^ Arikon: wait a sec, where has mithgil been ^ Otoron: Dude, stop trying to use your ankle with your ankus. ^ Mithgil: I've been in Chiapas with the Zapatistas. ^ Mithgil: Killed some bastard paramilitaries. ^ Otoron: Did Sarah go with you so she could provide translation? ^ Otoron: And end up getting kidnapped and raped like I predicted? ^ Mithgil: No. I went with Carlos Santana. ^ Otoron: ...ok. ^ Arikon: stop lying mithgil, just admit you had a wet dream about santana ^ Mithgil: He keeps a magnum in his guitar case. ^ Ninyari: where do you keep the guitar.. erm.. nevermind.. you dont have to answer that one. ^ Gaudrin: I'd keep a magnum on me too if someone like Mithgil was trying to take me into the jungle ^ Mithgil: That came in handy at the casino in Mexico City. The local police chief was after us. ^ Ninyari: nice ^ Ninyari: that was sarcasm in case you were wondering. ^ Otoron: No one cares. ^ Arikon: mithgil's fantasy vacation, a man with a hidden big gun, in the jungle, with big hairy rapist around ^ Ninyari nods at Otoron ^ Mithgil: Carlos knows jiu jitsu. He taught me some. We used it to assassinate the local gang leader who had put a bounty on our heads. ^ Mithgil: At that point we hopped a Cessna to Costa Rica, since we couldn't stay in Mexico any longer. ^ Arikon: in the clasic words of my father, uh huh ^ Arikon: was selma hayek there too ^ Mithgil: No, but some Cuban agents were waiting for us. They put us up in a nice hotel, but Carlos was gone in the morning. ^ Arikon: and never forget mithgil, when you get put in a sleeper hold, when you wake up your butt will hurt really bad ^ Mithgil: Some Columbian drug lords wanted him. I wasn't about to leave him behind, so I borrowed a few thousand dollars and an AK-47 from the Cubans. ^ Zelindo: Speaking of not caring, Mithgil, you can stop talking now. ^ Iavas: kinda got attached to his magnum eh? ^ Mithgil: Took me a few days, but I tracked him to a small heroin waystation in the jungle. ^ This florpunts Iavas and goes off to take a dump ^ Galuf: I can't wait for Michael Jackson's trial to start, just so I can hear "Ladies and Gentleman, may it please the court -- I present Exhibit A: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for the Sega Genesis" ^ Arikon: may i introduce you to the $ command, you can still tell your story, just to a less large, less violent, and potentially more interested group ^ Mithgil: I was going to blast the guards and grab Carlos really quick, but a python stole my Kalashnikov. ^ Zelindo: I'd like to hear 'Exhibit A: Michael Jackson moon walking. Is that not enough to put him in jail alone? I rest my case.' ^ Mithgil: So instead, I climbed a tree, swung onto the roof, then dropped down on the guards' heads, using my newfound jiu jitsu skills to take them out. ^ Bakal: See, this is why you have 10 silences. ^ Zelindo: Seriously. No one cares ^ Bakal: Shut up. ^ Gaudrin: but what we will all hear is "For our first witness, the prosecution calls Mithgil's typist" ^ Iavas: I'd just like to see his nose fall off during the trial ^ Galuf: the sega game was fun if you got over the crotch-grabbing every time you rescued a kid, the ability to "dance" the end-of-stage boss away, and the comets that transformed you into a Japanese Anime Robot ^ Mithgil: After I untied Carlos, we set out into the forest. Some helicopters started following us. ^ Qfm: I remember that game ^ Iavas: you actually granb your crotch on rescuing a kid? ^ Mithgil: We were able to take one of them out using a rifle from one of the guards, but the other one kept going. ^ Arikon: omg, i think mithgil is coming out again ^ Zelindo: Yeah, I saw a friend play it ^ Galuf: you have to, because the "up" button both strikes that pose and opens doors ^ Gaudrin: I keep wondering...I got thrown in jail for my legendinfo which wasn't forced on anyone, yet they let mithgil continue to use the comm... ^ Iavas: omg ^ Arikon: he just said he untied the dude, then ran off into the woods ^ Otoron: I once was in an arcade and they had the Moonwalker arcade game. ^ Otoron: And if you had a Pepsi Liscence to Chill card, it gave you free credits. ^ Otoron: I think my friend and I hold the record for longest-consecutive-playing of Moonwalker. ^ Hallam: Moonwalker? ^ Galuf: I remember that, some asshat friend gave me his when the promotion ran out :( ^ Mithgil: They got pretty close at one point. I was able to see who was flying the helicopter... it was Robert Redford, who is secretly a CIA agent. ^ Gaudrin takes away of of Otoron's "cool points" and burns them... ^ Otoron: Secretly? Hello. DAY OF THE CONDOR?! ^ Arikon: who else is ignoring mith ^ Bakal: I used to have Mithgil on ignore. ^ Otoron: We all did. ^ Gaudrin: I think I still do ^ Otoron: Mithgil used to despise me. How's that for an inversion of normal reality? ^ Bakal: I soon realized it was impossible to make sense of the comm with Mithgil on ignore. ^ Mithgil: Apparently the CIA was upset that we killed the gang leader in Mexico City since he was under their pay. Anyway, the helicopters followed us to some ancient Mayan ruins. We hid inside. ^ Arikon: well thats not holding now ^ Arikon: if we all just talk around him, then its like a crazy person mumbling in the background of a room ^ Gaudrin: like your brother? ^ Arikon: exactly ^ Mithgil: They got out of their helicopters and followed us inside. We waited for them and shoved them into some ancient booby traps. We were able to capture Robert. We tied him up for interrogation. ^ Galuf: are these the Mayan ruins that Wal Mart is bulldozing over? ^ Arikon: except hes just tied up and gagged ^ Gaudrin: what you and marzan do in your little gondorian town is something...no one else wants to hear about ^ Mithgil: At one point I got upset, pistol whipped him, and said "The Clearing sucked, bitch. I want that hour and a half of my life back." ^ Iavas: anyone know where mithil is irl so they could go tie him up and gag him? ^ Otoron: Oregon. ^ Otoron: Backwoods. ^ Arikon: weve made a whole clan out of it, if your feeling kinky join up :) ^ Galuf strums up some banjo music ^ Iavas: they got pphone lines there? ^ Galuf: plastic cups and string! ^ Arikon: we have A stop light ^ Iavas: woo ^ Mithgil: We got a tip out of him though, and we were going to follow it. We left him in the ruins. We made quick work of the last agent in the helicopter and comandeered it. We were off to the Galapagos. ^ Gaudrin: the kinky stoplight clan? ^ Arikon: mmmmm ^ Gaudrin: I thought you guys were lendin nights... ^ Arikon: oh yeah, damn it, he tricked me ^ Hallam: this story would have been alot better if I was here at the start ^ Otoron: No, not really. ^ Iavas: so like the lendin knights go arpund lending things to people? ^ Arikon: DAMN YOU ^ Otoron: Arikon, you wanna lend me yer sister for awhile? ^ Hallam: all I've heard so far was from Robert Redford in the helicopter. ^ Mithgil: After we landed we searched out for an old friend. We found him bartending... you might know him as Sean Connery, but we know him better by his real name; Pedro Vasquez. That's right, he's a Mexican. ^ Iavas: is she hot? ^ Arikon: if you like em ugly ^ Gaudrin opens up his paper bag and says "put her head in this first" ^ Iavas: dude i'm not into the necro shit.. ^ Gaudrin: wtf? ^ Arikon: its his kinky pleasure bag ^ Arikon: common weve all been in it before right mithgil ^ Mithgil: Pedro's a dealer in internationally banned weapons. We was able to hook us up with the munitions we needed for this job. He also offered to come along, and we didn't refuse. ^ Arikon: see he didnt refuse ^ Gaudrin: sorry man, just you and your sister... ^ Gaudrin: you're the only two who've touched my bag ;) ^ Arikon: wow, i feel special ^ Mithgil: We hopped into his Osprey and flew to our new destination... Peru. ^ Hallam: is he making this up as he goes? ^ Mithgil: Along the way, several Joint Strike Fighters appeared on our tail. They weren't able to get a missle lock because of a special jamming system on the Osprey. ^ Iavas: no it eally happened.. ^ Iavas: add in an r in that somewhere ^ Arikon: nor it eally happened ^ Mithgil: Instead, they'd have to fire at near point-blank range. But we weren't going to let that happen. I climbed out on the Osprey's landing gear with an RPG on my shoulder. ^ Gaudrin: omfg..Bakal wasn't kidding about the comm! ^ Iavas: I was wonering which half-wit would try taht..and Arikon was the winner ^ Bakal: I told you. ^ Otoron: Someone better be logging this. ^ Arikon: i didnt try to ignore him ^ Iavas congratulations Arikon ^ Arikon: im too high to do anything but laugh at his stupidity Gaudrin tells you: *bwap* goddamnit!! the osprey program got terminated!! atleast use realistic aircrafy in your fictions!! ^ Mithgil: Now, I knew there were plenty of weapons in the helicopter, but I didn't want to have to go back inside to reload. So instead I set my grenade to timed explosion. I fired somewhere between the two fighters, and it exploded at just the right moment. You tell Gaudrin: Pedro got ahold of one before it was cancelled. ^ Bakal: Brilliant military move. Gaudrin tells you: rrrrriiiiiggggghhhhtttt ^ Otoron: Someone needs to log this, and have him read it and record it. ^ Otoron: In his best Vincent Price impression. ^ Mithgil: Both of the fighters went down as fireballs falling to the ocean below. ^ Arikon: no this needs to be judge joe brown ^ Gaudrin: I think Mithgil needs to be made water tight... ^ Mithgil: We arrived in Peru an hour later. We stopped off to get a drink before we commenced the main phase of our mission. ^ That: I thought there were 'several' of these fighters? ^ Arikon: his box needs to be made air tight ^ Mithgil: As luck would have it, Carlos' nemesis was there: George Lucas. ^ Josi: meow ^ Josi: oh crap ^ That: hahaha ^ Iavas: bad time to comm on Josi.. ^ Josi: Mithgil, NoOoOo ^ Gaudrin: hehe ^ Scatha: hmm, didn't he make belami films? ^ That: Hi Josi. ^ Josi: I mean ^ Zelindo: Mithgil, are you still going on about this shit? ^ Josi: howdy Mithgil ;) ^ Josi: what is he complaining about now? ^ Iavas: his vacation ^ Sckul: no! George Lucas made Star Trek ^ Ninyari: g'night guys ^ Jerf: night love. ^ Mithgil: George had his posse with him... Quentin Tarantino, Steven Spielberg, Keanu Reeves. ^ Qfm: Hm, should I go to a counter inauguration thingy in DC? ^ Zelindo: Counter inauguration? ^ Hallam: Has Michael Moore been in this somewhere already? ^ Josi: why bother, it's the American way ^ Morsist: anyone know how to get in touch with caber? ^ Mithgil: Now, the things that happened between George and Carlos happened a long time ago, but the wounds still hadn't healed. They got a drink together, but something went wrong. George pulled a knife on Carlos. Pedro and I stepped in, but so did Quentin, Steve, and Keanu. ^ Qfm: A student group is taking a bus down there and meeting up with ANSWER, which as secured a spot along the parade route. ^ Gaudrin: Steve Buscemi? ^ Josi: sounds too lame Qfm ^ Mithgil: It was three against four. The odds weren't good for us. Especially considering that Steven is really a cyborg. ^ Bakal: Dude, this is like the screen play from Adaptation. ^ Hallam: Does this make anyone else think of Team America or have I just watched it too much recently? ^ Qfm: What it comes down to mostly is do I feel like standing outside in the cold for several hours. ^ Mithgil: The fighting ensued. I nearly lost my arm on several occasions. I was finally able to subdue Keanu using the Vulcan nerve pinch. But then Spielborg was headed right for me, his eyes blazing red, mechanical fist pounding into mechanical palm. ^ Josi: no you don't qfm, it is unAmerican ^ Qfm wonders if Josi works for the HUAC ^ Josi: HUAC? ^ Mithgil: He swung at me several times. I glanced over but Pedro and Carlos were both occupied. The owner of the bar didn't offer anything, either. He was a rattish fellow and crouching behind a large piece of pottery. ^ Arikon: what could be more american than some one like mithgil, expressing themselves freely with no regard to the wants and needs of those around him ^ Qfm: House Un-American Activites Committee ^ Josi: bah ^ Arikon: you know whats unamerica, the patriot act ^ Mithgil: So I came up with a plan. I found a lamp and pulled out the taser in my pocket and wired it into the wall using the lamp's power cord. Then it was only a matter of waiting. ^ Otoron: Truth, Arikon. Truth. ^ Josi: I just hate party politics, damn them all to the same circle of hell Mithgil is heading too ^ Qfm: Who said anything about partisanship? ^ Josi: going down to the inaauguration is partisanship ^ Arikon: my mom was telling me about 2 of her clients who retired and sold their home and bought an rv so they could drive cross country ^ Mithgil: Spielborg descended upon me and I jammed the super-tazer into his crotch. The extra voltage from the wall outlet surged through his circuits. He convulsed and then his eyes went out. He fell to the floor, smouldering. ^ Qfm: My hatred for Bush is not shackled by any sort of party loyalty :P ^ Arikon: but since they didnt have a home adress they got a hit as possible terrorists ^ Josi: hatred? bah ^ Mithgil: Now we had the upper hand, and we made short work of George and Quentin. We stripped their clothes off and tied them around a large cactus. ^ Hallam: aren't they in Peru? ^ Mithgil: It was time for our main mission to begin now. ^ Mithgil: The tip we got out of Redford placed the location of the installation we were headed to in the middle of the Andes. ^ Mithgil: The installation was monitored by radar so we couldn't fly in. Instead, we rode mules. ^ Josi: mithgil is the proof that God hates us all ^ Gaudrin: and this is the punishment ^ Qfm: Maybe we're all in hell and we haven't yet realized it ^ Gaudrin: that'd be a relief. ^ Mithgil: After three days in the jungle, we began to ascend the mountains. The going was rough. We had to fight off several wildcats. ^ Bakal: This is like the time Fimbu was telling me personaly a story over the comm, but then I logged off and I got a mail the next day from Fimbu saying, "Why the hell did you log off!? I spent the next 30 minutes continuing the story thinking you were still on!" ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, it started snowing. We were caught in a foot of snow before we knew it. ^ Iavas: unfortunately in this case no one even asked him to start... ^ Mithgil: Thankfully, our native guide revealed a secret... tunnels through the mountains built by the NSA during the cold war where humanity could take refuge from nuclear winter. ^ Hallam: It kinda reminds me of Ketan talking about his mom with armlets and army boots without input from other people. ^ Bakal: It makes so much sense. ^ Mithgil: He assured us they were abandoned, and we continued on our way inside of them. We had travelled for several miles through the tunnels when suddenly our guide disappeared. ^ That: Poof. ^ Qfm: It really must be hell. I have Celine Dion's "I Drove All Night" stuck in my head. ^ Mithgil: Now we were lost. The GPS system didn't work inside of the tunnels. No form of communication did, either. ^ Iavas: wasn't that Roy orbison's song? ^ Mithgil: We decided to press on, however. About an hour later, we found the body of our guide... brutally mutilated. ^ Hallam: Don't worry Qfm, I've got The Ocean Breathes Salty, you've got it good. ^ Josi: well I'm listening to the constant beep of an Oximeter ^ Mithgil: He did have the map of the tunnels in his pocket, and we took that, and found the exit that we needed to get to. We were close. ^ Iavas: i pity the guy who's got a text to speech convertor attached to the mud now... ^ Josi lol ^ Mithgil: A strange sound began to fill the tunnel. We began to get nervous. Then we saw something... ^ Hallam: Pity? that'd be awesome. ^ Iavas: aren't we the li;l maschochist? ^ This seems like a long story. ^ Mithgil: It was a giant rat. It must have been two feet long. It was standing on its hind legs, hissing at us. Then it jumped. Carlos took it out with his magnum. The sound was getting even louder. There was no doubt that there were more rats in the tunnel. They had killed our guide. ^ Hallam: Martyr, Iavas, martyr. ^ Otoron: I'll give 2k to anyone who makes this into a log. ^ Hallam: I'll put in 3. ^ Mithgil: Suddenly the tunnel was swarming with them. We could barely fire fast enough to drop all of them. We fought for nearly an hour, blasting rats nonstop. We were up to our waists in them. I loaded the last clip into my pistol. ^ Gabriel: and it misfired, blew your head off, and shut you up for good? ^ Mithgil: Each bullet found itself in a rat. There was one bullet left. I couldn't see any more rats at this point. Then I saw one, it was about to spring onto Pedro's head. ^ Mithgil: I fired. The bullet clipped Pedro's ear and imbedded itself into the rodent. Pedro looked at me and nodded. ^ Pundin: And they all lived happily ever after ^ Otoron: FINALLY we get to the gay sex. ^ Hallam smirks. ^ Mithgil: We waded out of the pile of rats, and a few hundred yards up the tunnel was the exit we were looking for. ^ This: did you give head to Navin ^ Hallam: What the hell This? ^ Mithgil: It turned out that we could see the installation from the exit. That was bad. That meant they could see the exit too. We had to sneak out somehow. So we went back, grabbed some rats, and made rat suits. ^ Mithgil: We snuck down to the valley floor, disguised as especially large rats. We looked at our ammunition... not much. Nothing left for our pistols. Two rockets. One bandolier of AK ammo each. ^ Pundin: And a large novelty stuffed armidillo ^ Mithgil: We tracked our way to the installation slowly. No guards were evident at first surveillance. That didn't matter, though. It would be no secret that we were coming. ^ Mithgil: Pedro got out our ticket inside... a pack full of C4. We got out our mine-detection goggles and made a run for the entrance, dodging the mines in the field. ^ Mithgil: We got to the door. Pedro set the explosives and we got clear. The door didn't stand a chance. ^ Mithgil: We were inside of the installation immediately. Four guards fell to our AKs. We cruised the hallways, searching for our objective. ^ Mithgil: Suddenly a voice came on over the intercom. "Ha ha ha. Nice of you guys to drop by. I was waiting." ^ Mithgil: It was Redford. The bastard had set a trap for us. ^ Iavas admires Mithgil's single minded devotion to himself ^ Hallam: there better be a "All your bases, are belong to us" somewhere here. ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, bulkheads trapped us in a section of hallway. "The Clearing was a brilliant movie, you arseholes. Now you're going to die," Redford screamed. ^ Mithgil: Vents opened in the walls and a smokey gas began to pour into the hall. ^ Mithgil: Carlos took one of the RPGs and hefted it on his shoulder. "There's only one way out," he said. "Are you sure about this?" asked Pedro. Carlos nodded. He pulled the trigger on the grenade and it launched itself into the wall of the hallway. It exploded in a brilliant flash, blinding me. ^ Mithgil: When I came to my senses, Pedro was beckoning me to escape through the newly opened hole in the wall. We were crawling through the ventilation shafts now. ^ Qfm: Too bad it didn't make you mute too :( ^ Mithgil: We didn't know where we were going. We just kept going. It must have been an hour before we found anything: a ventilation grill. We listened through it... two guards were conversing. "You think they're coming this way?" ^ Iavas: too bad this movie's in black and white..it could've used some nice colours.. ^ Mithgil: Pedro dropped down through the grill and grappled with the guards, subduing them. We all oriented ourselves, then went back out into the hallway. And there he was. ^ Mithgil: Not Redford... no... ^ Hallam: It's in green for me. ^ Mithgil: It was Wolf Blitzer. ^ This: Who is Pedro? ^ Silenus: LOL ^ Kildor: Mithgil's boyfriend ^ Hallam: wasn't Pedro known as Sean Connery? ^ Mithgil: "BLITZER!" screamed Pedro. "You bastard," said Carlos. ^ Hallam: who the hell is Wolf Blitzer? ^ Mithgil: "How are you, gentlemen?" asked Wolf. Let me explain. Wolf killed Pedro's wife in '67 during a covert ops mission. ^ Mithgil: We had our guns trained on him and his guards, and they on us. ^ Mithgil: "I should shoot you right now," said Pedro. "Oh, but then you'll die," replied Blitzer. ^ Mithgil: We stood there, intently watching for any chance to get the upper hand. ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, from the ceiling above sprung a masked figure. It used skillful kung fu on Blizter and his band of guards, rendering them all unconscious. ^ Mithgil: Who was it? Could it be the KGB? ^ This: It was Draugluin, he told me ^ Pundin: NO it was Jacki Li the love child of Jacki Chan and Jet Li ^ Hallam: It should be Kylie Minogue, that'd be amusing. ^ Mithgil: The figure beckoned to us, and ran down the hallway. We followed. Pedro, however, stayed behind for a moment. We heard a gunshot, and he came around the corner. ^ That: Totally Kylie Minogue. ^ This: Draugluin tells you: I am the masked man in the end of Mithgil's story. ^ Iavas: end? noooo..just when it was getting intersting with Kylie Minogue..:( ^ Mithgil: We ducked into a closet. The figure communicated to us using American Sign Language: the room you're looking for is down the hall, fifth door on your left. ^ Hallam: Hellen Keller? Otoron tells you: At this moment in time I am strangely wanting to go on a Dr. Gonzo-esque bender/road trip with you. ^ Hallam: that'd be pretty amusing too. ^ Mithgil: We nodded, and went to leave the room. The figure, however, grabbed me by the arm. It waved to Pedro and Carlos. I nodded to them. ^ Mithgil: Pedro and Carlos went off to pursue the objective. I stood there, curious at the identity of the masked martial arts master. ^ Mithgil: "Who are you?" I asked. Then it clicked. The mask came off. ^ Mithgil: It was my hot Chinese girlfriend, Ziyi Zhang. ^ Hallam: Hahahahaha ^ Mithgil: We hadn't seen each other in a year, so we made out for like fifteen minutes. ^ Mithgil: "We have to destroy Redford," she said. I agreed. We had to. But first, we made out some more. Then we went to destroy Redford. ^ Mithgil: We took a short corridor that lead to a ledge over the installation's control room. Redford was there, sitting in the center in a chair that looked like it was taken off of a 70s game show. ^ Mithgil: "They've nearly activated it," one of the technicians said. "Just hold off," Redford replied. We looked at the monitors. Pedro and Carlos were there, activating the device we had come to activate... the GE 132J time machine from the year 2072. ^ Mithgil: Redford didn't know how to use it. It was clear that he was studying the actions of Carlos, who was really a time pilot who travelled back from 2065. ^ This story is going to end soon! ^ Mithgil: We couldn't allow him the knowledge of operating the machine. Ziyi and I dropped down into the middle of the room and began to fight the control staff. Then Redford shouted, "STOP." We did. He was pointing an M16 at us. ^ Hallam: wow, that's probably the only time your name will ever actually be cool. ^ Mithgil: "You thought you could stop me. You thought you could outsmart ME." Redford laughed. "My friends, YOU CAN NOT STOP ME. This is my DESTINY." ^ Hallam: who else thinks this would make one the most awesome video games ever? ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Redford fell to the floor. Standing behind him was Pedro, who had come back to the control room. ^ Otoron: Only if Redford lended his voice. And Mithgil his whiny emovoice as well. ^ Mithgil: His gun was smoking. We looked at the monitor. The time machine was activated. Carlos stepped inside. With a flash of bright light, the time machine vanished. ^ Mithgil: The power strain from the time machine was too much for the installation's generators, though. Klaxons began blaring. "One minute until reactor reaches critical mass." ^ Mithgil: We ran out into the hallway at full speed. "Thirty seconds" as we got down to the first floor. ^ Mithgil: "Fiften" as we exited the building. The explosion would destroy us. How could we get away? ^ Iavas: the time machine? ^ Iavas: the suspense is killing me..:( ^ Hallam: George Lucas conveintly left an X Wing at the entrance =P ^ Iavas: woo ^ Mithgil: Ziyi pointed to the jungle. Sitting there was a harrier fighter, covered in stealth armour. ^ Hallam: how do you pronounce Ziyi? ^ Mithgil: We hopped inside. The thrusters of the plane lifted us into the sky. We looked back at the installation. Suddenly, the blast occured... the explosion reached up into the sky. The shockwave hit the plane and disabled one of the engines. ^ Mithgil: We landed in a river. It was deep enough that the plane floated. ^ Mithgil: Pedro swam to shore and fashioned paddles out of the limbs of the jungle flora. ^ Mithgil: A week later, we reached the sea. There was a port town at the mouth of the river. ^ Mithgil: At the local hotel, we found lodging. Small planes landed at the local airstrip... we could charter a flight out within a week. ^ Mithgil: With nothing better to do, Ziyi and I celebrated our reunion late into the night in our hotel room. ^ Mithgil: The plane took us to Argentina, where we hopped a plane to Cuba. ^ Mithgil: Castro sent his men to find us immediately. We were welcomed in his mansion. "So Carlos finally went back, yes?" He said. In Spanish, of course. ^ Mithgil: "Fidel... we couldn't have done this without your help." Pedro said. ^ Mithgil: Castro nodded and gave us each a box of cigars. ^ Mithgil: Ziyi went off on her next mission. Pedro had a movie to shoot. I went back, stopping shortly in Barcelona before I arrived stateside once again. ^ Mithgil: I sat down once again at my PC. Logging on, I noticed a mail in my mailbox. ^ Mithgil: "Sky, as a token of my appreciation, I've coerced the administration of the Two Towers into unbanning you from the comm once again. Thank you for helping my friend Carlos go back home. -Fidel" ^ Mithgil: That was like, eight hours ago.