The not-so-triumphant return of Fidbits

Posted by
Otoron [legacy]
02 March 2005 00:00:00

There is not a wide variety, but not many people are submitting. More people=more tidbits=more variety=funnier.

Woric tells you: was really funny, my gf was talking to me on aim when
 i was pking
Woric tells you: she sent like 10 messags and signed off and i didn’t even notice them until after
Woric tells you: last message was 'luv u too' to my non resposnes
Woric tells you: IN HER FACE

Note  27  Yao          (Thu Jan 20 2005)  Mog
I f*cked this girl Mog used to know in high school.  She loves
the cock.

that is all

Balzamon told you: getting head!
You told Balzamon: wtf.
You told Balzamon: are you telling me your wife blows you while you
Balzamon told you: jesus, she decided to go down on me to get me off
  the game

^  (OOC) Ansaril: Im hungry
^  (OOC) Astargon: And now, thanks to the OOC channel, we all know that
 you like to order Dominoes and not visit the green dragon for some
 blueberry pasties. That is what I call progress.

Damien is now following you.
Damien enters.
Damien says: I want to be just like Shanequa.
Kreator leaves west, leading Kreator's horse [packed].
Dimebag enters.
Blackman tells you: Hahahha
Damien says: I want to be just like Dimebag.
Dimebag says in Westron: sup nigga
Damien says in Westron: sup nigga

[ Chat ] Qfm: there is a cum-filled condom in my bathroom trash, and
 it's right on top of an empty listerine bottle right by where it says
 'helps keep teeth cleaner and brighter'
[ Chat ] Qfm: which cracks me up
[ Chat ] Stephen: Hahahah
[ Chat ] Sean: Take a picture!
[ Chat ] Qfm: my digital camera was stolen :(
[ Chat ] Sean: Weak

^ (OOC) Otoron: How do you voice a dark god? Its only gonna be lame...
 especially from the mace-as-golf-club precedent.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: Jennifer Aniston could do it.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: She's got quite the 'evil bitch' voice.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: Which is, really, what I expect Sauron to be.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: You know it's a woman.
^ (OOC) Otoron: Yeah, but a Gothwin-look-alike woman.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: Only a woman would put the power to enslave the world
 into a ring.
^ (OOC) Zelindo: It's like a wedding ring.  Only a woman would do that.

^ (OOC) Azoroth: Blackman, are you actually black? IRL.
^ (OOC) Arkasas: blackman, seriously get your name changed to whitef@g
^ (OOC) Blackman: yeah what of it yo
^ (OOC) Toby: Arkasas may dislike racism, but he looooves homophobia!
^ (OOC) Elspeth: yoyo back off a blackman hes tight. no more racism on
 da comm!
^ (OOC) Blackman: ya dont be hatin
a few moments later...
^ (OOC) Serex: Wow theres another black guy who muds!? 
Blackman tells you: Oh shit it's serex

^ (OOC) Delrerango: okay guys lets stop now and talk about cooler 
things like me
^ (OOC) Elspeth: like ME!!
(OOC) Delrerango: no not like you
^ (OOC) Elspeth: yers like me
^ (OOC) Elspeth: -yes...i rawk

^ (OOC) Paraiko: Someone should convert the Bible to AOL-speak and see
 how long it takes to get all the Jesus-freaks off either habit.
^ (OOC) Smaug: I heard of a website .. I think.. which 
converts from AOL->English
^ (OOC) Smaug: I hope that's not a porn site I just gave out
^ (OOC) Paraiko hopes differently.

^(OOC) Droki: Oh please Lalo. The only real girl a Beorning ever met is
 Drcayngel. And she's an imbecile.
^(OOC) Lalo: Dr is a men dammit

Malakan says in Westron: washington was the first GM, right?
Malakan says in Westron: err, president?

[ Chat ] Yoav: I'm hearing Fimbu complain about his girl problems, or
[ Chat ] Yoav: It's like talking to a 15 year old version of me.
[ Chat ] Yoav: That's so beautiful.
[ Chat ] Yoav: Oh wait, no, he's not my 15 year old version afterall.
[ Chat ] Yoav: SeeGlenRun: I kind of have a girlfriend! SeeGlenRun: For
 the first time in my life!
[ Chat ] Yoav: Jesus christ. AM I THE ONLY SORE LOSER ON THE FACE OF 
[ Chat ] Otoron: Zelindo has had sex.
[ Chat ] Otoron: ZELINDO.
[ Chat ] Otoron: AND CABER FFS.
[ Chat ] Yoav: Otoron dear, I was being rhetorical. MEANING YOU DON'T 

[ RoI ] Duk: Can you really tell the difference between Russian women
 and Boris Yeltsin?
[ RoI ] Otoron: Duk. Russian women <30 are the hottest women ever.
[ RoI ] Duk: Man that's bad. I read that as a heart with a halo on it.

^ (OOC) Crusaderr: I'd be giving people warnings for being Bulgarian
^ (OOC) Scatha: once you get to OL, you'd realize that just being 
bulgarian is punishment enough in itself
^ (OOC) Scatha: so when you get to power, you'd see no reason to warn 

You nock a handcrafted arrow to your bow string.
Beorning scout misses you.
You draw back the bow, ready to shoot.
Beorning scout hits you.
Tarzan says in Westron: Touch a Beorning once more, and you have JUNGLA
 on yer ass!

[ Chat ] Bakal: I played a soccer game against a team full of arabs and
 they smelled really bad.
[ Chat ] Rami: but they prolly kicked your ass.
[ Chat ] Bakal: No, we actually beat them pretty handily.
[ Chat ] Bakal: That was in Minneapolis and we ended up getting second
 in that tournament.
[ Chat ] Rami: maybe you're confusing indians with arabs!
[ Chat ] Otoron: No. Arabs have towels, Indians have dots.
[ Chat ] Qfm: In that respect they are easy to distinguish
[ Chat ] Bakal: All I know is that one of them got pissed at me and 
started yelling at me in broken english and it reminded me of the log 
page and no one could figure out why I was laughing so damned hard.
[ Chat ] Qfm: You're on the soccer field doubled over laughing, and the
 only thing you can manage to say is 'Krimpatul'

Another excerpt from the Adventures of Yun:
*** Sean has connected.
[ Chat ] Sean: Guys, it's one fucking beautiful day
[ Chat ] Sean: Had my trial today.
[ Chat ] Sean: Acquitted, on all three charges
[ Chat ] Qfm: what were the charges again?
[ Chat ] Sean: Impaired Driving, Careless Driving, Operating a motor
 vehicle over .08
[ Chat ] Sean: They dropped the weapons charge a while ago
[ Chat ] Sean: Consider me blessed
[ Chat ] Sean: You shoulda seen the crown attorneys face when I got off :P
[ Chat ] Sean: It was beautifuk
[ Chat ] Sean: And the douchebag cop

[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: Arg.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: This hot person in school sent me a text
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Mog: nice
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Grozin: whee
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: "Hey. Hoping we can meet up this weekend
 and get together. I want to get to know you better"
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Mog: NICE
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: Then two minutes later, I got another.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: "Sorry about that. I sent a message to 
the wrong person on my contact list"
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Mog: FDL
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Mog: OWNED
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Mog: poor vaz
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Grozin: fdl

@DolAmroth Shanequa: sup, dolamroth, hail
@DolAmroth Lorfyre: not much, and you?
@DolAmroth Oshwekan: Greetings Shanequa
@DolAmroth Shanequa: nottin, i just cuttin some orcs
@DolAmroth Lorfyre: You go, girl.
@DolAmroth Lorfyre: Teach those foos!

And finally, a rather long ‘Day in the Life of a Blackman’
Munga told you: I want my gold 
You told Munga: u get no gold from me yo 
You told Munga: y 
Munga told you: YOU STOLE IT FROM ME 
You told Munga: why u blame blackman u racist?! 
You told Munga: yo i was probably tokin yo cant hold that shizz against
 me dawg 
Munga told you: And you called me a nigger 
Munga told you: that was stepping over the line 
You told Munga: yo whaddya mean g?! 
Munga told you: you know exactly what I mean 
Munga told you: Just give me my gold and I won't bother you anymore 
You tell Munga: yo i mighta called u a nigga or sumpin but dat just cuz
 we cool yo i aint got yo gold dont make me repeat mahself or i might 
cut u 
Munga tells you: and you said you are going to "cut me", I will lay off
 now, but If I even suspect that you give me any more shit, you are
 dead You told Munga: yo they cops for that schizz u tell dem they lay
 the cuffs on the perps yo but u accusin me fo bein black i think my
 gang should cut u up yo 
Munga tells you: I doubt you are even black 
You tell Munga: u cracka i gun go spend yo gold on 40s and hos now 
sucka hahaha 
Munga told you: so, you  did steal it 
You told Munga: ull never know haha 
Munga told you: I want my GOLD! 
You tell Munga: yo i drank yo gold now bitch 
Munga tells you: Are you calling me a bitch? 
You tell Munga: i think u actin like one dawg 
Munga told you: I am bbeing perfectly reasonable, all I ask is that you
 return my gold to me 
You tell Munga: y?? 
You tell Munga: u need ta stop playa hatin yo 
Munga tells you: I am making a simple and resonable request 
Munga told you: I do not hate anyone, I am just making a request for
 you to return my money to me 
You told Munga: no ur not i got u gold no reason i should give it back
Munga tells you: I think you should, because it belongs to me. 
You tell Munga: gold belong to the playa it pocket in if you get ur
 stereo jacked yo it yo own damn fault g 
Munga tells you: That is not what the cops think 
Munga tells you: i have not reported you yet, but I still can 
You told Munga: u go tell dem pigs u aint got no proof yo 
You told Munga: dis racial profiling 
Munga told you: I do not care whether you are black, white, brown, or
 purple, I just want my gold back. 
You tell Munga: yo us thugs had a party wit dat paper yo we got all up
 in that house 
Munga told you: what are you talking about? 
You told Munga: us thugs yo we took yo gold and got beers and weed and
 hos and had a blast yo u shoulda come it was illin 
Munga tells you: then pay me back in beer or weed 
You told Munga: yo maybe u should be more thug and we induct u and u 
can hit the parties then until then u nuthin 
Munga tells you: Fine, take me to these parties of yours 
You tell Munga: yo u gotta get in da gang first yo ill hafta kick ur
 name to the homies see what dey think 
You told Munga: homies dont rat shit to the cops u get cut 4 dat 
Munga told you: let me "sample" one of your ragers 
You tell Munga: u need in the gang 4 dat yo we cant trust u 
Munga tells you: What would I do? 
You tell Munga: i gotta talk to the boys an see what dey think yo so u
 chill 4 now 
Munga tells you: ok 
You tell Munga: aight late yo