
Posted by
Durad [legacy]
02 January 2005 00:00:00

Remove merciful.


  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    03 January 2005 20:29:24

    Btw Durad, if you are using Kbtin on Linux you can try the (#condump <filename>) command or something like that, that way you can save the log since you logged on.


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    03 January 2005 06:51:32

    I'd take advantage of any idiot who's going to attack me with a shitty weapon and hunt me around.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 January 2005 06:39:39

    demandred sucks

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    03 January 2005 05:09:25

    All anyone would have to do is look at Grimscars other logs and then read this to know it was a joke. Sad that someone would try and take advantage of it to be able to say 'I killed Grimscar!!!'.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    02 January 2005 23:12:55

    Grim, I couldn't log the fire part because I have it set to log upon backstab, if not, before, it wouldn't be in colour. Blame KBtin.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    02 January 2005 22:19:00

    We should all throw some mud!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    02 January 2005 21:38:33

    'Nolan, i know your not the sharpest tack in the box, but you've taken stupidity to a whole new level.' Exchange Nolan for Demandred, and I think it's 100% correct (not backing up for Nolan, simply saying what I've understood through having arguments with Demandred).

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    02 January 2005 21:21:48

    Uh, the reason I attacked was to 'mess with' Durad.

    He edited it out, but before this log began, he was following me around with darkness, looking at me and shaping me, and every time I lit a fire to get a brand, he would extinguish it.

    I was annoyed so I backstabbed him to have some fun. Wouldn't have killed him even if I could.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    02 January 2005 21:17:15

    Well Bakal, if you do deside to go know you always got me.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    02 January 2005 20:04:13

    Well yeah I don't think anyone that's serious about killing anybody would use a great iron axe - I know I would rather use a brand :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 January 2005 19:37:55

    Oh dear, Demandred made fun of me :(

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    02 January 2005 18:47:57

    he's attacked just about everywhere, so saying that this is above him is a bit too much.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    02 January 2005 18:29:59

    I believe that Grimscar was totally messing around in this log. i mean seriously attacking at thrands, thats something that me and Grimscar would have done to eachother back in the day, he obviously wasnt trying to kill you :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    02 January 2005 17:45:31

    Gee, interesting. Go on.

  • Author
    Nolan [legacy]
    02 January 2005 17:45:01

    You improved your mom jokes, thats a start.

    Didn't say I was a hard kill, said I was an easy one.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    02 January 2005 17:40:28

    Nolan, i know your not the sharpest tack in the box, but you've taken stupidity to a whole new level. Me stopping Rasputin from killing Monet had nothing to do with this so called personal relationship i'm having with her. She's a friend, i havent done anything for her that i wouldnt do for any other friends of mine. As for the whole my alt bullshit...well i explained that to you yesterday, but your single minded stupidity seems to have clouded your judgement aswell as your skill. As for the whole, your guildmate deal, well she's earnt a death or 2. I'm getting paid well for it, so you keep talking like you do best, and i'll do what i do best. If i wanted to kill you...i'd kill you, if i want to kill a guildmate of yours for a C...guess what else i'd do?

    Just to keep the flow going and so Nolan doesnt feel left out. Your mother is like a Happy Meal, she's small, cheap and greasy.

  • Author
    Nolan [legacy]
    02 January 2005 17:17:21

    Demandred just stop talking, don't care what you think.

    And really, your alt attacking someone in Udungul is because you have a personal relationship with Monet who hates the member for no reason. I remember when Rasputin wanted to kill Monet who was Udungul and you got all pissed etc. since he was DH and Monet Udungul. Now that Monet wants to kill a member your alt does it for her freely despite the fact that its a member of Udungul. Besides, if you can show me how its thematic for DH to kill Udungul considering you have nothing to do with our theme an you're an evil guild I'll feel stupid about making a treaty to spare lives instead of wasting them. Your doublemoral is older than your mom-insults and that 'watch your back' crap.

    If you wanna kill Udungul, come kill me because I don't care enough about PvP anymore to give a damn about if I get killed nor do I try my best to play Nolan paranoid.


  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    02 January 2005 16:45:18

    The supposed relationship between DH and RoI is an urban myth. FRA and Rimsilval might have been close in the days of yesteryear, but nowadays there is little or no interaction.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    02 January 2005 16:34:17

    Yeah..i'm really bitter about being kicked from UD...or something...

    No its just that..well, Udungul vanguard are supposed to be Sauron's elite, protector's of mordor...or something. And GV are meant to be the army of gondorian's who's job it is to raid mordor and harass sauron's just seems...wrong? I'm sure i'm not the only one who think its a bit retarded.

    Nolan, even if you hadn't have kicked me, i'd have left. You and Aduial can screw up the guild on your own. You know your guild has gone downhill lately...i know it...hell even alkath with his brothers head still in his lap knows it. When you find you balls, you come do something about it. Till then, stop thinking i'd be worried if you hitlisted me, i'd be more worried about Bakal turning gay and hunting my ass down honestly.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 January 2005 14:12:51

    Funny, I never had problems with merciful, it is not THAT hard to keep it turned off you know?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 January 2005 14:09:34

    sweet log, btw

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 January 2005 14:09:15

    DH's unwritten alliance with RoI is way more unthematic and hilarious, Taudrek and Demandred.

  • Author
    Nolan [legacy]
    02 January 2005 14:06:00

    Funny how much people change when they get booted from a guild.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    02 January 2005 13:37:38

    I've never really liked using the word treaty, I see things more like a temporary cease fire agreement in a long ass global war, sort of.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    02 January 2005 13:33:38

    No. Demandred is bitching at the grossly unthematic nature of an agreement between GV and Udungul. But it's nice of you to try and complicate the issue, Alkath.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    02 January 2005 12:36:23

    Demandred is bitching because he got kicked out of Udungul? :P

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    02 January 2005 07:12:08

    Udungul - GV treaty...thats got to be...boring. First time i've heard of an evil guild having a treaty with a moral one in a long time. Then again, considering which guild the GM's alt is in it doesnt really surprise me.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    02 January 2005 06:52:16

    I didnt think he was serious I guess.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    02 January 2005 05:59:36


    Though wouldnt the failed bs cloak lock up have keyed the coming of the slug's gooey mess?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    02 January 2005 05:31:55

    yeah well what can I say, our guilds had a fairly decent treaty and you knew i was just messing around. I mean, attacking at thrands with a great iron axe?

    You'll take any chance you can get to show off the fact that you're lower than the gooey mess a slug leaves behind.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    02 January 2005 04:56:29

    Succeeding this was a round of name calling and bickering. :P