
Posted by
Herucalmo [legacy]
24 April 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

My second PK! Brand new.


  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    27 April 2005 11:12:03

    Oops my bad, not your log Arawn, Larion's log, guess your tell at the top threw me off or something. Or i pressed to view one log and thought it was the above one.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 April 2005 08:35:55

    Yeah, ok, but he was silly enough to post it on the log page :P.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    27 April 2005 07:31:13

    Hey, this almost looks like backstab headbutt.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 April 2005 00:12:00

    Well, Kujo, as for ambush/fury, it's not quite Herucalmo's trick :) it was first used ages ago by the playtesters. I believe Aschnack was among the first to put it to devastating use.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    27 April 2005 00:09:08

    Hahaha. Klobjeorn, I use my client for alias' and that's pretty much it. I use macro's for pk's(one touch attack is really helpful). And I have a few simple triggers to shape or turn wimpy off.

    Ask anyone, Im hopeless, HOPELESS with Zmud. I don't even know how to colour things, I have no idea how to use the tick timer..shit it took me nearly 2 weeks to get zchat working:P

    Up untill a week ago you could still set off my backstab trigger by just saying 'stabs you from behind'.

    Bah, I don't even know how to set something up so when I shape someone it goes:AVG AVG AVG..etc without getting a 'what?' response.

    In this particular log. The extent of what my client did for me was 0.

    I typed out 'do feint teruvian,shape teruvian', copy pasted it so i could just hit ctrl v and enter when she came in. Even the alias to loot the corpse was a mud one:P

    Damned poor assumptions!

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 23:22:21

    Miroth if you actually had any friends on the mud you might be able to figure out that my client does not do much at all for me, Arawn on the other hand has a new log up with what seems to be a massivly tweaked client. Only advanced trigger/variable/alias system i've used was keeping track of armoury times. If i thought it was worth spending several hours of testing and more testing i probably would have made my client do alot of stuff for pking people. As for you commenting my skills, uhm i've never stated that i had any, i don't care about measuring myself with other players.

    Obviously the way i play is annoying you as it does many others, why that is i do not know.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 23:08:42

    Miroth don't worry, your still the king of nonsense.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    26 April 2005 20:39:31

    not a bg word

  • Author
    Aslak [legacy]
    26 April 2005 18:36:35

    Is hoshkebosh a player or a Bulgarian word?

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 April 2005 15:46:50

    If he want's to horde gold, that's fine. If people want to pk, that's fine. If people want to quest and map or just sit and chat on the comm, that's fine as well. Personally I think it's a little odd that someone would go to so much time and effort to stockpile gold to do fullfill some mysterious 'plan' they've come up with on a MUD, but whatever. Play to have fun.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 April 2005 13:29:08

    haha, it figures mr 'all client, no skill, let me contract you for 10k cause i fucking died like a noob' would advocate botting like a little bitch. dude, you suck. everyone knows you suck. the only friends you have here are the ones who idolize your ability to bank. and you've even managed to alienate half of them.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 April 2005 13:04:53

    And BTW, this isn't even an attack on Herucalmo, congrats to him for a) finding an imbalance and using it to his advantage and b) being the one dumb enough to post said imbalance on the log page. It's clever (just like passing MELS around was clever, Rendor using whip to kill the mordor troll was clever, the million little exploits Martha the beautiful man and Dravin have found etc etc etc), but it's got to be changed.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 April 2005 13:00:17

    Not smart enough to bot unfortunately :(

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 12:39:01

    I'll leave all that to you people with the clients that are newer then the best one 4.62 (whips the lama's ass) or sumthang :P

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 12:35:05

    Kujo just make sure your at your keyboard while your client does everything for you. other then that it seemd like it was legal to have your client do whatever you want just as long as you are'nt afk, then again you can probably make your client know whats the regular stuff and have it make a noise or something for everything out of the ordinary.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 April 2005 12:31:03

    Duncan, you seem to be missing the point.

    Fury is a fighters skill, Herucalmo is a bounty hunter, thus, I imagine, he has whatever the hell Fury is based on trained to 60 as a secondary. If you're doing this amount of damage in this little rounds on a secondary skill, _and_ it's not nerfed, i'm going to bot around pelting like every other ER is doing at this point and make myself a bullshit pker. Perhaps only using it to kill people I don't like with my other characters.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 11:06:10

    Miroth your like a tour guide, standing in the buss talking in a mic. 'to the left we have mr banger that gets the job done but lets all boo at his gangbangs' 'up on the right is the infamous blah blah with his mudgirlfriend' and so on.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    26 April 2005 10:25:10

    Miroth fdl, btw if you hate my hoarding so much why do you boast about how i just hoard my gold. You worried you might not be around to see what i decide to do with it? Thats like saying i hate Bush but look how he made Iraq a country with freedom of speech. First dissing someone and then informing everyone of what he did...

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    26 April 2005 10:02:30

    Its not a bug, Duncan. But saying it shouldn't be changed is like saying you should be able to drink all of Galadriel's vials again, because it made you superman.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    26 April 2005 09:01:42

    i bet if you total it up FAR more ER's have died than fr's

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    26 April 2005 07:30:43

    Ahm, I want ER vs ER logs too! And Miroth is cool:P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    26 April 2005 07:30:12

    And um..people, stop whining. Fury is not bugged, actually it is what FR assassins need. Something that drunk heals you up to 230 HP each round is bugged. Still, finding that thing makes you a smart player:)

    But using the best combination of skills/items/etc IS NOT bugged! You guys complain about someone using medallions on the stab - well, how come that this very person has made use of what was available and the others can only whine unable to do the same? I wouldn't call this a bug.

    It is damn hard to solo people these days. Cut the crap, it is hard to gangbang too! The fact that some FR assassins still manage to do the job doesn't mean that it is because of the many perks assassins have. It is actually a miracle that these people can still find a way to do a good kill.

    It's the unique thinking capacity and intelligence of these people that makes them find ways to enhance their chances of success.

    So, there's no need to nerf bounty hunters just because ONE of them pwned a bunch of FRs. Actually this guy would pwn them with whatever he could use.

    So, does someone care about the FR assassins? They need to do damage too!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    26 April 2005 07:15:50

    Kolbjoern, when you are dying, you don't say 'This is orcish, I won't eat it!', you'd rather be thinking 'THIS IS FOOD FFS!'

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 April 2005 01:20:32

    yeah, all the players should change to be gold hoarding morons like you who never do anything. that's the kind of players the mud needs.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    25 April 2005 16:29:16

    Most of the Evils are pk playertypes, now how the ER vs FR interaction came to be what it is, my guess is after years of the pking people whining about how the mud is against them for high fines/low penalties. Here we have the solution all wrapped in thematic bubblewrap. If you want Thematic stuff then go code something like a command on mt battlements, type defend wall and you a assault will start on you/your friends defending. Code will initiate a assault based on your amount/skill, manage to hang in there and it will increase a notch. Stuff like that could be put in place anywhere, as a friend said so well. 'A technicly advanced mud should have options for both theme/rp players and pvp players to coexist without having to crash into eachother.'

    Those that think being able to use the captured regions services is thematic think about it, would a orc eat elven pastries or dwarven beer over blood wine or roast elf?

    I'm against the whole idea of the mud changing to satisfy the players instead of the other way around.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    25 April 2005 16:24:34

    umm, bleh : )

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    25 April 2005 16:20:21

    ERs are dying in great numbers to FRs, and the other way around. And I barely ever see any ERs in FR lands, atleast never further than that battlepoint between MT and Edoras. With the exception of Herucalmo, who goes everywhere.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    25 April 2005 16:20:16

    ERs are dying in great numbers to FRs, and the other way around. And I barely ever see any ERs in FR lands, atleast never further than that battlepoint between MT and Edoras. With the exception of Herucalmo, who goes everywhere.

  • Author
    Burgul [legacy]
    25 April 2005 15:31:48

    Herucalmo rocks!Fury rocks! :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 April 2005 15:21:14

    And I soloed mordor gates because I tanked up with everything, and boosted up my aim/attack even before entering. I woulda done it without feint anytime.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 April 2005 15:20:40

    I would like you all to know that I've killed a good 15 ER's at least. So it's not like only corpses that can be seen is FR ones.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    25 April 2005 15:04:03

    Whining won't do much good, it rarely does..well I suppose we all managed to nerf feint pretty well. But I'm not sure if the whining is what did it.

    We need things like Alkath soloing Mordor gates with SoB to really show how unbalanced things can be. As it is now I think there are a few reasons FR's are dying so much to ers.

    Firstly it's usualy the ER's taking the initiative and comming into FR land, so they come prepared and when fighting around Gondor can escape back to ER lands pretty easily. And since most FR's that play morals DONT play ERs, FR's just don't know the new lands enough to go in and do much.

    Plus the general quality of player on an ER is higher per capita than FR's.

    Still think fury seems too powerful, but let's wait and see before we make a final judgement.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 April 2005 13:44:35

    Oh btw Miroth, if you'd like to know.

    My computor is at my dads place, I only have access to it from fridays evenings to sunday evenings until the 10th of June. From Sunday evening to friday evening all I have is the computor I am at right now, at my moms place. A guest account on my step dads computor where everything but msn, word and surfing is blocked and unable to be made unblocked without the admin pass.

    On weekends, if I even sit at the computor, I play WoW with friends because a friend made me addicted to it.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 April 2005 13:34:55

    I don't need to act for that Miroth. Though I did wonder when you, or one of the other people who think they know everything, would claim so.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    25 April 2005 13:25:51

    oracle, don't act like you aren't still here playing :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    25 April 2005 12:28:28

    The best part is that fury is a Fighter skill, yet it's doing bullshit damage for a Bounty Hunter, who, I assume, has only trained it as a secondary skill.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    25 April 2005 12:27:13

    *tents fingers*


  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 April 2005 12:24:33

    I'll put you on my 'who to give all my gold if I suicide list' Kujo :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    25 April 2005 12:20:09

    It will be nerfed, and i've been whining it up deluxe about it :P

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 April 2005 11:40:02

    All these logs are a fine display of an ER owning FR's. Usually I would rate owner logs well but I simply don't think the logs are worth such a high rating since all they show is an unbalance anyone could abuse to do the same.

    It was clear to me after testing them that the 'perfect balance' those morons in Valinor think they have is in fact very messed up. This last log sure shows that... Imagine the whine if an FR assassin could stab and berserk someone, with a stab bonus, and with an ordinary sword. I remember people whining on Grimscar for 'using a bug' (which was bullshit), to stab and get the berserk medallion to set off on the stab.

    I also remember the countless whining about the SoB years ago, not to mention how it was changed with the feint command some time ago, after people saw what it could do.

    I don't really know how much whining is going on about ER's over the mud right now so this post might just be invalid to the rest of you. Whatever the status is on this, I hated ER's since I tested them and when they came into play I hibernated (partly why anyway). I hope Valinor won't change a thing about them, because then I might just have the strength to keep away from the mud even after I am out of my hibernation.

    Good luck to FR's I guess.


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    25 April 2005 11:29:29

    Nerf my ass!

    Stop whining people! Get a whip and a kickass eq and go kill FRs and ERs and...everyone! After all, this mud is about PKing, not about whining!

  • Author
    Prawnstar [legacy]
    25 April 2005 03:32:17

    that's some kickass damage

    fury rocks, hope no ainu nerf fury

  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    25 April 2005 01:31:59

    that is crazy damage..

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 April 2005 00:04:24

    Hey, actually giving a shit about ratings is lame. Is it in no way accurate. One cock sucker, we'll say Winnetou, had about 10 characters with accounts here just to boost the rating of his logs. Basically, ratings suck, and so do you.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    24 April 2005 21:18:03

    You have my sympathy, Zelindo. :(

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    24 April 2005 21:15:46

    Hey, I am kinda selective about when to do that! :P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    24 April 2005 17:52:52

    Vazroth is very right. I only wish I could undo what I did. :(

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    24 April 2005 13:39:42

    Rating to counter other people's ratings is the kind of stupid thing Rougan does. You don't need to follow suit, Zel. :P

  • Author
    Fedhron [legacy]
    24 April 2005 13:32:07

    My 5 rating is just to show what I actually think about the log. <3!

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    24 April 2005 12:45:49

    That was clever.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    24 April 2005 12:44:25

    Who said ER's are weak? *ouch*!

  • Author
    Araglas [legacy]
    24 April 2005 12:37:27

    Nice boat breaking, shame to see Lotze die though:(

  • Author
    Roeven [legacy]
    24 April 2005 12:14:41

    My 6 rating is just to mess up Zelindo's 1 rating. :P


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 April 2005 11:59:10

    Nice kill

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    24 April 2005 11:40:02

    Zelindo pwns you all.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    24 April 2005 11:36:54

    My 1 rating is just to mess up Alkath's 6 rating. <3!

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    24 April 2005 11:36:41


  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    24 April 2005 11:36:11

    Shit, those massacres hurted