Tarzan gives it his best shot.

Posted by
Walker [legacy]
26 May 2005 00:00:00

Like I didnt see this coming. I recognize that I could have waited for more OP and blasted him.


On a main road in Caemlyn(s, se, ne, sw, n, nw)
 Toinal the thief-catcher
HP:288 EP:146 OP:0% request tarzan
Thief-catcher says: Tarzan is to the northeast, countless leagues from here.
Thief-catcher whispers: Check Fal Dara, Shienar.
The Thief-catcher pockets 25 gold.
HP:288 EP:149 OP:0% tell arin he is camping out in FD.
You tell Arin: he is camping out in FD.
HP:288 EP:152 OP:0% tell arin can you play, or are you busy?
You tell Arin: can you play, or are you busy?
HP:288 EP:155 OP:0% 
Pedro enters.
HP:288 EP:155 OP:0% 
Pedro leaves southeast.
wink pedro
You wink pedro.
HP:288 EP:155 OP:0% 
Pedro enters.
HP:288 EP:158 OP:0% request tarzan
Thief-catcher says: Tarzan is to the northeast, countless leagues from here.
Thief-catcher whispers: Check Fal Dara, Shienar.
The Thief-catcher pockets 25 gold.
HP:288 EP:158 OP:0% wink pedro
You wink at Pedro.
HP:288 EP:158 OP:0% 
Pedro says: woh hey
    This is a main road working its way through Caemlyn, well 
travelled as it wanders past buildings of every shape and size,
selling all kinds of merchandise and services. The surface of
the road is paved with cobblestones, for the most part clear of
debris, but here and there covered with dirt and various kinds
of waste. Side roads and alleys jut off here and there, leading
further into this maze of a city.
    Main roads lead off to the north and southwest, while a
side road wanders off to the northwest. Roads leading along
the wall to the Inner City lead to south and northeast, and
to the southeast a road leads up to the gates to the Inner
A heavy, hot, unnatural wind is blowing.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are south, southeast, northeast, southwest, north,
         and northwest
 High Lord Pedro Mendoza, tired Cairhienin sheriff
 Toinal the thief-catcher
HP:288 EP:158 OP:0% 
Pedro frowns and says: you never responded to my tell 
say Your boyfriend is camping out in FD.
You say: Your boyfriend is camping out in FD.
HP:288 EP:161 OP:0% 
Pedro says: The raid is on too
                     Welcome to the Eye of the World Mud!                     
                       There are seven users connected.                       

Name                                                                  Level
Gamoneterik, hateful Tairen murderer                                   ( 6)
Wycan Vocutir, Cairhienin cavalier                                     (18)
Xaviera, vicious Domani warrior of the Wolves                          (18)
High Lord Pedro Mendoza, tired Cairhienin sheriff                      (20)
King Walker Boh, Shienaran Asha'man                                    (22)
Prince Arin Nomesta, adventurous Shienaran wiseman                     (22)
Tarzan Mendoza, intelligent Andoran enforcer                           (25)

Total users: 7
HP:288 EP:164 OP:0% 
Pedro says: just came
The current mud time is: 9:33AM.
HP:288 EP:164 OP:0% chuckle
You chuckle.
HP:288 EP:167 OP:0% 
Pedro says: He was hoping one of you would come out and do it I think
You laugh.
HP:288 EP:167 OP:0% say I bet :)
You smile and say: I bet 
HP:288 EP:170 OP:0% 
Pedro shrugs.
request tarzan
Thief-catcher says: Tarzan is to the northeast, countless leagues from here.
Thief-catcher whispers: Check Fal Dara, Shienar.
The Thief-catcher pockets 25 gold.
HP:288 EP:173 OP:0% i
Perhaps you should lighten your load a bit.
You search your garments, locating 441 gold.
You are carrying:
A small blue bottle (in hands)
A quarter keg (worn)
A malicious silver spear (wielded)
A magnificent suit of mail (worn)
A black coat
HP:288 EP:173 OP:0% 
The faint wind dies down completely.
Pedro says: so I have a question...
say Amazing how much gold I spend on sniffs.
You say: Amazing how much gold I spend on sniffs.
HP:288 EP:176 OP:0% boggle
You boggle at the concept.
HP:288 EP:176 OP:0% listen
You listen.
HP:288 EP:176 OP:0% 
Pedro chuckles.
say Whats up?
You ask: Whats up?
HP:288 EP:179 OP:0% who
                     Welcome to the Eye of the World Mud!                     
                       There are eight users connected.                       

Name                                                                  Level
Gamoneterik, hateful Tairen murderer                                   ( 6)
Wycan Vocutir, Cairhienin cavalier                                     (18)
Xaviera, vicious Domani warrior of the Wolves                          (18)
High Lord Pedro Mendoza, tired Cairhienin sheriff                      (20)
King Walker Boh, Shienaran Asha'man                                    (22)
Prince Arin Nomesta, adventurous Shienaran wiseman                     (22)
Kintaru BlackFang, perky Aiel slayer                                   (25)
Tarzan Mendoza, intelligent Andoran enforcer                           (25)

Total users: 8
HP:288 EP:179 OP:0% 
Pedro asks: Why did you attack Tarzan and I like 4 months ago when we never
     caused you any trouble?
HP:288 EP:182 OP:0% df
You let the power flood through you!
HP:288 EP:182 OP:0% df through spear
You are already using that angreal.
HP:288 EP:182 OP:0% m
    This is a main road working its way through Caemlyn, well 
travelled as it wanders past buildings of every shape and size,
selling all kinds of merchandise and services. The surface of
the road is paved with cobblestones, for the most part clear of
debris, but here and there covered with dirt and various kinds
of waste. Side roads and alleys jut off here and there, leading
further into this maze of a city.
    Main roads lead off to the north and southwest, while a
side road wanders off to the northwest. Roads leading along
the wall to the Inner City lead to south and northeast, and
to the southeast a road leads up to the gates to the Inner
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are south, southeast, northeast, southwest, north,
         and northwest
 High Lord Pedro Mendoza, tired Cairhienin sheriff
 Toinal the thief-catcher
HP:288 EP:185 OP:17% say one moment.
You say: one moment.
HP:288 EP:183 OP:26% l sw
You look southwest:
    This is a main road working its way through Caemlyn, well 
travelled as it wanders past buildings of every shape and size,
selling all kinds of merchandise and services. The surface of
the road is paved with cobblestones, for the most part clear of
debris, but here and there covered with dirt and various kinds
of waste. Side roads and alleys jut off here and there, leading
further into this maze of a city.
    This road continues to the northeast and southwest.
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are southwest and northeast
 A common male citizen
HP:288 EP:183 OP:26% l nw
You look northwest:
    Though a side road, this area is well-travelled, ensuring
that it is well-maintained and bustling with activity during
all hours of the day. Buildings rise up on both side of the
road, standing several stories tall or just one story, in a
few rare cases. Side roads and alleys between buildings lead
off from this one every now and then, making this place almost
seem like a maze.
    This side road continues to the northwest, while it meets
a main road to the southeast.
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are southeast and northwest
 A well-to-do citizen
 A poor citizen
HP:288 EP:183 OP:26% df
You let the power flood through you!
HP:288 EP:183 OP:26% request kintaru
Thief-catcher says: Kintaru is right here, in your immediate vicinity.
Thief-catcher whispers: Check Caemlyn, Andor.
The Thief-catcher pockets 25 gold.
HP:288 EP:183 OP:26% 
The power rushes through you and floods your senses!
$=[Shienar]= Arin: woh... type who:O
Pedro says: no eq though
request tarzan
Thief-catcher says: Tarzan is to the northeast, countless leagues from here.
Thief-catcher whispers: Check Fal Dara, Shienar.
The Thief-catcher pockets 25 gold.
HP:288 EP:178 OP:34% 
Pedro says: I think...
$ Yeah..I am gating to to shienar.
$=[Shienar]= Walker: Yeah..I am gating to to shienar.
HP:288 EP:171 OP:43% df through spear
You are already using that angreal.
HP:288 EP:171 OP:43% 
HP:288 EP:171 OP:43% l
    This is a main road working its way through Caemlyn, well 
travelled as it wanders past buildings of every shape and size,
selling all kinds of merchandise and services. The surface of
the road is paved with cobblestones, for the most part clear of
debris, but here and there covered with dirt and various kinds
of waste. Side roads and alleys jut off here and there, leading
further into this maze of a city.
    Main roads lead off to the north and southwest, while a
side road wanders off to the northwest. Roads leading along
the wall to the Inner City lead to south and northeast, and
to the southeast a road leads up to the gates to the Inner
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are south, southeast, northeast, southwest, north,
         and northwest
 High Lord Pedro Mendoza, tired Cairhienin sheriff
 Toinal the thief-catcher
HP:288 EP:162 OP:51% 
HP:288 EP:162 OP:51% l sw
You look southwest:
    This is a main road working its way through Caemlyn, well 
travelled as it wanders past buildings of every shape and size,
selling all kinds of merchandise and services. The surface of
the road is paved with cobblestones, for the most part clear of
debris, but here and there covered with dirt and various kinds
of waste. Side roads and alleys jut off here and there, leading
further into this maze of a city.
    This road continues to the northeast and southwest.
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are southwest and northeast
 A common male citizen
HP:288 EP:162 OP:51% l s
You look south:
    This road runs right up alongside the wall that separates the
Inner City from the New City. Over the top of the wall, you can
see the Inner City rising up on hills to the center, where the 
palace stands. The roads of the Inner City follow the curves of
the hills, looking orderly and like a part of the hills, rather
than haphazard like the roads of the New City. The heights of
towers are visible rising up from buildings, covered with tiles of
all colors. Monuments and the tops of trees in parks peek out here
and there, providing a sharp contrast with the more grubby New City.
    This road continues to the north and southwest.
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are east, southwest, and north
 A female traveling scout
 A well-to-do citizen
HP:288 EP:162 OP:51% 
You say: brb
HP:288 EP:162 OP:51% 
HP:288 EP:151 OP:60% 
Pedro nods and says, "Okay".
l s
You look south:
    This road runs right up alongside the wall that separates the
Inner City from the New City. Over the top of the wall, you can
see the Inner City rising up on hills to the center, where the 
palace stands. The roads of the Inner City follow the curves of
the hills, looking orderly and like a part of the hills, rather
than haphazard like the roads of the New City. The heights of
towers are visible rising up from buildings, covered with tiles of
all colors. Monuments and the tops of trees in parks peek out here
and there, providing a sharp contrast with the more grubby New City.
    This road continues to the north and southwest.
The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.
A faint breeze disturbs the air.
It is day in Andor.
    Obvious exits are east, southwest, and north
 A female traveling scout
 A well-to-do citizen
HP:288 EP:151 OP:60% s
On a road just outside the walls of the Inner City(e, sw, n)
 A female traveling scout
 A well-to-do citizen
HP:288 EP:151 OP:60% weave gateway to fd
You begin to memorize where you are, getting ready to make a gateway.
HP:288 EP:151 OP:3% 
You continue to memorize the surrounding area.
Confident that you know the area well enough, you begin channeling....
draw halt
You stop drawing in the power and hold what you have.
HP:288 EP:151 OP:3% 
Pedro enters.
HP:288 EP:151 OP:3% 
You send out flows of air, water, earth, fire, and spirit, weaving them into a doorway.
     You weave all of the flows together, finer than the most complex 
lace, and feel them mesh, complete and strong, into a doorway.

As you finish the weave, a horizontal slash of light appears and
rotates into a gateway.
step through gateway

You take a deep breath, and then plunge through the opening...
HP:288 EP:152 OP:3% 
shut gateway
You pull the flows together, closing the gateway.
Suddenly, the gateway snaps shut.
HP:288 EP:152 OP:3% 
Tarzan traps you in a snare!
Steps before the Inner Palace(s, w, n)
 Tarzan Mendoza, intelligent Andoran enforcer
 A guard of the inner keep
 A guard of the inner keep
HP:288 EP:152 OP:3% 
Tarzan leans forward, standing prepared with knees bent and both hands on his weapon.
Tarzan takes a steel dagger from a dagger belt.
Tarzan wields a steel dagger.
This is a crime here in Shienar!  Find a courthouse and report!
With murderous intent, someone steps out of the shadows behind you and attacks!
Tarzan finds a gap in your armor and MUTILATEs you with his attack!
Tarzan seems a little nervous as he puts away his stiletto.
Tarzan removes an ivory hilted stiletto.
Tarzan smiles calmly as his fingers grip the stiletto.
Tarzan wields an ivory hilted stiletto.
Tarzan attacks you!
You notice Tarzan trying to shiv you, but you knock his weapon away!
The massive door to the Inner Palace swings open.
You are trapped and cannot move!
HP:128 EP:152 OP:3% 
Striking a pair of leather boots, you delicately prick Tarzan leaving a small dot.
The door of wood and iron swings shut with a clang!
Tarzan lashes out with a quick thrust at your face.
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan grazes you on the body.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan pricks you in the legs, almost delicately.
tell arin help outside palace
You tell Arin: help outside palace
HP:119 EP:152 OP:3% 
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan scratches you on the arms.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan pricks you on the arms, almost delicately.
Striking a pair of comfortable pants, you poke Tarzan letting out a small drop of blood.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan grazes you on the arms.
Tarzan misses you by a small margin.
You notice Tarzan checking you out.
drink bottle
You pull the cork on the bottle and drain it in one gulp!
HP:120 EP:161 OP:3% 
Striking black fingerless gloves, you pierce Tarzan leaving a slick bloody film on the spear-head.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan grazes you in the legs.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan jabs you on the head, leaving a line of blood.
The luke warm liquid seems to ease your pain immediately, but you
find it extremely filling and the nasty taste it has leaves something
to be desired.
You notice Tarzan checking you out.
tell arin help me
You tell Arin: help me
HP:137 EP:185 OP:3% 
Striking black fingerless gloves, you pierce Tarzan leaving a slick bloody film on the spear-head.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan grazes you in the feet.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan pricks you on the arms, almost delicately.
Tarzan lashes out with a quick thrust at your face.
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan grazes you on the arms.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan pricks you in the feet, almost delicately.
Tarzan parries you with a firmly wielded dagger!
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan hits you in the hands.
HP:114 EP:185 OP:3% 
The massive door to the Inner Palace swings open.
Arin enters.

You delicately prick Tarzan leaving a small dot.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan scratches you on the arms.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan pricks you in the feet, almost delicately.
The door of wood and iron swings shut with a clang!
HP:115 EP:189 OP:3% 
You are not holding enough of the One Power to weave that yet.
HP:115 EP:189 OP:3% 
You are not holding enough of the One Power to weave that yet.
HP:115 EP:189 OP:3% 
You are not holding enough of the One Power to weave that yet.
HP:115 EP:189 OP:3% df
You let the power flood through you!
HP:115 EP:189 OP:3% 
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan hits you on the head hard.
Striking a magnificent suit of mail, Tarzan nicks you on the head, drawing a single drop of blood.
Arin heroically steps in to rescue you from your vicious attacker!
Arin begins protecting you.
HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% 
Tarzan parries you with a firmly wielded dagger!
Tarzan misses Arin.
Tarzan parries Arin with a firmly wielded dagger!
Tarzan lashes out with a quick thrust to his opponent's face.

HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% 
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Tarzan grazes Arin on the arms.
Striking black fingerless gloves, Arin swings and hits Tarzan's hands with a glancing blow.

HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% 
Striking a pair of leather boots, you tap Tarzan with the butt end of the shaft.
Tarzan hits Arin on the body hard.
Tarzan pricks Arin on the head, almost delicately.
Arin lunges at Tarzan with a clumsy swing.
You let the power flood through you!
HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% 
Tarzan parries you with a firmly wielded dagger!
Tarzan hits Arin in the hands very hard.
Striking a black silk shirt, Arin deftly trips Tarzan, who hits the ground with a solid thud.
Tarzan resumes a normal stance.
HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% l
    A wide hallway stretches out before you, leading
towards steps to the north. Many massive columns rise
up, guarding the entrance to the inner palace. At the
end of the steps there is a massive gate of wood and
iron, leading inside.
The massive door to the Inner Palace is closed.
    Obvious exits are south, west, and north
 Tarzan Mendoza, intelligent Andoran enforcer
 Prince Arin Nomesta, adventurous Shienaran wiseman
 A guard of the inner keep
 A guard of the inner keep
HP:96 EP:189 OP:3% 
Tarzan lashes out with a quick thrust to his opponent's face.
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Tarzan scratches Arin in the legs.
Tarzan taps Arin in the feet with the flat of the stiletto.
Arin clips Tarzan's head with a weak kick.
You let the power flood through you!
HP:101 EP:193 OP:12% z
You attack Tarzan.
You twist together air and fire, forming a concentrated bolt of fire!
HP:101 EP:193 OP:3% 
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Tarzan hits Arin in the hands hard.
Tarzan jabs Arin on the body, leaving a line of blood.
Arin lunges at Tarzan with a clumsy swing.
The glowing ball between your hands seems to mature, growing darker, redder...
Striking a pair of comfortable pants, you delicately prick Tarzan leaving a small dot.
Tarzan grazes Arin in the legs.
Tarzan nicks Arin on the arms, drawing a single drop of blood.
Tarzan parries Arin with a firmly wielded dagger!
Tarzan resumes a normal stance.
You will the bolt at Tarzan as it grows in your fingers.
HP:101 EP:193 OP:3% 
Tarzan lashes out with a quick thrust to his opponent's face.

HP:101 EP:193 OP:3% 
Striking black fingerless gloves, you poke Tarzan letting out a small drop of blood.
Tarzan scratches Arin on the arms.
Arin swings at Tarzan. But a miss is as good as a mile.
The glowing ball between your hands is bright, fiery red, ready to strike!
The bolt fires directly into Tarzan!

HP:101 EP:193 OP:3% 
Tarzan throws a steel dagger at you! It penetrates a magnificent suit of mail, and drives into your arms.
Tarzan removes a steel dagger.
A steel dagger falls to the ground near you.
Tarzan takes a steel dagger from the ground.
Tarzan wields a steel dagger.
Striking a black silk shirt, you pierce Tarzan leaving a slick bloody film on the spear-head.
You are freed from the snare!
Striking black fingerless gloves, Arin grazes Tarzan's hands with a firm chop.
Tarzan seems a little nervous as he puts away his stiletto.
Tarzan removes an ivory hilted stiletto.
Tarzan smiles calmly as his fingers grip the stiletto.
Tarzan wields an ivory hilted stiletto.
Tarzan attacks you!
Tarzan suddenly pulls out a hidden weapon and shivs you!
You are not holding enough of the One Power to weave that yet.
HP:52 EP:193 OP:3% 
You miss Tarzan prodding the air.
Tarzan scratches Arin on the body.
Tarzan nicks Arin on the arms, drawing a single drop of blood.
Arin lunges at Tarzan with a clumsy swing.
Striking a pair of leather boots, you poke Tarzan letting out a small drop of blood.
Tarzan misses Arin.
Tarzan nicks Arin on the body, drawing a single drop of blood.
Tarzan parries Arin with a firmly wielded dagger!
The massive door to the Inner Palace swings open.
Inside the Inner Palace of Fal Dara(s, e, n, w)
HP:57 EP:197 OP:12% 
The massive door to the Palace swings shut with a clang!
The massive door to the Palace swings open.
Arin enters.
deallot staff
You will be able to deallot another specialization after playing for another 2m 54s.
HP:57 EP:197 OP:12% 
The massive door to the Palace swings shut with a clang!

HP:57 EP:197 OP:12% 
Arin uses his first aid skills to heal you.

HP:76 EP:216 OP:12% 
Arin uses his first aid skills to heal you.
 Arin has hp: 160/260 and end: 61/295
release power
Arin says: i got right in time eh?:P
say Yeah :)
You smile and say: Yeah 
HP:159 EP:275 OP:0% 
Arin shakes his head at you.