Thought this was cool

Posted by
Sulbach [legacy]
14 February 2005 00:00:00

Spur of the moment thing... hadn't seen it done so I thought it was a cool log.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    17 February 2005 10:06:15

    Whoa, Polk, don't try your hand at yo momma jokes :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    16 February 2005 13:41:38

    you're right, she thinks you're pretty useful...picking her cotton

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    16 February 2005 13:18:36

    Your mom thinks different Miroth...

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    16 February 2005 11:50:06

    i think it's just you who are useless polk.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    16 February 2005 08:11:55

    Yeah, without fired knives the uber rocking Mirrored Silver Sword is like... useless :((((

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    16 February 2005 00:29:33

    I think everyone was a bit upset that fired knives disappeared. That was my major gripe about new rangers. Also, the landscape command is pretty damned useless to anyone who has played the mud for any length of time.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    16 February 2005 00:04:14

    Neither did I:( I miss the mastiff alot:( Also, I remember you Fin being damn unhappy about introducing the newrangers.. Kinda funny

    IMHO, old rangers rocked, new rangers rocked, and now they got nerfed and reached their bottom:(

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:49:55

    yeah right there, Etrius got it right, and I never used sheep either. :(

    Miroth your ugly, Etrius would never loose a beauty contest against you.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:48:41

    It's not like it matters..

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:47:46

    I was referring to your typist.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:37:30

    Fin wasn't actually around when old rangers were. My character then was Beyaz.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:35:15

    Hmm. Eaglesight was useless at the time, since fired knives were the order of the day. Other than firing knives, fire was a useless skill. Healing was pretty crap also. I liked it that Rangers were then the sherrifs of Arda though.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:32:05

    Kind of exactly what I said, eh?

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 23:26:05

    Sheep were not on my list Darrick.

    The shephard is moral, and i was a Knight at the time.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 February 2005 22:34:56

    Although that's no excuse for his ignorance. As old rangers had numerous other benefits.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 February 2005 22:34:29

    Finduilun was nearly always a KoDA member/pledge. So he probably didn't use sheep much.

  • Author
    Darrick [legacy]
    15 February 2005 22:25:38

    Finduilun, you're comment about old rangers sucking is so wrong. I never had a problem with ranger before the change and if you knew what you were doing I think old ranger was just as powerful if not more powerful than new ranger. I know as a level 10 old ranger i could make roughly 1k every 15mins with a buck with minimal HP/EP loss and the amount i made only increased with level and skill as I could get bears and sheep. Sure, new rangers have all sorts of cool abilities and whatnot now, but in my opinion at least sheep > feint.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:45:07

    And yes you're is extremely hard to type. You have to reach way over with your pinkie and hope that you don

    t the enter key. See, I hit the enter key. And the log page isn

    t(<--- Did it again) a term paper for grammer class.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:25:03

    thank you mr dictionary

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:15:49

    Ok, i confused Etrius comment with Miroths.

    Lose is to lose, to not win.

    Loose is to loosen, to make slack.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:14:46

    Your would be used in this context.

    Your mom smells of poo!

    You're would be used in this context.

    You're small, and ugly, and you smell of poo!

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:12:49

    What's the difference Etrius? :P

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:05:06

    The people who confuse 'lose' and 'loose' are the most annoying.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    15 February 2005 21:01:58

    is the word 'you're' so hard for people to get right?

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    15 February 2005 20:08:43

    So what is it that you theives want exactly? You all whined before the change and now your whining after.

  • Author
    Helicopter [legacy]
    15 February 2005 19:46:13

    you mean theres a 2c coin? never heard of that

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 February 2005 19:13:49

    I was being ironic! Damn you Miroth. I got served, so no Im gonna serve you, then it's on!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:54:27

    2 cents was the cost of mailing a letter when thoreau coined the phrase. it has nothing to do with denominations of money.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:50:10

    My two cents.

    Means nothing, since we did away with 1c and 2c coins years ago, so now 2c gets rounded down to 0. So you may as well have nothing.

    Stupid economy.

  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:28:29

    Helicopter, go fly away!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:07:11

    Keep it, I want you here sweetheart!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:06:56

    referring to him as the dipshit :(

  • Author
    Helicopter [legacy]
    15 February 2005 18:03:18

    i think you insert 'him' between dip and shit..did i get it correct?:P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    15 February 2005 17:43:41

    Insert the word 'him' somewhere in that comment. If you guess right I'll give you my character.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    15 February 2005 17:40:56

    It'd be nice if ainur stopped fucking up the mud with stupid changes. I think it'd be a good idea if they stopped and said, 'Hey Arda, how do you feel about 'this' and 'that'?' and get a general response from the mud instead of asking some fucking geek who's been in valinor for 9 years. You are a dipshit. (If Aule reads this comment, he'll assume that I'm referring to as the dipshit.) Jajajajajalsdkjfasdlkfjakl!

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    15 February 2005 17:33:11

    well, make a more-chance-in-stealing petition

  • Author
    Menistel [legacy]
    15 February 2005 17:01:10

    It seems you all forgot the most important thing:Nerfed thieves.We all know that even before they weren't much use in combat.I myself have tried with secondaries like nature's grace and tactics and that helped, not much but it was enought.But now thieves can't even steal normally!! Not to mention the whole point about hideing increasing chances of not getting cought was implemented in such a way that it works just the other way around.And gaining xp is useless in such way that you gain really small amounts of xp useless for a high lvl thief and I believe useless for a low lvl thief too.I used to gain at least 1k from my thieveing round.That means with the ep drain from appraises and thefts i got 1k but now i got 300gold before my ep was drained.Not to mention that every npc i steal from ends up attacking me.

    My point allthough winded is that instead of upgrades they got nerfed.And nerfed so bad they are now useless except maybe for pk stealing purposes but having an alt thief just for those purposes is useless.

  • Author
    Istroath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 17:00:35

    well imho rangers are not the problem, for those of you that do not yet have an er char you probly dont understand how powerfull these new professions are. when they get released into main arda free race players are going to die hard and fast. the only prof that well have any chance is rangers realy so i personaly would like to see an all free race prof revamp to equal the playing field also we should consider an increase in hp and ep, say a max of 250... i donno, i would like to hear what others think about this from those that know how powerfull the evil prof's realy are

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 14:56:05

    They were not crap.. guess you didnt know how to play 'em.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    15 February 2005 14:29:11

    Rangers used to be the worst proffession anyway. I think its good they eventually got made stronger.

    I was a ranger for a long time when they were crap. I'm not saying thats why i was such a crap player, but it didn't help much. :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 13:10:03

    Commenting with a wizard or warrior alt would make you feel better? All I'm telling you is that I've compared them, and rangers is not 'the shit' as they used to be. And Ansaril is totally right, just make all people civilian and with ESS, so all you can do is 'kill <name>'.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    15 February 2005 13:06:22

    I usually not get into these discussions but I have to. What is the meaning with having different professions if they are all the same Gabriel? Its like saying: Come on, lets remove all weapons except sailors cutlass so that noone can have something better than another. I think its time for the people here to realize that a mud with all things the same, nothing better that the other will be as boring as it can be. Ok, rangers might seem to be somewhat better in some ways, but on the other hand, wizards are too, and assassins, and warriors, its all about what you like to use in different situations.

    This is what its all about Gabriel.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    15 February 2005 12:12:03

    right, let's just make them totally fucking useless so there's no reason to play them at all. stfu noob.

  • Author
    Gabriel [legacy]
    15 February 2005 12:03:56

    of course of course a ranger protecting rangers, but still they need to be degraded more. they shouldn't be able to es in combat, feint power should be reduced by 30%, traps should be empowered and they should move faster than normal players.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 February 2005 10:52:06

    Gabriel, apparently you know shit. They nerfed rangers a lot, I've gone through what they nerfed a thousand times, I am not going through it again. I've been thinking about switching back to warrior. Headbutts is better then before now anyways, at least for pk's, Duncan, so don't whine ;)

  • Author
    Helicopter [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:38:28

    i think your brains are located between your thighs. COOL?!

  • Author
    Helicopter [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:37:17

    What?! I totally blame you. who would solo at the bree sp? thats utter madness. with that said, i must repeat myself that I totally blame yoU!!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:35:30

    I wouldn't say you had balls, I'd say you're stupid for doing so. ;)

  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:31:01

    hmm, yeah I agree this really sucked. I had been playing for 10hours or something and was kinda tired so I messed it all up, hehe but dont blame me for not have the balls to attempt you att bree signpost atleast..^^:p

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:18:28

    The swearing at the end was rather lame :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    14 February 2005 23:08:06

    Hmm, actually the rangers are allright, just the others are disbalanced. I have no idea why they nerfed warriors, perhaps the idea of a headbutting/feinting ranger was too much. Well, this is simple to solve, just make it so that you have to EITHER headbutt or feint or kickback or something.

    The problem is with warriors and other professions being ruined. Not only warriors need the headbutt - at least assassins and thieves do need it too.

    Assassins can't rely on a single backstab - this is too random to depend on and is not really a strong advantage, since you can't repeat it.

    Most people have done kills with one single backstab, me too, but this doesn't happen everyday.

    Then assassins get wizards with SRSs and others for firepower and people complain about bangs. I think bangs would be decreased by 50% if assassins felt sure in their own firepower and had something to rely on.

    And try playing thief - well, what good are thieves that is not MP purposes or switching purposes. Shahriar and some others tried 'battle thief' but they got bored pretty soon.

    The point is not to have 'better professions' but to give them equal advantages. And the fact that smart players in general end up as assassins and because they are smart they don't whine doesn't change the fact that this profession is unjustly weakened.

    After all we all kill NPCs (or at least most of us) and the professions without special skills are too imbalanced for that, which IMO should be a reason enough and a reason stronger than the PK reasons to return the good warrior special attacks (perhaps renamed)


    I'm gonna petition this, perhaps tonight if I have time.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    14 February 2005 21:22:32

    Yes, Thieves got utterly fucking RAPED by this 'upgrade' i mean i have put up with them nerfing warriors and making their headbutt making them go busy and such. BUT this thieves changed has screwed up the entire thieving profession!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    14 February 2005 21:09:30

    if that doesn't make sense, i'll try and say waht i mean again later. im far from sober, so of course i think it all makes sense :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    14 February 2005 21:08:25

    the idea for thieves to get exp from stealing was a great one, unfortanately the they took a shit on the implimentation side. as a high level thief, you should have the gold to train stats/skills and pay for healing for killing some high exp npc's. the thieves that really need the exp from stealing are the low levels. as a low level, it's going to take you every single bit of your ep to be able to hide and steal. good lucky being able to make exp from that about once every 30 minutes, assuming you can even find an npc of your level that qualifies. that's fucking lame.

  • Author
    Razzor [legacy]
    14 February 2005 20:18:17

    They won't change rangers because THEY'RE TOO BUSY NERFING THIEVES!

    i'd grummble more but i'm stoned :(

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    14 February 2005 19:57:57

    Reporting solos is a cool thing to do.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    14 February 2005 15:53:45

    Some people have to change their way of thinking and let the ERs cry about rangers being imbalanced


  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    14 February 2005 13:53:08

    [new] Date: 14. Feb, 2005, 9:37:30 By: Sarys

    The shit-talking made it look kinda lame, but a good log nonetheless.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    14 February 2005 13:44:00

    Petition it yourself?

  • Author
    Gabriel [legacy]
    14 February 2005 13:31:08

    im gonna bitch now some.

    rangers: run faster, have this trap things that fuck you up utterly, feint making UNBELIEVABLE damage (they are cleanly stronger than warriors), they can EAGLESIGHT in fight? wtf is this? will someone petition to change this or something? this is the worst unbalance i've seen and the ainurs simply DON'T want to change it :p

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    14 February 2005 12:55:16

    *agrees with Tarzan on the solo attempt*

  • Author
    Alpizar [legacy]
    14 February 2005 11:29:11

    nice trap :)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    14 February 2005 09:52:47

    *agrees with Sarys on the shit talking*

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 February 2005 09:37:30

    The shit-talking made it look kinda lame, but a good log nonetheless.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    14 February 2005 09:22:37

    Why all the violence...

  • Author
    Tarzan [legacy]
    14 February 2005 05:47:14

    OMG you reported solo attempt you suxxxxx!


  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    14 February 2005 04:51:04

    Nicely done.