Ansaril, Deornoth & Zicex

Posted by
Ecidon [legacy]
23 February 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Deornoth says in Westron: Glad to see you guys around again.


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    01 March 2005 21:36:51

    God knows your client does just about everything else for you.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    01 March 2005 01:07:06

    I have my break aliases from back in the day i cared if someone pked me. If i started caring again i bet i could be just as lame as everyone else and make my zmud do everything for me. Im not about my zmud doing every single huntbreak or anti huntbreak or guildalias to tell everyone im in danger.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 February 2005 14:14:23

    and yet you still can't break...

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:19:34

    heh i just recently 2 years ago started golding, i have 5 years online before that where i was not good at collecting gold.....jealous

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 February 2005 04:54:57

    Hey Kolbjoern, maybe you haven't fucking noticed, but I'm a jerk and the ainur seem to love nuking my ass. Not that I'm defending the ainur, I just feel like proving you wrong... because I dislike people who spend their entire mud lives making gold. Oh, and guys who play female characters. Sick bastards.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 00:52:02

    once you've heard meilikki's ranting about his members dying in tenzek's camp 5 times, there's no point in continuing to listen, or continuing to read in this instance.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 February 2005 00:37:20

    Miroth you need to understand what you read before you can claim it being whining. I don't know much about how ER's are being treated but i assure you if i did and complained about it id have all you jerks on my back saying that i just whine. Constructive critisizm can not come from a uninvolved part.

    I would'nt start complaining about North Korea if i knew nothing about it.

    People on this mud sterotype way to easily.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 February 2005 00:33:48

    Meilikki is so true in that comment. This mud has become a place for people that are not allowed to jerks on other online games, doing similar things in any other game will get your account deleted due to random harassment/griefing. I'd love to see any of you pull this kind of act off on discworld mud or any mud even. grafic games ruled out this kind of act to not have the playerbase of honest players that have respect against other players disapeer.

    Its sad that the ainu stopped enforcing active punishment against players of such attitude, but then again alot of the ainu have been such players once and still use the same values when in charge.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    25 February 2005 20:25:18

    I might agree or disagree with what Meilikki wrote, but I don't like reading War and Peace again.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    25 February 2005 19:10:16

    was waiting on meilikki to whine about his members dying in tenzek's camp. just like old times eh meilikki?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    25 February 2005 18:06:05

    Way to give your less than worthless opinion on a dead subject.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    25 February 2005 13:21:02

    So, when's your second novel dued Meilikki?

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    25 February 2005 11:47:55

    you know... 90% of all this just wouldn't be if EVERYONE would just would admit that this was more pk than rp...

    Several have said, you can't tell other people how to RP their characters which is true, but I also believe calling BS like this RP is the exact same thing, but other end of the scale. By forcing other players to accept YOUR RP, you are doing the same thing you complain about us trying to do to you, forcing you to accept our rp. There has to be some standard of what rp is... and well.. the current standard is using merciful.. I pushed to change that standard for a month or so.. a few moral guild were behind me, but in the end several of the immoral guilds didn't want that either... so don't call rp something us morals made up and force upon everyone else.

    I look forward to the day where you have to report the crime in the courthouse of the area it was commited... and then you go to a caras courthouse, and they look at you your hands still soaked in the blood of elves and don't care who killed you... when that happens... all the immorals will whine and whine... when bang parties showed up anytime they got near a place they killed... I doubt any of you would find this game... 'fun' expecially if we had sure fire ways to trap you in our towns and guarantee your death...

    and you know... that'd be 100% thematic in a tolkien world... why would an eorling judge care about the death of a dunlending who murder several of Edoras's citizens.... he wouldn't... but that's not how t2t works... lawsys is all jacked up... not realistic at all... RP and merciful is an attempt to bypass the jacked up lawsys...

    Amruin was one of the first to start the very concept of RP...

    like 8 years ago... we decided it wasn't thematic for Amruin (which was the sheriff's guild at the time) to kill in Edoras... then next we took the step to start shielding the citizens of Edoras... occasionally we tried to attack people, but I remember so many times, durms would run straight to the courthouse, report you, and then try to kill you (reports didn't end combat back then)

    now days... it seems like the same people are using rp for the same thing... pk for free... while so much has changed... it just seems like your motives are the same...

    you guys are right... this game is about fun... but its not solely about your fun... others come here to have fun to... but I think in the end to many of you are selfish pricks who care more about your fun and your power... than overall fairness of the game or whether or not other people are having fun... the fairness issue... you can claim valinor codes it that way all you want, but your the ones that make the choice use it...

    but I don't think half of you that this post is intented for would even get it, or would care... so go ahead, go back to your pissing contest.. see who can piss the longest and the furthest... it doesn't really matter tho... what really should matter is how you act as a player... with honor or without, respectful or not... anyone can take a piss somewhere but that will never prove anything

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    25 February 2005 10:05:49

    Well, he got pissed and have to study, why not to hibernate? IMHO is a great timming!! ;-))

    101 comment.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 February 2005 08:51:48

    Zicex should've had better timing on the whole quitting the game part.. now it looks like he couldn't stand dying once. You should've hibernated during the kill! Would've been cool.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    25 February 2005 08:06:47

    [new] Date: 23. Feb, 2005, 21:28:34 By: Kolbjoern

    I don't play this mud and not give a shit about what it will look like tomorrow, if i leave someday i will not participate in making it a place where people have to be jerks against eachother.

    There are plenty of games where people can take out there personal problems on the mud and feel powerful, i for one do not wish t2t to be a place like that.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA funniest comment i read, and i havent even got halfway through. Kolbjoern, you are the fucking jerk. Your the guy that everyone loves to hate and nobody loves. You have no friends because your a fucking bot, i dont get how you get enjoyment out of this game. Because when it comes down to it, you are worthless.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    24 February 2005 23:38:57

    Glad I could help, Arawn. :)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 February 2005 23:16:51

    So instead of giving your password to a friend when you want to quit and then lying about it to get your char back, you decide to hibernate? Smart kid!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    24 February 2005 22:56:22

    See you later guys, I'm off to find a real life! And get A's for my exams!

    Stay safe,

    and have a good life!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    24 February 2005 19:54:27

    Was it as good for you as it was for me?

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    24 February 2005 19:30:28

    That... was alot of comments to read.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 February 2005 16:55:19

    See Elariel, this is why it's only the love of you that could make me turn from my current path of anti-Strawheadism.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    24 February 2005 16:05:41

    I have a feeling I'm going to regret commenting on this, but here goes:

    Props to Ansa and Deo for having the balls to risk their lives to save a friend. I'm sure they knew what they were getting into. Sucks that you guys died.

    Calenril, you rule at Mordor and you are just an all around great guy, that's what makes you cool.

    Tenzek's camp is a little piece of Mordor outside of Mordor. Everyone on this mud knows what can happen when you go there, and like Mordor, if you don't like that, stay out of there.

    Finally, I distinctly remember several occasions where I've been in Tenzek's with several guildmates and had one or two DH come to defend against us when we had 5 or 6. I even think we might've killed Fimbu once...don't exactly remember. My experience is that they are pretty consitent with their RP there, whether you like how they do it or not.

    Just my opinions, you don't have to agree with them.


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 15:06:08

    I never claimed I was the best RP'er, I am just claiming DH uses RP as an excuse to PK. PK ruins the game for some, some think it's fun, but using it as an excuse is lame. Taudrek gave a good explanation and reasoning for those kills, but claiming it was RP is bullshit. Even if playerdeaths ain't as costly as npc deaths (I've felt that latter, believe me ;)), it still costs a lot of exp, and a lot of gold, all from 1hour goldmaking to 5hour goldmaking (for morals), and all from 2h exping to 200h exping (depends on your exp). So even if PK is the best RP, it doesn't really work. When you loose at most 1h worth of goldmaking and 1hworth of exp-making, PK can be RP, but as it is now - no.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 February 2005 12:27:00

    Alkath...there's no such thing as a Dunlending. They're a fictional people from a series of fantasy books. You don't actually care about the elves in loth you sometimes protect, you just do it because that's where your character is centered at and it's what your guild likes to do(some of them).Get some perspective:P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 10:51:38

    and not to save your fellow dunlendings.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 10:51:25

    No, I don't, Caber. But I do believe you have bloodlust and use it as excuse to pk, and not save your fellow dunlendings.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 February 2005 09:59:15

    I swear nobody knows what the hell they're rambling about. Alkath, with as many people as DH has killed in Tenzek's camp, do you honestly believe we have vendettas against 90% of them? I haven't been active for a while, but last I knew, we actually go out of our way to pkill people just because they auction stuff from our camp. The camp isn't an excuse to kill people we dislike; it's a reason to start disliking people in the first place. The pkilling is just what comes naturally once we have the dislike part taken care of. What can I say? We're a violent group.

  • Author
    Porphyria [legacy]
    24 February 2005 08:19:23

    Ansgar? Kept reading that as Gangstar because I'm stupid but it make me laugh so I happy.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    24 February 2005 05:59:04

    Hadn't seen one of these in a good while. Good job fellers.

    Oh and the log, the log! Yes, it's nice I suppose.

    I noticed someone said I was cool. I can't be though, I've never maxed my banks, never been good at pk, never been very good at item monopolizing, and I haven't even been that bright at rping something else than me with extra cheese. So no, I'm very uncool!


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:50:09

    I don't live with anybody, Kolb... guess that just contradicts what you said about not talking about people you don't know, eh?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:40:51

    You people are funny, it is always the same crap over and over :P Just go in the camp and kill DH over and over, big deal :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:34:56

    hmm, I don't know what you mean, Anibus :(

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:34:01

    Good for you, why don't you go play with your buddy arawn and have a blast :P

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:34:00

    The guy that lives with you does Pallasch.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:31:38

    I'm not mad at you anymore, I just laugh at you, Anibus.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:21:44

    I don't live with a homo.

  • Author
    Shae [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:19:02

    Wow, I could read a book in the time it would take me to read all this flame. PKing or 'RPkilling' in tenzek's camp when nobody can leave is probably the coolest thing ever... Psha! Scarrrry!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:17:21

    he looks like a persian ron jeremy

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:13:35

    Blanket said no guessing games, and I guessed his name and he said yes :P Yeah, he was kinda cool. Still he acted retarded with sending tells on a level 1 :)

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:09:06

    you're just mad at me for not liking how you claim character seperation but never do it. I like a lot of vc like hamonk and foraker and wormbaneii and woden and a few more!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:08:41


    Avoid using provocative names. Preempt any problems by having your child avoid screen names or nicknames (often referred to as gamertags) that could encourage griefer behavior.


  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    24 February 2005 00:08:00

    pallasch lives with a homo :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:55:31

    I just legended his alt and he was on, so I guess not, but he sounds as moronic as Rico! :)

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:54:23

    didnt know you were a swede logan :p

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:53:49

    Cause i've been around longer then Alkath and you've probably done enough against me for me to lose all respect for you. Or did you not get into some guild i was in cause you were bad stuff.

    Funny the characters name that talked to Alkath was blanket when i was talking about someone pulling the covers over you.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:53:10

    Calenril is a cool swede?

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:53:07

    ABBA came from Sweden.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:52:06

    His characters that are registered here are blocked. And no, it's definately not Rico, he's below you on the cool level, but he's pretty cool too.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:51:37

    I'd have to step down a notch then miroth :(

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:50:45

    Is not!

    Pallasch, even if he does not have any current character, he could still have the guts enough to comment it here with a real character. Only one that pops into my mind is Rico, unless he sold that character or something.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:49:27

    Feasul is a moron.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:48:33

    haha. poor alkath. one of the few swedes i actually like :P why can't the rest of you swedes be cool like alkath and feasul :p

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:48:32

    Nonono, I am a great judge of character, and Blanket is definately the coolest. You're pretty cool, just not on the cool level as Blanket.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:47:52


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:47:32

    Judging from the tells I received Blanket more sounds like a retard who's only half as cool as the less coolest guy who commented here!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:46:37

    Then who was this Blanket faggit?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:45:42

    I can assure you that Blanket doesn't have any current characters other than that one, and he is 20 times cooler than anybody that's coment so far.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:45:11

    Sarys great links!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:45:09

    Was afk...

    Blanket tells you: fucking newbie :P

    Blanket tells you: it's funny to see people like you think they're tough shit

    Blanket tells you: 'I don't know why Kolbjoern thinks it's fun to make gold and gold and gold, I am more of a playerkiller myself.'

    Blanket tells you: hahahaha

    Blanket tells you: yeah right

    Blanket tells you: you're a valacirca, a worm

    Returned to keyboard:

    legend blanket

    Blanket the dunedain Orc-target (Impartial)

    On for: 24m 22s Gender: male

    Age: 3h 41m 48s

    Info: I'm a blanket!

    tell blanket Uhm, hi.

    Blanket is ignoring you.

    Isn't that just cute. Logging on a level 1 char to flame me, as he doesn't dare to comment/tell me with his real char. 'it's funny to see people like you think they're tough shit' just sounds so fun considering he's on a lvl 1 civilian :)

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:44:47

    hehe people always revert to complaining about people's spelling when they run out of arguments. Either that or they start talking about peoples mothers :). Funny how someone felt obligated and touched enough to log on blanket and call Alkath names for his comments here.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:43:59

    Miroth must have fat pinkies cause I've never seen him capitalize anything :PPP

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:40:42

    it's real effective to call someone a moron and in the same sentence be unable to spell the word you're. my hat's off to you kolb.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:36:21

    Hi. I sense much hostility here. If you feel threatened in your online gaming experience, please visit the following sites.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:29:59

    Yeah, like you claiming to know my alts when you don't.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:21:45

    Fdl Miroth and Pallasch you are hilarious, ever talked to any of the old Corsairs, or the current ones. I'd love to see this note of yours Miroth. And Fyi i've always had a character in Corsairs. Whoever you get your facts from are clearly pulling the covers over your head. You seem to have the same source of bad information. When looking for information its a good thing if you get it from at least two people or a objective part. I for one don't talk about people i have no clue about, in this case miroth you have shown that your a moron so i am able to argument.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:19:16

    I love being controversial.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:06:46

    It's amazing they let your latest character back into CoU, too.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:03:10

    as for making shit up, i don't say something unless i've seen it first hand. and i saw the letter with your name on it saying jerkoffs like yourself were the reason cou didn't do so well the first time.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:01:32

    oh please, you know you'll have like 10 er's, all maxed with maxed bank accounts because that's all you know how to do and you think it makes you cool. too bad you can't max er's with your freebie aliases that you have from each level of minas tirith and all over the rest of arda, or do the level quests entirely with triggers like you do as a fr.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 23:00:06

    And for not changing with the mud. I there are tons of comments and logs of most of you saying different things before. Your suckers to the game and not man enough to keep the same thoughts in fear of not 'fitting in', peer pressure sucks.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:57:43

    Ah your not a pk'er Taudrek, sorry for never noticing you online doing anything except showing up in logs now and then on this logpage.

    That makes sense. Anyways Ainu have made a new toy for pkers now, they are called ER's with 0 penalties for killing morals. If this place is eventually going to be a pure pk place which i think it will. Then i think my gold will be nice to have. I've been waiting a while for something fun to spend gold on and so far there has not been anything. Not even sure its worth spending on any of you guys as your not even worth the lint in trousers. Being nice only when it benefits you will the main thing that will make most of you leave sooner or later.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:51:13

    Oh sorry it was Miroth, i've been warned that everything that comes out of his mouth is made up. Its nice to get accurate advice.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:48:44

    I don't think that people can complain on what role freelancers should play. Pker, goldmaker, explorer, quester...or clown. As long as they play the role of what their thing is, what they think they are good at, then they are RPing. A member of a guild in the other hand, should draw their lines somewhere.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:45:59

    I never suggested you were involved in CoU, nor did I bring up Durmanhoth or Rimsilval. I'm not a playerkiller. I've never suicided a character due to high fines, and I've never gotten nuked because of profanity. So get your facts right mr.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:43:11

    So let me get this straight...

    If you enjoy running around shouting 'Fie fie! The enemy is at hand!'

    Then 'Cease this attack, or else I will be forced to annoy you!'

    And gearing your characters role play around that, then it's fine.

    But if you enjoy killing other players, dodging attacks and screwing around and you gear your role play around that, then it's a horrible crime?

    Face it, we play this to have fun. The thematic situation I put myself in so that I can do the things I find fun is a Dunlending. It's not like I'm just running around randomly killing all and sundry.

    Nobody plays this game because they want to pretend to be an Elf from Lothlorien and only do or say the things a 'real' elf from Lothlorien would(well ok a few do but they're total nutjobs).

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:36:31

    And please stop whining and being jealous of me having gold and not spending it on your lame games of i killed that guy im soo good and cool. Ever thought i might have a grand scheme in mind. I get so much flak from all you playerkillers, you just know how to gold. I make gold by choice atm. I've been around a while remember. And Taudrek no i was never in anyway involved in the demise of the CoU back in the days. Get your facts right mr. I was active in durmanhoth at that time and me and Barazbund were the main targets of Rimsilval which time and time again failed to kill us. I don't run around with a phial or a vov in my hand cause i dont care about dying anymore. I'll still be around when you have your 10th char due to high fines or being nuked for too many language warnings or whatever.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:32:15

    Id like to see a DH protect the camp with merely a Ess or something with the odds against them. doubt that will ever happen though

    Id accept Koda or amruin hunting me down at sight whatever there hp is or without preperation even if they pked me. But you guys hoarded all that stuff cause you knew you might get in a big fight and you didnt want to lose it cause that would mean you guys returning the flag and running like a kid and not getting what you like out of the game.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:30:51

    why not leave today?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:30:08

    Not in this log at least I must add

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:29:16

    If i RP'd and killed someone i would still respect the person that died and not take all his eq. thats messing with his playing in a different way and the persons guild. You guys do your RP to pk and piss off people. Your to gutless to admit it.

    I've pked alot in my days and i've breaked plenty of attacks, i just don't care to do either anymore. You playerkillers may kill me but you will gain no fame from this guy. Now most people have there zmud play for them i also dislike that. Alot of people don't know stuff by heart but read txt files. Its easy to pick out those people and i pity them. Most of you complaining about my ways of handling stuff is just because you fail to see the big picture or the reasoning.

    I don't play this mud and not give a shit about what it will look like tomorrow, if i leave someday i will not participate in making it a place where people have to be jerks against eachother.

    There are plenty of games where people can take out there personal problems on the mud and feel powerful, i for one do not wish t2t to be a place like that.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:25:24

    i like breasts.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:24:32

    Taudrek, you can't by any means claim that Ecidon, Arawn, Caber and yourself came there to play a role of a dunlending raiding your camp of a Gondorian soldier, you all came there to kill Zicex. Sure, maybe it fits into your roleplay to kill Gondorian soldiers who are inside your camp. But the intention was not roleplay wise, it was playerkilling wise.

    I don't know why Kolbjoern thinks it's fun to make gold and gold and gold, I am more of a playerkiller myself. But his point about you guys using the camp as your personal playground will still be as correct, 90% of the times I get attacked by DH in dunlending camp, it is because they want to kill me because I messed with them previously, it's not because they want me to get off their warlord and leave the camp immeadiatly.

    So no, Daen Hecil do not roleplay, as not as far as I can see.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:23:00

    This issue has been discussed time and time again. And I'm sure we could discuss it more. But we'd be wasting our breath.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:20:24

    Yes, I reported as in my eyes this was not rp, it was pk and therefor I reported. If it would've been rp in my eyes, I would not.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:16:51

    *yawn* I heard Zicex was in my camp, and also that he arrested Naith. So I went there and helped kill him. Coincidentally, I've also rushed to that camp to save people before. I've died there a handful of times over the years, both as DH and as an unguilded player. And you know what I didn't do after I died, Kolbjoern? I didn't go into a fit crying about how terrible the camp is. Neither did any of the people who died in this log! Just you, Mr. Axe-to-grind.

    Everyone's got their own way of doing things. That was ours. Don't like it? Awesome! Do something about it*. T2T is a game. We're playing within our rights and rules, and we'll keep doing so as long as we feel like it. It's our right as gamers!

    * Note: The preferred method of 'doing something about it' isn't crying on a web page somewhere.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:10:37

    As I said to Ansaril, it's his right to report if he chooses to. And after trying to extort 5000gold from me he did just that.

    RP means, Role play. Which means acting out a role.

    What is Arawn? He's a Dunlending. What would a Dunlending do if he caught enemies in a camp trying to kill his people(hell even if they just walked in by accident)? He'd try to kill them or take them prisoner. Since code does not allow for the latter opition, death is the answer.

    Role play isn't some bullshit set of agreements that all the guilds decided to work out long ago. It's an individual choice of how each person chooses to play THEIR character. You do not have the right to enforce your idea's on others. In this fight, they could have won, they could have gotten away. It wasn't very likely, but they COULD have. Each of them are seasoned and expirienced players.

    If I choose to use the way the game is coded to trap people in there, because the NPC's will simply allow any elf, eorling or dunadan to walk in and out at their will, kill Tenzek and use the healer, tough.

    Get off your high horses(no pun intended).

    The second I attacked Zicex and Ansaril I knew that if they died chances are I'd be attacked and eventually killed by Amruin or GV, I accepted that. They should accept that if they walk into Tenzek's camp, it's not entirely safe.

    Stop whining and play better, play safer.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:08:34

    I think I could be considered dh and I rarely check the tenzek's camp for free pks. Everytime I have gone there I knew full well I could die for entering easier than for me to get a 'free pk' or 'easy pk'. Also, hate to break it to you but I've killed many people for killing tenzek, regardless of whether I knew they'd report or not. The only thing not reporting rp hurts is people like you who just want to make gold from killing npcs without having to heal as much or worry about having to rp with actual players instead of just npcs.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:07:41

    haha, rand and kolbjoern both talking about rp. everyone knows enough enough about you to know that you don't know shit about roleplay kolb. it's funny, the only time you ever attempted anything was when cou was around the first time, and in a memo by a member, your name along with a few others is on a list of people who ran them into the ground. you don't like beorning rp cause they killed you. you don't like vc so you contract 10 of their members for 10k each. you don't like dh because they kill people in rp. is there any guild you haven't been a complete jerkoff to? you're far more of a powerplayer than anyone in DH. except you haven't managed to gain any skill in anything other maxing your banks. you can't pk. you can't escape pk's. you have no experience whatsoever with which to base your comments on pk or rp logs.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:05:56

    Well usually i play the victim in a game of talking, usually people get aggrevated after a while and put themselfs in bad situations.

    Even standing still and dying to raise a assassins fines from non contract kills is a very effective way. So what if i die, i dont mind playing to make money to relvl or exp, neither which i ever have problems with. While the assassins racks up his fines and gains minimal from it. Rand i assume your not online with that char due to 10k murder fines, Taudrek if you had 10k murder fines or 5k attempts i bet you wouldnt be that willing to pk as you wish.

    I can name alot of people i've helped raise there fines, some of them which are very easy to provoke. Which i only do after im picked for some reason, Daywalker was not that hard to provoke and what i lost 5stats from it. I get to remake that eventually when i have time and meanwhile Daywalker is walking around with a increase of fines.

    OH i forgot, he got a really cool log of it........

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:04:15

    'Your trying to change something that has worked for ages just cause your too damned lazy to change according to the situation.'

    No, you're the people who are too lazy to adapt to how the mud is now. Again, some people grow tired of the watered down RP and look for different ways to RP.

    'Ever thought of the new players on the mud.'

    Yeah, I've taught at least four different people who to play this mud, unlike you, who's always been about me, me, me, and gold, gold, gold. You've never given a shit about RP, you've never done ANYTHING but be a gold whore, just like Taudrek said.

    'Taudrek i have more effective ways of taking care of people then pking.'

    That would be using that gold that you make by contracting people because you think you're a hardass.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:01:08

    More effective ways? All I've ever seen you do is place contracts and whine. You're like a one-man version of the Thieves Guild.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:01:05

    Kolbj has done some nifty pks.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 22:00:31

    Taudrek i have more effective ways of taking care of people then pking.

    I would pk alot if it actually harmed the victim though.

    I would still never pick random targets merely for there equipment or make up reasons of selective RP

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:57:39

    Taudrek you dont know anything about me to come and claim i dont roleplay.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:55:13

    Pallasch your a pk player, you just suck to much just like most players, Pking people costs. Your all just looking for a free way of doing what you enjoy. There is a place for that and it is called Mordor if you didnt know, you would get owned to much and thats why you never roam there that much. If Saw toothed sword was a great weapon or the mail the bodyguard has was good armour. i bet we would have some guild or clan starting to protect there just to get the free pks. Your trying to change something that has worked for ages just cause your too damned lazy to change according to the situation.

    How many people just play this game to log on, see if anyone is a easy target and go F around. Accepting DH doing this in tenzek camp is just giving that people a playground, it does'nt require a rocket scientist to figure out what Arawn and Ecidon were doing there. Dont report them and you are not only ruining the place for yourself, but for every single person that goes there. Ever thought of the new players on the mud. How they are affected when exploring and making a effort to learn stuff. Just because you can be a jerk does'nt give you the right to be one.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:50:03

    Zicex died because he arrested Naith.

    Ansaril and Deornoth died because they tried to help him escape.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:48:48

    You don't roleplay, Kolbjoern. You max characters and you max banks. It's all you've ever done, and it's probably all you'll ever do. You may not kill people or hoarde equipment, but you're just as much of a powerplayer as any Daen Hecil member.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:44:59

    So... If you want to play this game without only logging on, checking your targets and kill whoever has the gear you want makes you a newbie? or a sissy? Thats a way to look at things.

    I just said that I accept that people kill people, I dont accept that a plain pk is called rp.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:44:36

    I wouldn't have reported even if I could, I have an honour code, which I live by. And I won't let anyone change it, 'RP' or not. But know that Gondor seeks vengeance for this, wherever possible.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:40:46

    First of all, 'RP' isn't a word, it's an acronym. Secondly, you suck, just because you don't buy into the pk = rp scheme of things doesn't mean everyone has to have the same view you have. We aren't required to play the same streamlined version of RP, we're given options in how we wish to play it, and because of this, ideas on what 'true RP' is will vary. Just because the typically accepted version of 'RP' is sissified, in my opinion, doesn't mean DH can't set a new precedent where RP IS pk. As long as they stick to killing everyone they see in the camp, then I'd say they are doing a damn good job of RPing what they should be. If they started mercifulling people just because of some retarded command meant to 'protect' newbie guilds who don't wish to actually die in RP defense, then claim that they don't RP. Until then, go back to sucking dick and levelling up characters, because those are the only things you're good at.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:37:24

    I can not say enough. I mean, It was my own fault that I went there without knowing what I would meet. But I could not, even if I ever tried to think about it call this rp. This was a plain pk, and I can accept that. But the ones that try to call a lockup in tenzeks camp a rp will have a hard time explaining that to me.

    I remember a time when rp and bandaging was what you were doing if anyone bleeded. I guess the time of roleplay have left this mud.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:36:22

    Kolbjoern, merciful is in the game to nerf rp.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:32:47

    Actually, the question is not whether they pretend to be roleplaying or not. The question is how long will the morals care about what they say.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:28:34

    Fdl RP, yeah right, DH still do not know what the word means. this is pure taking advantage of a place for pking, hiding behind calling it RP to get free kills, Deornoth and Ansaril dumb to fade and let them get the free kills off.

    1: Merciful is in the game for a reason.

    2: DH clearly are able to leave whenever they wish if they go low.

    3: Who ever gets a flag and runs around with it just to be able to heal at tenzek and not have gay people claim they are RPing.

    4: They looted your corpses=pk.

    5: Arawn and Ecidon are not DH and had been there all day waiting for some good targets to come.

    I was tempted to log on and make them RP against me to raise there fines.

    IF you accept there way of forcing there RP into the game, then think about this. You can't compare any other place in arda to Tenzek camp, they are 10 rooms away from guildbreaking if they get low.

    If you want to pay back in the same way, please tell me how you will do this when DH only log on when they have no enemies or they have equipment to evade bangs.

    Hanging around talking, yeah i also idle at flag guard and constantly take the flag..... Everyone here knows they would be running like kids if the numbers were against them.

    Everyone will be complaining alot more when ER's come out and get freekills nomatter what in tenzek camp, its a low chance for DH to be there and trapping you, when ER's roam arda, i bet that will be there most visited place. Picking off everyone that enters, unless its there friends giving them eq or stuff.

    IT needs to be changed. If you like what they do there, then your thinking way too much shortterm. Mainly liking these guys dying cause they are morals is not reason enough to accept this way of playing.

    But maybe ainu have other stuff in the works, making every moral towns deathtraps for morals. Once i am forced to fight my way all over arda i will be quitting for sure.

    Pity Deornoth and Ansaril didn't get to report, why pay respect against people that clearly have no respect.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 21:02:13

    hopefully he didnt report everyone in rp like anselmo does

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 20:51:41

    Zicex told me on MSN he was trapped by DH in Dun Camp, faded and running out of EP. Checked around for a flag quickly, found none, then raced over there with a faint hope of being able to kill the flag guard. Wish we'd had some time to get a little more organised. Shit happens.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    23 February 2005 20:25:24

    Pfft, you were't there, YOU DON'T KNOW! I practically spammed everyone with hail.

    This is something Ecidon edited out.

    tell ecidon Hail!

    tell caber Hail!

    tell taudrek Hail!

    tell adrnas Hail!

    tell ansaril Hail!

    tell zicex Hail!

    tell deornoth Hail!

    tell sarys Whore.

    You tell Ecidon: Hail!

    You tell Caber: Hail!

    You tell Taudrek: Hail!

    That person does not exist.

    You tell Ansaril: Hail!

    You tell Zicex: Hail!

    You tell Deornoth: Hail!

    You tell Sarys: Whore.

    Ecidon tells you: Hail!

    Caber tells you: Hail!

    Taudrek tells you: Hail!

    Ansaril tells you: Hail!

    Zicex tells you: Hail!

    Deornoth tells you: Hail!

    Sarys tells you: You love it.

    Please don't make uninformed comments Sarys.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    23 February 2005 20:21:28

    Too bad I had to hibernate my char.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 February 2005 20:11:41

    yeah that was very sad, ansaril deornoth and zicex sucked

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    23 February 2005 20:08:15

    Hey Arawn, I did a quick search on the word 'hail' in the log. Results? Zero instances found. How can you ever call this good RP?

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    23 February 2005 19:57:40

    Too spammed. : )

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    23 February 2005 19:55:52

    That's why I hardly feinted at first. Seems my fears were misplaced. Lotta fun. RP should=this.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    23 February 2005 19:51:51

    Ansaril, Deornoth, Zicex: trigger drops todo drink vial of vigour?

    Scypio sad