
Posted by
Ecidon [legacy]
26 February 2005 00:00:00

Lack of other logs, Beornings are hilarious!


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    02 March 2005 12:06:49

    Just like this!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    01 March 2005 12:48:34

    Wow, how can you write so many comments?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    01 March 2005 01:13:57

    hats off to you squibb, im glad to see someone with experience and the knowledge of how things should be back in the position.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    01 March 2005 00:18:31

    Alkath wrote 'And Shalligan claimed he abused a bug to get past the killing restrictions and not giving Udungul fines. *shrug*'

    Once that was brought to our attention he was no longer in the guild was he?? Its one thing for a guild to knowingly allow actions like these to continue but can you hold a guild responsible when they put an end to it as soon as they know?

    I guess it all depends on how your personal relations are with that guild if you decide to tell the entire story or just the part that makes them look bad.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    28 February 2005 18:56:06


  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    28 February 2005 18:55:25

    Okey :), but I don't have the time to sit here and reply to every whine and complain comment. So if you start with the first 30. Then I come back later and will try to reply to them all in 30 more comments. oki? :))

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 February 2005 18:42:27

    why not, worse ones have gotten higher :P

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    28 February 2005 18:23:42

    Well, I knew that. But what could I possibly reply to my defense since I don't know about that thing yet. And also, I don't want this forum to reach the 200th comment line.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 February 2005 18:17:54

    im willing to bet you were right. how many times have i seen guildcomms in their own damn logs where they tell someone go loot something.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 February 2005 17:44:47

    I'm willing to bet that Miroth was referring to Beornings as a whole. Not Nareez.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    28 February 2005 17:22:09

    I can refocus my efforts on you if you'd like me to, you spittlerific redneck.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    28 February 2005 16:56:41

    On an awesome note, I just coughed and some spittle got on my computer screen. But the three little drops are shaped exactly like Orion's belt and each one is multicolored because of it's position.

    That spittle is never leaving my comp. Ever.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    28 February 2005 16:55:46

    At least Alkath and Otoron stopped their bitch fest.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    28 February 2005 15:21:03

    The comment section is like a huge disturbing car wreck. You want to look away and not pay attention to it, but you just can't.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    28 February 2005 12:50:51

    Haha, 20 more comments and one of the crappiest logs ever wil entertain people for years to come when they peruse the 'Most commented' logs.

    And Krimpatul, am I imagining things..or did you threaten to come after me irl down there a bit?:P

    Haha, priceless.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    28 February 2005 11:11:05

    you know... i miss the days of the durms... alteast people were just whining about who killed who, it was a guild full of cheaters and dumbasses...

    all this theme whining is so damn stupid... this game is SOOO messed up... I think the BRL and how you get the BRL is sums up my case and point... this game is so much about pking which requires power which requires good eq...

    this game has never been about RP to most, and never will be... its a choice to RP, some do it, some don't... but those you don't can kill those who do all the same

    I'm started to look forward to the coming of ERs... no more... you weren't on our hitlist... or... its not thematic for you to kill us crap...

    just kill each other... quit whining about it already

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    28 February 2005 09:07:13

    This place is like a flogged up sewer, full of shit and getting worse everyday. It makes me wanna puke when some shitheaded hypocrites who feel damn too enthusiastic in upholding some [useful] aspect of their theme would fail miserably in making inferences about what that theme should dictate about their possible sets of allies and enemies.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 February 2005 00:27:26

    one's just as bad as the other. i was told to say that :P

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    28 February 2005 00:26:42

    Yeah, Miroth, it was Daywalker, not Nareez.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:44:40

    Yah a about a month Deo, but I enjoy reading logs. The comment section isn't fun to read but I can't stop reading it :(

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:29:07

    Me? Nop, I'm not a thief. Been one. But that was a while ago.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:24:02

    An aiglos you stole from bkd?

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:20:14

    I would shove an Aiglos up his ass if he approached our well protected area ;)

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:19:01

    alkath, the whole point of that is that the word dunedain is plural for dunadan. it's 'dunedain of the north'

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:15:10

    So you think Sauron would spare your lives if he got the ring?

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:10:54

    Spansh, for those who haven't read all the books you take that given that the theme on the board should be correct (written by Delgaur or Jad). Read it a couple of times. And also from my experience of three years in Beornings. That would be my definition. Maybe we heard about them, like whispers only, but I can't say we care about them. At least not if the problems has nothing todo with us or possibly could cause trouble to us in the future.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 22:09:41

    Valacirca are Dunedains of the North, there used to be a guild named Dunedains of the North, exact theme as us really, that kinda sucked, they didn't become a full guild though, only trial.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 21:56:18

    Already back commenting and wanting new logs, Oracle? You haven't been away for like more than a month or something. :P

  • Author
    Xsi [legacy]
    27 February 2005 21:36:34

    Yeah Ixnay, you're right, and I'm sorry if I worded myself wrong but this is what I meant - 'their restrictions were changed for a little bit'. By that I meant for a few days. But it was plenty of time for circlets to appear in the armoury, and you'd be the one lying if you deny it because you should be the one that knows best.

    As for Theoden, I don't wanna mention the names here but drop by some time on the mud and I'll give you full details if you wish so.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    27 February 2005 21:15:29

    You should all just go freelance and kill whoever pisses on you. Tha way nobody can hide behind their guild and that way people will whine less.

    Someone post new logs please :)

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    27 February 2005 20:52:31

    Rand spouted: And in the LoTR when Gandalf introduced himself Beorn was careless, he even said he hadn't heard of him.

    For starters, it was in The Hobbit when Gandalf met Beorn, but I'll let that slide, and yes I have read the books, several times. If you read between the lines in what Beorn said, of course he'd heard of him however I get the impression Beorn was a man who played his cards close to his chest, he wouldn't just let some random people he'd never met stay at his house, especially knowing how he doesn't like company.

    Secondly, I remember we had very few restrictions when I was back in beornings, however I never tried to pass off my killing in Grey Havens or Linhir as anything to do with theme, I was getting EQ or gold, I admit that, the only part I passed off as theme (maybe) was the fact that some beornings were rough and evil men (there's a passage somewhere, delgaur's quoted it many times, I can't be bothered to find it), which explained my evil alignment, however even that was a pretty thin excuse.

    Obviously the game would be tremendously boring if you stuck to mirkwood, and did nothing else, which is why I mentioned playability as well as theme.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    27 February 2005 20:49:17

    So eh.. there is seriously a guild called //Dunedains of the North//, spelled like that? :-p. That's cute.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 February 2005 20:46:34

    As a matter of fact, when you were a member the Beornings had no alignment restrictions and were doing whatever they wished. INCLUDING killing in Havens and Linhir. Also in MT and what not. I am not saying that wasn't right. I am just a noone who HAPPENS to have read the fucking books.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 February 2005 20:44:29

    Your comment is saying for you that you have no idea about the theme of the Beornings and that you mix the terms 'playability' and 'roleplay'.

  • Author
    Rand [legacy]
    27 February 2005 20:40:20

    Spansh, your UTTER ignorance is hurting my eyes.

    You said: 'Beorn was very knowledgable about what was going on in the whole of Arda'.

    And in the LoTR when Gandalf introduced himself Beorn was careless, he even said he hadn't heard of him.

    Stop commenting, newbies.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    27 February 2005 19:26:54

    We accept alignments, immoral >

    That's an explanation till why we are allowed to kill some of the morals NPCs that exists. For example, in Grey Havens and Linhir. Because they are so far away. And 'Our civilisation hasn't heard and doesn't care about it'.


    Perhaps you should talk to Delgaur or Jad about your theme since you appear to know nothing about it (they've given reasons and quoted passages in previous log comments), the beornings aren't a pack of backwater rednecks knowing nothing. Beorn was very knowledgable about what was going on in the whole of Arda, however he chose to stay in Mirkwood and not get involved with the rest of the world, it would make sense that his followers would be the same. It's kinda counterintuitive to say 'we don't know about Grey Havens so we kill there' If you didn't know about Grey Havens then you wouldn't know where it is, and therefore you wouldn't be able to kill there. To strictly follow the code and theme you guys should stay in Mirkwood forever, however that wouldn't be so interesting for you. But don't try and quantify killing Glorfindel et al, if you're doing it for EQ and sod the theme, thats fine, just don't try and claim you're being thematic about it.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    27 February 2005 19:19:49

    Ok. So, check it out. You both look like idiots, and if neither of you will stop looking like idiots, I'll make myself look like an idiot.

    You have been warned.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    27 February 2005 19:03:23

    Dunedain is Sindarin, man. Not my native language either.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 18:59:50

    I am sorry for not having English as my native language, sir Otoron.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    27 February 2005 18:41:19

    Alkath, dunedain is plural, and not capitalzed. Maybe inform your Dunedains of the North guild about this... apparently educational standards fell just like the northern kingdoms.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 18:24:40

    do your guild a favor and teach them how to get into aiglos so they know a break in rivendell other than the rivendell bell :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 18:06:28

    yeah, im sure he did. and i was hunting for him :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:54:11

    That's right, we 'fucked up' first, but Zelindo knew what he was doing, that's what I consider the problem.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:49:25

    making a comment once about it is enough alkath, but continuously trying to point it out on multiple logs when it was your guild who fucked up to begin with just looks like you're trying to start shit.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:42:27

    If I have to get a stick and beat you both with it, I'll do it. :(

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:26:06

    I never said I approved with him trying to extort money from people, I said I didn't approve, didn't I?

    And I've been helping RoI yes, Tiaren asked me to help him check something out, I did, Estraven needed help in Mordor, and I partied up with him for an hour or two in there. That's a few of the times I helped them. Show me where I RoI asked for help and I didn't help, show me where I did something wrong to RoI, show me where I did anything negative to RoI (except bitching here).

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:13:12

    haha, beornings most powerful guild. right. and i've done more than talk shit with this char. please.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:12:00

    ok alkath, so as long as he's not roi, qwert has the right to extort people and be a total douche bag, even though he's in a moral guild? stfu. you've never been helpful to roi, what the hell are you smoking? you've never done anything but complain.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:10:34

    Kozlodoev... aren't you suppoed to be getting laid?

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    27 February 2005 17:08:42

    I'd love to speak out on my behalf and voice my opinion, but arguing about it on something like this would just make me look like a retard*.

    *Reference: Arguing on public forums on the internet is like participating in the special olympics - even if you win, you're still retarded.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:44:56

    Ha-ha, when I left, beorns were by far the most powerful guild in Arda, which gives them total right to be arrogant fucks, and completely ignore what anyone says. I just wish they'd realize it, and stop participating in endless worthless discussions:(

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:39:13

    You ignorant, smelly, hairy little humans. Read a world history book or something! :-p.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:35:14

    We accept alignments, immoral >

    That's an explanation till why we are allowed to kill some of the morals NPCs that exists. For example, in Grey Havens and Linhir. Because they are so far away. And 'Our civilisation hasn't heard and doesn't care about it'.

  • Author
    Alpizar [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:14:39

    Hmm , i dont like to hear that about beornings , not all beornings killing morals NPC.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:07:26


  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:07:18


    I didn't this day would come.

    I agree with Alkath.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 16:02:05

    As I said, Qwert didn't know he was RoI, I surely don't approve with him trying to bribe him still, as Namarik is a idiot. Qwert isn't that active thought, else he surely would've known Namarik deserves nothing but another death, and he would surely have known Zelindo was RoI. Even if the reason for killing Irun might've been good enough, it would not mean killing Qwert was. And even if the reason for killing Irun was good, Irun still was killed, so I think Zelindo should've thought twice about killing Qwert.

    Otoron, I've done nothing but been helpfull to RoI, and it just bugs me that I've never got anything back but you guys killing my guildmates. Oh yeah, Rami helped me get a prod in Mordor once I think. But I guess that's after I helped him get a few packs.

    And it's pretty unthematic for Dunedains of Ithilien to kill Dunedains of the North, and it's pretty unthematic for Dunedains of Ithilien to steal the best moral weapon in the game from a Dunedain of the North, and it's pretty unthematic for Dunedains of Ithilien to kill elves of Thranduil in Rivendell over a weapon, and it's pretty unthematic to kill a leader of the elves of Thranduil over whining about the Rivendell-kill.

    I just think it's plain unthematic to, as morals, kill other morals. Beornings killing in Linhir is utter bullshit, BkD killing in Caras Galadon is utter bullshit. Wow, 90% of the people playing this game is utter shitheads. I'm glad I'm friends with the 10%.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 February 2005 15:23:58

    Didn't you get like half a million in fines?

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    27 February 2005 14:17:15

    I dont know about the other stuff on here but ......

    Xsi - This is one big Lie.

    Actually I remember once I saw a Beorning partied up with a SoU killing Theoden. And I remember pretty long ago when Beornings' restrictions were changed for a little bit (before it was brought to the attention of the Ainur that it was completely unthematic) and they were able to kill in Rivendell, armoury was full with circlets.

    There's been so much whining that I don't even know if I'm still in the right thread, but someone somewhere said that people shouldn't kill what their theme tells them not to, even if it's not on their killing restriction list.

    The change lasted no more than a few days - as it was taken up with ariadne who had it changed back.

    Rivendell was made free - and Gray havens was made restricted. 2-3 days later - it was changed back.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 February 2005 12:47:29

    trempk, bakal and kujo roleplay Idiots. In fact they manage to hide that they are actually pretty cool dudes.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    27 February 2005 12:21:11

    wtf trempt?, you are the biggest fucking whiner at allies, friends and shit on this freaking page

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    27 February 2005 11:03:51

    Alkath, then your bullshit whining about us killing multiple VC's is patently false. Again. If an RoI tries to extort money from a Valacircan and threaten to tell an immoral character about a murder, then feel free to act however you would. At this point, I do not recall Tiaren ever issuing promises to the Valacircan GM which he broke... so I guess you could feel confident that he'd deal with the situation.

    But really. That was awhile ago. Either get the balls to seek retaliation for what was a provocation (if you see it as such), or stfu, if it wasn't. I like you, but I don't appreciate the bullshit you throw out here. And I do like how you ignored the RPness of our actions... silence is consent, though, in the realm of argumentation, so I'll take that as a sign.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 February 2005 10:28:09

    Trempk, please explain.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 10:15:48

    Qwert didn't know Zelindo was RoI, I don't know if he was kidding or not, he claims he was. But Zelindo was very well aware he was Valacirca, he could've approached Irun about the matter, and well, if Irun said no, then I could probably accept you killing him even if I wouldn't like it, but Zelindo just asked Joaquim to hunt and help kill Qwert, instead of trying that.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 10:13:39

    I am actually okay with Irun's death, and I told you that, Otoron, so why do you bring that up? It's Qwert's death that bugs me. I guess, if you want, I can kill a RoI and see how you will think that look.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 February 2005 05:58:06

    Beornings are the new udungul, they just dont know how to keep good relations with other people cause they don't know how to respect other people.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    27 February 2005 04:03:16

    Alkath, you talk about theme and throw shit at us. We killed your piece of shit guildmaster for routinely violating the secrecy of our secret hideouts and breaking promises to that. Explicitly from Tolkien, the action we took. We killed some other 'moral' VC for trying to extort money out of us when he was investigating some immoral thief for a murder. Fuck that 'moral' RP. We take care of our own, and you're certainly not that.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 February 2005 03:55:26

    alkath, why do you keep trying to drag roi into this? if you'd stay out of their protected area, they wouldn't have to enforce their rp by trying to kill you. it's your own damn fault.

  • Author
    Dogar [legacy]
    27 February 2005 01:18:57

    And that's why his alt joined the Beornings.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    27 February 2005 01:16:00

    I once helped killed Galadriel (the vials didn't go to the Beornings, I was helping someone else get them); I'm pretty sure this is the case you're talking about, Alkath. And yes, at the time it didn't cause any fines to the guild.

    However, that doesn't mean it was welcomed by the guild. I did it because I was new to the guild, to RP, and to the mud, and thought it was OK to help an OOC friend with that. I also didn't understand the theme very well. It was my mistake, and *no one* in the guild thought it was ok afterwards - quite to the contrary. I apologised, learned from my mistake, and never did it again.

    People here who say the Beornings would kill anyone who's not bringing fines, regardless of theme, are full of crap.

    The poster of this log is also full of crap: both of his statements - 'they are killing Theoden once every boot and almost everyone in their guild is goldhunting in Linhir' - are lies.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 February 2005 00:01:59

    Krimp, what he tries to say is that as she never really died you didn't get fined. I think at least, because an alt of mine was involved in killing Galadriel with Beornings.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    26 February 2005 23:28:43

    He's so wonderfully tragic.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    26 February 2005 23:26:59

    Denethor is my favourite character in all of Tolkien's works.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    26 February 2005 23:26:19

    Arawn, i remember before couple months when you bitch on this same log page about us killing gal. but in that same time she have already been on our restriction list. Just you didnt know about that. And no i'm not ignorant, and yes, i just recived that my visa is in procedure and hopefuly i'll get it, so you will tell me that in person when you will meet me irl.. that i'm ignorant and lier.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 23:23:15

    I barely ever work with Beornings, shit, I barely ever work with anyone.

  • Author
    Xsi [legacy]
    26 February 2005 22:55:18

    Actually I remember once I saw a Beorning partied up with a SoU killing Theoden. And I remember pretty long ago when Beornings' restrictions were changed for a little bit (before it was brought to the attention of the Ainur that it was completely unthematic) and they were able to kill in Rivendell, armoury was full with circlets.

    There's been so much whining that I don't even know if I'm still in the right thread, but someone somewhere said that people shouldn't kill what their theme tells them not to, even if it's not on their killing restriction list.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 22:00:40

    You're either lying or ignorant Krimpatul. She was killed lots of times for vials by various members of the Beornings untill it was pointed out to Scatha by an helpful member of the public that this was happening. If you weren't aware of this it was simply due to the 'Tell Krimpatul what he wants to hear so we can get away with doing whatever we like' policy taken by quite a few of your members. It may have been done AFTER you were caught to 'test it' to feign ignorance and make it look like an innocent mistake, but it wasn't. The people doing it knew they were getting away with killing her an recieving no fines. So they kept doing it untill they got caught.

    It's in the past, you can't do it anymore since the bug was fixed. But since DW bought it up, I thought it best to present an accurate view of recent history:P

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    26 February 2005 21:35:42

    actualy Galadriel is on our restriction list, so killing there means fees, BUT she have been killed twice for sucsessful experiment that is presented here on log page as well and is between top 10 longs in all times

    not other reason

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    26 February 2005 21:34:59

    Let's all imagine that we all lived in Arda. Each and every one of our typist's. Some of us like to be more on the moral side, while others tend to be more evil. Now, of course, there is a great struggle happening. A war, if you will. Which do you think would be the best way to win this war? (multiple choice)

    a)Focus on following your theme, no matter what the cost.

    b)Focus on gaining every advantage possible to defeat your enemies.

    Hopefully your answer is B, because, well, it is the right answer. There is no opinion about it. I've heard previous comments about certain moral guilds being allies with other guilds who kill moral mobs. I've heard comments about killing certain mobs for thier EQ or for making gold. If you or your guild followed your so called theme in all aspects and to every degree, you would be enemies with the huge majority of the peoples in Arda. You would be fighting with odds of their 100 to your 1. That is no way to win a war. Sometimes it is important to acquire the aid of the lesser evils to defeat the greatest evil. And that is how real life is, as well. People have always looked away when someone they consider a friend, ally, (or anyone who is of help to them), commits an act that the former person would not do. Sure, you could 'follow your theme', but it would put you at a great disadvantage, and therefore hinder your war efforts, and henceforth be, well, stupid. On another topic, there is the matter of killing NPC's for thier EQ. If I was moral, and a moral NPC had the best weapon in the game, I of course would want it. So, being the well known hero that I am, I would just walk right up to the guy and say, 'listen, buddy, I need that sword so we can defeat the forces of mordor. It would do a lot more good in my hands, cause Im level 20' *flex* So of course the NPC would just hand me the sword, right? wrong :( thats not how this game works. You cant make an NPC give you a weapon, no matter how much you ask. So, we have to kill him. No use letting the evils get to him first and having the great sword fall into the wrong hands. Besides, he will be back in 15 minutes anyways, NPC's have infinite lives :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 February 2005 20:54:08

    Yeah, Arawn is right. Beornings DID kill Galadriel, and that's like the elf of elves in Lothlorien. I can't say but that I don't agree with how Beornings/BkD (RoI?, but they kill VC's at least!) kill Glorfindel for flask. It's pretty gay if you ask me. This whining about Beornings killing Galadriel, hopefully doesn't come from some ex-durm/udungul/CoU (SoU as well?) as they killed for couriers all the time before. And Shalligan claimed he abused a bug to get past the killing restrictions and not giving Udungul fines. *shrug*

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 19:47:07


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 February 2005 19:27:28

    More of the same old recycled bullshit.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 19:23:17

    Since you guys want to kill me anyways, may as well give you a reason right? Plus I like to argue.:P

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    26 February 2005 19:16:22

    What's your point Arawn? Where you wanna come with this?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:56:58


  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:51:38

    Wait..something just occured to me. You don't know about Minas Tirith...and yet you travel all the way past it to kill in Linhir?

    Makes sense. Mind if I rephrase what you said about your theme Daywalker? No? Good.

    Beornings are a bunch of retarded(or 'special needs') men that can't tell their arse from their nose and protect their homelands(when they can find where it is, thankfully that's in the plains so if they can't see many trees or mountains chances are they're close) from anything and everyone that looks like it's not their arse or their nose.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:22:57

    daywalker gets the pathetic excuse for theme award. 'it's ok because we don't know about it'

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:21:13

    I had to. Sorry :(

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:14:37

    You told them? how could you:(

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:09:57

    I'm pretty sure Beorn knows about Minas Tirith.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:05:04

    Whats so funny, jabba?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 18:01:21

    'They have never heard that there is something like Minas Tirith'


  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 17:58:36

    I'm sorry Daywalker, excuse my ignorance on the matter. I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about. Accept my apology for talking about things which I am clearly ignorant on.

    On a totaly unrelated matter, did the Ainur ever fix that bug which allowed Galadriel to be killed without it counting towards employee fines?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 February 2005 17:47:55

    Arawn : 'More recently I had a Glorglas and I pushed to have GG firmly demand that BKD and Beornings stop killing Elves, since it was ridiculous for a moral elf guild to be allied with elf killers.'

    Beornings have always had restriction in killing ALL elves of rivendell, thranduils and lothlorien. No Beorning ever harmed an elf protected by Galadhrim.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    26 February 2005 17:45:56

    All of you idiots speaking without knowing the theme of Beornings. Beornings are a group of men, followers of the shape shifter who live in the plains and protect their home lands from orcs/elves/dwarves and anything that touches them. They have never heard that there is something like Minas Tirith and they dont even care. Dont look at those idiotic changes of roleplay theme that were forced in the last one year. Beornings used to kill in linhir and till its not a restriction(till dev 22) you can freely bitch no matter if you are GV,KODA or whatever.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    26 February 2005 17:28:46

    If I was allowed to kill Denethor, I would kill him for the bitch he is in the movie, and not for his sucky sword.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 February 2005 17:01:32

    I fail to see where GV and Beornings do much stuff together, Arawn. Might change with ER's though..

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:57:04

    Alkath I'm not DH asskissing. But I would be playing a moral alt a lot more, I'll admit that much:P

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:55:04

    Let me illustrate my point Deornoth, with a little story.

    Many years ago when I was a little newbie I had a character in VC. At the time VC was allied with Rimsilval and Rimsilval killed morals. I couldn't for the life of me understand why VC would ally themselves to Rims when VC were goodguys and Rimsilval killed morals. Then we went into a few wars, one with SoU and one with Durms and it became very clear to me why we were allied. Because without the Rimsilval alliance, we'd get our asses handed to us on a plate every single time we went to war. More recently I had a Glorglas and I pushed to have GG firmly demand that BKD and Beornings stop killing Elves, since it was ridiculous for a moral elf guild to be allied with elf killers. People came up with all kinds of bullshit as to why it was ok to stay allies, but in the end the reason was the same, we needed that alliance so that should we get into a war, we wouldn't get kicked six ways from Sunday.

    So why not just be honest as to why you put up with Beornings doing this? You need them, because if you weren't friendly with Beornings you'd get hammered left right and center each time you were at war with an evil guild. Since your strong thematic ally, thinks that you're a bunch of clowns.

    I love being provocative btw:P End rant.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:44:35

    Arawn, if Tenzek had that, you wouldn't be DH-asskissing :P

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:21:38

    Just broke my record in 'comment length' by miles. Sucks. :?(

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:20:53

    Alright, my last comment may have sounded a bit harsh, and I guess it is, to some extent., I have a theme, my guild has a theme, and I try to play by it as good as I can. I don't kill moral dunedains, you don't see me kill Governor for MELS, I could, the fines the guild would get would be easily paid. But I'm not going to follow my theme blindly all the time. Shit, that would mean me running around the dead marshes all day looking for the hobbits. I have to detract from my theme somewhat, to keep playability. I mean, me and a couple of guildmates spent about 1.5hours in your camp today. You knew we were there, but didn't come running to defend your kinsmen. Why? Because the chances of you dying would've been high. So you let them die, because you, as a player, is more worth then them, the respawn without loosing anything, but you would've lost exp and gold, and given us the pleasure of revenge.

    I'm not going to try to justify everything I do by wrapping it in sweet words of theme and such. I play my char far from perfect, just as everyone else here.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:20:34

    You wouldn't kill him? Prove it.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:12:18

    I'm multitasking!:P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:11:39

    I would :P

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:08:56

    No arawn you wouldn't kill him cuz you wouldn't have time because your spending all your time whining at everything

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:04:03

    Difference being Deornoth, I play with integrity. I have fun but I still have respect for the setting and theme of the game I play, and gear my playing towards it.

    Taking the next logical step from what you say. If you COULD kill Denethor, or Tower Guards or whatever other useful moral dunedains and not get fined for it, would you? Something tells me if you wouldnt't other members of GV sure would.

    Tenzek could be wearing mmail, wielding MELS and have the whip in an OCP and I still wouldn't kill him.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    26 February 2005 16:01:02

    I don't kill linhir guards

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:54:05

    I think it is obvious that some guilds have themes and rules and some members are dying to bend those in their advantage especially when rules are not enforced.

    And when someone comments on them, it's like: 'You know nothing of our theme!'

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:48:38

    Really, I don't give a shit if some moral dunedain npc dies, just like you don't give a shit if Tenzek or some other dunlending dies. I play for fun. Simple as that.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:48:35

    And that would be untrue.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:45:17

    It does make sense. Allthought he could have been less verbose and just said.

    'We're scared of evil guilds, so we're prepared to open ourselves up to critisism by appearing weak and subservient'

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:43:53

    Ok, Drille. Explain. Why do you kill Linhir guards?

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:34:01

    That made sense

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:33:54

    Jabba is an idiot

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:22:36

    What Scypio said, that is.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:22:19

    That didn't make much sense.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:18:00

    Wow, you guys are really loyal to Gondor!:P

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:04:59

    You don't know our theme then, and are obviously confused by the name of our guild. We're elite guards of Denethor sent to avenge the death of Boromir and locate the hobbits who (at least in Denethor's understanding) are responsible for it. We are not KoDAs, and we're not a defensive group. Of course, it doesn't mean we won't defend our country when we deem it possible and right. But it is not the primary target. Story Daimen for reference.

    As for Beornings. They are useful for us in many ways. Yes, they kill in Linhir. But when you have many enemies and many goals, you have to choose and be pragmatic about it. And so we do.

    When you have a patient with flu and a heart attack, you try to deal with heart attack first and worry about flu later.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 February 2005 15:01:44

    Ask Daywalker who he killed last night, and why, and whine about that, not this.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:58:50

    I don't see what the reason to post this log is, I can't say I like Skyman, but I can neither see why he not should've attacked Ecidon.. Ecidon killed morals, which should be enough. I don't really understand why Skyman should get shit for trying to kill a evil dunlending, killing guards of Linhir on the other hand, is pretty clownish, weak RP, no matter what theme they have, they are morals, and morals should not be killing other morals who have the same cause as themselves.

    Just as RoI should not be killing VC's left and right.

    *sigh* I guess Ecidon is right, Beornings are hilarious, this whole mud is hilarious, full of hypocrites.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:55:58


  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:50:02

    But having said that. GV have always been hypocritical and selective when it comes to their 'defense' of Gondor. I remember when they stored MELS for G-Unit, and ignored Azarael slaughtering the merchant. You can bitch and moan about Daen Hecil's poor RP until you're blue in the face. But at least we're consistent with it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:47:02

    I know a guy who answered that question once Taudrek, in a drunken barrage of offensive language that almost got him banned from commenting! If only I could remember who that was and what he said..

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:37:59

    I'm not talking about theme, or about war. I know why the Beornings kill in Gondor. I also know how they justify it. But what I don't understand is why your Guild seems to defend them constantly and back them up, both in game and on the logpage. I wouldn't defend a Guild which killed in Tenzek's constantly and showed a distinct lack of respect for our identity.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:33:57

    It's not their theme that's the issue Scypio, it's yours. Because you maintain a friendly, near allied relationship with them, while turning a blind eye to the fact that they kill the npcs your guild is charged with defending. I'm sure you have enough respect for them not to kill Beornings, wouldn't it be nice if they showed the same respect to you?

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:27:31

    And, that's got nothing to do with them killing Ecidon.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:26:11

    I drove Daywalker out of Linhir a couple of hours ago.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:25:09

    Obviously you don't know their theme, Mr. Daen Hecil.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:25:04

    So you're saying I should start a full out war with Beornings?

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:24:42

    Everything's wrong with Beornings killing in Gondor.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:20:36

    Hey Scypio. Now ask yourself 'What's wrong with Beornings killing in Gondor?'. Still getting the same answer, Mr Gondor's Vengeance?

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:18:51

    What's wrong with Beornings killing a DH applicant? Hmm. Nothing.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:06:06

    Meh? Why give that reason Skyman? Why not just say 'Was bored, had no other targets on, felt like killing someone, figured I'd attempt you'?

    Works for me when I try and justify going for someone:P

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    26 February 2005 14:03:19

    I liked this log, especially the end.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    26 February 2005 13:48:41

    If anyone gets stamped a newbie it should be Alkath for saying so, because its obvious even to a dumbnick like me that Ecidon didn't post this log to show people what a skilled breaker he is or wants to be.

    Also, Skyman and some other Beornings are known to attack anyone they wish at any point for any or no reason. Even their own past GM's said so and its hard to miss.

    I'm as I said a dumbnick so I might be wrong, but to me this log is to show what kind of morons Beornings are. But like I said, Skyman and some other Beornings are the problem. While everyone, even his close friends know that he loves that guild more than any other, I can't seem to understand in which way things stuff like this help his guild.

    Its about adding another name to the 'list of killed people' or 'list of acomplishments', not about being righteous and killing who deserves it. If this attack was about attacking their neighbours, then Beornings wouldn't steal uniques from their allies at reboots because they don't respect anyone else than themselves, or at least not most of them and they _do_ steal stuff from allies because I wasn't the only one to notice during my fights with them.

    Now post some good bloody log so I can waste my time in some less creative way than watching TV all day! :)


  • Author
    Tarzan [legacy]
    26 February 2005 13:27:28

    Beornings don't kill Theoden.