
Posted by
Vildoran [legacy]
22 March 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

How many aliases can I mess up in one day?


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    24 March 2005 03:41:57

    Vilds never whines, Barberi makes very little, if any, sense.

  • Author
    Coramoor [legacy]
    23 March 2005 23:20:41

    damn right i know asshat, i was giving vildoran finds on msn. if it were any of your goddamn business why he did it, then maybe vildoran would tell you himself.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 March 2005 20:10:39

    Because he had a FAT FUCKING personal contract on him? Maybe you should talk to your guildmates instead of on the logpage :P

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 March 2005 19:58:13

    Since you obviously know...coramoor....why dont you tell me the real reason why vildoran killed obair? I'm just curious.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    23 March 2005 04:18:53

    I dont recall Vildoran ever whining about much of anything.

    And killing faded people got easy. It's called a dye trap, you CANs.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:49:14

    I really manadged to make a serious note be funny, go me :)

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:48:32


  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:44:31

    Don't sell yourself short Drille, I don't know anybody who's not smarter than you!

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:40:09

    Thats life, if you've been here for a while and actually do like the pk part of this game you can make yourself not soloable kinda easy. you just never get low if your unfaded. And then when you get banged then just start whining like crap that they only bang while you are soloing the less experienced players. Some dude that's prolly not smarter then me once said that a chain aint stronger then the weakest link

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:39:39

    Bah, being fucking paranoid like that makes the game truly unfun. Do like me, let yourself become vulnerable, it makes it soooooooo much more enjoyable.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:34:02

    He hasn't attempted me the first time. But I suppose that is because I do my darndest to make sure I am not vulnerable. Similar to what he does for himself but to a lesser degree to be sure.

  • Author
    Damocles [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:14:34

    Vildoran makes a great BkD initiation :)

    You're not a true member till you realise he can be on your ass at any time, that usually takes at least one solo :)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    23 March 2005 02:12:39


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    23 March 2005 01:32:57

    Ok, not only with a bang, but you will be hard pressed to find an Opportunity to solo kill him. That is what I mean.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    23 March 2005 01:31:59

    It really sucks that Vildoran can only be PKed with a bang. I have been stalking the guy for weeks upon weeks without any opportunities. Thought I had one a couple days ago when he was doing SS but the fella never gets down below good shape if unfaded. And there is no way in Tolkien's green (depends on your mud and client settings) Arda that I am going to attack him at Good shape solo. I see too many logs of his and have too much respect for the guy to be so foolish. Also, I am VERY good at learning from other folk's leasons that they learned the hard way (hope I don't eat these words later). I think it was myself that started Vildoran Pking BKD when me and two others got him in Moria. Ever since he has laid down solo after solo on our members but in almost every single case it is because he caught one of them doing something stupid. Good timing on his part but it only happens because we have quite a few members who do some stupid stuff sometimes. Not tryig to say he isn't skilled because we all know he is and you wouldn't believe me if I said so anyways. But one more thing. If you have a 100 targets PKing is a lot easier then if you have 1 or 2 targets. Vildoran has a TON of targets because he kills just about anyone he wants save maybe RoI (who he stores with) and DH (who he also stores with I believe). Just wanted to point that out because I am a slut and I am mad about seeing so many people die to this man. Paint me purple and call me Jealous!

    Kolbjoern is a gay monkey loving louse. (using my last line to pointless making fun of someone, as he pointed out on the Boffo log)

    (INVISIBLE LAST LINE, That last statement isn't true btw)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    22 March 2005 19:34:27

    Mithril Mail, haven't used that in years :(

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    22 March 2005 18:08:04

    It obviously isn't oppourtunism. Since he was waiting there triggered. :P

  • Author
    Coramoor [legacy]
    22 March 2005 13:25:31

    glad to see there are still people out there who think they can read other peoples minds and know why they went after someone and spout out general bullshit when they don't know a damn thing about why something happened.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    22 March 2005 11:31:11

    Glad to see there are still people out there who hate Meglivornth for no apparent reason and will kill us while we are doing weapon orders for the general good of arda.

    Besides being apparent opportunism in the first attack, it was brave to stick with it while being attacked by 3 players, and it payed off. Not really that skillful though.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    22 March 2005 00:30:27

    I want to have Vildoran's child.