Boffo dies

Posted by
Formid [legacy]
21 May 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Not great, but people wanted me to post it


  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    29 May 2005 16:09:01

    Warmonger comments are not here to become in character, ooh im a ER and everything FR chars say is that for your ER in character comm and boast how good you think you are at looking intelligent.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    28 May 2005 03:13:25

    Boffo is old news. Who really cares when he dies? Aside from the obvious.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    27 May 2005 23:06:52

    ok, what I think you've all seem to have forgotten is that THIS LOG is about Boffo dying. focus people, FOCUS!!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 May 2005 17:09:42

    you mean making an ass of yourself

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    26 May 2005 11:48:52

    Ahahahahahaha Ronan.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    26 May 2005 11:47:41

    ::thinks really hard:: Ok. Im done replying to this thread. Formid, sorry for hijacking your log and turning it into a inferno of flamers. Was just amusing my self. /wave

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    26 May 2005 11:22:23

    Aparently the curtains get more atention then the tv in this house. You posting that comment proves it so. Anymore witty remarks? Or unwitty, I dont mind. Gota keep my self entertained at work some how, keep it comin! I wana know what you guys REALLY think.

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    26 May 2005 10:18:30

    When you walk into a room, you don't really pay any attention to the curtains. You might notice they are there but no more than that. Warmonger is the curtains but somehow he gets off thinking he's a widescreen tv.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    26 May 2005 09:37:39

    Hrmm, Ok. Time to jump on the band wagon. Nerf fury+ambush, get rid of fade, re-fix headbutts, give thiefs the ability to walk through walls,bring back the club and while your at it. um... go fuck your selves? That sounds about right. ( mind you there are intelligent people on this page, not me anyways ). Im just a warlord tryin to get by, pissin off all FR as I go. Dont like me or my comments? Sure you do. You love it, gives you somthings to flame about. You need me, you really need me.


    Ill be here all night people!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 May 2005 19:44:05

    I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't because you were constantly defending Bounty Hunters. But now it's been said, and it could need some nerfing indeed!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    25 May 2005 19:43:20

    Warmonger, once ER's get hold of whip, they can pk someone in those two first rounds, solo, from perfect hp. So I do think it could need some nerfing, there's a reason aiglos backstab was removed, it was because it could do over 125damage in two rounds. Which means whip+ambush can do over 250damage in two rounds if you fury+ambush. I agree that they might need more potions, but as it is, once they just get the goodies, it's gonna be pure raping.

    When I have Aiglos, I attack someone with my 100aim/attack (or whatever they are after dying to that stupid npc :P), and with whip, you'll attack with 400aim and 500attack as a bountyhunter. I do think there's a light difference in the hits there, yes, yes I do.

    I don't really think you should be able to solo someone from perfect shape in two rounds, might just as well make Cogline's trick doable again.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    25 May 2005 17:41:03

    Hello, Warmonger's face? Meet Bakal. LOLZ

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 May 2005 15:48:13

    I take that back, I never cared.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 May 2005 15:46:59

    I don't care anymore.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    25 May 2005 13:44:47

    Yes, potions, almost forgot about this (at the moment) wurthless skill. Sure a bh can heal him self for 10ish hp with a 1 dose vial, sure he can coat his weapon with a 20 direct damage poison, he can also boost his attack 20 for 5 seconds... Maybe, just maybe, one day a bounty hunter will be able to pk effectivly without using fury. But as it is right now, I do not see this happening.

    Maybe we should stop crying nerf fury+ambush and start crying for a stronger alchemy skill. Untill then, dont go low hp... Heh yeh, thats what you should do.

    Ok, comence the flames. Im geting used to it. Fuckers!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    25 May 2005 02:30:20

    im drunk and im fat, stop making me comment pallasch, you fucker.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 May 2005 23:59:17

    Yeah. You and your stupity. FUCKER!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    24 May 2005 23:17:03

    sorry, was away for a few days :P boffo, after the stupity you flaunt on a daily basis, you have no right to insult anyone's intelligence.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    24 May 2005 23:09:55

    'Have any of you wanting ambush+fury to get nerfed ever played a BH? No? What a surprise.'


    'I am no expert on bounty hunters, and I dont claim to be. But I have partyed enough with them to learn there in's and out's.'

    No, that was really awesome. Aside from that little misstep, I didn't think Warmonger made a bad post. The thing with bountyhunters is that they *shouldn't* have to dabble in other professions' skills in order to be able do their thing. Like some said, BHs' forte in combat, aside from ambush, is potions. And those are being added as we speak, so hopefully it will just be a matter of time before this problem is fixed.

    loller :))

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 May 2005 22:41:45

    Who said anything about gay? I think we all just made a reference to how stupid you are. That, and your resemblence to the female genitalia.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 May 2005 20:56:17

    Its ok, I put on the flame retardant suit. Which makes me impervius to all these hatemongers...heh... and there constant gay references... makes me wonder.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    24 May 2005 20:34:09

    oh how the tables of turned, Warmonger makes an attempt at rationally laying out his arguments and suddenly everyone flames him.

    *gorges himself on this irony rich environment*

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 May 2005 19:37:40

    Warmonger makes me think of a huge sloppy cunt.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    24 May 2005 19:22:44

    Of course we explore the profession, I use potions a lot, however getting the ingredients is a pain, some of those ingredients are on level 1 NPC's (long thin snakes), and they will only drop the ingredients if the person has alchemy trained, as such not many people drop them and sell them to shops so I end up having to clear out the forest of level 1 monsters.

    Nod, to the potions, which can have various effects, however, our potions aren't that great, and there aren't that many of them yet (I'm told more are being added), we have about 8 current potions, of which about 3 or 4 are useful.

    Our best poison does 20hp damage, and it doesn't stack (as in you can't poison someone twice with it till the first poison has worn off).

    We have a potion which increases attack and aim (or maybe just attack, I forget) and we have another potion which heals by about 20 hp/ep.

    The ingredients for the basic poison potion are common, and as such we can make plenty of those. However the ingredients for the attack potion can only be gotten from one place (and you only have a 50/50 chance of getting it) so there won't usually be many of them around. The healing potion actually costs more EP than it heals to make, however I suppose you could class it as carryable healing.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 May 2005 19:00:36

    I almost read what Warmonger had to say, then I realized his name was Warmonger and quickly decided that he's a dumb piece of shit.

    I actually did read about half of his first sentence and he managed to already take what Caber's saying about abush/fury and turn his argument into rambling about Bounty Hunters and what not. Basically, Warmonger's fucking dumb, and ERs were more fun 7 years ago. Fuck you.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    24 May 2005 18:52:00

    boffo, your asking them to actually explore all the posibilities of a profession? *boggle

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    24 May 2005 18:50:21

    Caber makes a good point... something that I was going to say about posting gripes here, is that you can't get warned for stating -exactly- how you feel about an issue.

    Don't Bounty Hunters have poisons? Isn't that what Alchemy is for? I don't play ERs at all, but I'd think that being able to hang out in Far Harad, brew up some gnarly poisons would give Bounty Hunters some advantages.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    24 May 2005 17:37:07

    warmonger blow me

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 May 2005 10:10:41

    Very.. amazing... Ok here. Let me try this on for size, hope I dont trip and get flamed.

    Have any of you wanting ambush+fury to get nerfed ever played a BH?

    No? What a surprise. First off, bounty hunters are gimp vs npc. No form of extra damage. Brawling you say? No, brawling is wurthless at 60. Fury? Oh yeah thats gana help. 5 extra hits before I have 0 EP, awesome. Bounty Hunters are ER justice. They are player killers to the core. Thats there only purpose. So, they should be good at it yes? Find me a bounty hunter that can ambush, fury, and then brawl someone, and still have the EP to finish the hunt. Not to mention bounty hunters hunt that is connected to ambush sucks prety bad. By far the wurst of the 3(?) hunting classes. I am no expert on bounty hunters, and I dont claim to be. But I have partyed enough with them to learn there in's and out's. Nerf ambush+fury and you take away basicly the only thing making bounty hunters wurth playing.

    So, here is my half way trying to be intelligent post on the BH ambush+fury discusion.

    Now back to my normal, 'omg stop whining about crap you dont understand posts'

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 May 2005 09:58:18

    I comment on things like ambush/fury here because this is a log showing it. And it's a nice forum for hearing what other players have to say about it, too. I'd rather have a chance for ERs to object and be like 'No, see, fury isn't unbalanced because...' before I go petitioning to make a change. Believe it or not, I actually like to see if I can get a balanced look at the situation! Amazing, huh?

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 May 2005 09:40:40

    **puts on his flame retardant suit**

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 May 2005 09:10:38

    I also have on more question, This actualy may be a serius one too. Doubt I get a serius answer but here goes. Why does everyone posst here about in game gripes? Dosnt towers not recognize this site? Do they not acre at all about this site? Then why whine and cry here, when you should be making petitions in game? Are you all just wasting your breath? 95% of all comments made on this log page are bullshit, no point, who cres comments. JUST like this one, and the one before this one. Get my drift? Doubt it.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 May 2005 09:07:19

    Thats because I am an ass. Glad your all catching on so well. I am also glad that all my 'wurthless comments' are hitting home with so many of you. Care for some more?

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    24 May 2005 02:09:48

    Warmonger, you're a tie-dye wearing fag, FYI. Thanks.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    24 May 2005 00:12:58

    So BHs have 4 backstab hits, can fury and brawl in the middle of the fight, and assassins have 2 bs hits and shitty headbutts? And only disadvantage is that BHs have to wait in a different room..

    Nerf them fuckers!

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    23 May 2005 18:29:46

    I have never seen Warmonger make a single comment that was worth reading.

    Whomever it was who recently responded with the words 'A fool' to the MSN question 'Who is Warmonger', sir, I thank you.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    23 May 2005 18:09:22

    Haha, Warmonger's making himself look like such an ass.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 May 2005 18:05:10

    It's the same, Scypio.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 May 2005 18:04:44

    Someone does not want ambush+fury nerfed, I say we petition it to be nerfed!

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    23 May 2005 17:22:53

    blah blah blah, blah blah, blah, did you say something?

    Valid points or not, give it a rest.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    23 May 2005 17:14:42

    Answer my question bastards:P

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 May 2005 16:52:50

    Hey Warmonger.

    Me: presenting logical arguments and discussing things calmly.

    You: rambling and being insulting; not presenting any sort of real argument aside from 'omg you whiners don't talk about that!!!'

    Which one of us is really whining, pal?

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    23 May 2005 13:59:00

    I mean please vote yes on 885! I promise I wont use it to break... You.. can.. trust.... me....

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    23 May 2005 13:56:45

    Yes, great subject! VOTE YES ON PETITION 885 FR SCUM!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 May 2005 13:45:42

    Like that caravans should be opened for people in combat? :)

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    23 May 2005 09:17:00

    Yet another BH kill log turned into a omg plz nerf ambush+fury thread. Yes Yes Yes we all know you think ambush+fury 'ar teh ghey'. Find somthing new to whine about if you MUST whine.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 May 2005 08:11:02

    Is a porcelain sledgehammer smarter than a regular sledgehammer?

    In advance: Yes I know what you meant. :p

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    23 May 2005 06:42:49


    Date: 23. May, 2005, 6:14:17 By: Caber

    You're completely missing the point, Gaul. I'm talking about the ratio of damage per round per player. It has nothing to do with 'well what if we get 8 people together and...'. My response to Kozlodoev was simply meant to point out that ambushing can be done on a large scale, not just in 'solo' instances.

    Anyway, my point is that an ambush/fury ER can deal out 4 backstab-powered hits in 2 rounds of combat. An FR assassin taking the time to backstab, leave, fade, backstab, etc is certainly not putting out that kind of damage-per-round.'re about as smart as a porcelain sledgehammer. I said that Formid got 3 of 4 hits on me. Use Caber's comment to reference which hits I might have been talking about... then stfu, thanks.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 May 2005 06:35:53

    All the playtest characters started from level 1, Bakal.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 May 2005 06:14:17

    You're completely missing the point, Gaul. I'm talking about the ratio of damage per round per player. It has nothing to do with 'well what if we get 8 people together and...'. My response to Kozlodoev was simply meant to point out that ambushing can be done on a large scale, not just in 'solo' instances.

    Anyway, my point is that an ambush/fury ER can deal out 4 backstab-powered hits in 2 rounds of combat. An FR assassin taking the time to backstab, leave, fade, backstab, etc is certainly not putting out that kind of damage-per-round.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    23 May 2005 03:12:38

    Feel free to give me a level 19 PT character and then I'll play ERs. Thanks.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    23 May 2005 01:28:42

    Comparing the number of ers to fr is by no means an excuse to support something being unbalanced.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    23 May 2005 01:22:17

    Hmm, is ambush aim attack bonus roughly equal to the backstab one? I thought it was smaller so that it kind of evened out through the use of fury.. but I dont really know:P

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    23 May 2005 01:18:37

    I remember some figure backstabbed me, left the room, unfaded, came back and backstabbed me again. What's to stop 3 of those? It's less damage sure, but it's damage. Also note just how many ERs can ambush though.

    Or I should say, what's to stop 12 FRs from running freely through the evil lands because there's 5 ERs able to fight who are on? We have overpowered skills, you have huge numbers. Right now, it sort of balances out :)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    22 May 2005 22:26:01

    No, Kozlo. Why should it matter if they're solo players? What's to stop 3 of them from all waiting south of Boffo and ambush/furying? Then he'll have 12 backstab-powered hits to deal with. That's the kind of damage that 3 people with ordinary weapons should _not_ be able to do in 2 rounds.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    22 May 2005 08:37:01

    if i understand correctly, the ambush/fury combo is availaible only to solo players. In that case, it is not ambush/fury that should be nerfed, but either a new proffession for solo fr assassins made, or an assassin combat skill, which, if trained, at 20 allows to lead no more than 3 people, at 40 no more than 2, and so forth.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 May 2005 08:24:54

    Thank you Caber. Fury is imbalanced as hell.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    22 May 2005 02:36:53

    Well, fury's great if you've got some form of hunt going. Otherwise your target just leaves the room for a second, and even following you won't get many hits in at all.

    The benefit fighters have isn't all that beneficial really. You can fury more often due to the higher skill, and the higher skill makes your aim/attack rise faster (it goes up each round until it hits a certain point based on skill). But! And this is a big one, the EP drain is faster, so it doesn't last as long.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 May 2005 23:43:18

    Well honestly, Formid, at least you can USE fury. When FR assassins start being able to do multinocked kickbacks and feints, I'll feel bad for your EP drain. :P

    Btw, is fury somehow worse for non-fighters, or what? I seems like every ER does it. What benefit does being a fighter give you? Higher success rate of starting a fury on the first try?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    21 May 2005 23:17:38

    Before you complain about fury, bear in mind I often run out of EP when furying, which is why I've taken to drinking flasks quite early. I finished this with 18ep, had I had 35 ep left at the previous round, I'd have lost my hunt, you have to be very careful when furying.

    I will admit maybe it's a bit unbalanced, you can currently fury when busy, which means I'll get 2 busy rounds per round (which is amusing, and a huge ep loss for nothing). However, since there is never enough ingredients around for the potions I want to use, then I can't use much else.

    (Hint to ER's, please sell more ingredients at the two shops which buy them, or contact me directly, I will buy certain ingredients from you (contact me in game to find out which ones), I'll let the legion know I'm buying certain things, and you can sell them to them as well.)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    21 May 2005 23:10:09

    Haha. You shot your wad on Formid's log.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:56:35

    i'd agree with you caber, but it's obvious i've already shot my wad and commented too much on this log already :P

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:50:54

    Just to be clear on what I mean, I'd like to see 'You're too busy to fury right now!' during the initial 2 rounds of an ambush, just like you're too busy to headbutt during the initial 2 rounds of a backstab. Thanks! :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:33:51

    boffo, learn how to fucking count, in the 5 rounds he was furying on you, he got 1 extra hit.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:30:33

    the point was that when they nerf shit here to balance it, they tend to 'overbalance' shit and make it totally unusable. like thieves :P i didn't want them removing the fury ability all together just because of the ambush/fury bullshit :P

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:30:20

    He got me 3/4 times...

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:29:20

    which is why i said 'i agree' alkath dear.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:26:42

    Date: 21. May, 2005, 21:33:33 By: Caber

    Ambush + fury = bullshit.

    I think that's what he meant, Miroth dear :)

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:22:31

    caber, fury blows :P if it werent for the aim/attack increase due to ambush, like 1/10 of those fury hits would actually connect. yeah, i agree, being able to fury while still getting the increase from the backstab/ambush is shitty, but i don't see a problem with it after that initial increase is gone.

  • Author
    Chap [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:20:08

    Look at that massive EP loss though...

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 May 2005 22:19:14

    I think they are gonna kiss ER ass until they get more people playing er, 12 vs 58 atm.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 May 2005 21:33:33

    Ambush + fury = bullshit. It does more damage than the old MELS backstab/charge combination did, and _that_ had to be nerfed even though it was just one weapon that could do it. FRs can no longer do a backstab/headbutt combination, and we haven't be able to for like 5 years. Why? The aim/attack boost of backstab was just too powerful in combination with a headbutt. If we can't do backstab tricks, why can they?

    Enjoy the cheap kills while you can, Formid. :P

  • Author
    Yamabushi [legacy]
    21 May 2005 21:04:18

    He had to of bought it.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    21 May 2005 20:43:26

    I was thinking the same.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 May 2005 20:20:26

    haha, wtf was boffo doing with an ocp

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    21 May 2005 20:05:37

    this is some sweet shit

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    21 May 2005 17:33:32

    'Not great'??? Man, a log of Boffo dying is **always** great.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    21 May 2005 17:03:42

    Among the vines(s, n)

    Boffo Wordsmith the hobbit Warlord (Heroic)

    Triggered! doing: move vines



    <HP:198 EP:18>

    Boffo leaves south.

    You follow Boffo south.

    A large courtyard, covered in vines(e, s, w)

    Boffo Wordsmith the hobbit Warlord (Heroic)

    Ouch, I'm so glad that trigger didn't fire a second time. I suck