Istroath dies

Posted by
Oracle [legacy]
17 January 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

I hear Rohan went lawless, this is for Armand.


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    19 January 2005 19:05:11

    trempk, big difference between evil races thematically not running free in rohan, and evil free races not running free. Thematically you may not know the difference. Regardless, merciful wont be used in mordor its something that will never be respected by everyone regardless of wether its right or wrong. The only option to this would be to bring the mordor rules *double standard you call it* outside of mordor and into rohan, which if im not mistaken is what has happened here in this log?

    Lets make this clear one last time, all you amruin are bitching about whats happening here, and linking it to mordor.

    I have not attacked an amruin in mordor in ages,nor anywhere in arda for that matter, I only defend it when my allies call for help.

    Im even neutrally aligned in Rohan, I do not find you natural enemies. However Ilsarion killed me with his little bang party and now Meilikki wants to link it to this mordor bs.

    Perhaps if you guys focus on your real problems you will stop dying.

  • Author
    Badin [legacy]
    19 January 2005 03:00:05

    Bah when evils come out, if your in mordor your going to die, I don't care if you are sou, or dh, and I'm going to love it. Let those little beorning rage fools come on in:) *drools*

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    18 January 2005 20:26:06

    Bastard morals. You're all going to pay, damnit!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    18 January 2005 19:43:38

    No you can't Pallasch. The morals ate all the cake and now there is no cake left for anyone:(

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    18 January 2005 19:37:47

    I like cake Hirgail, may I have some? :))

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    18 January 2005 19:20:04

    You morals whine because you want Mordor and the rest of Arda to be the same... fine, so be it. When I do what you want, don't whine because I'm gonna RP as if I was any evil guild as I've done for the most of the time as Oracle.

    Also, I should add that you are only getting yourselves into fights by requesting this and when the regions came what on earth for? There is no point whining to the ainur about it. And there is no point whining to evils about it. Because when regions are implemented even more areas will be lawless, and you will die just as hard there as in Mordor.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 January 2005 19:05:49

    Then complain to the Ainur, it's not our fucking fault the way the lawsys works.

    I morals shit me. You choose to go into Mordor because it's fun. I mean why else would you? The gear in there isn't that fantastic. By: Hirgail

    The gear you get in Mordor is enough to balance out the immorals entering gates every two minutes. You say we have the advantage in Mordor, yeah sure we do but ffs use your brains a bit more and you'll realize how goddamn easy it is killing people in Mordor as the prey.

    By: Oracle

    lol, two whole different arguments against morals and they are on the same side? weird? So which reason is it? because its fun and the gear is decent, or because its because the gear is worth dying for? IMO no gear is worth dying for. not even aiglos/whip unless they are fresh and you plan on making 25k plus with it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    18 January 2005 18:17:23

    Then complain to the Ainur, it's not our fucking fault the way the lawsys works.

    I morals shit me. You choose to go into Mordor because it's fun. I mean why else would you? The gear in there isn't that fantastic. So you go in for your own fun, because it's dangerous and makes you a 'badass' and then complain when you get what you want and a little action comes your way.

    If you don't like being attacked, then don't go into a lawsys free area.

    So, essentually you want your cake and our cake and to stuff your greedy fucking mouths full of everyones cake and THERES ONLY SO MUCH CAKE TO GO AROUND!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 January 2005 17:56:34

    ...and watch your fines skyrocket

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    18 January 2005 16:12:41

    So stop bitching. Set up client triggers to hunt off at the borders of your lands and PK evils that walk into it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 January 2005 16:01:01

    I think its kind of stupid saying that mordor is supposed to be dangerous. Of course it is, but rohan, gondor, lothlorien, etc. would be equally as dangerous for immorals as well, taking into consideration that somehow mordor can tell the difference in alignment, it should be assumed that the other places could as well. But when the immorals come to attack these places, most expect the defenders to use merciful and then they don't do the same for those people when they attack mordor because it is lawless. So being dangerous really has nothing to do with it, the ability to get away without a fine is the only reason why no one uses merciful in mordor. Unless they don't believe in the lawsys altogether, and in that case, the only reason they aren't killing those people outside of mordor is because of the restrictions that the lawsys puts on them outside of mordor. The latter being the rarer of the two cases. And on top of that is the whole mordor enter/escape, immoral vs moral thingy. So thats what us morals are annoyed about.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 January 2005 08:34:41

    *chuckle* backhunt/lockup i ment not log off :P but quitting is my specialty, if in doubt quit!!? yeayyasyayayasss

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 January 2005 08:33:35

    The last thing im doing is whining, i just think its a bit pathetic. I try to kill people in mordor more then i try to kill npcs. I just wait to get attacked so i can try and backhunt/log off. But when i do get an assassin alone and try and take em out into gorgoth they just hunt off and run. *shrug*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 January 2005 02:37:43

    I can't believe you guys are still discussing that :p

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 23:08:29

    up your ass, oracle :P trigger Narchost todo hunt off/get the keys you always have ready/drink those gala vials I never have

    It's not that easy, if you're dealing with someone skilled.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    17 January 2005 22:59:50

    I have several chars that kills or killed in Mordor, I never bitched for being attempted in there, as if it was my eggroll they cut off. Once I was 8 man attempted in CU and lived, I laughed hard and its worth dying 10 times for in Mordor according to me.

    Mordor is there because its a pleasure to go inside and get a little spooky feeling, knowing people will be hunting for you and most of the time not alone. I attacked two guys there not long ago and they posted the log, I died..buuhuu I give a damn.

    The gear you get in Mordor is enough to balance out the immorals entering gates every two minutes. You say we have the advantage in Mordor, yeah sure we do but ffs use your brains a bit more and you'll realize how goddamn easy it is killing people in Mordor as the prey.

    Bottom line, oh god.. I mean really, oh god.. you are a bunch of sissy whiners.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    17 January 2005 22:18:42

    well jerf, i think your point has been negated by the repeated attempts on delrin, which was outside mordor. first one person- failed, then two people - failed, and then quite a few people - success!

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    17 January 2005 22:00:06

    You evils are fucking pathetic. If we are taking a risk and what not by going in there. then you come in and attack us. We beat your ass and you run out. You should stay out, thats why its unfair. You just come back in with more people and a bigger party, that is of course after you heal and everything. If we attacked you in rohan and failed you would just go report and we wouldn't do it again.....Weird how that shit works?

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    17 January 2005 20:26:27

    Only problem with that, Switch, is that some will turn merciful on, and go make their gold without having to worry about dying. Then they'll go turn it off and PK to their hearts content. Only time they'd have to worry about dying is when they are out to PK themselves.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    17 January 2005 20:25:58

    You killed Istroath!? Bad Oracle, no cookie!

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 20:21:23

    in regards to Pallasch. you can not compare an npc to a player charactor, the npc well reset with full stats in 15min to an hour after he/she/it dies. the act of killing the npc in question is in rp dispicable but not worth the death of a playerchar.

    im not saying we all have to play like this as i know there are players out there that just love to pk that is there style and there is a place for them here as well, but they cant call it rp as its not rp its pk witch is fine just be honest about it. and if your a pker then expect to be pked back we all know this. if you want to rp thats great too just please lets stop clouding the issue and trying to mash the two into one package it dosent work.

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    17 January 2005 19:48:50

    Okay, this might get a lot of flaming here but how about this.

    Merciful is altered to avoid abuse (wait, read on, all will make sense) so that you cannot turn it on/off all that quickly. Perhaps make it take some time to do, or perhaps you have to visit YOUR rp point (Amruin -> golden hall, SoU -> DG troll, KoDA -> sergeant near 1st knight) turn turn it on/off.

    THEN, if you have merciful on... you can only merciful people, but can also only BE mercifulled. That way if you want to log on, make some gold, have some fun, roleplay... you can't die to some ass with a big sword and a hardon.

    If you want to kill (Alkath, Lomar, Kozlodoev's style of people) turn merciful off, go at it. So you can only be killed, if you can kill.

    It has a LOT of flaws, I'll agree, but it's an idea of making RP into RP. You could link it to guilds alligence status (war = merciful off against THAT guild etc)...

    People will love it or hate it (depending on whether you're a spreekiller in the making or not)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    17 January 2005 18:59:02

    I personally think real rp is with merciful off, because I'm not going to let someone just run off when they're killing my brethren or whatever :P

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 18:20:48

    ok 1st i dont comment much but i feel i should at very least voice my humble oppinion about this. yes mordor should be lawless but we all play a game here and we have chosen to have Role play in it for respect of the other players. rp is in it self mercifull based so you both live to fight another day and continue the battle of evil vs moral, hence mercifull has been put into the game as a tool to help us have and engoy our rp part of the game. now with that said yes mordor is lawless but that has no barring on rp the lawsys is not there to say you can kill in rp or not kill in rp its there to stop players who just like to kill kill kill from doing so and ruining the playerbase on t2t so when it all comes down to it its just about respect.

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    17 January 2005 18:18:35

    I'd say where. But one of his moderator friends would remove it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:57:57

    I just don't get what the hell you're complaining. Mordor is lawless for EVERYONE. Evils can knock on the gates, but they can't do that AND quest things there. Morals take more risk going in there, but they reap the benefits and can enjoy the equipment.

    The fact that you can walk out of CU and find 5 or 100 evils waiting there for you is supposed to be part of the charm of Mordor, it's supposed to be really fucking dangerous.

    If Amruin wants to make a lawless Rohan 'agreement' then fine, I'm all for it. Remember though, it won't just be evils that die there.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:42:55

    well where is oracle guilded?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:39:38

    I think this whole reporting issue sucks. But it should still be there for the newbies.

    When I go into Mordor, I know I can get killed. The whining evils get, is mostly that when a moral dies there, it's thanks to the evils being 3-5people, against a solo moral. When I am about to head to Mordor I never ask someone to come in, to help me kill some evils, I try my shit solo, sometimes (not often, very rare) it works, and why would evils whine about some moral stud turning the tables and ending up solo(or maybe with ONE friend), killing one or all of the attackers?

  • Author
    Clotho [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:35:18

    Non Guilded? :P

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:34:58

    arg, why was my log removed?

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:14:44

    for a pk was great though

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:13:49

    well the rp point kinda gets lost on me in this log. faded, no warning, waited for me to get low, none guilded char, were is the rp?

  • Author
    Nolan [legacy]
    17 January 2005 17:04:02

    We will protect Mordor with our lives and we take risks while defending it. You can't control things in Mordor (while it is lawless) with merciful and rules about who gets to do what, rules would be broken left and right. There are good weapons outside Mordor, and you can get them.

    If you don't like to be attacked in a lawless land, don't enter because then you have nothing there to do in the first place. Besides, Mordor is breakheaven. If you die in Mordor its either because you did something wrong or a big enough party banged you, and its not very hard to find out when a huge party is coming for you in Mordor.

    When evils get turned on or locked in Mordor, or just killed somehow, I don't see half the whine I see when a moral dies in there. Because evils accept the fact that Mordor is lawless, even though as Kozlodoev nicely put 'more evils than morals died in Mordor lately'.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 January 2005 16:50:30

    Hi Valoc. Trust that you're well:)

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    17 January 2005 15:29:55

    And hey Rhoads and Hirgail. :)

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    17 January 2005 15:29:30


    This is a discussion which has been raging on for yeaaars.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 January 2005 13:40:37

    Hahahahahaha, this will end in tears.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 January 2005 11:13:47

    I guess it comes because of Udungul's retarded proposal 'Ok, you guys can merciful us in Rohan if we attack there and give the eq back, and we can kill you people in Mordor anytime'. I mean, shit, that has to be the most retarded idea ever :P

    That just gives me stuff todo anyway! :)

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    17 January 2005 10:03:00

    i think there were actually more kills on evils in mordor posted in the last month than on morals:) not sure tho..

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    17 January 2005 09:41:52

    That was the point of this log Meilikki.

    Oracle said ok, fine, we play it your way.

    RP killing in rohan now! Hell mordor like all of arda :)

    *though your men still report and demand gear back *boggle* mordor?

    AS far as this.

    'If RP is RP... then make both sides able to kill... not some double standard'

    While in mordor, if im not mistaken, Evil men kill moral men, AND moral men kill evil men! Door swings both ways. While in western Arda, BOTH sides merciful. You can not like it, but there is no double standard here. While in mordor you are just as free to rp out some death on the evils as they are on you. The only thing you got to not like here now is that maby evils have upper hand being able to

    enter mordor quickly and you dont! But thats what you pay for being

    able to kill there, and maby just following the RP! its mordor! Lawless Land!

    As far as gold routines,

    I really cant recall my gaining lots of gold by hunting in rohan!?!

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    17 January 2005 09:05:40

    Blah... it was more about... if you wanna attempt us in Mordor and call it RP... then we should be able to pk you in Rohan and call it 'RP'... *shrugs*

    If RP is RP... then make both sides able to kill... not some double standard

    Hell Amruin and DH have been doing that for a while now... granted its off and on based off the two guilds activity... but we still killed each other in RP...

    RP is RP, PK is PK, if one side can turn merciful off in RP while defending an area, so should the other side... don't know what's so complicated about that... oh wait... it would mess up immorals precious golding routine... kinda like it messes up us getting eq in mordor... but they don't care about that... oh well

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    17 January 2005 08:09:52

    so AA/UD vs Amruin?

  • Author
    Xsi [legacy]
    17 January 2005 07:21:59

    Nah Aakesh, that'll be Amruin's job. :p

  • Author
    Aakesh [legacy]
    17 January 2005 07:19:46

    if it was Mordor, there would be udungul gangbangs all over killing level 14 thieves :p

  • Author
    Xsi [legacy]
    17 January 2005 06:42:21

    Those were Meilikki's words, Feris. Rohan = Mordor = lawless.

  • Author
    Feris [legacy]
    17 January 2005 04:26:38

    Uh, Rohan is not lawless.. where'd you hear that? :P

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    17 January 2005 03:34:10

    Ill post my log of why this is happening when i get home. Seems Amruin dont like wizards who know how to do finds.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    17 January 2005 03:24:01

    i don't get what is important about the paste :P

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    17 January 2005 03:23:41

    yea bad week for me... he did a nice job though... i did think somehing might be up as i saw him come in and then i was dark for 2 rounds. did have an esvial in cloak with one dose left was tempted to drink it but then i had been getting dark all over the place this day and thought its probly just another person runnen around with dark. then bam at 110 hp i see whip emote and think oh dame just run run run... anyway no reports he returned eq and was a nice solo

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    17 January 2005 03:14:29

    HP:230 EP:124 -)>

    Armand tells you: jerf gh

    psha, keep those finds coming.


    The Two Towers has been up for 1d 5h 1m 28s.

    HP:230 EP:116 -)>

    glance n

    A mysterious room, filled with scrolls(s)

    The spirit of an evil necromancer

    Istroath Baec Heorte the eorling Wolf Spirit (Angelic)

    A small iron key [broken]

    Triggered! doing: hunt Istroath

    HP:230 EP:110 -)>

    There is no such living object here.

    HP:230 EP:110 -)>