Nasty ERs and their pets...

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
27 June 2005 00:00:00

Because I find it interesting and someone wanted to see it.


  • Author
    Shah [legacy]
    03 July 2005 23:41:12

    oh my fucking god, that mumak hurts.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 June 2005 22:09:53

    I think that breaks the hunt, used to at least.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    29 June 2005 20:53:50

    Can hunting assassins hunt a mounted person with a spurred horse? That's one devoted hunt!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 June 2005 18:10:37

    Well, Horses should be made more useful on combat anyway, I would love it at least :)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    29 June 2005 12:55:10

    I think making a horse anywhere near powerful as a Mumak is unbalanced, unthematic and just straight up rediculous. Just the pure size difference between the two animals makes it a lame notion. I could see an EORLING with maxed riding (COMMON SKILL not professional) maybe just maybe not fall of his horse during a stamp or trample. However...

    the ability of a FR mounted on a horse to trample or stamp or charge during combat should be limited to only Warhorses and directly related to how long the FR has had the mount during uptime and the Riding Skill of the FR.

    and yes, I'll toss this over in forums for you picky bastiches that can't separate characters but cry like little girls who've lost their lollipops when someone doesnt separate discussion forums.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    29 June 2005 12:38:48

    i've been hit w/ feint for >80 damage before and that can be done every few rounds, mumaks are very rare hence them being released about 2 months ago and this being the first time you see one in a log (and only the first of 3 or 4 times its been used to pk someone)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    29 June 2005 11:32:25

    Feints with 60 NG aren't that great really. You rarely get a master feint if ever, and other types of feints are worse than headbutt, so it wouldn't cause any major balance issues.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    29 June 2005 10:00:32

    Why would they give every horse the ability to 'stamp/trample' dosnt that just make the rider class that much more useless? Ive also heard a rumour everyone will be able to feint? hows that project coming along?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 23:41:18

    Ask in the T2T forums... plenty of Ainur anxious to answer our silly questions ;)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 June 2005 22:27:21

    What I've heard is that they are trying to upgrade horses, a slow project however, perhaps Castamir or some other friendly ainu could answer?

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    28 June 2005 22:06:57

    Here's what i think about the whole issue.............OK stamps fine leave it how it is blah blah blah, but then why not have the same kind of command for a horse or something.

    ...........i mean horses could do some damadge with a stamping technique as well....*shrug* just some thoughts

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    28 June 2005 21:51:46

    We also have either Squibb or Jabba complaining on every single log featuring ERs.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    28 June 2005 20:48:36

    Whatever happens, hopefully this game gets to the point when ER's have at least 50% of the advantages FR's do and then we might see some good stuff.

    Right now we have a bunch of Bill Gates' on the FR side complaining that their monopoly of power is even slightly less one-sided.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 18:15:23

    Ok, with Castimir's explination and clarification I am satisfied as well. My only gripe was if this was able to be done by multiple riders on a single target in a short time frame. See, no blood spilled? No too overly unnecessary arguing going on? No illogical thinking (i hope not at least) just a discussion. Thanks, have a good day!

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    28 June 2005 15:34:40

    I'm not saying the attacking party didn't make mistakes (merciful off?) and that Grimscar didn't get lucky...but I will stop beating this dead horse and perhaps you (Scypio) and I can talk in game some time about this.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    28 June 2005 15:28:50

    If the riders still have to put up with annoying mount/dismount stuff in parties, I'd say they're entitled to fun special attacks in exchange.


  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    28 June 2005 13:13:37

    I was afraid that Septienna's and Castamir's explanations would be enough - they're enough for me, at least for now - but thanks to Gaudrin (and me, it seems:P), that's not the case.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    28 June 2005 13:03:30

    The 5188 log shows the guy dying in 6-8 rounds, that's pretty ass long:P And Azmar's link shows usage of an unique bow and semiunique arrows while mumaks aren't unique as far as I know. And shitty sniffer hunt didn't have anything to do with Grimscar surviving, anyone in the party could have triggered SoU. And way more stupid crap in your rant that I don't feel like pointing out:P

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    28 June 2005 12:53:42

    Barberi, I fail to see how you can just summarily dismiss the logs that myself and Azmar posted links to. Both logs show maxed, experienced players dying within such a short amount of time that they barely had a chance to move at all and they did it was one MAYBE two rooms.

    The weaponary used in all three logs are vastly different and in this threads log you have an animal larger than a house dropping it's leg on Grimscar, he's lucky it doesn't make you busy for upteen guhzillion rounds as you pull yourself out from under the mumaks leg. Also, I've personally been in several fights where I've gone from perfect to ND in a round. Grimscar survived because of his skill as a player, the healing he had available to him, the shitty hunt sniffers have and a good ole fashioned dose of Lady Luck.

    Is losing 50-100 hp to a single attack a suckassbitch of an occurrance? Hell yes but it's not unfair, unbalanced etc. Septienna's stamp of Grimscar negated her ability to use other skill/attacks available to a rider (and frankly without their mounts, riders are weak). The logs Azmar and myself put up, show that players can cause more damage, quicker and in a more brutal fashion without using special animal tricks and that do not negate their other special skills/attacks. Note, assassins can continue to headbutt and charge immediately after backstabbing, archers can double knock/push kick constantly throughout a fight, rangers can feint feint and feint some more.

    This causes a huge uproar because it is the first(?) time it has been shown here on the logpage and it got some publicity. It's a new feature to the game and you just have to adapt to it. Just like you FR adapted and began questing sapphire swords like crazy and started coming after ERs with 10-man parties wielding aiglos, mels, sob, and 7 sapphies (ok, maybe some DWH and fangs mixed in...).

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    28 June 2005 11:22:46

    You really should see how stamp rocked before I nerfed it :p

    The damage was reduced, it was made so the same target can be stamped only once, you can't use it if you trampled or stamped anyone else in quite a bit of time, and it disables trample afterwards for a short time as well.

    In other words, it's pretty much an equivalent to a SRS. The damage is much smaller, but, as Grimscar witnessed, it can sometimes get pretty high. There is no 'resist pachyderm' skill, as well -- and this makes stamp dangerous for experienced players who just pay the SRS tax.

    Generally, these mumaks are cool. The ainu who coded them did a good job.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:46:04

    Oh, well if that is what she meant by that then that is great. But it isn't very specific. Septienna, can your specify for us?

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:34:09

    Date: 27. Jun, 2005, 13:14:57 By: Scypio

    He only got away because none of them was smart enough to trigger..

    And imagine 3 riders triggered to stamp whoever enters the room, no hunt, no chance to escape, target dead in 1 round? Sounds like total bullshit to me.

    That is, unless stamp has its limits, I don't know really if it does. But if the stamp from this log is the usual one, then it's in need of nerfing.

    want me to paste the whole thread, just incase you didn't read anything? or would you mind reading it :P

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:32:55

    which of course was in response to him saying the exact same thing you just repeated, if you'd care to read the whole thread.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:32:48

    That doesn't say that multiple riders can't stamp the same target one time each. That is saying that she, Septienna, can't stamp the same person more than once.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:31:15

    Date: 27. Jun, 2005, 16:22:47 By: Septienna

    You can't stamp the same target multiple times Scypio. Cool off.

    stfu? ok?

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:27:16

    If that was in reference to Septienna saying this:

    Stamp also negates trample for about 10 or so rounds. Naturally it negates itself as well.

    Then here is my response.

    I took this as meaning that stamp can only be done 1 time and by one rider. Not stamp can only be done on one target one time even if their are multiple targets (like SRS is coded now).

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:24:47

    I am sorry. I want to understand you but I am confused as to what you are saying. Please rephrase?

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:23:38

    i'd venture to assume because he can't and you shouldn't even waste your time complaining about if the assassin could, just like the mumaks.

  • Author
    Anibus [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:22:33

    uh, if you bothered reading what the person who actually played whatever it is that has a mumak instead of being what you normally are, you'd have noticed that a single target can't have that attack done on them like that. why not also assume that an assassin can backstab a target as many times as he wants while being in combat?

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 08:19:18

    Personally, I thought both of those examples were poor for the caliber of damage we are talking about. A log would look more like this...

    <(-HP:230 EP:230-)>

    Nasira enters.

    Septienna enters.

    Rider dude enters.

    Rider chick enters.

    Nasira cruely laughs at you and says 'Your spleen is mine!'

    Nasira chats with her party.

    You watch with dread as Septienna's war mumak stamps its feet over

    you, crushing your very bones!

    You watch with dread as Rider dude's war mumak stamps its feet over

    you, crushing your very bones!

    You watch with dread as Rider chick's war mumak stamps its feet over

    you, crushing your very bones!

    <(-HP:-46 EP:230-)>

    You have died.

    Someone eats your spleen.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    28 June 2005 07:46:36

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    28 June 2005 07:39:29

    oh look, here it is...

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    28 June 2005 07:35:57

    Gaul is right, any time you gather enough of one profession in a room on a single target they are going to come out looking hugely unbalanced. I even have a log to prove it, as a matter of fact I think one of the killers posted that log on here....I shall try and find it on here.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    28 June 2005 06:11:32

    If 4 assassins sit and trigger to backstab their target, it's gonna hurt!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    28 June 2005 03:05:31

    I hope you are talking about the other folks whining. Cause I haven't whined a bit. What I have presented is an arguement not some useless whining. I don't know if stamped needs to be changed just like I have already stated. But I do know that realism has to be sacrificed for balance at times. I don't know all the ins and outs of stamp and getting a mumak and I don't claim too. Just saying that if it does 90 damage everytime and you can have multiple people in a party doing it at the same time then that is WAY unbalanced! I don't think that an intelligent person can deny that. I know, for instance, that SRS is a HUGELY dangerous weapon when used properly. However, there is a limit on how many times it can be used on one target. That limit being one time within a 10 minute time frame I believe. I know it can do a LOT of damage but that is only if the target has a LOT of HP to begin with and doesn't train RM. I know the arguements against and for and I am not denying them (except the stupid arguements that make no sense).

    What I am not doing is asking that trample be able to kill the mumak. I think that is stupid and I think Scarn was joking about it, or at least I hope so. But if it be possible for the mumak to do 92 hp of damage or 100 then that should be a critical mascecre hit and not 'the average' hit.

    Oh well, this is the wrong place to discuss it anyways. This is just food for though for anyone that reads this long speal.

  • Author
    Memnoch [legacy]
    27 June 2005 21:34:05

    Your so fricking lucky to have gotten away.

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    27 June 2005 18:32:41

    This is for the ignorant people who whine about things they've got no clue of.

    Stamp takes 60ep.

    Stamp makes the mumak one level more tired. About 4 stamps and the mumak stops obeying and can't be ridden because he's too tired.

    Stamp also negates trample for about 10 or so rounds. Naturally it negates itself as well.

    The damage also varies and honestly I haven't seen it do so much before. It averages 80hp.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:49:52

    You know, most of the whining I read is 'if' this and 'if' that. And it shouldn't be.

    So, like, stop whining. :P

  • Author
    Cobrad [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:47:33

    You guys read one log with a war mumak and got all sorts of comments ready that some elements got to go.. Try it out before you guys whine.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:43:12

    Scarn said -> 'Still, mumaks are like easy to get.'

    First you have to charm yourself a mumak, then pay 1000 gold then wait two hours, without logging off.

    They also tire very very quickly.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:31:03

    OK, anyone complaining aobut ER's needs to actually play an ER and try to fight FR's with them. They are at such a huge disadvantage in so many ways it feels like playing basketball with one arm and then having the oposing coach cry about you having 2 legs.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:16:16

    I like my idea better.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:08:57

    It also depends on how much EP it takes, how soon you can stamp again, how soon the stamped can be stamped again, what happens with a failed stamped and so on..

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:07:33

    Why not, if they fail the stamp all ER's logged on at that time Suicide automaticly? The shame of a failed stamp and all. . . I can see that working.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    27 June 2005 17:05:50

    Like I said, if that is a critical stamp or something then no big deal I guess. But if that is your normal everyday stamp then it needs to go. Realism has to be sacrificed for balance sometimes. There is nothing real about someone running all the way across arda just after having a sword stabbed in their back 2, 3, 4 or even 5 times! Sure it would hurt a LOT more to have an mumak stomp on your or an oliphaunt. Actually it probably wouldn't hurt you at all, you would probably die INSTANTLY! Which would be unbalanced HOWEVER realistic at the same time.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    27 June 2005 16:38:18

    Still, mumaks are like easy to get. Its not like a SRS that has to reset. You have an unlimited source of owning power....I think that if they go wrong th Mumak should die:)

    Mumak attempts to stamp <target>, but in the process stamps its other foot!

    Mumak i bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    27 June 2005 16:22:47

    You can't stamp the same target multiple times Scypio. Cool off.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    27 June 2005 14:18:27

    ridiculous is the fact that you can lead someone in a party and he can be riding a mumak without losing you:-} And being in your _party_, omfg

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    27 June 2005 14:17:39

    90hp? omfg?:P And they didn't trigger SoU? haha.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    27 June 2005 13:21:16

    -->This log is great example, Ainur keep saying 'ERs are designed to work as a team, necros for region location, sniffers to poinpoint, blah blah blah' Target still got away, even with everything that got thrown at him. ERs too powerful?

    WTF has that to do with ERs being powerful or not? There's been quite a few 5- and even 7-men FR bangs with top weaps broken too. Grimscar breaking 5 ERs doesn't mean that they're not powerful enough:P And plz read the log, not everything was thrown at him, they attacked Tingol too.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    27 June 2005 13:14:57

    He only got away because none of them was smart enough to trigger..

    And imagine 3 riders triggered to stamp whoever enters the room, no hunt, no chance to escape, target dead in 1 round? Sounds like total bullshit to me.

    That is, unless stamp has its limits, I don't know really if it does. But if the stamp from this log is the usual one, then it's in need of nerfing.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    27 June 2005 12:56:53

    No, what's rediculous is having a good amount of negative hitpoints, drinking a phial/vial/flask WHILE having negative hitpoints and surviving. I've survived a couple pKs that way and you are eternally gratefull but it really does show how unbalanced healing is. Stamp is fine how it is, think about what kind of damage a normal elephant would do to you if it, accidentally, stepped on you. Having a larger beast, trained for war, doing that to you...I can perfectly accept the damage it does.

    This log is great example, Ainur keep saying 'ERs are designed to work as a team, necros for region location, sniffers to poinpoint, blah blah blah' Target still got away, even with everything that got thrown at him. ERs too powerful? I do think it's funny he broke at SoU though, damned lucky damned lucky.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    27 June 2005 12:51:39

    HOWEVER! If that was a 'critical' stomp then I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes attacks should be devistating.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    27 June 2005 12:50:22

    Warmonger don't be crazy. Personally I think a sword stabbed in your back should be almost instantaneous death or crippling at the least. We want balance and sometimes realism, yes REALISM, has to be sacrificed for balance. HP are NOT realistic but that is what we have to work with here. Balance is the key issue. 94 hp is rediculous considering multiple stomps are possible (as far as I know by more than one rider). You might say that SRS is rediculous too, but that is limited to just 1 and takes a percentage of life. 94 hp from 71 hp is rediculous. Cool to see though! But nonetheless, rediculous.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    27 June 2005 11:20:08

    94 hp on stamp in one round? seems ridiculous.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 June 2005 11:02:50

    She had plenty of time while Grimscar was taking a nap at Loth sp ;) Hero cuban saves the day!

  • Author
    Memic [legacy]
    27 June 2005 10:19:05

    Exiting log.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    27 June 2005 09:42:46

    Veratyr, sniffers can't trigger breaks, since they lose their hunt.

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    27 June 2005 09:41:55

    That's cos wasting a stamp on your pity ass was pointless since you'd just run away and I had no hunter.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    27 June 2005 09:40:47

    I love seing Nasira not trigger SoU huntbreak...

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    27 June 2005 09:34:05

    Personaly I think geting stomped on by a huge war mumak should do more damage. /shrug

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    27 June 2005 09:28:39

    Septienna I was kicking your ass in Kadar:)

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    27 June 2005 08:53:08

    Peace, Krimpatul! Share the weed?

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    27 June 2005 08:46:58

    oh.. but nobody hates anybody here on mud, we all love eachother, giving deep respect between. So no worries.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    27 June 2005 08:28:19

    Too lucky man, too lucky. :(

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    27 June 2005 08:16:44

    Hehe, very nice. I love that stamp. Has to be nerfed.

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    27 June 2005 08:15:21

    I really very much hate myself.

    All of you can also feel free to hate me.