No skill, lots of luck and panic, but mainly luck

Posted by
Formid [legacy]
19 May 2005 00:00:00

Reposted cos I got told off for leavig aliases in. By rights I should have died. Koljboern try not to turn this one into a flame war.


  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    24 May 2005 11:32:05

    'Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:42:05 By: Kolbjoern

    If you think your going against the big companies and the gameworld by playing the mud, then don't support the big companies attempts to make extra money. Zuggsoft has realized that the mapper can make people buy new versions.

    So lets see to sum this up, your unskilled, your controlled by the marketing and research side of big companies yet unaware of it. You are also a kid.

    Saved you haters some time there. '


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    21 May 2005 17:13:29

    I don't know who Kolbjoern is, but I'm sure I don't like him.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    21 May 2005 11:12:33

    hah, meilikki, you got the bad end of the deal, no way i'd pay a cent for the pile of shit called zmud, whit it's depressing interface, disgusting parser, and horrible coding methods. the only thing that's worth it is the mapper. i use cracks, and yes, i have the latest version:)

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 04:04:22

    kolb, since i've started mudding, i feel my general intelligence and maturity level drops the more and more i play. i'd have to clean out some serious cobwebs in my head to be able to use my brain again. sorry :(

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 23:15:38


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 May 2005 23:06:08

    I think he's right, and I think travelto should be removed too. I don't really see it as very fair that he can go somewhere without really knowing how to get there first. But fair doesn't matter on this game, in fact being unfair is encouraged, the ainur do it all the time. And speaking hypothetically, why shouldn't I be able to abuse a bug if I am good at finding and abusing bugs if that is advantageous as well? And if you suck balls at the game, feel free to make some things for your client to even the playing field for you. But don't expect anyone to respect you as a player when your client is doing so much of the playing for you.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:44:14

    You know how hard it is to whine about something you are objective to, if you claim my responses to peoples opinions as a way of whining, then you missunderstood severly.

    I would acknowledge your statement of me whining if i had written everything about this several times without people debatting against my opinion.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:33:54

    Women are good like.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:28:44

    Flameing might be a new age word, but call it what you want, your just whining.

    Considering I gave zmud my $30 bucks like 5 years ago, and I've gotten more play time on zmud than any video game I have spent $50 on. Not to mention I believe that coders who work hard to make a good product, deserve some credit.

    My perogative is that people should do only what they want to do. Zmud hasn't simplified the user end of the mud, they just give you more options, it is 100% up to the player on what he does with it. If you don't know how to do it go learn, if you don't want to that's your choice, but if you make that choice, don't whine to us about it.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:16:14

    Hahaha, Valoc, so true ;)

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:11:22

    its sad that all most mudders have to come with is 'you flame', 'you noob', 'you don't know what your talking about', 'your ugly', 'you suck'

    Now and then someone actually says something intelligent as a answer.

    Miroth i'd love to see you using your brain more often.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:09:50

    Women ;P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    19 May 2005 21:01:04

    you need to stop using words you don't fully comprehend the meaning of.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:51:34

    Flameing is such a new age word, it's been constructed by people that can't comprehend critism and lash out in anger when opposed. Meilikki there are zmud versions that are software and do not require payment. They do not include support from zuggsoft if something goes wrong. Most people are able enough to pull out a old zipped version that has not become 'fubar'. You have paid a company to continue developing a program that has been flawless for the purpose it was originally made for.

    They are simplifying the userend of muds and if you see that as something good, thats your perogative. I do not think the mud evolves in a qualitative way when people need to type less and less, ending in mudders only typing 4 keys in a sequence when chatting with someone. I don't mud for the chat part while probably most people do.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:27:02

    nah, she wanted food :)

    Plus I was hungry too.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:24:25

    even if you go to the store with her, i suggest you avoid walking down the tampon aisle.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:18:35


  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:17:14

    hehe, yeah, didn't spell check it :) GF wanted me to go to the store NOW... *mutter*

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    19 May 2005 20:14:10

    i agree with your comment meilikki, but i have this little pet peeve with people spelling you're wrong :P

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    19 May 2005 19:57:17

    You know Kolb you wrong in so many places. Your just plain stupid.

    Different people have different talents, some people are twitch monkeys and some are coders and some are chatters and others are whiners. All people aren't equal, people have different methods for accomplishing their goals. You honestly sound like your whining cause zmud has made your so called 'skillz' obselete. However if zmud programs can make you obselete, I guess you didn't have much to begin with.

    A note of zmud, I've only ever paid for it once, I have latest zmud version and the mapper. I don't know how they managed to get you to give them more money, so I'm thinking your either a sucker or a dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Lastly, coders playing the mud, if they are like me, they have more fun seeing if they can make zmud do this or that, than quest their 500th DWS or make another billion gold. This last year of play, I had more fun messing with my client than waiting for some dumbass to leave his guild so I can kill him. Not to mention, mapping the entire game teaches you ALOT about the layout of arda. Anyone can do that, and if you want a good understanding of arda, however everyone can't make a map that works more than 97% of the time.

    Kolb, your critisim is not constructive, hell all your doing is whining and flaming, get over yourself.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 19:34:03

    Deornoth should get creds for it, he dies alot cause of the pencil breaking and having to sharpen it all the time.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    19 May 2005 18:59:19

    I play T2T with pen and paper. Beat that, noobs.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    19 May 2005 18:54:28

    and here comes the infamous 'noob' word, maybe some people are a complete 'noob' configuring their client? ;-))

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    19 May 2005 17:59:12

    neat log

    I dont really care if someone uses a mapper or client crap to enhance their abilities, as long as it doesnt become a crutch. Some people are complete noobs if you take their fancy clients away.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 16:55:58

    Kozlodoev you've proven your stupidity by failing to see what i meant, it was there in plain language for everyone to understand.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    19 May 2005 16:27:52

    Nope, people are still ignoring your stamp. :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    19 May 2005 15:25:56

    My client has over 600 alias and over 100 triggers *shrug*

    Then people ask me 'How can you remember all the alias names?', and I reply 'how can you remember ALL my alias squivalent contents?'.

    What about the amount of time I have spent creating those alias?

    I still don't understand why a person who knows how to do a quest and does it typing command after command is better than a person who can do it typing 3 long alias (or 1 long alias ;-)

    And if we continue arguing.. you never write down notes?

    IHMO is only a fact of degree in the client sophistication and the amount of time the user wants to expend configuring it, why do you worry? because you can send your client settings to another one and then he/she has THE KNOWLEDGE? I can send you my alias and you won't understand 90% of them if you don't know the game.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 15:09:46

    Its dead I tell you!

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    19 May 2005 14:53:14

    I think we seen it Warmonger, we just didn't take any notice of it. :P

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    19 May 2005 14:14:30

    That miss rounds at the end reminds me the log of Grandeur sometime ago.

    <HP:7 EP:68>

    You miss Azkur.

    Triggered! doing: hunt azkur

    Finian misses you.

    Azkur misses you.

    df spam

    <HP:7 EP:67>

    You miss Azkur.

    Triggered! doing: hunt azkur

    Finian misses you.

    Azkur misses you.

    You are already hunting Azkur!

    <HP:7 EP:67>

    Finian says in Westron: boom!


  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 13:07:55

    Maybe you didnt see my stam. **Restamps his this thread is DEAD** stamp

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    19 May 2005 13:05:38

    Dude, Kolbjoern, noone is 'going against the big companies and the gameworld by playing the mud', we play it cause we like it, your strange ideas are yours only. And if I can use my coding skills to more effectively take your ass down, why wouldn't I? And if i can use my coding skills to simplify the most boring aspect of the mud(goldmaking), why wouldn't I? I will do everything to make the game more enjoyable for myself, and I don't care at all what other people think about the way i play.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 12:08:19

    <stamps his official **THIS THREAD IS DEAD** sticker>

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:49:55



  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:48:11

    Weee, repost! I can now add more wurthless off topic non sense. Because in fact, this 'contructive criticism' 'flame war' 'stupid crap that dosnt really matter' 'who cares who uses what trigger or alias or map' comments are really of no importantence. Ill chalk these comments up at about where I view spelling and grammar. Tks bye.. untill I comment on somthing else... k... mmm... OOOOo a truck. brb, got work todo.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:38:56

    I did write a long response, which got removed as I posted it, basically it boiled down to the fact that the only thing auto done on my client is the comming of health and where I am.

    Client triggers will not help when triggering a break since do breakaction,10fade will beat the client by a long way, so they'll be faded and long gone. My mud triggers are never auto set, I am just provided with a list of possible breaks and possible places people could break when I'm hunting, I have to select the one they will use by hand. I could probably run something up to do it automatically but it wouldn't be fun, and it would suck up a huge amount of cpu power. I do have an alias which comms the nearest battlepoint/signpost to me, it takes a second to run running that in every room would kill the client and make killing anyone impossible. I could probably figure out a better way of doing it, but I see no need.

    I've explained this to you twice now, why do you insist everything gets done automatically.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:38:02

    Oh and Formid, there is a difference between constructive critisism and flaming, pull out your dictionary..

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:34:33

    there are the old comments, minus something warmonger wrote after i had saved it about some whip and girls and beer

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:34:04

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 11:10:59 By: Kolbjoern

    I have no doubt you will get PR for this log in the sense of people asking how you setup a alias/variable to use the mapper. Now if you see that as a good thing or a bad thing, thats up to you. I'd take it as a bad thing.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 11:09:45 By: Kolbjoern

    Set up your zmud to crossreference where you are while hunting and set it up to activate a break when within 8 rooms from it or whatever 1 round is in movement. Your emote's wont fool zmud if they continue releasing new stuff that people bugg zuggsoft about adding. Color sensitive triggers, just make the mud color certain stuff and zmud will not be fooled by emotes.

    I doubt anyone will be able to outdo zmud or the mud. might work a while but eventually one or the other will change and things will work. Only option to avoid automation of such magnitude is to opt out of it. Take a step back and turn off your stuff.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 11:07:17 By: Warmonger

    /locks formid up in the kadar jail till he cracks and gives away all his secrets

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 11:03:27 By: Formid

    OK I said I wasn't going to respond again, but this is a different point, I dislike being called a hypocrit.

    I've never contradicted myself, if azkur had broken me with or without a map I wouldn't have cared (well I'd have been pissed off I didn't get him but thats not the point) if someone goes to the trouble of making their own map, and marking out breaks on it, good for them.

    Yeah it'll make people harder to kill, but thats part of the fun, if people get too hard to kill then maybe i'll get around to finishing off the list of huntbreak emotes I have. Currently it's not needed, people just run to a border guard and then back to break me, or into west arda, very few people actually break.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:54:57 By: Kolbjoern

    Only time it sucks is when im at parties, i always end up with the intellectual and smart girls, (last 2 turned out to be bisexual) :(

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:52:48 By: Kolbjoern

    Sarys i did'nt mean legendinfo's, i mean legends like fjant,ari

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:52:01 By: Scypio

    Legend, not legendinfo..

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:50:38 By: Sarys

    debaterrr. Watch me be unable to spell!

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:50:09 By: Sarys

    Hahaha, watch everybody change their legendinfos.

    Oh, and Kolb, you are a true master debator. Props.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:47:36 By: Valoc

    Hehe. Funny log.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:43:10 By: Kolbjoern

    well Gaul i know that ill be suiciding all my chars the day when someone ends up with a legend noting how skilled they were in setting up there zmud.....

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:42:39 By: Gaul

    And there's not much imagination in typing do w,10n,e,40s,examine stick, trip bear. If it's imagination you want, I assume you're pushing for the removal of all aliases and triggers?

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:42:05 By: Kolbjoern

    If you think your going against the big companies and the gameworld by playing the mud, then don't support the big companies attempts to make extra money. Zuggsoft has realized that the mapper can make people buy new versions.

    So lets see to sum this up, your unskilled, your controlled by the marketing and research side of big companies yet unaware of it. You are also a kid.

    Saved you haters some time there.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:40:44 By: Gaul

    He still had to find those huntbreaks. I tried mapping Far Harad just so I could get a better idea of the layout, but the mapper's clunky and errors a lot. You just should have attacked Formid while he was making his :)

    And really though, what do you care? It's not like he's going around bragging that his client does everything. The only time I ever hear it brought up is by somebody else. Let it die already.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:38:19 By: Kolbjoern

    Ok so betus, if someone makes a zmud plugin that makes Grafics for you or as the mapper can work, click on bree from wherever and have it walk for you, would you use it if it made the mud easier to play. If you like the mud, why promote ways to make everything easier. Text is the key role here. Kids these days want everything to be so simple and fail to see the loss of imagination when simplifying everything.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:32:55 By: Betus

    Being able to have an advantatge (a good client or mapper) and NOT using it is stupid IMHO, why don't you use Telnet then?

    *props Formid*

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:31:13 By: Warmonger

    /babbles on randomly about this and that

    Work ar boring

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:27:53 By: Kolbjoern

    You ambush, you pk, yet you defend that people should be able to have there clients take them the fastest way to huntbreaks. Somewhat contradictive. You want the mud to form your way and not the other way around. lets remove all huntbreaks and make assassins more powerful so they can't get away if i attack someone, in this case they were messing with you but you backed down and are defending people's right to have clients get yourself unlost. If Azkur was still solo and nd and he had posted a log showing how he made his client do everything for him to get him away from you killing him, I have no doubt that you would be complaining about something. I'm objective in this as i neither care nor know any of you. I am just pointing out how your going against your own beliefs.

    Few days more and this log will be taken down when your intelligence kicks in.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:18:54 By: Formid

    Uhmm, I keep saying this, you're obviously either stupid or forgetful, or some combination of the two. None of my antihuntbreak triggers are automatically set. As I move through zones it'll tell me whats near, however I have to select the break myself. Same with breaks.

    I don't have triggers or aliases set up to do quests for me, I just have the map, mainly because I don't like typing in long streams of directions just to get from one side of arda to another. It also helps when someone tries to get you lost by running to some random spot to get you lost.

    I can play the game easily without the map, in fact I do when I'm at work, completely off client, nothing but mud triggers and aliases.

    sigh I don't really care, flame away I won't be responding anymore. In fact I have helped at least 7 or 8 people set up their zmud so they can map (since it does require tweaking), I'm happy enough to help people out, so long as I'm not getting hundreds of tells whilst I'm trying to ambush someone.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:11:07 By: Warmonger

    Well thats because you only have 3 rooms....

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:10:19 By: Warmonger

    Rushes in at formids defense and lifts his giant flaming fist and slams it down HARD on Kolbjoerns face, leaving a chared indent in his cranium Formid pwn j00!

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:07:46 By: Kolbjoern

    I've been to every room in my house, but i don't need a handheld GPS to find my way around.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:06:42 By: Kolbjoern

    Formid your uber cool for visiting every room in arda.....

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:06:01 By: Kolbjoern

    Yup was waiting for the defensive speech, no im not Jealous. Its lame to have your zmud do stuff like that, just as much as it is to have your zmud automaticly change antihuntbreak triggers. logging on and just pressing one key for hundreds of other triggers and variables play off eachother is not mudding imho.

    This is where your spos to say, im just doing what everyone else with brains does. Nope not really cause some people would rather spend there time on the mud doing something then setting up there zmud to finish everything for them. Same goes with all the fools with txt files that they got from others about quests and stuff. Always fun to see new people up at the ledge and quitting while falling down, such experience can not be taught through text files or zmud doing everything for you.

    If someone drags you out into the wilderness there are no handheld GPS's in arda to help you find your exact way to something.

    This is when everyone that hates me jumps in and claims that Formid is cool and really smart for setting up zmud.....uhm yeah sure.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 10:05:42 By: Deornoth

    Why not get some skills instead?

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 9:56:01 By: Formid

    I have no problem with the fact I use a mapper, perhaps you're just a bit jealous. In fact, it saved my life. And to be honest I didn't spend that much time making the mapper, what takes time is visiting every room in arda, try it sometime.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 9:53:28 By: Kolbjoern

    looks like someone spent alot of time making his client do everything for him, oh no im lost, Lets hit the alias checks my mapper and figures out where i am and the quickest way to someplace......

    Noobs with there new zmuds....

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 8:58:11 By: Warmonger

    Just read log. Fun stuff, Real heart pumpin action on your side of this exchange I would think.

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 8:50:52 By: Warmonger

    Yeh, dark red flask, takes HP before it gives HP, which kinda sucks. Have to drop 9hp before you heal 90hp ( 3 dose ). *ponders when ER's will get hand healing*

    Date: 19. May, 2005, 6:45:52 By: Formid

    I've just found out that drinking our flasks reduces your HP by 3. As such if I hadn't been full, I would have died. Thats just even luckier than I realised.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:32:56

    Oh this is not my comment part, darn

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:31:25

    Old comments are in the log btw

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:31:09

    True evil!

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    19 May 2005 11:30:32

    Such a loss, 30 comments gone:P