Tidbits. The triumphant return of Caine.

Posted by
Otoron [legacy]
06 May 2005 00:00:00

What it lacks in humor it makes up for in length.

^ (OOC) Sunflash: The only four tidbits I've ever been in, have been me 
looking incredibly stupid. Obviously enough, they're accurate.

Sunflash tells you: Did you get mine of Caine? Probably too stupid to put
     in, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to mudmail or email
HP:230 EP:223> legend me
Otoron Sillyslacks the dunedain Captain Ownage (he's your hero!) 
On for:  1m 2s                            Gender: male
Age: 10d 1h 15m 44s                       
Can be mailed: Otoron@Linhir              Otoron has recorded a life story.
Info: Tidbits go to otoron@gmail.com  

[ Chat ] Yun: Just transferred $500 to my paypal account
[ Chat ] Yun: Lets do some ebaying, shall we?
[ Chat ] R: For beermaking shit?
[ Chat ] R: Or other stuff?
[ Chat ] Rami: give it to me!
[ Chat ] R: Donate it to the Mud!
[ Chat ] R: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
[ Chat ] Yun: hahahahahaha

^ (OOC) Demandred: I'm bored
^ (OOC) Camillus: I like Demandred
^ (OOC) Demandred: You just like me for my breasts
^ (OOC) Camillus: well...
^ (OOC) Camillus: they are quite succulent
^ (OOC) Demandred: indeed
^ (OOC) Demandred: This place just doesnt seem the same
^ (OOC) Demandred: legend alavir
^ (OOC) Demandred: thats better

[ Chat ] Yun: I'm signing up for the Airborne Infantry methinks
[ Chat ] Yun: I have a meeting with the Head Recruiter at 9am
[ Chat ] R: ...
[ Chat ] Yun: oh come on, what are the chances Canada is going to war :P
[ Chat ] Yun: I figure I just get to spend the summer doing fun stuff
like forced marches!
[ Chat ] Yun: and blowing shit up!

[ 10:33PM ] Bakal: Maxtur tells you: can u help me out real quick
[ 10:34PM ] Bakal: You tell Maxtur: Only if you suck my dick.
[ 10:34PM ] Bakal: Maxtur tells you: thanks ne ways
[ 10:34PM ] Bakal: Fucking nobbies.
[ 10:34PM ] Qfm: lol
[ 10:35PM ] Qfm: What if he had said yes?
[ 10:35PM ] Bakal: Hmm.
[ 10:35PM ] Bakal: I hadn't even thought of that.
[ 10:35PM ] Bakal: I probably would've accused him of being a Mithgil alt.
[ 10:36PM ] Bakal: ZING

[ 10:45PM ] Caber: So let me ask you this
[ 10:45PM ] Caber: When you see Fuiki's name, do you pronounce it "Fwicky?"
[ 10:45PM ] Caber: Because I do, and every time I see it, I put my
  hand in the air on an imaginary turntable, and say: "Fuiki fuiki
[ 10:46PM ] Caber: I tend not to do it when other people are around
  IRL, though. That would just make me look dumb.

Crusaderr told you: oh and apparently fair warning, any Deboraha joke
  is a warn
You told Crusaderr: I've decided Gothwin h is my new target of 
Crusaderr told you: yeah I like to mess with Gothwin too, but I have to
  do it in a place where Boffo can't law report me :P
Crusaderr told you: they shoulda just let him write the help file for
  the new law system

[ Chat ] Qfm: Rianor witness Sarys mudsexing a guy
[ Chat ] Qfm: witnessed
[ Chat ] Qfm: God, I sound like a fucking Cuban

Kalas tells you: One day I was sitting here reading a random blog and I 
  found something amusing so I had a smile on my face. One of the old
  bastards sees me smiling and starts chuckling and walking over and
  says, "Hehe, what are you looking at?'
Kalas tells you: I say nothing, and he comes over and sees a bunch of
  fucking words on the screen and almost gets this 'wtf' look on his
  face when he realizes I'm not a fucking pervert who looks up porn at
Kalas told you: It's disturbing man.
Kalas told you: One of the older guys sends porn to email so he can
  look at it here at work without getting in trouble.
Kalas told you: 5 dudes surrounding a computer watching fucking porn at
Kalas told you: and it's not uncommon to see one of them pump his fists
  in encouragement...

[ RoI ] Armada: I wonder if they give me sickness days for this shit
[ RoI ] Armada: I doubt it though
[ RoI ] Armada: but I really do prefer just fixing my goddamn ear
[ RoI ] Otoron: You should contract a curable STD to get time off.
[ RoI ] Armada: you know what's the problem with that though, right?
[ RoI ] Tiaren: I can give you my sister's number
[ RoI ] Armada: one tiny requirement...
[ RoI ] Armada: I'm not really strong in the S part of the STD

[ Idiots ] Paraiko: How did he get enough jackasses together to form a
top 3 legion?
[ Idiots ] Otoron: Bulgaria+Cuba=lots of jackasses

[ 9:50PM ] Rush: Bah, if mother nature didn't want war, she shouldn't
have started it
[ 9:50PM ] Rush: She's like the Durmanhoth
[ 9:50PM ] Rush: gets herself into shit and then expects the Megs to
get her out of it

[ 7:07PM ] Yun: What kind of girls are you into Mithgil?
[ 7:07PM ] Yun: like, punk rawkers?
[ 7:08PM ] Yun: Goth?
[ 7:08PM ] Mithgil: Indie chicks
[ 7:08PM ] Mithgil: Not goth :P
[ 7:08PM ] Yun: ah, hippies
[ 7:08PM ] Mithgil: NOT HIPPIES
[ 7:08PM ] Yun: You just said hippies
[ 7:08PM ] Yun: Stop splitting hairs.
[ 7:08PM ] Mithgil: Indie is nothing like hippie
[ 7:09PM ] Yun: it's a goddamn synonym
[ 7:09PM ] Yun: and you will not convince me otherwise!
[ 7:09PM ] Mithgil: Dude. No.
[ 7:09PM ] Mithgil: Not at all.
[ 7:10PM ] Rami: wtf is an indie?
[ 7:11PM ] Mithgil: The kind of person who listens to indie music and
goes to indie shows.
[ 7:13PM ] Caber: Rami, the Indies were the people who inhabited
American before the white man came here.
[ 7:13PM ] Caber: Afk.

[ 7:24PM ] R: I have cop boots.
[ 7:24PM ] R: They're so fucking awesome.
[ 7:24PM ] R: They're like dmasks.
[ 7:24PM ] Nalain: What are like dmasks
[ 7:24PM ] R: Everytime I lace them up I feel a sudden urge to kick hippies.
[ 7:24PM ] Rami: cop boots
[ 7:24PM ] Rami: fdl
[ 7:24PM ] Qfm: He has shoes that boost his tactics skill when worn
[ 7:24PM ] Qfm: hence, like dmasks

^ (OOC) Caber: Toby, man, that's not retro Marthaon.
^ (OOC) Caber: It's like new age Marthaon.
^ (OOC) Toby: It's retro Marthaon to me :(
^ (OOC) Caber: The sad, hollow shell of Marthaon.
^ (OOC) Caber: The broken socialite who was once a fearsome pkiller!
^ (OOC) Toby: Dude, you could so be describing yourself right now.

[ 12:35PM ] Qfm: next november I should be going to a conference in oakland
[ 12:36PM ] Otoron: For what?
[ 12:36PM ] Qfm: as long as I write a good enough essay, which I will
[ 12:36PM ] Qfm: nat'l gay and lesbian task force
[ 12:36PM ] Caber: "Task Force" sounds awesome.
[ 12:36PM ] Otoron: Like they're badasses.
[ 12:36PM ] Qfm: queer superheroes or something
[ 12:36PM ] Caber: As if you're an elite group of anti-homophobic secret
[ 12:36PM ] Caber: Yeah
[ 12:36PM ] Otoron: Fighting crime and terrorism, GLBT-style!
[ 12:36PM ] Qfm: lol
[ 12:36PM ] Caber: Task Force Rainbow, go!
[ 12:37PM ] Otoron: Task Force Petunia, you got back up!
[ 12:37PM ] Qfm: Fashion! ÊLube! ÊHairstyling! ÊDykes! ÊFrat boy! ÊBy
your powers combined, I am captain faggot!
[ 12:38PM ] Qfm: captain faggot, he's our hero, gonna take homophobia
down to zero
[ 12:38PM ] Qfm: hahahah oh god

This shop is filled with the spicy aroma of pipe smoke and fresh
tobacco. Against one wall stands a large counter. On the counter are
two small, gilt-lettered signs, one of which lists the various pipes
for sale, and the other listing the blends of tobacco. Behind the
counter stands Jeffrey the proprietor, observing you with a slight
frown on his face.
The only obvious exit is north.
Iarla the silvan Archmage (Demonic)
Toby Surefoot the hobbit Strongarm (Heroic)
Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored)
A trash can
Jeffrey the Smoking Connoisseur
Scat enters.
Scat leaves north.
Scat enters.
Scat frowns and you feel he is soon to rain his unholy wrath on the poor soul who was foolhardy enough to incur his anger!
Scat says in Westron: Why wasn't I invited to this?
<+ HP:230 EP:230 +>
Toby says in Westron: Because you're a piece of shit.
Scat leaves north.

^ (OOC) Arawn: Tim Curry is a genius:P
^ (OOC) Rathmar: What, because of his role in Clue?
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Or because he was on the very short lived remake series
  'Family Affair' for the 'We ran out of new ideas' WB?
^ (OOC) Arawn: See, Tim Curry is my kind of stupid. He's just so typcast
  and self depricating
^ (OOC) Mathias: he was good in Gabriel Knight 1, but awful in Gabriel
  Knight 3 :(
^ (OOC) Arawn: And I swear he does the voices for 1/3 cartoon characters
^ (OOC) Rathmar: You can count on him to always play the snooty butler on
  a cartoon, yes
^ (OOC) Paraiko: Haha. Snooty. I love that word, I dont use it enough
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Mathias is snooty
^ (OOC) Paraiko: hahaha
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Mathias, come on, say something that fits your new role.
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Welcome us to Arda Manor, and ask us to mind our shoes.

Lalo told you: bitchi
You told Lalo: pinche vieja
Lalo told you: how are your fresh ass tonight
You told Lalo: great
You told Lalo: i stuffed teruvian earlier
Lalo told you: yeah dammit well enjoin i cant play .. test are coming
  and my canadian girl is here at cuba :P
You told Lalo: she must look like a dog :P
Lalo told you: nah she is more sexy than your momy , but your momy suck
You told Lalo: that doesn't say much
You told Lalo: thats like saying one wetback is less greasy than the
Lalo told you: beahh *lalo vomites you*

^ (OOC) Terix: But you know Nhakl, Skyman would have a log posted "Baklen
  dies" and that would be like a dream for him.
^ (OOC) Morinhetar: That's a lie, i dirty lie:P...and who the hell was it?
[ Chat ] Henriksson: Heh, wrote the same thing :P
^ (OOC) Sarys: That Orgald guy?
^ (OOC) Morinhetar: Oh yeah..why did we kill some level 4 newbie?:P
^ (OOC) Sarys: Hell if i know :P I think he was inviting people to kill
  him or something
^ (OOC) Skyman: well, I don't really post logs... if you haven't noticed
^ (OOC) Sunflash: I pked Che. He was level 5. That's my lowest pk ever. I
  r lame. I have killed no 4s.
^ (OOC) Sunflash cries.
^ (OOC) Nhakl snorts.
^ (OOC) Sarys: I dunno, sorta hazy. I was drunk :P
You chat to everyone, 'hahahaha'
You chat to everyone, 'Skyman: well, I don't really post logs... if you
haven't noticed'
^ (OOC) Nhakl: Your typist probably has the most logs posted next to
[ Chat ] Ruben: Hahaha
^ (OOC) Skyman: last log posted was 28. Dec, 2003
You chat to everyone, 'You guys can tell me...am I insane?'
[ Chat ] Ruben: Tidbit it
^ (OOC) Terix: Skyman you know, we still count merciful logs as posting
You chat to everyone, 'Have I imagined all these things?'
[ Chat ] Pallasch: He is :P
[ Chat ] Henriksson: Haha :P

^ (OOC) Aginor: Baklen is a dwarf irl, he doesnt need to get on his knees
^ (OOC) Otoron: Is he taller than Crusaderr and Aule?
^ (OOC) Baklen winces, I still have those knee pads you gave me for
christmas Aginor
^ (OOC) Aginor: Getting lots of use? :P
^ (OOC) Baklen: Yah, a little worn out:)
^ (OOC) Aginor: didnt know Crusaderr was short
^ (OOC) Otoron: Like 5'3"!
^ (OOC) Baklen: HAHA
^ (OOC) Aginor: Aule you could understand, he has that "Little man complex"
^ (OOC) Otoron: And Crusaderr doesn't, Aginor?!
^ (OOC) Aginor: 5'3" is pretty short...
^ (OOC) Baklen: Yah, for a girl it isn't
^ (OOC) Aginor: bet he has trouble meeting chicks
^ (OOC) Otoron: That's what the MUD is for, Aginor.
^ (OOC) Aginor: Meeting chicks?
^ (OOC) Garanol: Worked for him.
^ (OOC) Otoron: Find a heavily medicated ex-SoU GM and bam!
^ (OOC) Baklen laughs, nah some girls like the thick and stocky type
^ (OOC) Aginor: Yeah, if i had some power i'd have Deb all over me
^ (OOC) Baklen: HAHAHAHA

||HP:230 EP:157> glance
Tavern Bar(archway)
An empty bottle
A wooden ballot box [1 vote]
A trash can
Cedric the barkeep
||HP:230 EP:161> get all into can
an empty bottle : You feel a lot better by helping the environment.
a wooden ballot box [1 vote] : You feel a lot better by helping the environment.
From deep inside the trash can you hear a muffled BOOM! It is then silent.
||HP:230 EP:167> glance
Tavern Bar(archway)
A trash can
Cedric the barkeep

[ 2:40PM ] Barrin: what should i eat for breakfast
[ 2:40PM ] Hirgail: Pussy
[ 2:40PM ] Barrin: something filling?
[ 2:40PM ] Hirgail: Cock?
[ 2:40PM ] Barrin: yeah that'll do it
[ 2:45PM ] Rami: by cock you meant rooster?
[ 2:45PM ] Rami: or penis?
You chat to everyone, 'Penis!'

[ 1:43PM ] R: Why I hate Brits, Evidence no. 3403
[ 1:44PM ] R: Scatha told you: for a life of luxury in france.
[ 1:44PM ] R: Scatha told you: so i'll be like you! Scatha told you:
living in other parts of the world
[ 1:44PM ] R: 30 miles from Britain=other parts of the world :P
[ 1:46PM ] Greg: Programs like Dr. Who make me proud to be British.
[ 1:46PM ] Nalain: Greg, you're British?
[ 1:46PM ] Greg: Of course I am.
*** Nalain was kicked from the server (Idiot.).
*** Nalain has disconnected.
[ 1:46PM ] Greg: And proud of it!
*** Nalain has connected.
[ 1:46PM ] Mithgil: Programs like Wifeswap make me proud to be a US citizen.

^ (OOC) Jian: Do I look like fat albert to you caine?
^ (OOC) Caine: No, but I do :(
^ (OOC) Caine is rather obese.
^ (OOC) Jian: Oh...
^ (OOC) Jian: My bad.
^ (OOC) Caine: No, Bad was mine :(
^ (OOC) Jian: I mean, if I knew you were so sensitive about your weight I
  would've talked about it along arse time ago.

^ (OOC) Summerwind: best part is.. men are the top consumers of porn.. so
  people do buy it
^ (OOC) Summerwind: kind of an irony
^ (OOC) Caine: It's because of women like yourself, Summerwind... that men
  watch porn :/

^ (OOC) Caine shrugs, women that say that porn is fake...
^ (OOC) Caine: ITS NOT FAKE!
^ (OOC) Caine: ITS ALL REAL!
^ (OOC) Caine: PORN!
^ (OOC) Otoron: That is not a man in that donkey suit, is what Caine is
  trying to say.

^ (OOC) Summerwind: but most of the time it's faked
^ (OOC) Caine: Everyone does! It's not fake!
^ (OOC) Summerwind: ever see When Harry Met Sally?
^ (OOC) Caine: That clown movie with Billy Crystal?
^ (OOC) Caine: Is Billy Crystal in it?
^ (OOC) Summerwind: it's easy to fake an orgasm.. if you're a woman
^ (OOC) Summerwind nods
^ (OOC) Caine: I can fake an orgasm too.
^ (OOC) Summerwind: I know you can
^ (OOC) Caine splooges allover you.
^ (OOC) Caine: SPLOOGE!
^ (OOC) Jerf: Id rather not fake an orgasm.
^ (OOC) Caine: I always keep a bucket of splooge nearby in case of
^ (OOC) Jerf: *chuckle* Your sick sir.
^ (OOC) Caine: Instant bukkake.
^ (OOC) Mathias: Caine, that's gross. And icky.
^ (OOC) Caine: It isn't :(
^ (OOC) Caine: It's warm... and nutritious.

^ (OOC) Summerwind: the guys obviously orgasm... cause you see it. But
  women.. it's just like Meg Ryan's fake one..
^ (OOC) Summerwind: only bad music and lines are added
^ (OOC) Arawn: Yeah, SW, in case you didn't realise...we couldn't care
  less if she's enjoying it or not.
^ (OOC) Summerwind: so you're watching it to see the guy get off then?
^ (OOC) Summerwind: hardly think that. Most men watch the women
^ (OOC) Arawn: No, we're watching it to see a naked chick get all kinds of
  unmentionable things done to her.

% Arawn: I see hobbit society has yet to reach the high point Dunlending
Ê Ê society has, where we embrace homosexuality.
% Arawn: Much as the Spartans did.
% Fuffy: They didn't "embrace" homosexuality.
% Dairuin: Are you the pupil or the teacher, Arawn?
^ (OOC) Baklen: wtf is with all the homo talk
% Arawn: Who, Dunlendings or Spartans?
% Arawn: Seriously, Spartans practicaly invented gay:P
^ (OOC) Baklen: Sad
% Fuffy: Yes, them.
% Baklen: the greeks did
% Arawn: And where is Sparta;)
% Fuffy: Sparta was in grece, Baklen
% Dairuin: Spartan was in Rome
^ (OOC) Rathmar: I think it's more 'Welcome to the internet'
% Arawn: hahaha
% Fuffy: HAHA

^ (OOC) Baklen: I just love people who get off at insulting or
  discriminating fellow digital characters.
^ (OOC) Baklen: It goes to prove that some people are just idiost
^ (OOC) Quintin: As opposed to Baklen
^ (OOC) Quintin: Who gets off killing fellow digital characters.

Daxon enters.
Daxon says in Westron: Weed
Daxon drools on the floor most disgustingly.
Daxon looks at you.
Rathmar says in Westron: Beat it, hippie.
Rathmar says in Westron: This isn't Oregon
Mild yet spicy smoke rises from Rathmar's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils.
Daxon masterfully packs his pipe, preparing it for smoking.
Daxon leaves north.
The Port Royale Smokeshop(n)
A small bag of Old Toby pipe-weed
Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored)
Lithalae the dunedain Deadly Shot (Hand of Eru)
A trash can
Jeffrey the Smoking Connoisseur

^ (OOC) Otoron: legend lithalae
^ (OOC) Otoron: Misscomm
[ 8:57PM ] Bakal: wtf
[ 8:58PM ] Bakal: Why'd she do that?
[ 8:58PM ] Mithgil: Brad was teasing her.
[ 8:58PM ] R: She was talking to me about it on AIM
[ 8:59PM ] Mithgil: She's been acting depressed since you were teasing
her earlier.
[ 8:59PM ] Bakal: Brad, you're my hero.
[ 8:59PM ] Bakal: I wish I had the power to make girls kill themselves.
[ 8:59PM ] Bakal: All I ever seem to do is make them cry.
[ 9:00PM ] Bakal: Which is only so fulfilling.

Lithalae tells you: Who's Alex?
You tell Lithalae: Bakal
Lithalae tells you: Oh, okay
Lithalae tells you: They always talked about him in Valinor.
You tell Lithalae: Oh?
Lithalae tells you: He is so great.
You tell Lithalae: What did they say?
Lithalae tells you: Many a thing.
You tell Lithalae: ...like?
Lithalae tells you: Actually, he just gets nuked every five seconds
and I don't think anyone could believe it. Its crazy.
You tell Lithalae: First offense, calling Deboraha a whore, 0 warnings=nuke!
Lithalae tells you: I hate Deboraha.
Lithalae tells you: If I were PoL then, I would've made him an
Overlord. Of Dumb Whore Bashing.

Scatha tells you: pornographic? :P
You tell Scatha: Huh?
Scatha tells you: yesterday you said my title was pornographic :P
who a
		The Two Towers

Scatha trills and glissandos

Total ainur: 1
Total users: 64
You tell Scatha: No. I said it SOUNDED pornographic.
Scatha tells you: how? :P
You tell Scatha: It sounds like you're a wet vagina.

^ (OOC) Janos: It's never me being funny.
^ (OOC) Janos: It's you making jokes at my expense. :P
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Tell us something rather personal to exploit, then.
^ (OOC) Rathmar: How many times have you worn your sisters clothes, and
then gone on to film a rather sensual dance involving at least two pets
and one neighbor kid you're babysitting?
^ (OOC) Dorf tries to block his memories of Rathmar babysitting a
younger Dorf.

^ (OOC) Rathmar: Shut up, I was trying to boost his ego.
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Sometimes you need a fluffer to get the funny flowing.
^ (OOC) Otoron: His ego is plenty large.
^ (OOC) Rathmar: Yeah, but his ego isn't rigid enough to perform well.

Otoron told you: Seriously. SoU elves are like fat girls in high school
  who think being 'Wiccan' is an excuse for being fat and ugly.
Otoron tells you: They're just misguided and fucked up in the head.
  Nothing a good diet or electroshop therapy wouldn't fix.

[ 12:20PM ] Vazroth: There is a Wiccan in my school.
[ 12:20PM ] Otoron: Ugly? Fat?
[ 12:20PM ] Vazroth: Both.
[ 12:21PM ] Vazroth: With terrible hair, and worse hygiene.
[ 12:21PM ] Aymen: for a Brit to say that! goddamn!
[ 12:21PM ] Otoron: ahahahahahaha
[ 12:21PM ] Aymen: that must be really bad hygiene :P

^ (OOC) Caber points to his legendinfo.
^ (OOC) Caber: The Global Chatcomm: Where you only get in trouble if
you offend Otoron.
^ (OOC) Caber: And really, how likely is THAT

^ (OOC) Otoron: But anyhow. Everyone join! Everyone's allowed. Except
  Draugluin, which I thought was a joke until last night when Caber set
  me straight.
^ (OOC) Caine: I'd like to join, but I'm not allowed either.
^ (OOC) Caine: It's because I don't like homoeroticasiaosdiwhatever...
  either, Draug.
^ (OOC) Caine: It's you and me Draugluin!
^ (OOC) Caine: It's us against the homoeroaficoasioiadoas world.

^ (OOC) Demandred: Hey, i actually HAVE a life
^ (OOC) Toram: Not by some standards.
^ (OOC) Sunflash: I don't believe you, Demandred. You need a Rathmar
^ (OOC) Demandred sighs and drops his pants
^ (OOC) Sunflash: Not that one, damnit.
^ (OOC) Demandred: Oh!

Ivon says in Westron: fuffy is the gayest name i've heard. it beats
  even ivon

^ (OOC) Toram: We love Logan.
^ (OOC) Demandred: I like the cut of his job
^ (OOC) Demandred: i mean jib
^ (OOC) Otoron: Jib?
^ (OOC) Demandred: why do i always screw up every joke i try to make
^ (OOC) Demandred: I've got some theory's i'm sure it has something to do
  with Arawn
^ (OOC) Otoron: I'm gonna use Occum's razor here.
^ (OOC) Otoron: My theory is simplest.
^ (OOC) Otoron: You're not funny.
^ (OOC) Arawn: It's hardly my fault. Just because I gave you a Voodoo
  curse doesn't mean I'm to blame for your jokes falling flat on their
an hour later...
^ (OOC) Demandred: ok give me a moment
^ (OOC) Demandred: Ok so these 2 guys are hiking in the woods, and they
run into this old guy who's out camping. Its getting dark so they
decided to camp here for the night and share a fire with the guy.
^ (OOC) Otoron: Type faster, dammit.
^ (OOC) Demandred: So anyway, it gets dark and they are finishing dinner,
  so they start to tell some scary stories and such. They are having a
  bit of a laugh about it, so this old guy decides to tell them this
^ (OOC) Demandred: He says: "I was out in the woods, not far from here a
  few years ago, and I was hiking up this hill right, and and about
  half way up this bear just jumps out in front of me and I just shit
  my pants"
^ (OOC) Demandred: So then one of the guys says, well if a bear jumped out
  in front of me i'd probably shit myself too. Then the old guy says
  "No, i just shit myself"
^ (OOC) Arawn: Man, that voodoo doll was the best investment of my life.

^ (OOC) Demandred: I wonder what its like to be in a guild with someone
  called Fuffy...
^ (OOC) Yamabushi: goes well if your named boffo
^ (OOC) Demandred: hahahaha
^ (OOC) Otoron: Boffo and Fuffy will have baby hobbits.
^ (OOC) Otoron: Named Foffo and Buffy.
^ (OOC) Demandred: hahahaha
^ (OOC) Otoron: Ph33r me, 4 i am Foffo, son of Boffo, and this is my
  brother, Buffy, son of Fuffy!
^ (OOC) Demandred: We will baffle you with our bad english and long
  winded board posts
^ (OOC) Otoron: Maybe they'll get the best parts of each parent's
^ (OOC) Demandred: Whats that?
^ (OOC) Otoron: Fuffy's perserverance in trying to kill people, and
  Boffo's ability to get people nuked.
^ (OOC) Yamabushi: being fat and dumb is no way to go through life
^ (OOC) Demandred: I said the same thing to widower

^ (OOC) Draugluin: I think, Caine, that anytime it is you and I against
  the rest of the world, I should be concerned.
^ (OOC) Caine: I'd make an excellent sidekick!
^ (OOC) Draugluin: You certainly would.
^ (OOC) Caine: I could make characters... and you could nuke them... and
  people would become afraid and stuff.
^ (OOC) Otoron: That already happens.
^ (OOC) Caine: Uhm, it hasn't happened since like 2002!
^ (OOC) Caine: I've been slacking... playing it nice.
^ (OOC) Draugluin: As if you are one to talk, Otoron.
^ (OOC) Draugluin: That's like me making fun of Adredakor for having a long
^ (OOC) Otoron: I've been nuked once.
^ (OOC) Caine: Haha, that's a long name! Hilarious!
^ (OOC) Otoron: For what is generally regarded as utter crap.
^ (OOC) Draugluin: So has Caine!
^ (OOC) Caine: Once? Stop clowning about.
^ (OOC) Draugluin: Nobody said -only- once, Caine :P

[ 2:53PM ] Caber: I want a shirt that says
[ 2:53PM ] Caber: "There's no place like"
[ 2:53PM ] Qfm: And you would actually wear it?
[ 2:53PM ] Caber: Yes, because it's that clever.
[ 2:54PM ] Qfm: Or, perhaps, there's no place like (tilde)/
[ 2:55PM ] Caber: Hahahaha
[ 2:55PM ] Caber: That's great too.
[ 2:55PM ] Qfm: I mean, that's REALLY home, is just localhost!
[ 2:56PM ] Caber: Yeah. That's smart. I only said localhost because I've
seen a shirt that says it.
[ 2:56PM ] Qfm: I'm not sure if I should brag about out-nerding Ezra. I
don't think that's something I want associated with me.

[ Chat ] Zavosh: Theorem 1. A discrete module consists either of zero
alone, of the integral multiples of nw of a single complex number w!=0,
or of all linear combinations nw1+nw2 with integral coefficients of two
numbers w1, w2 with nonreal ratio w2/w1
[ Chat ] Zavosh: :( nobody listens
[ Chat ] Zavosh: this is very cool
[ Chat ] Jewel: I'm listening
[ Chat ] Zavosh: jewel!
[ Chat ] Zavosh: awesome!
[ Chat ] Zavosh: okay so you can have these periodic functions
[ Chat ] Yoav: Zavosh please stop
[ Chat ] Yoav: You're making alcohol less fun.

[ Chat ] Yoav: That's a shame. I'm a happy drunk.
[ Chat ] Qfm: even though I shook him
[ Chat ] Yoav: I'm also a reasonable drunk.
[ Chat ] Caber: I was with two drunk guys a week or two ago.
[ Chat ] Yoav: Yeah, if I was there, I'd have protected you!
[ Chat ] Qfm: I'm either a fun happy drunk or a sobbing drunk. I never
get nasty
[ Chat ] Caber: One was the funniest drunk I've ever seen, and the other
was extremely depressing.
[ Chat ] Yoav: Oh sobbing drunks are great.
[ Chat ] Yoav: I had a friend, who'd constantly cry when he was drunk.
[ Chat ] Yoav: It was fun making him cry.

[ 8:19PM ] Qfm: Sky wants to suck cock, but apparently he's straight.
[ 8:19PM ] Zavosh: why would you want to suck cock
[ 8:19PM ] Qfm: I dunno, actually. I used to be really into it, not as
much anymore. Although I can get into it.
[ 8:20PM ] Zavosh: good timing man
[ 8:20PM ] Kim: Hahaha
[ 8:20PM ] Zavosh: Sky, why would you want to do such a thing
[ 8:20PM ] Mithgil: I get a hard on when I think about it
[ 8:20PM ] Mithgil: Is that a good reason?
[ 8:20PM ] Zavosh: yeah guess so
[ 8:21PM ] Zavosh: but that's pretty gay
[ 8:21PM ] Zavosh: you should experiment a bit
[ 8:21PM ] Mithgil: Call me gay then.
[ 8:21PM ] Zavosh: well it wouldn't really help you if I called you that
[ 8:21PM ] Zavosh: it's all up to you to find cock to suck!

[ 8:36PM ] Qfm: Jewel, you are my favorite vagina on here.
[ 8:36PM ] Otoron: There are only two vaginas on here, Matt.
[ 8:36PM ] Qfm: Just enough a girl to make us like you, but not too much
to make us dislike you!
[ 8:36PM ] Otoron: Well, and Caber.
[ 8:36PM ] Rush: 3 if you include Stephen
[ 8:36PM ] Rush: oh yeah
[ 8:36PM ] Rush: good point
[ 8:36PM ] Rush: 4

[ Chat ] Zavosh: after sex
[ Chat ] Zavosh: she points to my cock
[ Chat ] Zavosh: and goes
[ Chat ] Caber: Fuck, I'm still not caught up.
[ Chat ] Qfm: HAHAHAHHA
[ Chat ] Zavosh: so.. is that thing uncircumcised?
[ Chat ] Qfm: Ezra, that was the funniest thing you said!
[ Chat ] Jewel: she couldn't tell? Ê:P
[ Chat ] Zavosh: not only she couldn't tell
[ Chat ] Qfm: She points to my cock, and goes......... 'Fuck, I'm
still not caught up'
[ Chat ] Qfm: hahahahhaha
[ Chat ] Caber: Haha
[ Chat ] Jewel: weirdo

[ 8:52PM ] Caber: Damn it Bakal, where's my erotic novel?
[ 8:52PM ] Rush: Bakal, you're not helping Caber masturbate by being
quiet about you getting with Crion...
[ 8:52PM ] Rush: spill the details
[ 8:52PM ] Rush: yeah, see
[ 8:52PM ] Caber: I can start it for you.
[ 8:52PM ] Rush: he's getting antsy
[ 8:52PM ] Caber: Seriously.
[ 8:52PM ] Caber: It was a dark and seductive night. It was raining
out, so I figured I should stay inside...
[ 8:52PM ] Bakal: Nah, Bob came over with movies to watch with Jerf and I.
[ 8:52PM ] Caber: His name is Bob? That's pretty lame.
[ 8:52PM ] Caber: It's such a plain name.
[ 8:53PM ] Bakal: Robert? Bobby? Bob? Whatever.
[ 8:53PM ] Bakal: Anyways, Jerf went to bed early and so Bob and I
sitting up talking and he went on to explain how he had never been
kissed by another guy.
[ 8:53PM ] Bakal: So I was like, fuck it, I might as well be his first.
[ 8:53PM ] Bakal: Then we made out.
[ 8:53PM ] Caber: Cool.
[ 8:53PM ] Caber: That's the best story I've ever heard.
[ 8:54PM ] Bakal: Wasn't it?
[ 8:54PM ] Caber: And if I'm even in the same situation, I hope I too
can have the awesomeness to be like "Fuck it, I'll be your first!"
[ 8:54PM ] R: I have a better story!
[ 8:54PM ] Bakal: You always gotta one up me don't you Brad?
[ 8:54PM ] R: It involves Jerf going to bed early.
[ 8:54PM ] R: And Alex staying up and fucking his girlfriend.
[ 8:54PM ] Rush: hahaha
[ 8:54PM ] Rush: you guys have a strange relationship
[ 8:54PM ] Bakal: That is a pretty good story.
[ 8:55PM ] Bakal: Well, Jerf did cheat on her a lot.
[ 8:55PM ] Rush: getting with your bloke friends, fucking their girlfriends
[ 8:55PM ] Bakal: So it evens out.