Log'O'Mania Could Use Some Love

Posted by
Draugluin [legacy]
06 June 2005 00:00:00

Judging from these comment sections, this place could use a little senseless random happiness and love.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 June 2005 10:31:46

    You've got to be fucking kidding me? Vallejo, after all the people that you've called a fag you agree? Although I guess thats like me thinking that if someone stole from me I would want them punished, but if I steal from walmart, all is well. :p

    Anyway, there have been so many people that have called me a fag over the years and not one of them has been nuked for it. SO its ok to insult me, but not OK to insult someone with the power to completely destroy your character? I've called him and others some 'bad names' myself here, am I to expect a nuke if he looks through the all old comment sections and reads some of them? If he does that, can I expect him to do the same for all the people who have called me and others fags as well? In my opinion, its about consistancy in punishment, not about punishment itself. Maybe Khranim deserved it, maybe not. But other people have been nuked for saying far less, and others not been nuked for saying far more.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    08 June 2005 07:56:54

    And I rated this with a 6 because it's funny that someone got nuked like that.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    08 June 2005 07:47:11

    Haha Miroth, who hasn't? Shit, I could be the dad of Ruby

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 June 2005 05:46:46

    Yar har har! Hilariously pointless. Draugluin. We've been friends, enemies and total strangers all at once. And I'd like to say this. You're no fag, oh no, nothing faggity about you. However, that being the case. You're a fag.

  • Author
    Kendryek [legacy]
    08 June 2005 04:31:22

    Its ok Vallejo, Your a fag too. Beyond that, Naith brought up the analogy of school/kid/teacher.

    I just said customer, I was thinking of it more as a bar. I was thinking what'd happen if khumnin said that to some dude at a bar. Its pretty obvious that Khumnin doesn't know who and who not to pick a fight with.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    08 June 2005 02:35:57

    irony is you sticking up for the admin after the bullshit you've been through

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    08 June 2005 01:27:22

    I agree with Meilikki, even though he's a fag. At anyrate, Naith, I find your analogy about the teachers and students a bit lacking. School is a service most oftentimes provided in a public manner, T2T is a private establishment. Think of this place more as your friends house, sure you're given some leeway here, but in the end this is not your house, you don't pay rent here and no one has to take your shit. If you're asked to leave, you can mouth and disrespect all you want on your way out, but you _will_ leave. Do I agree with the nuke of Khranim? Sure do, I'd have done it myself without even thinking twice about it. Completely fail to understand how any of you who haven't lifted a finger to make this place more lively and enjoyable feel entitled to certain securities from the people that make this game possible. Irony is a gang of freeloaders who expect handouts and special treatment.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    08 June 2005 01:23:47

    fuck you rhoads, you damned sodomite. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 June 2005 23:01:03

    That's what happen when you try to make a constructive post I guess :P

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    07 June 2005 19:44:21

    Just kidding.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    07 June 2005 19:43:52

    Oh, and Meilikki, could you be more of a peace-loving fucking hippy if you tried? Seriously, you should be shot. Twice. In the head.

  • Author
    Kalas [legacy]
    07 June 2005 19:42:43

    I love how Draugluin's intent in posting this log was to spread love and it just turned into a flame war instead. Keep up the good work psycho. *thumbs*

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    07 June 2005 19:30:22

    Don't you people see how absurd this can get...this act (in theory) gives Nicuramar, Rhoads etc. ability to NUKE !

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:53:08

    Most of SoU's kills will probably be Memic. :P

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:51:29

    Then again, i wouldn't count him either. just got the impression that your stale war was pretty even, kill-count vise.

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:49:04

    I thought the bkd picked off Anglobin. twice?

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:47:28

    No it doesn't Meilikki. It works better to foster hate towards Draugluin (which may or may not have been his intent) and will generate more unsavory comments towards him. If he instead did something like drain all of Khranim's bank accounts, rip out his tongue, chop off hand, make him deaf ;) or banish him to a 12 room by 12 room square in the middle of the harad desert.

    Deaf, I just thought of that. someone is coming to pK you and your friends know and they are screaming tells and says and comms to you but you can't 'hear them.' Then you get attacked and are screaming for help but you can't hear your buddies tell you that they set up a trap or are waiting somewhere to toss you healing. Or perhaps blindness for a time period. Ignorance also would be a good punishment, where you can't understand a word anyone says and room descriptions show up all scramble, i.e. South Undeep would show as JHGJ hfhdsufh. THAT would really screw you up.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:41:14

    The player of Khranim said something in reguards to the player od Draugluin. Don't give that crap that these two have nothing to do with each other.

    I think t2t has a 'reasonable and prudent speech' policy rather than a 'free speech' policy. (This example pretty much shows that)

    T2T != America

    Punishment should fit the crime. Sure, but it should also deter. I think if he just got silenced, he would have probably done it again, or someone else would have. This method works better as a deterent.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:40:36

    I agree with what Meilikki said but it also needs to be expanded. It's not just about God and Freedom of Speech, it's about being able to speak your opinions without fear of retaliation (i.e. imprisonment, banishment, 'forced' silence, death) from the Governing body (in the case of T2T that would be Valinor).

    There are RL consequences when you defame someones character or print false information about a person. Draugluin could have picked upon several punishments other than nuking that would have served as a better example to prove Khranims behavior (whether right or wrong) is not tolerated.

    Another thing to consider is, are there other factors involved? Usually, there are things hidden and unspoken when shit like this hits the fan.

    I'd also like to note that Draugluin has a better kill score than the whole of BkD right now and Odhinn is lucky he didn't lose his beard last night.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:29:55

    Meilikki, I don't mind spelling it out to Betus, being as he is one of the people who voted a carebear ascii file a 6, but I'm going to extend you the same courtesy nonetheless.

    Don't take the quote literally. It's merely intended as a highlighter for the significance of free speech.

    If I can extend on your analogy approach, if a kid was hanging out with friends, and said 'You know, I think my teacher is a fag', and the teacher overheard and kept him in after school or got his parents to discipline him, then he's probably been fairly punished. But if the teacher decided to go back to class and burn the kids project that he'd spent days creating, I think there'd be a few raised eyebrows. The point is that there must be a frame of reference. These two sites are not affiliated. So, if that's the case, getting nuked at towers.angband.com for saying something at logs.dyndns.dk should just not be a reality.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:25:44

    I thought Scypio's comment was funny. As if it hurt him to have a sensible opinion for once.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:21:54

    cheers, bitches.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:02:38

    You know Naith, when I think about defending to the death someone elses freedom of speech, I think of 2 people having an arguement about how many gods their are, or IF god exists.

    Not some prick calling someone else a fag.

    Everything should have its reasonable limits.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    07 June 2005 18:00:31

    just imagine if everyone had the power to nuke for flaiming that happens here. T2T would be significantly less populated.

  • Author
    Meilikki [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:56:56

    The players add to the mud, but valinor did put in the timer to make it. They decide how much bullshit they have to put up with from dumbfuck customers before they get rid of them.

    They've done some pretty wrong things in the past, but now days it seems like everytime ANYONE gets nuked everyone starts whining.

    Khranim was being a jackass, Khranim as a person should know better. If he did that to some random person in a bar iRL he'd prolly get his ass kicked.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:53:47

    I hate to say it.. but Naith is so very right.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:48:30

    You've missed the point. The objection to the heavy handed nature of the punishment, does not necessarily mean that Khranim's public sentiments which got him into that situation in the first place are condoned or supported.

    To paraphrase, 'I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it' - Voltaire.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:34:22

    Simply DON'T insult people, joking or not.. is it so difficult to understand? *grumble*

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:11:20

    P.S. That bear is extremely gay. Coincidence? I think not!

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:09:15

    When did you guys start thinking that the Mud Admins are reasonable people with senses of humor? You should not be shocked when Draugluin nukes players; he has done it before, and will continue to do it again. If you have ever tried to argue with an ignorant person or a young child then you know that they do not listen to logic and instead only to thier own emotions. If you insult Draug, even in a joking manner, he will feel threatened and in turn nuke you.

    So please, for all you intelligent mudders, just ignore the admin. I can understand if Draug (or the other admin) are lacking in other areas of thier life and therefore use thier power in the mud to get off, and so should you. If they think they can create a better atmosphere by nuking everyone they dont like...

    Remember, we are dealing with robots, not people!

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 June 2005 17:00:06

    At the end of the day, it's Rauko/Draugluin/Melkor/Aule 's game at the moment (or whomever the PoL/Aadmin/Makers are currently). If they want to nuke someone, for whatever reason it's their choice and they can do as they like with it.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    07 June 2005 16:09:09

    This nuking incident is apsurd. What if someone hacks logomania and starts spreading outrageous comments against t2t admin under my name. What if logomania admin decide they don't like me and start doing the same just to get my mud char nuked? The question is...is this site integrated part of mud and controlled by mud admin? If it is, than say so, and if it's not, Draugluin's act was somewhat immature.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 15:42:00

    Rush, just so you know, I'm Ruby's dad. How do you like that bitch? Yeah, that's right. I had sex with your sister! :P haha

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 June 2005 14:34:17

    That a log of an ascii bear completely unrelated to T2T would be posted in the first place, is kind of juvenile, but that the same person would nuke someone for acts in an unaffiliated site is both immature and, if I may say so, somewhat Machiavellian.

    I'm not condoning your actions, Khranim. Personally, I think you're a complete joker to come on here and publicly chastise someone like Draugluin, armed with the experience of the mentality of the typist behind the authority, and fully knowing how he was going to take it. But I expected a warning, at best. A wheel spin at worst.

    But a nuke? Come on, seriously. Respect takes a long time to earn, and not very long to vaporise.

    JFK in your legend today! (Justice for Khranim!)

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 14:20:53

    Hahahaha. This is hilarious. I can't believe that Khranim made a comment about people being nuked for personal bias, then got nuked for it afterwards. Does Draugluin not percieve the irony of his actions?

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    07 June 2005 14:01:45

    Er, chances are I would NOT have liked him.

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    07 June 2005 14:01:08

    So yeah, I definitely rated this a 1 for two reasons.

    First: ASCII art is freely available if you just google it. I don't think it belongs here, joke or not.

    Second: I don't know Khranim, and chances are I probably would have even liked him. I really don't like the language he used either. But nuking him for something he said on here? Please. That's just ridiculous. They have their own rules here that can be applied.

    If I could nuke everyone who called me a fag... well I wouldn't for one thing. But jeez, that'd be a lot of people.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    07 June 2005 12:30:22

    I play MUD, I'm a psychopath.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    07 June 2005 11:10:04

    is mud down for everyone else too?

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 June 2005 10:33:05

    Everbody who rated this log a 6 is a sycophant.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:43:16

    Haha, Swedish women are uggos for the most part!

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:41:45

    You know, it's kind've hard to have sympathy for someone getting nuked like that. No offense man, but t was a pretty dumbfuck thing to do.

    Is that bullshit nuke number 3?! I think so.

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:40:09

    Khranim had no warnings.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:29:52


    Miroth is a fag

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:16:38


  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    07 June 2005 09:13:27

    I don't understand... was Khranim nuked before or after he made this insult on a log page?

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    07 June 2005 07:51:54

    *comment to the previous log*

    You guys are amazing! I go to sleep and you manage to make 130 and something comments!

    *comment to this log*

    Nice huggy bear!:)

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    07 June 2005 07:37:41

    Nuking somebody for insulting the ainur, not even ON the mud is pretty pathetic. Sorry.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 June 2005 06:14:38

    yah Khranim it was a big bear with


  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    07 June 2005 06:10:28

    Thanks. I hope you got the others, too.

    btw, did you take my advice and use this art when you did it?

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 04:11:51

    You know, if we are just going to nuke people for insults...NUKE US ALL!!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 04:04:01

    so...you nuked him to make an example out of him, rather than nuking him for say, breaking the rules on the mud? kinda like when you banished me to mordor.

  • Author
    Razzor [legacy]
    07 June 2005 03:29:33

    Take care khranim :(

  • Author
    Rocky [legacy]
    07 June 2005 03:25:34

    So when Khranim called Draugluin a fag, he got nuked? Hahahahhahahaha

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 03:03:00

    Following that logic Draugluin, prepare to nuke 99% of the playerbase. Plz start alphabetically...wait, REVERSE ALPHABET!!

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:53:06

    I realized, earlier, listening to the OOC comm, that some people /may/ be operating under false assumptions. This is provided merely as a public notice, feel free to ignore.

    Some of you, possible, have this assumption that if you sprinkle in enough technicalities, if you walk the edge of certain lines, if you provide yourself with some way to argue (even) small points, that you are free to act as you want, say what you want, do what you want, and still receive this free service provided to you known collectively as 'The Two Towers'.

    The above-mentioned assumption, if you have it, is a faulty one and created solely in your own mind. The Administration has not said this to be the case, nor hinted at it in any rule documented or even inferred. In fact, the rules clearly state quite the opposite.

    If you find yourself following the logic in the above example, if you find yourself doing things and thinking (or even stating!) 'its okay, they can't/won't touch me, I'm <>', please think again.

    For more information, start with 'help user.rules', especially the paragraphs near the bottom, or contact me!

  • Author
    Memnoch [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:39:27

    Khranim was nuked at 20:26 06/6/05

    Khranim Illiska the silvan Wolf Spirit (Shadowspawn of Mordor)

    Departed from Arda Gender: male

    Age: 20d 9h 30m 46s

    Info: I look inside myself and see my heart is black.

    Nuke Reason: Only willing to take so much BS from someone so useless to the community. Cya!

    lol, here we go. this is about to get interesting.

  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:34:56


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:32:38

    haha, you just keep cracking me up khranim

  • Author
    Khranim [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:27:46

    This is the perfect ascii to use next time you nuke someone based on personal bias.

    P.S. You're a fag.

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:19:58

    Crap, and I've removed the log with my piggy...

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    07 June 2005 02:04:41

    I just have to say that the comments below was the biggest waste of my time. I expect a huge fucking flame war, and all I get is Kolb talking about all his supposed female friends? W.T.F. people!

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    07 June 2005 01:37:10

    *knows better than to follow any link posted by Squibb*

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 June 2005 01:25:20

    From last thread, i happened upon this picture and something is just wrong with this picture... very wrong ......


  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    06 June 2005 22:42:07

    Evil care bear!

    It destroys its enemies with love!

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    06 June 2005 19:31:51

    Soo cute!

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    06 June 2005 19:12:51

    Cute! :)

    (Hi Sarys!)

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    06 June 2005 19:05:38

    I always thought that too. Everybody's always arguing and big time enemies, when whether they like it or not, they share a lot of things in common, the biggest of which, the play this MUD all day every day. Kill if you must, but be nice about it! You'd all be friends if you were all like aligned, anyway >_>

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 June 2005 19:00:09

    I'm... at a loss for words.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    06 June 2005 18:37:24
