Boffo is funny Hobbit

Posted by
Grozin [legacy]
10 March 2005 00:00:00

read 24
Note  24  Azhagzhur    (Thu Mar 10 2005)  *FDL*

Item #22
To     : Azhagzhur@Erebor 
Cc     : Boffo Scatha 
From   : Boffo@Bywater
Date   : Thu Mar 10 04:57:57 2005
Subject: Wrap your head around this.
I've cc'd this mail to Scatha, as two GMs who are having
conflict may be part of his province. Letter follows:
If you hadn't already grasped this, I am fed up with your
continuous disrespect towards me on the public comm. On the
GM comm, you stated that you speak to 'everybody' that way.
I accepted this fairly conciliatory statement at the time,
however I no longer think it's true.
I would say from the amount of attention you pay to my
affairs (when your affairs are of little concern to me) is
indicative of some sort of fixation. I can be idling in my
Guildhall doing paperwork, and all of a sudden you're sniping
at me on the GM comm. I can be questing gear, and you feel
some need to make snide comments about what I auction. That
you spend so much time and energy following my exploits and
tossing barbs at me that it actually sets you beneath me.
This is how it works. You feel a need to get cheap approval
from the MUD's lowest common denominator by flinging 
unwarranted cheapshots at me. There's enough Munchkins here
that can't do much more than pilot a Client tricked out for 
PKilling that I'm an easy target. I believe that the work
I do on this MUD is for the betterment of this mud. Some
of that work is in Roleplay. Some of it is in how I submit
ideas for Code or in Petitions... and Munchkins just don't
understand that. When you play to this small-minded,
bloodthirsty crowd, it doesn't make you anything special,
it just makes you the King of the Munchkins.
For the record, I never claimed to be anything special, or
that anyone ought to 'ph34r my l33t ski11z.' I consider
myself to be an adequate player. I can gear myself up from
scratch without buying anything, I can evade a gangband,
and I enjoy myself, most of the time. You don't play a game
for 9 years without learning a few things, so kindly save
your condescending bullshit for someone who's actually a
Boffo Wordsmith
Looks like the little hobbit doesnt like me.