Khamul's Vanguard.

Posted by
Fedhron [legacy]
04 June 2005 00:00:00

Lacks a death. -14hp and surviving.


  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    07 June 2005 08:42:21

    yes lets

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    07 June 2005 06:57:39

    Let's have it, Naith.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    06 June 2005 18:13:16

    I resent Finduilun addressing people on this log page like they are unworthy serfs. It implies he is a giant of the mud.

    However, if I recall correctly, there is a file on my hard-drive which awards to him the dubious honour of being the victim of categorically the stupidest pk death in all my mudding experience.

    Here's to you, Finduilun. We, unworthy scoundrels that we are, grovel at your feet.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    06 June 2005 00:33:18

    Three cheers for Vermond.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    05 June 2005 22:49:03

    w00t! DELETE'EM ALL!!

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    05 June 2005 21:01:53

    Don't bother answering, Finduilun will not be able to answer back unless he gets an account with an existent character.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    05 June 2005 19:17:02

    i think you've got that bastard. you're not worth _our_ time.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    05 June 2005 17:40:23

    Bah, fuck you all. You aren't worth my time.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    05 June 2005 17:38:47

    Did i say that Miroth?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    05 June 2005 17:00:39

    so i guess all the people who have killed you must really be good finduilun. either that or you just fucking suck.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    05 June 2005 16:53:46

    Toram, It wasn't advice to just Delrin, it was advice to anyone who whines about it being too hard to kill people these days. It just sounds pathetic.

    'Its too hard to kill. Ainur, please make it easier to kill cos i cant do it'

    Cant do it? Get better!

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    05 June 2005 10:11:58

    It didn't matter about triggering SoU, because (unless I can't read) he lost them in Mirkwood. =p

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 June 2005 09:05:53

    Damn funny log from both sides:)

    Um, how come noone triggered SoU?

    Getting away after being put out of your misery doesn't happen every day:P You should report that to Ontole or Guiness or something:)

    Nice tries, Memnoch:)

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    05 June 2005 01:17:42

    Weird when it says Amerdain puts you out of your misery, Steak puts you out of your misery, and you live? hah that was fun though, and my fireballs suck ass, hit you with 2 of em :(

  • Author
    Fedhron [legacy]
    04 June 2005 23:12:31

    Yeah, I removed a part between his disconnect and reconnect, where I just stood waiting and running around in Osgiliath. Then I removed some fighting after he reconnected, where I quickly got my ass handed to me and my chances to kill someone were gone. So I called it a night.

  • Author
    Memnoch [legacy]
    04 June 2005 20:47:23

    This log was cut short, I rememer it being much longer. We hunted Fedhron away from Amerdain after this ended... Sucks he went linkdead..

    Alkath, I didnt backstab because I was out of ep and was too full to eat the one piece of food I did have. I was planning on it, but didnt work out.

    The second time I hunted him away from the healer I used the last of my little ep that was left :( reason i stopped.

    I was just lucky to get shadowspawn before we hit the archers, I tried to warn amerdain but he missed it in the chase.

    -14.... This log should have ended right there :(

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    04 June 2005 20:43:33

    Haha... Finduilin... why the hell are you giving Delrin any sort of advice, at all, not to mention PK advice? My God, get real.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    04 June 2005 17:25:12

    Where did all the solo logs go? Much better read.

  • Author
    Delrin [legacy]
    04 June 2005 17:11:19

    Finduilin. If handhealing was harder to get hold off, then it wouldn't be such a problem, but as everybody and their dog has a vov in hands and phial in LBC, it makes it pretty hard to kill them.

    I am myself a big fan of Vildoran, and I'm pretty sure he dislikes when he has his target at negative hp and they manage to get up their hp like that and manage to get away.

    If you knew how to play an assassin, Finduilun, you'd know that unless you're after a clueless newbie, or you catch the victim on an long alias, it's impossible to solo someone someone with handhealing. It's hard enough to manage to take 50hp away from the target before he breaks just because every other room in Arda has about three huntbreaks in it, and everybody knows all of those because we have people that post every attempt they ever receive.

  • Author
    Finduilun [legacy]
    04 June 2005 16:59:33

    Flask healing is lame too, and weapons that do more damage than others, and anything that makes someone better able to escape/turn the tables on an assassin...

    Stop whining and get better at assassination.

    I dont recall ever seeing Vildoran whine about hand healing or shit like that...who is, imo, one of the best assassins who plays these days.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    04 June 2005 16:45:33

    Nice Log, very nice indeed.

  • Author
    Delrin [legacy]
    04 June 2005 16:15:29

    That's 'cause I was solo, those were like five or something? But yup, handhealing is lame!

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    04 June 2005 15:01:06

    I don't see Delrin bitching about handhealings now, the way he did when he attempted a guy in CU :p

  • Author
    Fedhron [legacy]
    04 June 2005 14:05:52

    I know.

  • Author
    Herucalmo [legacy]
    04 June 2005 13:56:23

    awfully bad executed... too many screwups and not enough good things performed... you coulda had at least two of them if everything was done properly. Anyway, props for trying!:P and keep trying:P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    04 June 2005 13:47:31

    Pretty messy.. why run from Memnoch with 100hp? I don't really understand Memnoch's purpose with fading to attack Fedhron either as he didn't backstab after it.

    Props to them to help Amerdain out fast anyways! Oh wait, they didn't! Well a quitter deserves no more..

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    04 June 2005 13:37:21

    Lucky bastard :P

  • Author
    Fedhron [legacy]
    04 June 2005 13:18:15

    The colours are messed up. :P