Tidbits. The triumphant return of Caine.

Posted by
Otoron [legacy]
06 May 2005 00:00:00

What it lacks in humor it makes up for in length.


  • Author
    Quintin [legacy]
    14 May 2005 02:36:42

    I urge everyone to go look at earlier 'Tidbits' posted by Fimbu, and compare them with the present ones.

    It seems to me as if Otoron is compelled to release something, anything, on a regular basis, and is trying to make up for lack of quality with quantity. YMMV.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    13 May 2005 18:48:12

    Heh. I'm hurt.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    11 May 2005 02:05:36

    If there weren't people like Toram and Alvos and so on that stupid chatcomm, perhaps, I enjoy talking to most of you RoI/DH people. I guess my humour isn't exactly like yours, but mostly because you speak English to 120% and I speak it to 0.5%, and all that kind of culture shit and all. I should go to bed!

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    11 May 2005 00:24:04

    Do you really want someone that drinks passion pop giving birth to your children?:P

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    10 May 2005 05:25:02

    Hahahaha! Passion Pop!!!!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    09 May 2005 12:44:12

    R-O-T-F-L, I hope to one day lure Lithalae into birthing my children, possibly with some passion pop.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    09 May 2005 11:07:57


    Funny thing is, if Otoron turned around and said 'Fuck you fucking fucks' and didn't post any more tidbits, who would complain and say: 'You know what I miss? Tidbits. What on earth happened to those?'

    That's right, the ones whining right now.

    So here's what you do: do something funny, and submit it. And if it doesn't feature, ask yourself, 'Did that contribution stink', or 'Am I Boffo', and have another go for next time.

    If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

    Wow, I'm turning into my mom.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 May 2005 02:37:23

    Rougan, the day you submit a tidbit is the day you have a right to say it's 'not funny enough'.

    Boffo, your tidbits are like the one's I get from some other people: long and/or really really not funny.

    Herucalmo: You post more on this log page with your chars than most of us combined.

    Finally: exactly like tidbits, the chatcomm is open to ANYONE that wants to use it. Guess what? Exactly like this log site, it is NOT part of the MUD. Is it mud-related? Well, since its just t2t players using zchat while mudding, probably. You're all welcome to join, and you're all welcome to submit tidbits. Until then, you're just whining from the sidelines.


  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    08 May 2005 20:23:21

    Alkath gets it right, kinda as always.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 May 2005 16:44:40

    I find some stuff there amusing, but mostly I don't understand them because A) I am not a pervert or B) I'm not a superstar on English so I don't understand the joke :p

    Friends joking with eachother does not mean other people will enjoy it, I am sure you had a whole lot of fun when you said all that though!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    08 May 2005 14:40:28

    Er. *mudsex, not watch. Word.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    08 May 2005 14:39:48

    On a side note, I would like to say that Rianor didn't just 'witness Sarys watch a guy'; she participated, probably more so than I did.

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    08 May 2005 06:02:31

    Mithgil said it all.

  • Author
    Yamabushi [legacy]
    08 May 2005 02:30:02

    Otoron, loved the tidbits. Keep them coming.

    Boffo I love how you really hate it, and rate it low.

    Maybe you and Fuffy should get to work on those kids.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    08 May 2005 00:42:42

    Here's how it works. Do any of you watch Lost? Well, there are like 48 people stranded on the island. However, there's only like 14 of them in total that they feature on a weekly basis. That's because they're awesome and the rest of the people stuck on the island are boring as fuck. Well, those of us who are chatcommers are like the stars of Lost and the rest of you are like the extras. I hope that made everything clear.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    07 May 2005 21:12:16

    Heh, it hurts the little egos when you say they're not funny? grow up

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    07 May 2005 21:01:59

    Oh fuck off you unfunny fucker. Go mount a horse and ride into glorious battle or some other thing you guys find amusing.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    07 May 2005 20:49:27

    I gotta your hate messages, Zelindo; but you have to relax a little. I agree with Herucalmo that there is this group of people who make up more than half of the commentators here. The downside is that they tend to believe what is agreed upon with majority in the log page should hold also for the mud. I gotta say, that is not always the case.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    07 May 2005 19:38:52

    Old or not. It hadnt seen it, and it was funny!

    Oh, and you guys in the tidbits; you're weird but funny too.


  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    07 May 2005 18:31:31

    They wouldn't have replied to him anyway. They're fucking idiots. :P But at either rate, I was reading the comments and probably would've posted the same thing Caber did if he didn't. I mean, really, Herucalmo, Rougan, and Boffo, mostly, come off looking like jackasses. If you don't like what's in here, don't read it, or donate your own. Herucalmo, as if you're one to say anything you did.

    By the way, Boffo, that end of the world video is pretty damn old. :P Are you just finding ebaums, or what?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 May 2005 09:39:52

    And it sucks that larion has to be a dick and post 10+ logs at once to bump this to the second page. Giving those guys a reason not to reply to caber :p Cause i thought it would have been kind of funny

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 May 2005 09:38:57

    Well, Boffo, maybe what you find funny can be compared in some way to what you find to be a good idea, like the headbutt change. Maybe its just not funny to anyone else but you?

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    07 May 2005 09:02:25

    I believe I submitted three tidbits to Otorons first edition. Number of tidbits actually used: 0. Now, it's no secret that I don't like Otoron, and he has a pathological hatred of me... but I thought to myself: Everyone loves Tidbits. I love tidbits. If Otoron wants to carry on with Tidbits, I'll send him some tidbits.

    Well... I guess it would be fair to say that everyone has a certain sense of what is funny, and what is not. Obviously, Otoron, Caber, Iarla, Mithgil... the crew of people who are involved in the global chatserver are going to enjoy a similar flavour of humour because they're involved in the same chat group. Being on that line, and knowing the people involved would give a person a better insight as to why those conversations are supposed to be funny.

    Having said that, the chat comm isn't really a part of T2T. It's a non-game service that many (but not all) people in the game have access to. This is only a little bit closer to T2T than if someone were to post a log of T2T players doing something goofy on World of Warcraft. That, and the fact that I just don't find these Tidbits all that funny reflect why my rating is so low.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 May 2005 08:06:21

    Also, since Herucalmo seems to have issued a direct challenge (and Rougan agreed with him), I'd like both of you to back up your comments. And I quote:

    'yes, that's the same group that tends to comment here, spread shit and argue all the time about meaningless stuff.'

    So let's take it from the top. The same group that tends to comment here? By virtue of your writing this, you too are commenting here. What's it matter? I typically only comment if I have something to say, not just for the sake of typing something.

    Next: We 'spread shit?' Sorry, what are you referring to? Rougan? Herucalmo? Since I assume neither of you wants to 'spread shit' by making a comment like that without evidence, I expect a reply from both of you. Goodness knows you'd both be hypocrites if you just said something like that without any real examples to back it up.

    Finally, we 'argue all the time about meaningless stuff.' Such as? Not that I really care about what you think is 'meaningless,' because really, it's a subjective thing. Still, I wouldn't mind hearing what you're referring to.

    Thanks. I'll be waiting for your replies.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 May 2005 07:21:40

    Dear everyone: If tidbits suck, you guys are the only ones who can make them better. For example...Herucalmo, if it bothers you that the same group featured in tidbits is such and such a group, please try being funnier and submitting your own tidbits. Tada, now your group is featured too! Or Rougan/Ansaril, if this isn't your 'type' of humor, then please be funny in your own way and send in tidbits of funny things. Get the idea?

    It's cool that everyone has criticism, but it irks the hell out of me when nobody actually wants to put forth the effort to MAKE tidbits better.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    07 May 2005 04:58:04

    I think Otoron's tidbits are great. Keep up the good work, Cap'n.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    07 May 2005 01:01:57

    yes, otoron is king of trying to hit below the belt, and then when someone makes a joke about something he finds offensive, he goes off like a damn hand grenade.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    07 May 2005 00:29:00

    [ 12:38PM ] Qfm: captain faggot, he's our hero, gonna take homophobia

    down to zero

    [ 12:38PM ] Qfm: hahahah oh god

    This one brought tears to my eyes from laughing... but aside from that a lot of it is just below the belt, or inside stuff only a select few would consider to be funny.

    Still worth it for that one good laugh tho...

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    06 May 2005 23:53:00

    About the log, well, I used to like Fimbu's tidbits. These new generation run by Otoron seems to have a different dimension of humour, and one which I dont prefer to Fimbu's.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    06 May 2005 23:50:21

    I agree with Herucalmo.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    06 May 2005 23:26:42

    I agree with Iarla.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    06 May 2005 23:15:01

    Shut the fuck up.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    06 May 2005 23:01:56

    yes, that's the same group that tends to comment here, spread shit and argue all the time about meaningless stuff.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    06 May 2005 22:55:18

    Maybe a tidbit could be fun if it didn't only consist of some small groups chats to eachother.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    06 May 2005 22:43:14

    I got booted also. must be :(

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 May 2005 22:32:26

    mud down?

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 May 2005 22:07:05

    Good stuff.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    06 May 2005 21:52:38

    Yeah, fuckheads. If you want to see more tidbits from the mud, send them in. Otherwise, we'll have to conclude that we're way funnier than anyone else on the mud.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    06 May 2005 21:42:12

    I think Otoron's tidbits are a lot less good natured than Fimbu's were, which might explain some of the low ratings. From people whose playing style, nationality or gender was somehow made fun of. :P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 May 2005 21:37:29

    I'm loving it.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    06 May 2005 20:15:21

    This isn't mud tidbits, it's a mostly stuff from the chat-servers... with a few scraps of marginally funny scraps from the mud tossed in.


    Someone sent me this... I found it kinda 'Trempk-esque':


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 May 2005 18:11:00

    I seriously laugh out loud everytime I read Caber's one about Fuiki :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 May 2005 17:28:57

    Naith, Fimbu didn't have to deal with having all of 4 people submit tidbits. Yet everyone seems to want them posted, and it's a nice idea I'd like to see continue... Fimbu always had a small group of non-DH people submitting tidbits. But yeah, they were still DH-heavy.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    06 May 2005 16:44:01

    I found the one with the ballot box funny.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    06 May 2005 15:50:02

    What's with all the bad ratings? :(

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    06 May 2005 13:51:58

    When I said 'his', I meant 'Fimbu's'.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 May 2005 13:45:12

    Well, maybe /that/ kind humour is understood only for /that/ small group of people Qfm.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    06 May 2005 12:45:30

    Funny, I was just thinking that. Was there a repetitive theme of DH and related chars boobery back in his day?

    I can't remember, and I'm too apathetic to search for myself.

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    06 May 2005 12:16:52

    It makes me sad that so much of the humor we see here is generated by such a small group, over and over again.

    You people need to contribute, and not lame stuff. And VC RP logs are not funny in and of themselves, but only because of the sad irony that they would be submitted in the first place.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    06 May 2005 11:41:00

    Caine is a very beautiful man

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    06 May 2005 10:38:34

    but...:P nevermind

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    06 May 2005 10:38:26

    actually i'm not:P

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    06 May 2005 10:38:14

    lots of it bout me, im flattered

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    06 May 2005 08:55:56

    First comment ever, lets make a stupid one.

    Tidbits gives me a head ache!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 May 2005 07:38:31

    Lithalae is probably my new best friend.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    06 May 2005 06:56:28

    Guest apperance by me.