Urgnath dies

Posted by
Act [legacy]
23 June 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Nothing special, I was lucky he went to far into kadar though.


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    25 June 2005 17:53:32

    I would hardly say we had no good huntbreaks, I seem to have no issues. We have fewer yes, but certainly we have them, maybe people just aren't exploring enough.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    25 June 2005 02:30:06

    Well this all went off the main topic. Er's have 1 lockup and no good huntbreaks, just a couple of far-off or crappy dead end ones.

    The perfect example of how messed up the whole thing is this, FR can break ER's by running into west arda, ER's ability to join caravans while under attack was removed.

    **Cough corruption in ainur cough**

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    24 June 2005 22:10:51

    It was empty only because Aragorn and co approached the gate to drive out the armies inside.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    24 June 2005 22:03:25

    The reason LOTR states that Sam and Frodo could waltz across Mordor plain is that it was empty (and on 25th March they are indeed making their way across) *shrug*

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    24 June 2005 21:43:38

    Not really, there were still plenty of Legions within Mordor and the other ER Lands. Remember that Harad, Khand, Mordor, Umbar had how much time to build up their populations and Armies and equipment?

    oot oot

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    24 June 2005 21:22:22

    There shouldn't be patrols in Mordor by that logic, since they are all camped near the black gate or something.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    24 June 2005 20:47:13

    If you want to be technical about it. If Act (or any FR) 'blended in' with the ordinary rank and file that would be passing through the Evil BPs during the time frame the game is set in...they'd be attacked or rebuffed for going 'the wrong way'. That an FR can get THAT close to ER home turf without being spotted or attacked at this stage of 'The War' is ludicrous. If he comes through Osgiliath, which is completely under Sauron's control, you can't tell me he wouldn't be spotted. If he comes down past the Haradrim Camp, PASSED the Black Gates, entrance to Cirith Ungol, you can't tell me something (perhaps even the ALL SEE EYE) or someone or some Army of Mordor Unit isn't going to notice an FR roaming around.

    No, you can't compare the U.S.'s porous border with Mexico to this situation. For one, the Mexicans receive help from BOTH SIDES of the border to cross over. Secondly, it costs alot of money (perhaps you could bribe the haradrim guard with 10K to give you an all access pass) to get smuggled in. Thirdly, you ALWAYS run the risk of being caught and jailed and deported, which obviously you don't while faded.

    *twiddles his thumbs for the rest of the day*

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:56:57

    Oh act, dont flatter your self, none cares where you are!


  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:54:55

    Oh, and I just checked it. Maybe my camouflage needs to be maxed to use the skill, or maybe most ERs just don't have access to it (and have to -manually- train deception to fade), but I can't use it. Looks like I always had my wish! It's a little harder to pass your BPs.

    HP:220 EP:220> camouflage

    You are not trained to blend into your surroundings.

    Camouflage : 43

    ah well

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:51:29

    Yeah, but you can't compare a military border to the US' mistakes >_>

    Whatever though, you did bring up hiding and slipping through, and that does make sense, somewhat. Just wish it wasn't so easy to enter eachother's regions.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:42:50

    Gaul, America has border controls between itself and mexico, people still make it through, with fake passports or hell just by sneaking through or whatnot, a highly skilled assassin should have no problem obtaining such fake details.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:39:32

    Act, the guards would be monitoring who crosses the border not just letting them by. I'm not saying FRs shouldn't be able to get into the evil lands, I'm just saying it should be a different way, and as you said, there are other ways.

    And I'm glad to see I'm doing the 'in thing' by complaining about something, because lately I haven't been in much contact with anybody. Been too busy.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:14:59

    Anyways, I might lay low for a bit (emphasis on might), I'm obviously going to have all the ER's running sense's and warning everyone when people see me on now.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 June 2005 16:00:01

    Bah, it always works!

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 15:43:35

    Jabba no I merely stated some of the ways I could get into ER lands and they're all pretty common knowledge now.

    Warmonger, we'll see, I'm pretty sure I know what you're planning, and it won't work :)

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 June 2005 15:11:45

    I dance with lots of figures on a daily basis. Sometimes I slip up and panic... Or maybe im just stoned and do somthing stupid like get lost. I dont remember ever dancing with you till the music stops. But I guess we wont ever dance again cause im never dlsg alone. I promise next time you attack me ill... act... like a normal person and run so I cant leech you... Untill I stop runing that is.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    24 June 2005 15:08:20

    Well, you pretty much already stated the ERs' weak points.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    24 June 2005 15:05:40


  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 15:03:29

    Warmonger, we've danced a couple of times already, don't you remember :) I'm not online atm but I can't remember if you're a necro or not remember I have trouble fighting necro's because of leech so I tend not to attack unless they're DLSG or lower.

    Jabba, I imagine some ER's have spent a fair amount of time finding them, if you want to do the work feel free and try some experiments, don't expect everything to be handed to you on a plate. You sound to me like the kind of person who uses the lame quest info sites etc.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    24 June 2005 14:52:35

    Hey Act... Dance with me some time. I dont mind if you hunt me into kadar, I wont complain.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    24 June 2005 14:49:35

    What are the FRs' weak points?

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 13:20:01

    Gaul, we require some way to get past the guards, be that fade/camo or some other way. If you insist that fade/camo is wrong, then come up with a better way. I see no reason why my edain self couldn't black up a little and disguise himself as a numenorean or variag.

    If you want to talk about thematically, we have serving FR's allowed past the guards, as such that means the guards would be used to letting some people past. When I'm faded I'm anonymous figure, as in I blend in with the crowd, so I'd wait until some other people went past the guards (lets say people pass the guards all the time we just don't see messages for them) and sneak past with the crowd. Or if you like I hide for a few minutes and wait for the guard to take a pee, or look the other way, then steal past.

    Patrol's wouldn't show up for a faded figure because he is blending in with the crowd (even if there is no crowd he'd be looking like anyone else they would come across) as such the scouts looking around would never raise the alarm until it's too late (lets not get into the thematics of being faded in combat).

    If you INSIST, I could waste a few seconds go through the battlepoint in South gondor carrying a small skiff, and use a boat to get past both sets of guards. All it will do is waste a few seconds of my time to accomplish the same feat. The solution for the people who run through kadar is different but not hard. I tend to wait till people are low, so I'll coordinate with another assassin, both of us will go in faded then they won't make it to Kadar.

    Stop whining about problems which aren't real issues and unbalance. It seems to be the 'in thing' these days to whine about unbalance. If an ER starts killing off a few FR's in a few places everyone whines how ER's are unbalanced and should be nerfed. I go in and kill a few ER's (with my lowly not good at fighting assassin who lots of people whine are underpowered I might add) and people start whining that FR's have too many advantages and should be nerfed. It seems about 50/50 to me. ER's have weak points, so do FR's. They both have strong points as well you learn to minimise your weaknesses, and maximise your strengths. FR's have had a lot longer to maximise their strengths (though against ER's it's still a learning curve). ER's less so, though they tend to be more experienced players (I said tend, I know there are some newer ER players).

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    24 June 2005 09:15:34

    I'm not going to go into details, but some BP guards do block faded people in certain circumstances.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    24 June 2005 05:36:28

    Any ER can camo? I thought it was set to just sniffer/bounty hunter?

    *trains it when he gets on

    My petition to have fade get blocked by BP guards failed. It didn't make sense. It's 'fun' is no excuse for our (or your) guards to NOT stop a random person from walking up and by the borders. I mean seriously people, when you're faded, you aren't invisible, you are as said, an anonymous figure. That means you're the random joe shmoe. The guy the guards are paid to stop.

    Fade and camo should not work by it, I said it before, I still say it, and always will. Not that anybody probably cares, because then they'd actually have to take the BPs and kill patrols, or else get creative!

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    24 June 2005 00:00:59

    i thought he was serving to get this kill, that is why i called him a 'fucking lamer.' (he wasn't, so he is no longer such)

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    23 June 2005 23:59:21

    For the record, i knew that i was straight north from kadar, but i didn't know how far. I also thought that he would be broken at the guards, so i just typed 'do 20s' then 's' and hit enter about 10 times. It was a good kill though

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 June 2005 23:20:00

    The thing is, when FRs kill evils, they are faded, which means that evils can't break at battlepoints. When ER sniffers try to solo, it's too easy for morals to break, because the sniffers cant be camouflaged.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    23 June 2005 22:17:34

    Urgnath and seigler were both maxxed by the way.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    23 June 2005 22:16:58

    Certain ER's use campo all the time to sneak into our areas. And yes, certain Er's have been accomplishing solo kills at the same level I have been

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    23 June 2005 22:08:15

    Well, it's all well and good if you have Deception trained up (not all ERs do and none have it maxed) and camouflage is about useless (ever seen an ER use it, I haven't). So don't spew a bunch of shit about how ERs can do the same thing.

    You couldn't accomplish anything like this if ERs were balanced to the same level as FRs, not the frequency that you've been accomplishing...not that you are soloing maxed chars either.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 June 2005 22:04:30

    Act. By using fade you remove the whole region system.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    23 June 2005 21:04:57

    Squibb, ER's can fade or camo past any of the FR guards. I could have accomplished the same feat by swimming or using a boat I imagine btw.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    23 June 2005 20:34:01

    Lets face it, ER's are the red-headed stepchildren of Arda and Ainur will not code areas so they have the same advantages as FRs... otherwise that might actually cause a divided Arda which would be unthematic.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:47:54

    Ok, oh well, I've really never liked impartial players, but hey, who cares. I'll stfu now.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:43:16

    I'm actually impartial, I have no problems killing either race. I happen to kill some more important morals though (ie I do align down quests) every now and then. WHich keeps my alignment lower than normal.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:38:21

    I don't like players who are evil aligned only to act like morals.

  • Author
    Act [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:19:06

    I'm evil (as in alignment), and I'm faded. Non evils can't get past. And if you don't allow that that gives the ER's a LOT of space where they can level up in peace.

    Unless you'd prefer I used a cheap tactic like serving ?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 June 2005 15:04:31

    I can't see why non-ERs/servants should be able to pass the Kadar guards.