
Posted by
Herucalmo [legacy]
26 April 2005 00:00:00

i thought he wasn't serving


  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    01 May 2005 16:08:46

    Fade doesn't work how, Kujo? If you legend a faded person and he's on you'll know he's after you, won't you? I don't see your point

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 April 2005 12:12:37

    ... Except of course Fade doesn't work like that anymore Duncan, and hasn't in a long time.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    30 April 2005 08:21:26

    Fade is good, Draug, but you know, sometimes you reach the point where you are deep in wars and every time someone gets attacked they do 'focus dodge,focus defense,wimpy off, legend duncan' to see if Duncan's online attacking them. So fade only works on n00bs.

    But it would be good if people couldn't break by fading:P

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    30 April 2005 03:23:55

    People would throw a huge fit over that one :P Me included!

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    30 April 2005 03:19:26

    We should replace fade with a copy of camouflage, and make it assassin-only.

    Then we should make disguise do something about hiding the name of assassins not leading parties, for secret assassinat-in'.



  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    30 April 2005 02:12:55

    so you're saying that any bountyhunter (who is maxed) can take down someone if he/she practices pking? how does this differ from the fact that any assassin (who is maxed) can take down someone if he/she practices pking? these 'kills' (mercifuls) were achieved because of timing. if he had attacked on of the people from his logs when they were at full health, with healing and good eq, he would have ran out of ep after a few rounds. aren't assassins about to take down people in a short time as well? (i hope we aren't argueing the same point)

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    29 April 2005 00:06:00

    Assassins can't do it..and yes fury killed them. I learned a few things about bounty hunters today..and I gotta say,Without fury he didn't have a hope in hell. I retract all my prior statements about fury, bounty hunters need it.

    And anyone coulda done it, it shows in the logs itself exactly how, and there's no great skill to it at all. Aside from realising he can do it in the first place and putting it into practice.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    28 April 2005 23:39:44


    How come only Herucalmo's posted so many PKs like that? If it's a bug that everyone could do, why hasn't EVERYONE done it yet? Or every good player in this game was a bug just for being able to PK???

    Fury is not the reason why those people died. They died because they:

    a) let their HP get low

    b) could not break

    Every assassin would have gotten them without fury too. There are perhaps a thousand logs here with PKs like that without fury, were the assassins bugged too???

  • Author
    Obxidian [legacy]
    28 April 2005 22:34:54

    Here's an idea. Herucalmo managed to kill a lot of people very efficiently, more efficently perhaps than FRs can manage right now. Congratulations Herucalmo. For those that think the deaths are caused by unbalance, it's quite likely that changes will be made that circumvent in some way this ambush/backstab + fury combo. We'll see about the unbalance then.

    I may be a total noob at this game but I think I know enough about games in general to make that statement.

    ps. Whining doesn't really help. Ever.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    28 April 2005 22:03:08

    measure this measure that......

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    28 April 2005 21:47:15

    I'd like to see a list of the best PKs ever.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    28 April 2005 21:24:09

    Re: The log...

    I took off because I didn't want to take on Alvos, Alyath, the Olog and Herucalmo all at once. Given that Alyath told Herc to come kill me (because I was trying to retake the battlepoint), I find it quite ironic that Herucalmo decided to kill Alyath instead. I'm not complaining...

    I think that, because Bounty Hunters can't start hunting without first ambushing that Bounty Hunters require more sophisticated play skills than assassis. Of course, I don't play either Bounty Hunter or Assassin, so that's an opinion without experience behind it.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    28 April 2005 20:53:23

    It's usually a tad more complicated than that Scypio:P And there's the potential to use the ambush fury trick in a more sophisticated way. It's effective sure, but it's not a stroke of genius.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    28 April 2005 20:08:00

    Yeah, and most assassin solo kills are:

    Loiter around somewhere you know people will go low.

    Find someone who gets a bit hurt.

    Type the following.

    do hunt whoever, backstab whoever

    Press enter.


  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    28 April 2005 19:36:38

    A piece of art? Jesus, save yourself some time dressing up next time you want to go to an art gallery and visit your local kindergarten to watch the kids finger-paint.

    Let me replicate these logs in post form. If I may.

    Loiter around somewhere you know people will go low.

    Find someone who gets a bit hurt.

    Type the following.

    alias x ambush whoever

    trigger suprise todo fury

    Type x.

    Press enter.


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    28 April 2005 18:24:23

    Who are these people, and what is the matter with them?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 April 2005 18:18:28

    And of course everyone fails to recall that not everyone plays this game to pk and be pkilled. There are people who actually enjoy killing npcs, questing and all that stuff without being bothered by idiots without free time to play who just wants to kill :)

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    28 April 2005 17:30:33

    Not only that you suck, you also have no idea about game mechanics.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    28 April 2005 17:28:56

    It's hard enough to solo a player even with an assassin - soloing player with a bounty hunter (who is actually a heavily nerfed assassin) is a piece of art. Props to Herucalmo and all of you who think ambush+fury has to be nerfed, you suck.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    28 April 2005 12:22:28

    This is totaly unrelated to this are 90% of all comments:P

    I was talking to a friend before, and they brought up some interesting points about this game. Like for instance: golding. Why hasn't anyone figured out a for leveling characters?

    I don't know about you guys, but spending hours..even days walking around typing kill orc, or kill guard etc to earn the obscene ammount of gold you need to have a character worth spit on this mud is NOT my idea of fun.

    Maybe stat loss from death should be removed all together? So that people can spend time having fun here, instead of spending hours making up lost gold and exp from what could have just been lag, or a silly mistake, or a pk.

    Those of us, like myself, with a stupid ammount of free time to spend on the mud can maybe live with it. But what about the guy who just wants to login for a few hours a week a play some mud? Unless they're guilded they've virtually been locked out of the game.

    You'd still lose your equipment, and fines could still be in place(though capped at like $5k or so rather than 10K).

    I don't know the answer, but i definatly think a dialouge should be opened on the subject. I know myself and my friend are not the only people who feel this way.

    It's a fun game, but that aspect of it is just irritating.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    28 April 2005 05:21:38

    It's not as novel as it used to be, but I personally am a huge fan of the chausses quest area.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    28 April 2005 00:38:23

    All your base are belong to us!!!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    28 April 2005 00:37:56

    Galadriel was ok, the healing lamp was ok..those things were pretty cool. And as for water, removing it only made people waste their RL time running from Linhir to Osgiliath to heal (or to Belegost if there are no other reset healers on the way).

    Well, I guess this was a pretty smart way to get rid of players like me who don't have time to spend on endless goldmaking. I never liked piling gold either, I never felt better doing it, it was just inevitable. Looking back at it now, I consider this wasted time. Thank you but I have a life and I don't want to waste it piling imaginary gold.

    Btw, I've had very good moments PKing and talking with friends. Some quests were really entertaining too, props to whoever coded Gundabad and the DDM!:) They are a perfect example of useful + well coded + funny!:) And the seasoned adventurer is really worth trying:)

    And the rest of the mud is...boring...and seems to get even more boring...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    27 April 2005 23:34:46

    All your base belong to us.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 April 2005 21:24:55

    Oracle made a cool post. fin

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    27 April 2005 18:28:10

    FRs can also land exactly the same amount of damage on a player, they just need some brain.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    27 April 2005 17:48:23

    Also howcome FR wizards don't get a anti ER spell like ER's have with flame arrows that cast faster fireballs and make the fireball bounce back at the wizard.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    27 April 2005 17:45:21

    Well said Oracle.

  • Author
    Annael [legacy]
    27 April 2005 16:34:49

    Unbalanced gameplay wise. Not mentally Naith! I thought I made that clear:P

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    27 April 2005 16:14:27

    You are.

  • Author
    Annael [legacy]
    27 April 2005 16:07:35

    Why is no-one advocating that wizards be able to cast in one round? ITS NOT FAIR, I WANT TO BE UNBALANCED AS WELL!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    27 April 2005 15:48:32

    Oracle can be cool sometimes. First time I said that!

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    27 April 2005 15:42:39

    Oh wait, I found a short word for that long post. Playability.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    27 April 2005 15:40:10

    You also think you should still be able to solo Galadriel with levitate and a bow/fireball, Duncan? (making Galadriel unable to hit you)

    How about being able to heal fully 2-3 times with water costing 1g?

    Or maybe you should be allowed to trash uncountable 1gold arrows for unlimited lowprice healing?

    Maybe you should still even be able to heal for no cost at all in Mordor, in a matter of seconds?

    Maybe the healing lamp should still work the way it did a year ago?

    What the hell, while you're at it, you should be able to get gold from saying a few simple words in the right room.. not to mention exp. That couldn't have hurt anyone?

    As I'm typing all this, I'm starting to agree with you Duncan, really. I think you should be able to get 35k per reported attacker while in war status with the guild he or she is in, like the old days!

    And I wish you could still force reset on a tactics boosting quest.

    Its too bad they removed the sheriff club, a shame you cannot kill fully healed attackers in a second or two. (kind of reminds me of this ambush/fury thing for some reason..hmm?)

    I just realized, its also a shame that you still can't hide wanted people in a levitated boat, making them unable to be raided.

    I would like to go on, but I'm getting a tad lame, if not already. Bottom line: I agree Duncan, its a shame the so called 'bugs/unbalance' (lol, how can you even say its unbalanced or bugged?) were changed and it sure is a shame that fury might change as well.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    27 April 2005 13:02:52

    at first you whined that you saw no ER solo logs, now you whine you SEE ER solo logs. dumbasses:P go solo somebody and then come and talk(Rocky and company)

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    27 April 2005 09:03:22

    This is just the tip of the iceberg boys, he doesn't post all the failures he do. He didn't even scratch me when he tried. Gee, you don't believe he succeeds every time do you? It sure sounds like it.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 April 2005 08:42:11

    The mud's changing Duncan, I don't like it anymore than you do, but Fury is way more out of balance than any of those things you mentioned. Even bullshit headbutts with the SoB took a lot of effort to compile enough horses to get it working properly/having someone fail a backstab on you, this is just trigger Alyath todo blah blah,fury. I'm not pro-nerf at all, just make it a fighters only skill.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    27 April 2005 08:38:40

    I mean, if I see Boffo furying Herucalmo to death in two rounds, then I'd think seriously about nerfing...But that's not likely to happen, is it?:P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    27 April 2005 08:35:45

    Why the hell nerf it??? Why not make it available to FRs too? Or at least return the non-busy headbutts. And hell, if it's not a bounty hunter's skill, then it is very balanced. Why only Herucalmo uses it? Why don't YOU use it???

    Stop whining and play! Or be an old chatterbox like me!:P

    Btw, I'd really like to know why they ruined the headbutts? I keep thinking and thinking and I can't find any's like..out of nowhere...

    And btw, Galadriel's vials were ok. The MELS was ok....stop ruining the good things in this mud! When I returned after an year or something, I found some disneyland with parties of n00bs from guilds with pathetic stories that never existed before. Is that what you want? Bring back the good stuff!

    Once you'd have a Barazbund smashing your head in two rounds and defeating a full party of powerplayers, you'd have a lightning fast Summem who would always find a way to surprise you, you'd have Yun attacking you out of nowhere, you'd have Anton disguising as a lvl 14 ranger in Mordor and backhunting two PK-hungry durms, you'd have Baklen roaring strange things, drinking vials and doing helluva lotta damage, you'd have Dormin hunting people through the well...what happened to all this???

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 April 2005 08:25:24

    I like how he makes out that he didn't know Alyath was helping him, yet in the Lotze log, Alyath is assisting him. I hope you fell for it Alyath!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    27 April 2005 07:40:12

    I think mercifulling everyone is his weak attempt to not get his precious ERs nerfed. Maybe...

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    27 April 2005 06:31:26

    Yeah, that way he can not kill people even faster!

  • Author
    Drizzet [legacy]
    27 April 2005 04:48:12

    I think Rocky is upset that he just got owned by them. Herucalmo-awesome logs, excellent combination of fighter and bounty hunter. You really ought to try to get the shadow sword or the whip to get 4 hits per round.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    27 April 2005 04:26:20

    That way, nobody really gets hurt!

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    27 April 2005 04:26:07

    It's supercool that you merciful everyone.

  • Author
    Rocky [legacy]
    27 April 2005 04:21:07

    Hey Apeture, no one gives a shit. ERs are unbalanced. Get that through your fucking head. You don't have mad skills. You know how to abuse highly powered characters and professions. Herucalmo, stop posting ugly logs. Thanks.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    27 April 2005 00:09:29

    Would've been cool if any lvl 16-19 ER Couldn't do it. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOZEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    26 April 2005 22:51:39

    I've made a lvl 19 dwarf warrior go from 230hp to 88hp with an ice staff. That was just 2 rounds worth.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    26 April 2005 21:22:14

    I love these kills, but the day you take down a full armed dwarf warrior with full hp with this trick, I'm going to start complaining like there's no tommorow:P