
Posted by
Rocky [legacy]
31 May 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Some warlord


  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    03 June 2005 21:21:45

    Make your steak with Master Party!

    It's like a fiesta in your bowels!

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    03 June 2005 21:20:59

    Doesn't Kalas also mean party in swedish? Coincidence? I think not.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    03 June 2005 20:25:28

    I know, it's taking the mud into RL in a totally different fashion! No finger-breaking whatsoever, just drinking a nice bottle of Zing while spicing your food with some (master!) Kalas. Delicious.

    Life's good, people. Life's good.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    03 June 2005 20:15:49

    That reminds me of that Zing winecooler you guys took a picture of.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    03 June 2005 20:15:28

    Haha, that's awesome Sarys.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    03 June 2005 19:57:29

    Pretty much everyon here just tried to sound really intelligent by using large words to basically say that the other person is below them and has problems. You all share something in common which is this game. To really try to separate yourself from another peer here because how one acts in real life is pretty dumb. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Oh and as for whoever was threatening people in real life.. you're stupid. If not stupid and just crazy, mudmail me and I'll give you my real address, I have something for you.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    03 June 2005 19:11:53

    oh, and for fofester: HI FOFO

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    03 June 2005 19:11:33

    Kalas, man, I got something else for you. I was just cooking dinner last night when - HOLY SHIT - I saw that you were, in fact, playing an instrumental role in the process of preparing my tasty meal. Definitely a Kodak-moment so here's the picture I took, for you to cherish.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    03 June 2005 18:38:38

    And this is exactly why my uni's IT department has blocked this site, listing it as pornography.


  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    03 June 2005 18:18:20

    Of course he's pushing buttons... he's at a keyboard!! LOLOLOLOLOL

    Anyways, after that absurdly gay joke, I'd like to make the point that it isn't hard to just completely make shit up about another person. Like, I heard Gaudrin once got really drunk and fucked his cousin, who was a guy, but when Gaudrin and his cousin woke up in the morning sober, they fucked again. I also heard Gaudrin walked in on his mom changing her tampon and he confessed to me that when he jerks off at night into a tube sock that he's fantasizing about that moment. What a sick fuck. True story.

    Shoe contract.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    03 June 2005 17:44:27

    And knowing how to annoy people is certainly something to be proud of.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    03 June 2005 17:11:39

    Gaudrin is a hilarious inside sitting guy, he sure knows how to press people's buttons in the right way.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    03 June 2005 17:06:49

    Thenardi, this is simple. Those who are unable to grapple throats of their enemies on the game do this here. It's about compensating for the lack of skills.

    Just count my recent kills.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    03 June 2005 13:36:51

    Nice lockup, cool loot.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    03 June 2005 13:18:47

    Really, this has kinda gone on for too long. First off you can't insult one about their own mud habits if you play as long as they do Otoron. It is afterall just a game and we should all be trying to enjoy it. The Creators didn't make this back in 1994 just to see everyone graple at each others throats on a logpage, they meant to see it happen on the game. =)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 12:44:09

    It's okay Fofie, I could never stay mad at you anyways :) Glad to hear it Dorf, the Guinness really helps to wash down the steaks.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    03 June 2005 09:33:05

    I agree with Dorf.

    Cheers Dorf!

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    03 June 2005 07:52:02


    I had a Guinness tonight, along with a decent cigar. You should be proud - now I can drink with you next time we meet.

    I wish you fellows could relax like me right now. There's nothing quite like sitting outside being able to breathe air without pollutants except for a little campfire smoke, actually being able to see the stars, and just enjoying a little peace.

    Seriously guys, cool your jets and get a little perspective. It IS just a game, and even though I take it too seriously at times, it's pointless to get into mudslinging contests with people that, in reality, probably won't make much of a difference in your life at all.


  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    03 June 2005 07:39:49

    Sorry I ruined your comment Gaudrin :(

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 07:33:12

    Wow, did the egotistical, arrogant child who never learns anything because he only sees what he wants to see and parrots what others tell him just call me a socio-path? I am hurt..truly, terribly hurt. I am going to go and cry now. Don't wait up for me.

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    03 June 2005 06:44:27

    Gothwin sez, 'Don't pretend you know me, or my habits based on gossip, rumours and half-ass truths you miss-and-match to come up with some mega-manipulative bitch image of me.'


    You are a manipulative whore. If you didn't have your dick so far down Athin's throat, maybe he'd be able to talk sometimes. But then again, sociopaths take directions from overly-assertive cunts (ie puppetmasters) more easily than from anyone with common sense.


  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 06:31:00

    Actually, the first reference was by Kolbjoern, it wasn't directly stated but the blatant implication was. I find it interesting that you went back through and counted...very interesting indeed.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2005 05:52:25

    This has to be one of the most entertaining comment secion of a log ive ever had the pleasure to read!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    03 June 2005 05:46:36

    Times I have talked about asses or anything involving homosexual sex in these comments: One

    Times Gaudrin has: Eight

    First mention of asses: Gaudrin.

    Brother, it's not me who's got the anal fixation.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 05:32:55

    No otoron, that wasn't my attempt at a tidbit but I imagine it just gave you all kinds of material for your homoerotic fantasies.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    03 June 2005 05:13:14

    Gaudrin, I guess that was your attempt at a tidbit or something?

    For all that you talk shit on the ones I post, you sure as fuck better be able to do better than that.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 04:59:21

    Damn you ruined a great comment for the 69th comment. Fortuneately, your comment wasn't inane, stupid, and not to mention false, like Rocky's was. I wish he'd stick to making that shitty sixth movie.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 04:54:42

    Drakoe told you: so many people seem to want to stick stuff up your ass


    Drakoe told you: at least Otoron has his nose in Gothwins ass instead

    of yours

    You told Drakoe: not everyone, just Otoron and Daywalker.

    You told Drakoe: naw, he's been switching between our two asses else would he know about the couch surfing!

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    03 June 2005 04:49:57

    Sarys didn't say hi back to me :( I feel so unloved :(:(:(

  • Author
    Rocky [legacy]
    03 June 2005 04:15:43

    Olga, shut the fuck up. Hahaha. Olga. Sounds like a name for some fat ass!

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    03 June 2005 01:56:17

    *scrolls back to Sarys' joke, finds it and laughs heartily then assures Sarys that it wasn't him, it was that people just tone out kalas habitually*

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    03 June 2005 00:37:23

    Outclassed...? Sorry I don't spend my free time making up insults to throw at people for an online game :P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    03 June 2005 00:29:38

    Everyone ignored the nerd joke I made for Kalas :(

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    03 June 2005 00:17:19

    pallasch, don't even try to get involved. you're outclassed.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 June 2005 23:48:43

    Eek, Gothwin is pulling out real names!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    02 June 2005 23:35:53

    haha, 29 new comments and none of them by me. i can't believe we've got a flame war going here and i didn't start it. good job folks. im glad to see my sickness is spreading.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    02 June 2005 23:17:10

    This entire thread is so pathetic it rivals the hay-day of Tuareg.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    02 June 2005 22:58:05

    Hi Sarys!

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    02 June 2005 22:49:40

    What the fuck is Gaudrin talking about?

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    02 June 2005 22:46:24

    Gothwin just said so much truth.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 22:34:09

    I don't know what everyone else missed but you did miss something Kalas...What you missed is, why does it matter to anyone who I visit or who Gothwin has visiting her, if you aren't that person? Why does Otoron, Daywalker or anyone else...give a shit about what I or anyone else that is not their friend did/do/does outside the game?

    The answer is, they shouldn't. If what someone does to you in a text-based game hurts you so bad irl that you have to denigrate them constantly...perhaps someone should reevaluate his/her life and what is and isn't truly important to you.

    p.s. I wasn't 'lecturing' you on how to live your life O, I was merely suggesting that you live YOUR life, not mine or Gothwins or anyone elses. I also wasn't trying to dog out otoron for not being invited to mud parties either...I was (attempting) to say that otoron is such a piece of shit that no one wants to associate with him in public, not even his circle-jerk of mud-friends.

    (plus, it's not like I WANT to write this just gives my CO the appearance of me being busier than I actually am)

    peace out bitches.

    p.s. LOL Iarla LOL

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 22:32:05

    Don't pretend you know me, or my habits based on gossip, rumours and half-ass truths you miss-and-match to come up with some mega-manipulative bitch image of me. The only thing that makes this mud more sad and pathetic is your attention-seeking pre-school bully attitude, giving certain people the false impression that you're some kind of tough, cool shit. Instead, you act like a bitter old fool who's had one too many high heels twisted over his testicles.

    Grow up, Brad...not everyone is out to break your heart.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:37:23

    Goth, I don't look anything up. I'm much too lazy for that. And I'll continue to slag people who I dislike, and manipulative people who use the fact that they're female in a world of sex-deprived adolescent males as a sword and a shield, hiding behind it when it suits their purposes, ruining guilds, and generally making this place more sad and pathetic than it is.

    Krimpatul, we both know one female who muds. Call her up and ask her if I've ever treated her with anything but the utmost courtesy and warmth. Just because I don't like this sad specimen of half the population constantly paraded before my eyes on t2t doesn't mean I extend it to all here, or not here, who share the same broad category.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:24:33

    Gothwin darling, why don't you just come out of the closet? There's nothing to be ashamed of.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:19:56

    Don't give me a reason to be one then, Iarla

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:11:36

    *chuckle* I am not the one looking up websites of your pics and then sticking my nose into someone elses private life, deperately trying to offend them with offhand remarks. Find yourself a new hobby, Otoron, or take a 'intro-to-psych analysis' class - perhaps there they can teach you how to deal with your brown-nosed obsession with 'female players who are horribly over-represented in Arda' like me.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:02:58

    First of all, Gaudrin...Did you really try to burn Otoron for not being invited to...your mudparties? That alone speaks volumes :P Now get back to your minging (wo)?man

    Gothwin, honestly do try not to be such a bitch.

    Krimpatul- Translation please.


  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    02 June 2005 21:00:02

    Where to start on this?

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    02 June 2005 20:55:45

    Oh god :P

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    02 June 2005 20:50:40

    Looks like i missed all the fun, damn you people.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 20:15:46

    As for my nose in your asscrack, Gothwin. Please. Unlike all your sad little toys, your ass, much like anything else related to you, is something I'd pay good money to not ever kiss.

    And if you want to play the intro-to-psych analysis. Where does someone who plays a MUD ten hours a day get off psychoanalysing someone else?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 20:11:15

    I'll try to not get caught up in what other people are doing, Mr Write-Three-Paragraph-Posts-About-Me-Because-I-Made-An-Offhanded-Remark.

    Kettle. Pot. Hi.

    And seriously. People who mock others for not being invited to mud parties should really stop trying to lecture others on how to live their lives.

    Flame on!

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    02 June 2005 20:02:26

    haha, look at all the handjobs flame each other, mom!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    02 June 2005 19:25:12

    lol kalas, which is faster: an african x-deathstar-wing fighter or a european x-deathstar-wing fighter?

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    02 June 2005 18:12:30

    Hold on folks, I think we all missed something important... Gaudrin just tried making fun of Otoron for NOT being invited to mud parties.

    I'm just going to pause here and let you all come up with your own nerd jokes.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 June 2005 17:31:04

    Only a village idiot with room temperature IQ could misunderstand any statement beginning with the words 'Any fool can...'

    Stop trying to write zinging posts. You suck at it. Seriously.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 17:25:02

    Has to break this down...

    1)I guess that makes you the fool, Naith.

    2)Don't let Otoron drag you down to his level Krimp, it's the only thing that allows him to make it through the day is that he got someone else reduced to his pathetic existence of fear, hatred and self-loathing.

    3)Boffo gets his own category? *jealous*

    4)I think it's more my asscrack he's interested in Gothwin. He keeps talking about people putting things in it! *ouchies*

    5)O-dog, chill out man. Try not to get all caught up in what other people may or may not be doing and focus on getting your life together. You don't see anybody all freaked out over where you went and who you visited...oh, hehe oops :)

    6)(he gets two bullets) What type of female player is it that is 'over represented', the male typists that create female chars you have mudsex (atleast, I hope it stops there but I guess your fantasies don't...) or the female typists that create female chars that you can't bully, browbeat, levelbash, or denigrate into becoming the weak submissive willing to do anything to please you person you desire. I say person because I can't honestly tell, with all your talk of men and women and ass fucking, if you're gay or straight. Frankly it's none of my business just don't be ashamed of who you's your friends and family's job to be ashamed of you.

    6)Toram, I've got to have SOME secrets from you people! (although, I've head you can purchase the video of my antics from Catholic Altar Boys Gone Wild!! -Orthodox Style) Next stop: Budapest or Mikonos.

    7)Next up, Otoron replies with a comment about somebody (probably me) getting fucked in the ass.

    Damn...this is not as much fun as shooting .50 cals stupid presidential visit.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    02 June 2005 15:30:35

    Krimpatul's called alexander ?

    So I guess we finally know what he looks like

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    02 June 2005 14:56:10

    Word, my ass.

    Any fool can see that the Quote of the Day is in the last sentence of Otoron's last post.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    02 June 2005 14:40:47

    Heh. Word, Gothwin! :P

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 12:40:10

    You're pathetic, Otoron...a category you're well on your way to owning all by yourself. The only thing that you despise is your own life, pull your nose out of my asscrack, and smell the fresh air.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 12:24:42

    You know Krimp, I'd explain the difference between despising a specific type of female player who is horribly over-represented in Arda and the idea of misogyny in general, but I'm just a 'retard' who is incapable of grasping such subtleties.

    It is cute, however, that you disparage me for being macho while threatening to kick my ass in your testosterone-soaked post.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 12:07:00


    You get to go into the Boffo 'break your fingers' category now, man.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    02 June 2005 11:58:47

    okay Otoron, whole time i read how you insult females from mud here on log page, let me tell you something, next time when you will come in macedonia or bulgaria from your fucking work i'll fucking devastate you and make you mine bitch you little piece of shit.

    Last time i didnt smash you because i thought, well its just a game, but now i see that you dont know that, and you keep insulting making yourself macho or whatever bullshit you think you are. Well, let me tell you something now as Alexander, your ass is mine next time you appear here you little punk, THEN you tell me all those insults that you are telling here fucking retard.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 June 2005 11:03:12

    I have no real life friends and I r teh sad becuz no fugly mudskanks have invited me to stay with them :(((((

    Next up for Gaudrin: couch surfing with Necsipaal and Deboraha.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    02 June 2005 08:20:10

    Gaudrin in Prague, with nothing in his ass?! I dont buy it...

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    02 June 2005 08:06:45

    Gaudrin you sound like a crazy mofo

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    02 June 2005 06:21:55


  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    02 June 2005 06:01:54

    ah Otoron, there you are...Thanks for proving what a reliable guy you are. Although, I was beginning to wonder when you'd sprew your filth. Or were you to with daywalker jerking each other off as you fantasize about me getting sodomized by a woman. I'm hope you and your friends have a good laugh over it. Atleast, I hope you have RL friends because I haven't heard of anyone in the mud inviting you, or even thinking of inviting you to a mud party or even a 'get together of a few fellow mudders'.

    Of course, that's your life and what you do in it is none of my business so I don't really bother keeping up with what you do or don't do. Although, I'm glad that the stories and rumors have brought you and your boys some refreshing images for your homo-masturbatory rituals. If you'd like some more, I would be more than happy to share some details about my and Grimrods trip to Prague...oh wait, no body had anything shoved in their ass so you wouldn't be interested.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 June 2005 00:18:14

    Yeah! Shut the hell up Zeus? Thanks.

  • Author
    Zeus [legacy]
    02 June 2005 00:16:54

    The only thing that I see strange here is Nasira trying to solo someone.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    02 June 2005 00:06:06

    Suprising that Nasira didn't expect this. Doubtful it will ever happen again.

    Overall, a weak log from some haters who can't stand anyone who doesn't blow their egos daily.

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    02 June 2005 00:01:05

    cool log.

    gay comments.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    01 June 2005 22:59:46

    I have a two word phrase for you too Gaudrin.

    'blow me!'

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    01 June 2005 19:54:33

    We don't fantasize about shoving phallic objects up your ass, Gaudrin. We wouldn't want to encroach on the reason you go to visit Gothwin.

  • Author
    Chade [legacy]
    01 June 2005 19:30:57

    Hrmm...yeah good question should have known better.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    01 June 2005 19:20:09

    Expecting Daywalker to not spew out shit? From which planet do you come, Chade! :P

  • Author
    Chade [legacy]
    01 June 2005 19:18:52

    Somehow I would have expected a bit more of Daywalker for spewing such words. Guess he's got issues.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    01 June 2005 18:57:18

    That was really fucking stupid.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    01 June 2005 17:26:00

    Gaudrin, USA and freedom of... oh well.

    And I'm not defending Findu, I have told him millions of times to start an evil char ;-) but he's a stubborn english dog!

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    01 June 2005 16:01:19

    Unlike some mudders, I live in a country that allows freedom of speech and freedom of the press...I exercise those rights to spell how I choose.

    Btw, when are you going to start using your new char to spew your bullshit here? Or since everyone knows who it is, there is no need? I have a two word phrase for you to memorize Finduilun; 'character separation'...learn it, live it, love it.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    01 June 2005 10:04:32

    Thesaurus, Gaudrin? Come on you idiot, spell it right!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    01 June 2005 00:07:06

    people grow up :P gotta give them the benefit of the doubt i guess.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    31 May 2005 23:30:50

    I didn't realize I had been cornered, does this mean you and your boys are gonna mud-rape me?! *gasps* OMG!

    By the way, please stop fantasizing about shoving phallic objects in my ass, it's quiet disconcerting and you have no shot of coming anywhere close to accomplishing it...and Kujo calls me a degenerate *boggle*

    Mirth, that was good...but it's not just mudsex daywalker gets shot down on...repeatedly. Plus, why expect someone who has never shown any class or honour to suddenly do so.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    31 May 2005 22:16:16

    paranoid slut? show some goddamn class daywalker. i guess any girl who won't mudsex you is a slut eh?

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    31 May 2005 19:47:28

    1 : characterized by or resembling paranoia

    2 : characterized by suspiciousness, persecutory trends, or megalomania

    3 : extremely fearful

    2 and 3 fit...

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    31 May 2005 19:29:12

    I pull out my heavy duty power tools and make a stylish exit.

    You might be lucky to get through the wall if you pull out the dildo and turn the setting up to max.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    31 May 2005 19:26:31

    Gaudrin when you are in a corner, it's never a good time to try and look good, esp not by complaining about people's spelling or grammar.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    31 May 2005 19:04:59

    *before someone else corrects me...*

    You are or You're (take your pick), not 'Your'

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    31 May 2005 19:04:18

    Your only paranoid if people really aren't after you...obviously not the case here.

    *hands Daywalker a dictionary and a thesaraus (just in case)*

    I also like the title 'some warlord', indeed some warlord as it took how many of you with what weaponary to take her down? Feel free to get upset at my comments and add to my contract, it's only at 1K so you don't have to add much. Just get all your alts, err...friends to help out.

    Not a bad kill log though, pretty average with the standard use of STS on an ER and such. Get'em while you can lads, get'em while you can.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 May 2005 17:34:11

    Always good to see that paranoid slut die.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    31 May 2005 12:50:14

    People die at sts? nnnnoooooooooooooooo, say it aint so ike.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    31 May 2005 12:14:41

    Lol, Burgul, the place where half of the ER's have been dying, same place I died Saw Toothed Sword.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    31 May 2005 12:10:55

    At Dazzling longsword, Burgul.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    31 May 2005 10:44:01

    A tiny key (Dazzling longsword)

    fooled u.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    31 May 2005 01:10:27

    Wow, fucking newbs.

  • Author
    Burgul [legacy]
    31 May 2005 01:10:04

    damn, ER kills sucks, btw where was it?