Pallasch dies

Posted by
Skyman [legacy]
23 June 2005 00:00:00
NPC Battle



  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    26 June 2005 10:55:21

    Oops, you're quite correct! Sometimes I forget which one is playing which character, it's confusing.

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    24 June 2005 09:12:16

    Imo bangs are ok when it comes to guildwars. It just makes sense. if your guild doesn't have enough active people.. or enough experienced.. you should just keep these things in mind when you pick on other guilds... In most cases people just think they're defending the name and the honour of their guild and that the enemy guild is the one that's 'wrong'. Even if that's the case why would they not use their advantage of having more people and being more active?

    Bangs are unpleasant when it happens to you but it's just something that's logical in the MUD.

    So take it on the chin, do your best and people will respect you.

    We can't be all Calenrils now, can we? :)


    -uncle estie

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 June 2005 23:35:01

    Remind me Rush, when has Skyman ever soloed me? I can't seem to think of a time. His brother has, but that's the only time I can remember.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 June 2005 23:25:29

    I only killed Dervan once and assisted in another kill on him. The other two pk's had nothing to do with me. If you're going to throw shit around, please get the true details and not what your guildmate says.

    But yeah, you're right, I wasn't idle, I was afk. Same thing, I wasn't there to run away. I even typed 'afk away' when I got up! Whatever, no more arguing from me!

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    23 June 2005 18:57:06

    I still refuse:P

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    23 June 2005 18:14:54

    *pat pat Aduial* if you would know how many times they refused to hunt you....

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    23 June 2005 18:12:21

    Those are not the Beornings I grew up in, Veratyr, or I'd never trash like this. I respect and appreciate all the help I got tho, but if you don't remember we turned against each other a while back, and that wasn't my fault.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    23 June 2005 17:53:09

    oh Veratyr i'm touched from your style of talking, next time i want to chat with me like this, not just to prance whole time about your irl adventures with girls. no really, its so stylish.

    2)delrin, stop it, thats not true, we both know come to me telling me that you will change delrin into fighter with ers and become moral and to chease fire, so we removed you from hitlist or potential enemy.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    23 June 2005 17:03:10

    we're all a bunch of cheap whores, look how much we all bitch and hate about a game we don't even shell out money for.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    23 June 2005 17:01:59

    'You on the other hand got ?ber-upset because I was ruining what you had been kissing Uzbad's ass to manage. And ruining a friendship between FRA and Beornings.. please explain why FRA should be looking for help from Beornings.'

    Stupid, Delrin, plain stupid. How do you dare talking about FRA? Do you even remember FRA? Full of idiots, thats what the recent clan with carrying the name of FRA has become. Dont you remember once when FRA and Beornings were close friends, fighting along, helping each other, fighting common enemies... Thats what I was trying to accomplish, but you are even too stupid to understand it. And as for the friends you are always ready to fuck up someone just for the fun of it, and you dont care about any treaty or anything, know what, your place is exactly where you are - at the pile of trash that hurts me anytime I got to name it FRA.

  • Author
    Delrin [legacy]
    23 June 2005 16:53:50

    About you being an idiot: Veratyr, I was thinking that breaking a cease-fire set 6-9months ago which was just because I joined a clan full of Beorning-alts and they didn't want war with Beornings, wouldn't be that dangerous to break. Breaking my word my ass. I haven't planned on breaking up a friendship or screwing my friends over, Veratyr. I just thought that I'd have fun killing Skyman, and trying to dodge his coming attempts, and Skyman would get fun from trying to kill me. You on the other hand got ?ber-upset because I was ruining what you had been kissing Uzbad's ass to manage. And ruining a friendship between FRA and Beornings.. please explain why FRA should be looking for help from Beornings. You just wanted into FRA, and to still be Beorning.

    About you being an idiot 2: I don't bang, I almost only solo/twoman, so well I do tend to get upset when you gather 5people with the 5best weapons and knockout shits and whatever crap, and attack me with that. The kill you guys had on me, was when I first broke you once or twice (don't remember the number), and then you killed me when I gave you another shot, I talked to Skyman and told him if you lowered to four people, and removed the dark arrows and dye traps, I'd give you a shot from Entwade. Althought I was attacked by 5people and dark arrows. I perhaps would've died anyways, but it was pretty sad. I could make tons of gold from reporting you guys, I'd at least be gaining twice as much as I lost. But I don't report, and you guys seem to like to give me credit with bringing huge bangs on me, and never stopping because I don't give you fines.

    About you being an idiot 3: 'Dont pull me this bulshit as if he was idle, he saw clearly he is dead and pretented to be afk' Idiot? Yes sir! He could've broken you in time before he died. He wouldn't be standing on riv plains if he wasn't idle. You know for people with other people around them in real life it happens that they want your attention quickly, and you don't have time to run to guild/inns, or want to say 'hold on 20seconds, I need to run to guildhall so Beornings don't come and gangbang me with aiglos and dark arrows and shit :))))))'.

    Don't try to make me look like someone who's a cheap whore that abandons friends if it gives me a lot to do so. I'm the kind of guy that would give my life anytime if it would save a friend of mine's life.


  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:24:07

    About Pallasch being idle:

    Our party was formed at our guildhall, at this time Pallasch was at Anorien, then we moved to edoras - Pallasch was at Lone Lands, then we moved to bree - Pallasch was Tower hills. Then we moved to bywater - Pallasch was at the mountain pass, Then we moved to rivendell and Pallasch was southeast of signpost, we moved 6 rooms and found him. Dont pull me this bulshit as if he was idle, he saw clearly he is dead and pretented to be afk, and I hate to repeat myself but idle or not, he had no chance. I dont care about him, idling at war with 5 enemies online at rivendell plains is probably the most idiotic thing I would come up with.

    And this 'mr. lets solo' killed 4 times one after another a guildmate with Pounder and Rohkilin, my guildmate allowed that to happen just to see how much they can do. And know what? If Ainur follow their own rules, that they spend months to think of and implement, they should nuke those idiots for levelbashing, cause 4 times is a bit more then enough.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:19:46

    About bangs : Everyone whines about bangs, everyone whines about soloes, everyone whines about tough npc critical hit bad luck, everyone whines about everything. Despite all that, everyone continues to bang, solo, die to npc or quest items. Its just that kids need a playground where they can curse, abuse, speak shit and stuff that will not reflect directly on their real life.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:17:45

    Aduial I cant figure out why you talk this way to the people who helped you raise yourself from the nothing and sacrificed a lot of their time, friends, allies and everything just to help you. This is disrespectful, its also disrespectful to protect a band of idiots who you see clearly are the ones who started this shit cause 'Look at us, we are the greatest, nobody can have influence on us, we rock, we fight everyone, we are the best.' All I wanted was peace, for 2 days I believed I had it. Then Uzbad who I thought was my friend and I could count on his word, broke his word. Its what Pallasch will do to you, its what Delrin will do to you, its what everyone will do to you when they stop crushing on you cause you look decent IRL.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:13:27

    I don't think any members of the guilds included in recent wars have a right to whine about bangs.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    23 June 2005 11:12:33

    Um, it's not like Skyman hasn't soloed you before, Pallasch...

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    23 June 2005 10:08:28

    People can't always control when/why they have to afk, Relez.

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    23 June 2005 03:10:49

    Dont be afk if you are in a middle of a war, less out from the GH.

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    23 June 2005 01:16:39

    I don't have any heroes Krimpatul, all I have is respect for soloing and despise for banging the hell out of people who try to solo you. And I spit on innbreaking when there is a dozen huntbreaks around you. Can you figure out now why I talk this way, after you match those actions to the appropriate people?

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    23 June 2005 01:00:13

    oh Aduial you have again new hero? didnt notice until i saw this comments

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:57:06

    That's a mystery Krimpatul. You will never know because you will never try. Nor will your guildmates.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:48:31

    sure you are highlander, who can solo you?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:46:58

    Yeah, guess I should know by now that when I try to kill them solo, they'll bang me because they don't have the capacity to kill me by themself. Nice self-esteem, guys!

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:39:58

    As if he could do anything if he wasnt idle.... He died again like 5 mins after that for attempting 2 of my mates.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:33:07

    Well Skyman kind of said that in his 'Type', Non playing character...duh?

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    23 June 2005 00:12:01

    Quite amazing how he didn't move eh? He must've been screaming and biting his nails irl.. or just away from the keyboard.