be
     careful, people might mistake you for giving a crap.
^ Grimscar: Well, they WERE good coaches. So no, we always had a winning
^ Grimscar: Giving a crap, Adaron? Of course I give a crap.
^ Crusaderr: well that makes one of us I guess ;P
^ Grimscar: You think I want my kids growing up in a world where they're
     told that they're worthless pieces of shit, and the only way they'll
     ever be worth a damn is if they believe in Jesus and accept that they
     are filth, so that Jesus will forgive them and they can go to heaven?
^ Adaron: No
^ Adaron: But neither do I.
^ Crusaderr: I wouldn't mind my kids growing up in that world if I
     happened to be rich in the scenario
^ Grimscar: That's what Christians do. They indoctrinate with fear, then
     love, fear, then love. Pavlov and Hitler would be proud.
^ Camillus: your children should hate gays though...
The scouts report: The North Undeep battlepoint is under siege!
^ Crusaderr: actually with my experience in catholic school they mostly
     just asked for money
^ Grimscar: Catholics aren't even moral
^ Crusaderr: of course I only was in it until 6th grade, but still
Sorry, you have idled too long.
Connected to host towers.angband.com
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The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.
Connected to host towers.angband.com
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|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
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The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.
Connected to host towers.angband.com
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|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
|  |   |  |  |         Towers    _/                             /          
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The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.

News in Arda!  1 message, type "news" to read.

Playtesting news!  2 messages, type "ptnews" to read.
There are 111 new petitions to read!

Last logon:  Mon Dec 27 02:07:02 2004 from
do who,uptime,tell alexa list

    This room is considerably brighter than the foyer, thanks to a small
window in the western wall. 

    Unfortunately, the addition of a window is not linked to any measurable
improvement in construction practices.  This room, like the foyer west of
it, is made entirely of cheap wood hastily slapped together.

    In the center of the room and dominating it is a large, wooden table.
The table is made of higher-quality wood than anything else you've seen 
here.  What would be an average piece of furniture anywhere else stands 
out here as a work of art.  A number of inexpensive chairs are arrayed 
around the table.  A woven basket sits in the table's center, as does a 
strongbox. There is a small sign tacked to the wall above the strongbox. 
A note board has been mounted on the east wall so that guild members can 
leave messages for each other.

    A mongrel dog lies in front of the open doorway in the northern wall.
    The only obvious exits are west and north.
 Larion the dunedain Wrathchild (Hand of Amarthatar)
 An empty keg
 An old leather baldric
 A keg of Mead of Rohan
 An empty bottle
 A trash can
 The Board of the The Aina Amarth [21 notes]
HP:230 EP:230 
Do: starting commands.
HP:230 EP:230 
                                 The Two Towers

Larion the dunedain Wrathchild (Hand of Amarthatar)                              (lvl 20)  
Armand War Pig the dunlending Archmage (Demonic)                            (guildmaster)  
Sivion Ringwë'elen, the silvan Jewel-Smith                                (guildmistress)  

Total friends and enemies and ainur and guildmates: 3
Total users: 68
HP:230 EP:230 
The Two Towers has been up for 4d 8h 41m 56s.
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Crusaderr: that's the only movie I ever left after 20 minutes of
     watching in the theatre
^ Grimscar: If Kevin Costner could pee into a machine and have pure water
     come out, why couldn't he just take a scoop of ocean water and do the
     same thing?
^ Camillus: RotK was the first movie I ever left
^ Marzan lauhgs
^ Tavor: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/index.shtml
     <- Biblical condradictions list.
The scouts report: The South Undeep battlepoint is under siege!
^ Crusaderr: because Kevin Costner's piss makes the women squeal
The scouts report: The South Undeep battlepoint has fallen to the enemy!
^ Grimscar: I mean, really. Piss has salt in it.
^ Grimscar: oceanwater has salt in it
Larion looks at you with a questioning look on his face.
^ Grimscar: If you can purify piss, you can certainly purify ocean water
^ Marzan laughs
^ Crusaderr: here's the main problem with your scenario Grimscar
^ Grimscar: No reason for a movie?
^ Crusaderr: you're trying to apply logic to a 1 star at best movie
^ Grimscar: But its soo basic
^ Grimscar: All you have to do is remove the salt from the water, and
     there are many ways to do it
^ Camillus: well, also remove the plastic too
^ Marzan: charcoal
^ Crusaderr: the whole point of waterworld as far as I can tell was to get
     Kevin Costner into a sci fi picture
^ Grimscar: None of which involve a small machine that works in seconds,
     though, without electricity.
^ Crusaderr: he then followed that up with his opus, The Postman :P
^ Marzan: I liked Dances with Wolves best :)
^ Gorestel: But Field of Dreams was good, wasn't it?  Made us all believe
^ Crusaderr: I refuse to watch Field of Dreams
^ Grimscar: Uh, thats actually a good one
^ Grimscar: And I even liked the Postman
^ Grimscar: But mostly because Tom Petty was in it
^ Crusaderr: the Postman was garbage and field of dreams had Yankees in it
^ Marzan: Field of Dreams could not compare to  the 04 Redsox
^ Adaron: Well, good night ladies.
^ Camillus: was at game 7 this year...
^ Camillus: it sucked
^ Grimscar: Night Adaron :)
^ Crusaderr: the 04 Red Sox actually had me watching baseball again
^ Crusaderr: so yes that was something special
^ Grimscar: 03 cubs had me watching baseball again
^ Marzan: me too
^ Grimscar: But that might have had something to do with me living in
     Chicago and working in a bar
^ Crusaderr: I haven't watched baseball since the strike back in the early
^ Gorestel: I always wanted Field of Dreams 2, where James Earl Jones
     comes back from that cornfield all messed-up
^ Crusaderr: I've been watching the NFL religiously this year of course
^ Gorestel: Something along the lines of "baseball meets children of the
^ Crusaderr: 14-1 Steelers tend to do that
^ Crusaderr: now if the hockey lockout would just end :P
^ Gorestel: Night Arda
^ Dakar: Peace
Alexa tells you: a saw-toothed sword is now on sale as lot 943, minimum bid
     150 gold Fresh
^ Marzan: parents from south Chi
^ Marzan: but Irish Cath as well, Sox had the Mojo
Alexa tells you: a phial of Roderick's Dream Potion is now on sale as lot
     944, minimum bid 150 gold Take It
Sorry, you have idled too long.
Connected to host towers.angband.com
   _____     _____
__|     |___|     |           ^^        .            .     .          
                  |         _/  \  .             .            ^   . | |_| |_| |
                  |        /     \           /\        .     ^^^     \       /
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 __     __   |  _/                   /   /        \  /                |     | 
|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
|  |   |  |  |         Towers    _/                             /          
|  |   |  |  |                __/                             ==|              
|__|   |__|  |              _/                             ===__|            
             |            _/                          =====  /                 
             |           /            ======         =     _/                  
             |       ___/         ====      ==     ==     /                    
             |    __/                         =====      / 

The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.
Your name? 

News in Arda!  1 message, type "news" to read.

Playtesting news!  2 messages, type "ptnews" to read.
There are 111 new petitions to read!

Last logon:  Mon Dec 27 02:48:13 2004 from
do who,uptime,tell alexa list

    This room is considerably brighter than the foyer, thanks to a small
window in the western wall. 

    Unfortunately, the addition of a window is not linked to any measurable
improvement in construction practices.  This room, like the foyer west of
it, is made entirely of cheap wood hastily slapped together.

    In the center of the room and dominating it is a large, wooden table.
The table is made of higher-quality wood than anything else you've seen 
here.  What would be an average piece of furniture anywhere else stands 
out here as a work of art.  A number of inexpensive chairs are arrayed 
around the table.  A woven basket sits in the table's center, as does a 
strongbox. There is a small sign tacked to the wall above the strongbox. 
A note board has been mounted on the east wall so that guild members can 
leave messages for each other.

    A mongrel dog lies in front of the open doorway in the northern wall.
    The only obvious exits are west and north.
 An empty keg
 An old leather baldric
 A keg of Mead of Rohan
 An empty bottle
 A trash can
 The Board of the The Aina Amarth [21 notes]
HP:230 EP:230 
Do: starting commands.
HP:230 EP:230 
                                 The Two Towers

Pounder the dunedain Knight (Demonic)                                            (mortal)  
Boffo Wordsmith the hobbit Battle Lord (Heroic)                             (guildmaster)  
Armand War Pig the dunlending Archmage (Demonic)                            (guildmaster)  

Total friends and enemies and ainur and guildmates: 3
Total users: 46
HP:230 EP:230 
The Two Towers has been up for 4d 9h 58m 38s.
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Camillus: it sucked
^ Grimscar: Night Adaron :)
^ Crusaderr: the 04 Red Sox actually had me watching baseball again
^ Crusaderr: so yes that was something special
^ Grimscar: 03 cubs had me watching baseball again
^ Marzan: me too
^ Grimscar: But that might have had something to do with me living in Chicago and working in a bar
^ Crusaderr: I haven't watched baseball since the strike back in the early 90s
^ Gorestel: I always wanted Field of Dreams 2, where James Earl Jones comes back from that cornfield all messed-up
^ Crusaderr: I've been watching the NFL religiously this year of course
^ Gorestel: Something along the lines of "baseball meets children of the corn"
^ Crusaderr: 14-1 Steelers tend to do that
^ Crusaderr: now if the hockey lockout would just end :P
^ Gorestel: Night Arda
^ Dakar: Peace
^ Marzan: parents from south Chi
^ Marzan: but Irish Cath as well, Sox had the Mojo
^ Grimscar: A lil late but log posted!
^ Orgald: oopsie i just rented my room 30 seconds before sunrise
^ Summit: Anybody interested, Drille seems to be trapped at South Undeep.
HP:230 EP:230 
The scouts report: Victory! The Lothlorien Bridge battlepoint has been
legend dakar
Dakar the silvan Loremaster (Moral) 
On for:  1h 39m 8s                        Gender: male
Age: 1d 18h 42m 42s                       
Can be mailed: Dakar@Lothlorien
Info: Confucius say-He who runs behind a car gets exhausted. 
^ Defamer: im wanted if someone wants to find and kill me !!!!
Dakar tells you: thanks
find defamer
Defamer is in Gondor, The Stone-Land at Linhir.
In the room: a lingerie display in Dominique's clothing shop.
Defamer is wanted.
HP:230 EP:210 legend defamer

Defamer the silvan Prowler (Impartial) 
On for:  1h 12m 17s                       Gender: male
Age: 16d 13h 45m 50s                      
Can be mailed: Defamer@Belegost
Info: . 
HP:230 EP:211 
^ Summit: Nothing I was looking at your awesome shirt.
^ Defamer: ill just be waiting here whenever you are ready
Boffo tells you: can you do a find on Defamer for me?
^ Summit: Who smokes a big bowl at night and says "I'm gonna ask about the
     bare foot kickers?"
Corin tells you: Can you do a find for me?
^ Orgald: ok lets see a 16day old level 4 thief
^ Defamer: what do you want me to say? i got bored
^ Fealome: he is prolly just been levelbashed for his crimes, and are now
     nearly without stats and skills, easy prey.
^ Defamer: lets see... i betrayed the galadhrim at level 15 and was bashed
     to level 10 as punishment then i got killed a few more times to level
     7 or 6 and just now i was killed to 6 and then arested to 5
^ Orgald: you were supposedly level 5 when you commed come catch me i'm
^ Defamer: yes
^ Defamer: oh... i forgot to mention when i was level 10 i became ainu and
     didnt like it so i asked for deainurment
^ Orgald: it is a pity you can't immort unless you are level 15 or higher
^ Defamer: well i was level 15 at the time of application
^ Defamer: so thy let me in anyway
^ Orgald: stop changing your story
^ Fealome: its nice with a dynamic story, keep it going.
^ Defamer: im not lying
^ Bit: er, no one cares :)
^ Defamer: i was an ainu under the name Ulahn, after i demorted i changed
     to defamer
^ Orgald: did it take you that long to research that or are you really
     that slow a typer?
^ Defamer: no ep :)
The scouts report: Victory! The North Undeep battlepoint has been
You go away from the keyboard.
Tuned to the comm line are:
Adaron, Alavir, Armand, Bit, Burebista, Chasm, Dakar, Defamer, Drille,
Fealome, Gabriel, Jaron, Lmno, Myrddin, Obxidian, Orgald, Pounder,
Saurus, Slugz, Wathdin, Yuber, Zzidane
HP:230 EP:230 afk

You go away from the keyboard.
HP:230 EP:230 
  A large host of enemy is released from Mordor and marches towards
Osgiliath.  Covered and strengthened by the darkness and the evil
of their lord, they prepare for their plunder of Gondor.
^ Thee: does anyone know how to get married to sumone on this game
^ Alavir: yeah. type suicide and get a life.
^ Dakar: Does it have to be official?  It's a text based game.
^ Thee: oh its not that important heard it could be done just wondering
Alexa tells you: a saw-toothed sword is now on sale as lot 948, minimum bid
     200 gold EXC almost fresh.
^ Thee: man some comm line i guess you really do have to work things out
     for yourself alot in this game
^ Mungo: Thank you, Captain obvious
^ Orgald: Corpse of Defamer [2]
^ Mungo: No, I don't think he was the first person to be a level 1 thief.