Idlekilled... again

Posted by
Bergaing [legacy]
09 March 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

I've done one evil/mean/rude thing/comment on this mud so far, and it was towards Pedro. Dexter abused my ever-so-helping mood with tricking me into a low-fines area and pk'd me while I was idle there. Now Tarzan or Dexter idlekilled me AGAIN for the same reason. Or for no reason? It's getting old.. all I ever do is trying to be helpfull, and this is how I am paid.... *sigh*


  • Author
    Krow [legacy]
    13 March 2005 00:57:33

    Idle-killers and quitters: as far beneath my notice as is possible to be. 'Nuff said.

  • Author
    Athgrim [legacy]
    12 March 2005 19:06:44

    Yes, true. I can't speak for anyone but myself. That is how I feel, so I guess others could feel that way about it too. I'm disgusted by how some of the players on EotW play, and act. Preying on unsuspecting newbies, tricking and decieveing. If they could only do it with a bit of class, and self respect. Instead of qutting right and left as soon as someone tries to do something about them. That puts me off, way off.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    12 March 2005 16:07:49

    Athgrim, you present a poor argument. The reason there are only 10-20 people on EotW is not related to the player base, I am quite sure after playing there for a while. And calm down by the way; you are examplifying the playerbase you are criticising.

  • Author
    Arin [legacy]
    10 March 2005 23:48:30

    yes ask me!!! hehe joking well they are really nothing

    It was Pedro in this log

    cloaked figure was Pedro

    they felt really powerfull that night becouse all clan of quitters

    Xanatos Pedro Tarzan Dexter was online and partied

    and they got all best pk weapons

    thats why they were playing

    I have no respect for them becaouse they all quitted(in combat) on me

    Xanatos(3 quits)Pedro(2 quits)Tarzan(One as i remember, probbably more)

    Dexter(so many times i cant count it)

    :( sorry for spamm

    iam tired, good night

  • Author
    Daemon [legacy]
    10 March 2005 20:00:50

    Athgrim, Tarzan and co are the lowest of scum on this mud. They log off for days at a time and log back in when noone is on to randomly kill some newbies. The sad thing is, it's hard as hell to kill people who log off when any assassin is on. Yet it is ok Athgrim, we will annihilate them one day, even if it takes 2years, ask Arin, our tempers last a very very long time:)

  • Author
    Arin [legacy]
    10 March 2005 16:48:25

    maybe it was Pedro? figure didnt shiv.. only did throws

    just a quess

    *pats Bergaing

    of course it's all becaouse of cairhien and guys like dexter,tarzan,pedro,xanatos but you guys instead of whine

    should work together:P and kick their asses:)

    and Iam always here to help:)

  • Author
    Athgrim [legacy]
    10 March 2005 08:31:11 And that happens like what, once a month? But really, I wasn't jumping on you, but rather the dishonorable jerks from Cairhien, or wherever they're from.

  • Author
    Tasar [legacy]
    10 March 2005 01:39:23

    I've seen 20 and more people on EOTW. So obviously the mud isnt the only thing full of shit Athgrim.

  • Author
    Athgrim [legacy]
    10 March 2005 00:08:26

    Everyday I hear people complaining about how shitty the playerbase on T2T are and how much it sucks, and such. After playing them both, it's quite obvious EotW is just as full of shit as T2T. No wonder there's never more than 15 or less people logged on here.

  • Author
    Bergaing [legacy]
    09 March 2005 21:19:59

    Apparently it was Tarzan, Dexter were just lying as he always do that he had killed me.