pathetic attempt on Rhalle

Posted by
Arin [legacy]
24 March 2005 00:00:00

well, we were running around and we knew he can try one one us, but still he could do much better :) *cheers Tarzan

Start logging: 03.11.2004 16:53
^ Arkkanis: no one likes a smelly cat *cough*
l    You are outside one of the five gates of Caemlyn, with
a tower flanking either side. Part of the wall arches above
the gate, providing a little more stability than if the wall
wasn't there at all, but the gates still pose a weak spot in
Caemlyn's defenses. The gates themselves rise up for an
impressive thirty foot expanse of wood, opened and closed by
an elaborate system of pulleys.
The gates are wide open, as now isn't a time of war.
The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is night in Andor.
    Obvious exits are east and west
 The corpse of guard
 The skeleton of guard
 Duchess Rhalle Adarius, fiery Shienaran Accepted
You feel a slight prickling feeling on your skin.
<<< HP:250 EP:267 >>> 
^ Pedro: I do
hYou use your first aid skills to heal yourself.
<<< HP:260 EP:246 >>> 
whoRhalle leaves east.
You follow Rhalle east.
Before gates leading into and out of Caemlyn(n, s, se, w)
 Duchess Rhalle Adarius, fiery Shienaran Accepted
You feel a slight prickling feeling on your skin.
Tarzan steps out of the shadows.
Tarzan attacks Rhalle.
Tarzan jams a needle into Rhalle's writhing body, causing excruciating pain!
Tarzan puts a small book into a backpack.
Tarzan puts a small book into a backpack.
                     Welcome to the Eye of the World Mud!                     
                     There are fourteen users connected.                      

Name                                                                  Level
Cairwyn, homeless human refugee                                        ( 1)
Kali, fiery Aiel Novice                                                ( 8)
Shaarde of the Reyn, fierce Aiel warrior of Siswai'aman                (11)
Melvin Taborwin, morbid Cairhienin highwayman                          (13)
Seith Arrowheart, unique Ghealdanin Dedicated                          (15)
Centrino Mendoza, relentless Cairhienin bounty hunter                  (17)
Duchess Rhalle Adarius, fiery Shienaran Accepted                       (18)
Lord Pedro Mendoza, dignified Cairhienin thief-catcher                 (18)
Calian Rogad, cynical Andoran swordsman                                (19)
Lord Vidocq Amarith, Andoran blademaster                               (19)
Arkkanis Mernada, Shienaran agent of the Goldeneyes                    (20)
Tarzan Mendoza, brave Andoran stalker                                  (21)
Prince Arin Nomesta, adventurous Shienaran wiseman                     (22)
Aginor says, "The name is Bond, Vaga Bond".                        (weaver)

Total users: 14
<<< HP:260 EP:246 >>> 
Tarzan wields a polished silver dagger.
Tarzan attacks Rhalle.
Tarzan suddenly pulls out a weapon and shivs Rhalle!
Tarzan throws a polished silver dagger at Rhalle. It penetrates a suit of steel, and grazes her body.
A polished silver dagger falls to the ground near Rhalle.
Tarzan takes a polished silver dagger from the ground.
Tarzan wields a polished silver dagger.
Striking a pair of leather boots, Rhalle brushes Tarzan's feet, with the flat of the sword.
Rhalle attacks Tarzan.
Rhalle clenches her fist.
Rhalle attacks Tarzan.
Rhalle clenches her fist.
Rhalle attacks Tarzan.
Rhalle clenches her fist.
Rhalle attacks Tarzan.
Striking a black silk shirt, Rhalle brushes Tarzan's arms, with the flat of the sword.
Striking a strange helm, Tarzan hits Rhalle on the head hard.
Striking a suit of steel, Tarzan scratches Rhalle in the legs.
Rhalle's fist radiates a bright blue light.
Rhalle's fist radiates a bright blue light.
Rhalle's fist radiates a bright blue light.
rEntering do...

You stop protecting Rhalle.

This is a crime here in Andor!
You heroically step in to rescue Rhalle from Tarzan!
You begin protecting Rhalle

Do complete.
<<< HP:260 EP:241 >>> 
^ Cairwyn chuckles.
You slice the air near Tarzan with an errant swing of the blade.
Rhalle swings but barely misses Tarzan by a few inches.
Tarzan misses you.
Tarzan misses you.
Rhalle opens her hand, the bright blue light forming a hammer.
Rhalle opens her hand, the bright blue light forming a hammer.
Rhalle opens her hand, the bright blue light forming a hammer.
Striking from the waist, Tarzan delivers a tentative, horizontal slash.
You recognize his movement as the Moon Rises Over the Water form.
shapeTarzan has a few bumps and bruises.
<<< HP:260 EP:241 >>> 
You notice Tarzan checking you out.
Striking a black silk shirt, you cut a deep gash into Tarzan's body.
Tarzan parries Rhalle with a firmly wielded dagger!
Striking a full suit of red and gold armor, Tarzan hits you on the head.
Rhalle throws the hammer at Tarzan!
Rhalle throws the hammer at Tarzan!
Rhalle throws the hammer at Tarzan!
Rhalle's hammer hits Tarzan's chest with bone-breaking force!
Rhalle's hammer hits Tarzan's chest with bone-breaking force!
Rhalle's hammer hits Tarzan's chest with bone-breaking force!
shapeTarzan is bleeding from a few wounds.
<<< HP:249 EP:241 >>> 
Rhalle attacks Tarzan.
shapeStriking a pair of leather boots, you nick Tarzan's feet with the tip of the blade.
Rhalle swings but barely misses Tarzan by a few inches.
Tarzan misses you.
Striking a full suit of red and gold armor, Tarzan nicks you on the arms, doing no damage.
Tarzan leaves west.
Usage: shape <target>
<<< HP:249 EP:241 >>> 
shapeUsage: shape <target>
<<< HP:249 EP:241 >>> 
l    The gates, while being a weak spot in the walls, due
to the fact that they are not solidly stone, are still very
impressive, rising up to about half the height of the wall.
Where the gates stop, an arch of stone has finished the wall
all the way up to fifty feet tall. The gates themselves are
made out of thick timbers of wood, at least three feet thick.
They are opened through an elaborate series of pulleys and
chains as thick as a man's forearm.
The gates are wide open, as now isn't a time of war.
    The Caemlyn road passes through the gates here, and
continues on to the southeast. A road running along the
wall leads to the base of towers to the north and south.
The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is night in Andor.