Fidbits 2: Judgement Day

Posted by
Otoron [legacy]
29 March 2005 00:00:00

All proceeds from this log benefit the "Bring Fimbu Back" fund. Come back, Fimbu. Come back.

You tell Tiaren: Why the bad mood?
Tiaren tells you: I'm in a good mood!
Tiaren tells you: the mud is just stupid
[ RoI ] Zelindo: Hi
Tiaren tells you: speaking of stupid!
[ RoI ] Tiaren: hey!

Lendin Knights ] Dakar: Fellow clanmates! Come to my aid! I have
HP:142 EP:82 and have been attacked at The Plains by Kalor! It may be an
[ Lendin Knights ] Dakar: Fellow clanmates! Come to my aid! I have
HP:149 EP:82 and have been attacked at The Plains by Jaron! It may be an
[ Lendin Knights ] Marzan: dont talk to them

^ Perry: because there is life after MUD.
^ Perry: I have foreseen it.
^ Someone: Blasphemy :p

^ Rathmar: ... Where's Mithgil? I could hump his leg right now.

Feb 25th.

Dear diary

Today my bestest and only frend in teh whole wide woorld backed me up on the
logpage. I r so happy! lol I hope to meet him. His name is Betus and comes
from spain. i bet he got long wavy hair and muscles that glisten in the sun.
I shall call him fernando and we shall always be togthre


Trenchant told you: Gilstro,Arcum,Bdj,and Zarathus just killed Gimli.
Trenchant told you: ...
Trenchant told you: what is gimli on noob mode?

HP:230 EP:230 Eznima says in Westron: balzamon deep inside moria
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230 'Balz Deep?
You say in Westron: Balz Deep?
HP:230 EP:230 Piotyr falls down laughing.
You grin evilly.
HP:230 EP:230 [ Udungul ] Talan: holy shit
Talan falls down laughing.

[ Chat ] Bakal: Did you guys miss the part where I said my brother tried
to shut the screen door with his car!?
[ Chat ] Bakal: I heard a loud noise outside, and I thought my neighbor
saw another black guy, but no, it was just my brother being retarded.

[ Ranhoth ] Langee: should we have a picnic?
[ Ranhoth ] Scapegoat: well..yes i think we should sometime...but i don't
want to follow the Buffet with a picnic
[ Ranhoth ] Saradoc suggests a circlejerk.
[ Ranhoth ] Scapegoat: what's that?
[ Ranhoth ] Fats: err
[ Ranhoth ] Saradoc: Scapegoat, you'll get to eat a cookie.

^ (OOC) Mathias: Guys, you realize that you're going to create another
Mathias v1 :P
^ (OOC) Mathias v2.0 is not going to be blamed for your mistakes :P
^ (OOC) Hobytla: v1 , Was that the whiny bitch Mathias?
^ (OOC) Hobytla: or the powertripping loser Mathias?
^ (OOC) Hobytla: Help me out here.

^ (OOC) Crusaderr: if I make an alt named Uzgood, can I join FRA?
^ (OOC) Crusaderr: I'll be like your good twin who still screws people
over and idles
^ (OOC) Crusaderr: I'll take that silence as acceptance
...moments later
^ (OOC) Uzgood: alright time to get to work
^ (OOC) Crusaderr: I've decided being your good twin sucked so I'm not
going to level him until tommorow

[ Chat ] Rami: this morning i took a big dump
[ Chat ] Rami: and on my way to class i couldnt think of anything but
how good it felt
[ Chat ] Rami: :)

% Otoron: Is vegemite IC?
% Crusaderr: if you're a beorning it is

Hobytla says in Westron: Being a FRA and TB member was the only thing
I've been really good at on here :P
Hobytla says in Westron: I was a downright shitty VC member
Hobytla says in Westron: A bad Rimsilval :P
Hobytla says in Westron: but being a selfish prick asshole seems to come
natural to me
Hobytla says in Westron: I'm a savant!

^ (OOC) Dunkin: Didnt you hate me?
^ (OOC) Otoron: Not that I recall.
^ (OOC) Crusaderr: you probably made fun of him on the comm and he took
that as being hated :P
^ (OOC) Crusaderr: listen people just cause we say bad things about you
doesn't mean we don't love you
^ (OOC) Dunkin: Im used to that, Im always trying to help noobs and shit,
and after i get them equipped there all like, go get me an F***ing
donut, bitch.

[ Valacirca ] Adaron: Well, see, Makalan...when a man mudder loves a woman
mudder, they get together in a little place called Bywater. Mostly,
the man mudder is named Jad, and the woman mudder is without a
driver's license. That's how babies are formed!

Date: 11. May, 2004, 0:13:02 By: Caber 
For the record, Drizzet, not everyone who uses the word "fuck" or calls you an idiot is upset. Maybe they just really get a kick out of being mean? It's not like I'm over here IRL getting all worked up and shit about any of this. I didn't walk to dinner shaking my fist and muttering "Those god damn newbie killers, I'll make them pay!" In fact, I enjoy telling people that they're fucking morons. So to you, Drizzet, I say in the least upset way possible: 
You're a fucking moron. 

^ Zoso: oh...shampoo
^ Zoso: because i ran out of body wash weeks ago
^ Zoso: so i shampoo everything
^ Zoso: which is really not bad as i've got hair everywhere.

^ Zoso: What color is this comm in?
^ Rami: yellow
^ Caber: DEPENDS
^ Jinx: purple
^ Zoso: Caber/4 Jinx/1 Rami/4
^ Rami: dont HATE
^ Zoso: yeah well roosters somtimes squawk and chickens will lay cigarettes if you shove them up their asses
^ Zoso: so
^ Rami: fdl
^ Caber: I don't think that really counts

Crusaderr says in Westron: who has the ring on?
Zoso goes away from the keyboard.
Adaron says in Westron: you
Adaron shrugs.
Adaron says in Westron: he's glorglas?
Crusaderr removes his cock ring.
Crusaderr removes an ancient ring.
Crusaderr gives Adaron an ancient ring.
Adaron winces away from Crusaderr in fear.
Adaron gives you an ancient ring.
Adaron says in Westron: there, he's afk, he won't notice
Carver says in Westron: I think he was the one who stole from us with
Otoron in that Aiglos incident
Adaron huhs.
Crusaderr says in Westron: Otoron stole from us?
Adaron says in Westron: may have been
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT
Crusaderr says in Westron: hah
Carver says in Westron: Otoron and Polk back when Aiglos was first
Carver says in Westron: Ard was there I believe and had just gotten the
spear...or a piece of it
Carver says in Westron: And I think Polk stole it from him
Carver says in Westron: And gave it to Otoron
Adaron says in Westron: Otoron wasn't 100% moral? NO
Crusaderr says in Westron: or 10% for that matter
Carver says in Westron: I don't know the details in full but I know
those two were involved somehow and the story went something like
Adaron says in Westron: excuse me, i get my impartials confused
Adaron says in Westron: well, alkath may not have known
Adaron shrugs.
Carver says in Westron: Grimscar was kind enough to raid one of our
packs for pasties in order to heal himself some time later during the
same quest.
Adaron says in Westron: WAIT NO
Adaron says in Westron: Grimscar is not 100% moral either?
Crusaderr says in Westron: in his defense he didn't have a job to buy his
own pasties
Adaron sighs.
Adaron laughs.
Carver falls down laughing.
Crusaderr says in Westron: oh damn I better shutup before he comes and
kills me
Crusaderr says in Westron: in rl none the less

The legendary supermark (different versions!): 
Ardilion says in Westron: and the co-author of supermark
Ardilion says in Westron: do you want to know? 
Ardilion hollers at you: Ahoy there sailor!
Ardilion marks you for hård analsex.
Ardilion coaxes you into stripping before him.
Ardilion pinches your ass.
Ardilion mmms.
Ardilion starts giving you a butt massage.
Ardilion hornily licks your neck, sending _chills_ down your spine!
Ardilion shakes his fist at you saying Rätt upp i analen.
Ardilion says to you: Huuda mun sotilasarvoa!
Ardilion bangs his dick into foraker.
Ardilion says in Westron: you've been supermarked
Rätt upp i analen = straight up the ass
Huuda mun sotilasarvoa = 
Ardilion says in Westron: well, translated it would be "yell my military
rank!" .. it's a finnish thing :p
Zoso points %0 saying Du ska ha stock!
Zoso gets a crazy look in his eye and strips completely naked.
Zoso pinches himself to see if he's awake.
Zoso mmms.
Zoso looks like he needs a %0 butt massage.
Zoso pinches himself to see if he's awake.
Zoso shakes his fist %0 saying Rätt upp i analen.
Zoso screams Allah Allah malla teez!
Zoso bangs his dick into %0 foraker.
Zoso boggles at the concept.
Zoso says in Westron: wtf

^ (OOC) Castamir: BTW, Armada. This is old news, but when I visited my
grandma in december, she gave me a paper with a proof that the tsunami
was caused by Israel's nuclear tests.
^ (OOC) Castamir: I _knew_ you must be involved.
^ (OOC) Armada: Yeah, you got me there.
^ (OOC) Armada: I am the cause of all evil. And there's nothing you can
do about it. Me and the mossad actually.
^ (OOC) Castamir nodnods.
^ (OOC) Armada: Who do you think made Culfinglin power?
^ (OOC) Armada: Me.
^ (OOC) Banj shudders at Armada
^ (OOC) Armada: And, Scatha? That'd be me too.
^ (OOC) Armada: And Hobytla's unbanned... My doing.

[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: Wtf.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: My grandma just asked me if I've come out
of the closet yet.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Vazroth: Stupid bitch.

Saradoc told you: If she wants you to care about if she had a bad
day, she needs to swallow your semen.
You told Saradoc: Haha

@Lothlorien Toram: The orcs hold seige on Lorien, and soon the City of
will fall. All is well.
@Lothlorien Adaron: I think you are wrong.
@Lothlorien Ardilion tries to stifle his laugh
@Lothlorien Aduial smirks quite amused
@Lothlorien Toram smirks.
An entrance to the giant mountain fortress of Dol Guldur
is to the north. The tower stands dark and menacing against the sky.
The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west.
The sky is brilliantly clear.
The only obvious exits are west and north.
A campfire (burning)
Hayduke Cuinia the dunedain Bad Example
Calenril in Tauron the dunedain Master Ranger (Angelic)
Rigor Stoneaxe the dwarf Lord (Seeking For the Foe)
Jalndriel Celefea the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Angelic)
Carver Phethdain-i-Ta the silvan Judicator of the Harvest Road
A rose
Crosis Laurekal the sindar Eviscerator (Relentless)
Aidenmare S.rfalas the dunedain Mistress of Cheese (Lost)
Ardilion the dunedain Y.ran.r
Aduial the edain Queen of Chaos
Morgrist the silvan Wolf Spirit (Heroic)
Elyaavie Or.laur.a the silvan Wilwarin forged into an Amnare
Shae Speagol the dunedain Gaucho (Space Cowboy)
Jaier the silvan Warlord (Angelic)
Wormbaneii of Valacirca the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Angelic)
Isilrion Esteltaur the sindar Archmage (Angelic)
Dorianna Orual the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Angelic)
Audra of Valacirca the dunedain Daughter of Eru
Qwert the dunedain Nar. n'L.r.en (.ru-P.)
Foraker Stonewolf the dwarf Ranger (Sickle of the Valar)
A dark assassin
Balforth, the master assassin
[VC send RP tidbits. Aren't they cute? -editor]

^ Vazroth: How do I use html to put italics in a livejournal entry?
^ Uno: <i>blah</i>
^ Feaiaur: <i>
^ Vazroth: Helpful answers get gold. Unhelpful answers get contracts.
^ Uno: i told you
^ Vazroth: Ah, thanks. Feaiaur. I'll try that. :)
^ Feaiaur: LOL Uno got it before me
^ Feaiaur: And he used the end italics too
^ Uno: what the hell i feel no love
^ Vazroth: I only saw the Italics. Not how.
^ Vazroth: Which didn't help me much. :P
^ Feaiaur: ?
^ Uno: lol u actually saw italics?
^ Ganav: zmud parser can read html
^ Feaiaur: LOL
^ Uno: LOL
^ Fedhron: LOL
^ Alkath: LOL
^ Toby: LOL

[ Chat ] Otoron: Sup?
[ Chat ] Yun: I'm going out to get wasted
[ Chat ] Yun: You?
[ Chat ] Otoron: I'm at work for 3h
[ Chat ] Otoron: Then going out to get wasted.
[ Chat ] Yun: Good Friday indeed!
[ Chat ] Otoron: <3 Sean
[ Chat ] Yun: Time for me to go!
[ Chat ] Yun: Hide the beer and lock up your daughters!
[ Chat ] Yun: Actually, on second thought
[ Chat ] Yun: Don't do that.

[ Chat ] Yoav: Out of all the fucking hindu monkey restaurants you had
to step into
[ Chat ] Yoav: You went into the one that serves NOTHING BUT CARLSBERG

(HP:230 EP:221) upgrade
You must fill out an 'application form' in order to upgrade your clan
to guild status. There will be no vote held on the content of what you
fill in, it is merely there to get information in order to assign your
kill restrictions and membership requirements. You should have the guild
application object in your inventory now. It is autoloading, so fill it
out in your own time. When you are finished, follow the instructions
that you see when you 'l application'.

(HP:230 EP:223) appraise form
A guild application form is worthless.

[ Idiots ] Zelindo: Even if hobbits were sucking each other off, it
would only be because female hobbits aren't exactly lookers and hobbits
are known to drink like a fish. Elves, however, just suck each other off
because they like flower curtains and pink tea cups.

[ Chat ] Qfm: afk to do dishes, fold laundry, and clean room. all
things I wouldn't have to do if I had an indian manservant like lotze
[ Chat ] Qfm: fuck this shit, I'm moving to india

^ (OOC) Etoile: bullshit
[ Chat ] Yun: Great, someone is going to start Etoile's rant
[ Chat ] Yun: fuck I hate when that happens
[ Chat ] Yun: Someone tell her the wound between her legs is not our fault.

[ Chat ] Otoron: I do not have time to edit the snuff log.
[ Chat ] Otoron: So its not going in :P
[ Chat ] Qfm: That's bullshit :(
[ Chat ] Otoron: It'll go in as an addendum
[ Chat ] Greg: What is a snuff log?
[ Chat ] Yun: I'll snuff log you.
[ Chat ] Bakal: Who cares?
[ Chat ] Yun: hahaha
[ Chat ] Yun: Tell them it's part of a new english test.
[ Chat ] Yun: And tell them it's not your fault if they don't read the damn memos
[ Chat ] Yun: Then send them for coffee.