
Posted by
Razzor [legacy]
30 May 2005 00:00:00

Just why it happened


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2005 23:17:56

    I was going to make a post about some stuff but decided it wasn't worth more time than just saying I was going to do it.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 12:48:13

    Dorf, that comment makes me want to introduce you to an ex-girlfriend of mine. You'd really like her, but I won't say why on this forum *chuckle*.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    03 June 2005 08:25:53

    Kendryek: sounds like Les Miserables. Kind of an interesting analogy. :)

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    03 June 2005 06:45:41

    What the fuck? I'm so disappointed.

  • Author
    Kendryek [legacy]
    03 June 2005 06:45:24

    Back in Aule and Rauko's day the cheaters out there were doing messed up crap, and seriously screwing things up. Its kinda hard to talk your way out of abusing infinite HP bugs and shit like that...

    This nuke was pretty lame over all. On a side note, once Razzor became aware that it was nukable, he should have namechanged to Razzzor, then the char would be his. Now he has to waste 3 days of game time releveling a char, oh well big deal.

    I think a better analogy would be, some beggar steals some food from a store to better himself (most newbies aren't much better than beggars) then 3 years later, the beggar makes a life for himself and has a family and then they dig up some video and decide to screw him over.

    Razzor is hardly some malicious player who's out to screw people over, which is what makes this lame, expecially with this 3 year old dirt crap.

    Lastly, instead of digging up random crap like this, why not CODE something worthwhile on the mud?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    03 June 2005 02:45:53

    Castamir, I didn't accuse. I said I'd be surprised if they hadn't. A subtle difference, perhaps, but salient. But as to why I'd assume they had... most every maia I've known or have heard of has cheated at some point or another. And most mortals, too. So, to ask you the reverse: why do you think that they have not cheated at some point or another over a half-decade or longer playing this game?

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    03 June 2005 02:42:33

    Then, that was pretty lame of you Baklen.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 June 2005 02:22:52

    First off I would like to Apologize for discrediting Draugluin.

    I've been known to use many bugs in my mud life and I have been nuked by Draugluin for them many many times. I figured I would

    just throw out a joke at Draugluin between old rivals.

    Honestly I didn't think it was a problem or that big of a deal.

    I got a big mouth and tend to take it to far.

    Lastly, Draugluin is power of law, he stated if I did have so and so log that everyone would investigate it. Obviously it was a serious statement and I regret it. It was a joke that was taken to far.

    I do not have such a log, it does not exist.

    I state again that I'm sorry and I take it back.

    I didn't mean to insult Draugluin or any other immortal.


  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    03 June 2005 01:21:42

    ///__Otoron:__/ I'd be flabbergasted if any given power -hadn't- cheated sometime in their career. Especially since they tend to be above-average in the coding department, and more likely to find bugs than inept people such as myself.//

    Why would you assume that they find bugs to exploit them, instead of actually fixing them as they are supposed to do? It doesn't make sense to accuse people of cheating just because they may have the opportunity to do so.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    02 June 2005 23:39:11

    what word is that naith?

    vallejo, when you fuck other texican girls in the ass, do you ever pull out and find a bean skin on the end of your cock?

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    02 June 2005 18:07:29

    Vallejo is one sexy fucking spic.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 June 2005 17:06:28

    It makes me sad that you people are increasingly more frequently using that word with gay abandon.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    02 June 2005 16:05:32

    I thought of more... even if Razzor didn't know the rules at the time that he swapped that character at some point in time he learned the rules and that time he should've came forward and attempted to make accommadations in a reasonable way. Perhaps asking for a namechange and to be dropped to level 10 and asked to relevel which I think would be a fair punishment. Yet he didn't. I've been sitebanned for an entire year for calling someone an Iraqi cunt on the logpage without knowing their ethnicity or that they may or may not actually be a cunt, it was all coincidental. To top it off you children think Draugluin is unreasonable, at least he listened. I have this growing sense that most of you who chimed in weren't around when Aule and Rauko were the ones with their fingers on the button. Those guys didn't give 2 shits in most cases and would nuke you and ask questions later. I actually think Draugluin should act more like them and then it would thin out the swill thats still on this game. If I were PoL I'd send Khranim's alts to the void and call him a cocksucker and ban him for a lifetime.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    02 June 2005 15:55:20

    You fucking people and your fucking bitching. People get nuked, this is life, this is a game. The character was transferred, he'll admit and in the end it doesn't matter because it was gone. I've been nuked time and time again for various reasons and while it bothered for maybe 20 minutes I moved on. If you don't believe me, I had an entire swarm of characters nuked because while 1 was being nuked I did 10spinwheel or something. Or how about having 3 characters nuked because of a transferred character.. you'd think that the transferred would be nuked and that'd be it, not my alts. Anyway, shut up.

  • Author
    Barakhaz [legacy]
    02 June 2005 09:22:20

    personally i think it's a shame to nuke him like this, but he did cheat, or rather err in ways he was unaware of, maybe a warning would be enough? or three warnings or whatever, so that the next time he fuxified his ways he would receive that nuke? or something like that, harsh, very harsh.. but hey, that's life for you

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    02 June 2005 06:26:17

    does not being able to prove something make it any less true? just makes it easier to deny

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    02 June 2005 06:03:47

    Shut up, bitch.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:56:18

    Well obviously, Khranim, we're not going to just allow people to publically and falsely accuse immortals of cheating.

    Though what the other Powers might decide to do if that were the case, I have no idea.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:53:21

    Haha the funny part is, just from that comment, I can already envision Draugluin turning this around and nuking Baklen for harassment or unsubstantiated accusations towards a Power.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:50:59

    Flabbergasted is an uberlame word.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:50:45

    I'd be flabbergasted if any given power -hadn't- cheated sometime in their career. Especially since they tend to be above-average in the coding department, and more likely to find bugs than inept people such as myself.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:34:35

    Okay. I've contacted the Valar about your comments Baklen, and have sent you a mudmail indicating how you can report the issue and submit your proof. Further, I have involved two other Admin directly besides myself (since your report is about me).

    Please be aware that accusing anyone of cheating is a very serious thing, let alone an immortal, or even a Power/Valar/Council. We will, however, demand that you expand on your vague comments above.

    We look forward to your prompt response.


  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    02 June 2005 05:26:14

    Since we're in the mood for digging up past offences, let's see it!

    He must be punished, he must atone for his sins! Slay the interloper!

    Post it! Expose the hypocracy!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:23:52

    I have the same log of Highlander doing the same thing. He got nuked, and all of his alts.

    I just want to see justice is all!:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:23:17

    My last comment though.

    Is Draugluin accountable though for cheating 4 years ago on his alt?

    If so I still have proof, and the log.

    can he be nuked?:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:21:43

    And a side note Jerf, why do you think I stopped caring 4 years ago and abused all the shit I could:)

    It's bullshit, it's sad, It's a game, it's supposed to be a fun place to play. Now its just bullshit, so very very sad man.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:19:34

    Honestly the only way Draugluin could of found out is if he had an old ip trace of Razzor, the old test mud version and their ip's changed, thats really the only way he could of known.

    Or he heard he was a transfered char and since Razzor didn't lie, he just nuked him:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:17:50

    It wasn't really till Draugluin became power or admin that transfered characters got caught.

    That shit used to happen all the time back in the day.

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    02 June 2005 04:14:57

    haha khranim.

    They should make a Bud Light commercial about him.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    02 June 2005 01:41:06

    Don't fear Razzor, your worthless and unnecessary nuke will instill Draugluin with a sense of justice and accomplishment that will inspire him to continue his do-gooding for many more years, while conveniently ignoring the people who truly do harm the mud with bug and player abuse.

    Cheers Draug, this Bud's for you!

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    02 June 2005 01:07:10


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    01 June 2005 19:57:51

    Lesson to Razzor: come clean when there's a decent PoL, tell them the story of what happened, and hope for them to realize three years of work is worth more than a Prussian take on rules.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    01 June 2005 17:53:45

    What Melkor couldn't be sure of 4 years ago, and what we can be sure of now, are not the same - obviously.

    Razzor told the truth which is always the best way to go, and as such Razzor will in the long run be fine - though he did pay a price for his transfer of the character, and unfortunately compounded things by attempting to (as someone put it) 'get away with it' after he learned what he had done was inappropriate.

    Armand your advice was really bad.

    Jerf seems funny, but not sane enough to be addressed for long or given the attention he appears to be after. If anyone wants to throw him a pity party in Bree for breaking the rules and getting caught, though, I'll supply the beer!

    Quintin, we'll be talking soon!

  • Author
    Quintin [legacy]
    01 June 2005 08:32:28

    Draugluin tells you: Yes I know this is a minor offence :P

    Draugluin tells you: But I'm the Power of Law and I can do what I want :P

    Draugluin tells you: No checks on power for me!! I own this game :P

    Draugluin tells you: I can nuke anyone I want :P

    Draugluin tells you: Bye :P

    Draugluin tells you: :P:P:P:P:P

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    01 June 2005 07:39:49

    Personally Draugluin just likes nuking people, I mean its what he does, he was never good at the mud back in the day so why wouldn't he do what he does best. and nuke someone. I mean I can honestly say the guy has never even given me a fucking warning when other people have gotten away with a lot more shit. But since im a Solon/Iowa guy, I deserve the absolute punishment for anything and everything. Fuck this game, fuck the ainurs, fuck everything. nobody should care about anything. if Draug wants to get off nuking people, dont give the fucker a reason to nuke you. like Armand said, you pretty much gave it away at the beggining, maybe just because you are an honest guy, and that enough should have been enough to get a break. but sucks?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 June 2005 06:46:57

    Gaudrin, its pretty obvious some person is bored and can't bust people who are hardcore cheaters and such and goes after people like razzor who didn't know at the time and I am guessing hasn't had any other even questionable issues more than the usual player, instead of people who are cheating and crapping all over the mud with bot chars and constant cross mp violations. Why did it take 3 years, we all know some people aren't the quickest wits in the bunch, so they resort to warnings and nukes when someone says anything (valid or not) in an argument that they doesn't like. And whats this, a particular person was a cheater before? Very interesting. It would explain alot.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    31 May 2005 18:58:36

    Otoron, every now and again, there is an alignment of planets and you and I see eye-to-eye on an issue...

    Who says it took him three years Kujo, perhaps he was just waiting until Razzor was comfortable and thought he was in the clear. Although, he did break the rules and the rules are the rules, I can't help but think something other than an out and out nuking could have been done here, given the circumstances.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 May 2005 10:17:07

    i'd be interested in knowing how Draug figured it out after 3 years though

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 May 2005 10:16:46

    Oh wah wah wah, who fucking cares? He can remax in a day or two, he hasn't lost shit.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    31 May 2005 05:51:15

    Pallasch, thats a pretty stupid analogy. This would be more like cheating on a final once back in high school and having your diploma taken away 3 years later somehow when someone found out.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    31 May 2005 02:44:17


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    31 May 2005 02:22:57

    Funny how his 'unbending stance on the rules' has changed from his days as a cheater, eh?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    30 May 2005 23:32:44

    Well you did cheat, regardless if you knew it was wrong or not. If you cheated on every test you took in school because you didn't know it was wrong and eventually got caught, you think that excuse would make it ok? Fuck no.

  • Author
    Rocky [legacy]
    30 May 2005 23:01:23

    About time you got nailed.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    30 May 2005 22:55:51

    trempk, not sure if you still use icq or not, but i responded to that via the icq i got from you years ago when i was bkd :p

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    30 May 2005 22:42:54

    What a fucking douchebag. If I'm ever that much of a douche, somebody shoot me in the face. Who was he hurting? Nobody. Three fucking years, he could max out hundreds of times over that span. The rules are made to prevent cheating, not so ainur can be inconsiderate assmonkeys. If somebody 'breaks' the rules and nobody gets hurt and they don't gain from it, there shouldn't be a punishment, imo. And if they didnt know they were breaking any rules, they should get a warning. What was razzor supposed to do, go back 3 years in time and restart the character? Its not like it was really preventable. Nobody told him three years ago that he shouldn't take over the character and should start one of his own instead.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    30 May 2005 22:08:37

    So how old was Raz (rl and mud) when you got him?

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    30 May 2005 21:50:56

    Later Raz

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    30 May 2005 21:05:42

    Sorry, couldn't help but smile. I'm sorry for Razzor, tho. Maybe some of his friends should've explained the rules for him.. Anyway, good luck with your life! And try not to come back!:P For your own good..

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    30 May 2005 21:03:55

    Now should come Melkor and say what he said long ago: 'We don't always pinish the violator right after he has commited the crime. We rather wait to see who else is in it so we nuke them all.'

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 May 2005 21:01:38

    Well, at any rate, he WAS a transfered character, and really, I like the guy but wasant at the time he transfered I think I told him he could get screwed.... I am surprised he lasted that long :)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    30 May 2005 20:38:43

    It's best not to look to deeply into this Dorf, you don't want to get rolled up into this! Some people may feel the need to cover their tracks and you could end up getting nuked as well.

    Collateral Damage, it's a bitch.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    30 May 2005 20:27:55

    Odd that he'd bring this up now... how do you get that kind of evidence after three years?

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    30 May 2005 19:56:08

    Nah just kidding, had nothing against you. Hope you do come back sometime and rejoin SoU or whatever other guild you deem fit.

    Enjoy your brief stay away from T2T!


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    30 May 2005 19:54:59

    Good riddance!

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    30 May 2005 18:24:47

    Heh, everyone has locked me. : ) No big deal!

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    30 May 2005 18:23:10

    'authority and unbending stance on the rules'

    If you read this Draug, that is exactly what I was talking about when we talked earlier. Shame on you!

    Bye Razzor.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    30 May 2005 18:19:08

    Roast's char got hacked so he made Razzor... or that's what I thought.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    30 May 2005 18:11:51

    I assume his friend was razzor :)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    30 May 2005 18:02:30

    Was your friend Roast?