Posted by popular request

Posted by
Adremeth [legacy]
30 June 2005 00:00:00

FRA and various alts try to take me down on the way from Minas Tirith back to my little village in the Vales of the Anduin. Lessons learned: 1) wimpy off *before* going on a do alias 2) dogs really are my best friends 3) the Gods <3 me


  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 July 2005 02:46:10

    Mmm, must taste good

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    02 July 2005 19:20:12

    Most wars on T2T are morale wars. If morale goes low then the guild gets inactive (which has been a problem for Beornings in the recent past). On the other hand, most times when guild morale goes up then the guild is active. What Beornings are doing is brilliant actually and the fact that they are able to do it is great for them. Their activity has increased 10 fold since the war has started and they have been kicking butt in the war. That isn't some mere coincidence. Everyone continue your meaningless blanter that means nothing and Beornings you continue to post your logs that will boost your guild morale. It is working and your enemies are mad because of it. All the while they deny the reasoning and try to make you stupid through some sort of gay 'subtle' subterfuge.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    01 July 2005 21:45:58

    Apparently I did though...sorry Pallasch, it was a good comment that would have cleared things up, sadly I can't now remember what I said.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    01 July 2005 21:36:43

    What are you complaining about, Adremeth? That Veratyr said some stuff and got everybody interested enough to start a discussion? If you look, nothing was really said until a few of you tried to start something, then they started 'bitching'. You are allowed to say things about a certain group of people or whatever, but if they respond, they are bitching?

    (Note: that wasn't a flame, it was a good log, and I liked it)

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    01 July 2005 19:48:17

    nod nod.. no arguing...sorry if i offend

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 July 2005 19:45:43

    Krimp, I'm not sure what you're trying to say... all I was saying to Gaudrin was that he shouldn't 'stick his nose' (worst way to put it, I know) into other's business, and if Beornings want someone to argue for their cause, whatever it may be, then he should let Beornings themselves do it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 July 2005 19:24:17

    Interesting log.

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    01 July 2005 17:56:45

    Nice log, its good to be lucky, and thats all, got tired reading all the arguing.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    01 July 2005 17:46:18

    Ketan, I was basing my comment on that little chat we had on the mud, guess I misunderstood you when you said you were 'done here on the mud', my bad. You were a damned good player when I was playing that moral char and I escaped FRA attempts about as many times I fell to their weapons. I've never claimed to be some great outstanding player but I have listened to alot of people claim they are when none of them have done shit but run around and 5-10 man people 'because Xyz had a C' or 'I felt like it' or 'he fucked with my alt'.

    I never claimed to know you, maybe I took somethings you said in a manner you didn't intend, I apologize. I never took you for a egotistical player and I never stated such, I said it applied to your guild in general. Some people in FRA were cool and some were complete shitbags, sadly the shitbags presented the largest image of FRA to the mud and that's the way the majority of people perceived FRA as, shitbags. I don't care, personally if you take what I say or throw it away but it's out there. I can only provide the comment, you decide what to do with it. If I was trying to tell you what to think, I'd be saying it more like 'this is the truth, you will believe because everything else is false.'

    Of the many friends I have in this mud, I am more than happy to not claim you as one Otoron. Never have wanted your friendship and I never will. What I find pretty fucking sad is that you people just can't do anything but bring up the past...and bring it up pretty inaccurately. If that character had no impact whatsover, why is it you and alot of other people, keep bringing him up?

    Lame? Compared to alot of people in this game yeah, I am lame not cool, unskilled etc etc. You, Otoron, are not one of those people. Learn to live with it.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    01 July 2005 17:14:51

    As far as I can remember, most **everyone** in Arda has made a big fuss when a war was going in their favor.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    01 July 2005 12:51:34

    Good log! As Calenril used to say, luck > skill :) it makes for far more interesting logs.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    01 July 2005 11:25:00

    How's that for a coincidence. Reading these comments from the bottom up, I had decided I was going to make that exact same post about Gaudrin about 50% of the way through.

    You post far too much for someone with far too little to say.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    01 July 2005 10:04:02

    Gaudrin, were you just comparing yourself to Ketan?

    Now, you know that I feel you as a person are worth about as much as one toenail clipping of his.

    But that's irrelevant.

    Everyone on the game knows that you aren't worth even that. 'Like me'? Honestly. You had an impactless char at a time when your guild was impactless, and you deign to compare yourself to him? That's probably the lamest thing I've ever heard you say.

    And you say a damned load of lame stuff.

  • Author
    Adremeth [legacy]
    01 July 2005 10:00:28

    You know, I told Krim that people would be just like this. No matter what is done, you will just bitch at anything Beornings do. Any pk, solo or huge bang *bitchbitchbitch* Any success at evading a pk, really lucky (which I never ever said I wasn't.. I even thought it was implied when I said the Gods <3 me), or super huntbreaks *bitchbitchbitch*

    Just admit it that you guys will complain over ANYTHING the Beornings do because you can't stand the idea of giving them credit and then you can save yourselves the trouble of even having to post 75% of what you write here. Make a blanket statement and reduce spam: whatever any Beorning member does, I will deem it to suck because I'm a bitchy player and have decided not to like them.

    Because really, that is all your flaming and cloaked insults say here.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    01 July 2005 09:41:23

    Ketan is right, beornings will own all your faces, even the two that are decent pkillers. AWESOME

    (note: this isn't a flame, just a small attempt at humor)

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    01 July 2005 09:04:22

    hey Pallasch, first we dont argue as you can see, second, here are posted just 2-3attempts and 4-5kills thas all. Adremeth was against to post this in first place, but i find it amusing log, since its an amusing log, i mean you dont get this luck and in this way often. Escaping whip and srs (with 8rm) and such, is pure luck as you know, and intresting, at least to me....So cut the bullshit and enjoy the game.

    ps. Ivon, having two phials was because she just quested another one and went to gh to drop it.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    01 July 2005 06:00:11

    heh, you had 2 animals and 2 phials, you have been ready to be attempted, why posting this?

  • Author
    Grandeur [legacy]
    01 July 2005 05:12:43

    Yes Ketan, I will post a log writting stuffs about, then you will STFU?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:56:41

    Gaudrin, I don't care what anyone does for my ego. Posting an attempt log like Grandeur's is an extremely obvious cry for attention, as is Skyman's constant tallying of scores. If you really think they aren't trying to run a publicity campaign about how awesome they are, I can understand that (I guess), but don't try to tell me what I know.

    You're not me, and even though you think you can put together a rational argument, you still aren't entitled to tell me what I think. Much like the 'Wow Ketan, calm down!' from don't know me as well as you seem to think you do.

    I like to think I've always been a pretty honest guy here, and I'm not going to give my guild undue credit. We've had our ups and we've had our downs. I call things like I see them, and if you want, I'll gladly elaborate on how I think a couple of the Beornings are very good assassins these days. They are. I'm not going to pretend they aren't just because I think it'll make me look good. *shrug*

    Anyway, the last two logs look like blantant cries for attention to me. Not so much Adremeth's, because hers was actually interesting to read, though the babbling about FRA alts was slung out there as if her guild is innocent of similar doings. If they don't look that way to anybody else...fine, good, great. You're entitled to an opinion. I am too, however, and I don't like it when other people tell me what my opinion is.


    PS: Cool, Grandeur! I'm glad you don't! I do. Cry about it. Maybe write up a log about how terrible I am and post it.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:54:45

    Oh blah, blah, blah, Gaudrin, stfu and let Beornings argue for themselves.

  • Author
    Grandeur [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:36:51

    Ketan I dont need to prove anything to anyone, and I dont report 1 round battle so stfu plz, thanks

  • Author
    Nalain [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:23:51

    And let me tell you, I had realizing things :P

  • Author
    Nalain [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:23:39

    I voted this log a 2.


    You didn't break a 4 man. They lost you.

    You drank TWO phials and had two protectors.

    You ran to guildhall

    Your client's colours make my yes bleed.

    Reading the comments made me realize how many of us are dicks.

  • Author
    Burgul [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:18:06


    and they say beornings dont go out of GH... ??'

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    01 July 2005 04:04:36

    In your case Ketan, you're bitter than you (like myself) are pretty much done here on the mud. Yet, you see your old guild, which honestly was pretty badass, getting owned by a guild that isn't all that 'own'(beats himself for being this geeky). I can sympathize man, I really can. Also, it really isn't that they've been announcing their thrashing of you from on high of Zirik Zigil.

    They've been pretty low key and have only posted a couple logs of what I known they've done to you guys. Nice try with the 'damn those egotistical bastards, they just can't live without getting their egoes stroked' routine but you and I both know that really only applies to your guild.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 July 2005 02:47:36

    Actually, it's like this. The Beornings have been doing a great job against us. Hats off to them; they certainly have their act together.

    My problem is this: they're trying to be as loud as possible about it. They're like the guy who did something impressive but never shuts the fuck up about it. 'HEY BTW DID YOU SEE THIS NEXT ATTEMPT LOG? TELL ME HOW GOOD I AM AGAIN. I NEED YOU TO TELL ME AGAIN PLEASE.'

    And that's what I mean about public relations. They're trying to force far too much pro-Beorning crap down my throat. In Grandeur's case, I'm afraid some day he'll quest a sword and post the log to remind me what a leet quester he is.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 July 2005 02:37:23

    ...but also that they're awesome.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    01 July 2005 02:34:17

    actually Ketan, public opinion is FRA is getting owned by Beornings. Hate to be the one to break it to ya dude but it's true.

    Gaudrin, Bearer of Bad News and good Beer.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    01 July 2005 02:31:17

    Meh, Beornings are trying to wage some sort of public relations war on the log archive. Keep up with the accusations and the attempt logs, guys. Public opinion is that you're AWESOME!

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    01 July 2005 01:13:48

    Dogs have been like that for 6 years now at least.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:42:39


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:42:19

    No Armand, I think that is one of the major points of having those dogs. They are a tool that is limited but can still be used legally to protect yourself from stabs. However, as in shown in the log, they don't protect from other target specific attacks such as strike and they wouldn't protect against fireball either.

    It is comparable to doing MELS. If you stab the governor then you hit the guards instead. If you fireball him then you hit him not the guards.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:32:31

    Barberi, I dont think they intended for an npc to protect you from pvp combat, especially a backstab. I get those dogs all the time myself though, they can be fun :)

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:32:12

    You should grunt, brother. Grunt. Grrr.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:29:39

    Cahir, this start sounding pathetic

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:10:52

    Ok, maybe 'screaming' is a little girly. I will YELL though!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:10:21

    If anyone complains about GH breaking a dye trap I am going to scream IRL. Don't test me...

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:06:31

    Armand, I think you may be confused. They made it so SHIELD no longer takes damage from a backstab (first two hits only of course) but those dogs PROTECT you so that remains unchanged.

  • Author
    Cahir [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:06:08

    Too bad Iarla lost hunt, we might have got to see the entire trip from MT to Beorning GH!

  • Author
    Cahir [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:05:40

    Fantastic log.

  • Author
    Adremeth [legacy]
    01 July 2005 00:04:16

    Not to have to deal with the flaming here but I would just like to make a point that I made to Yffern's typist:

    instead of trying to say 'There is nothing wrong with what I did because XYZ did it first or may have done it or I am pretty sure they were involved in some way, so whatever I do is fine because XYZ was the jerk first', why don't you guys just say to yourselves 'Man, that XYZ is a real jerk. I'm glad I don't act like him.'... and then DON'T act like the thing you complain about.

    None of you look good for what you are doing and then saying.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:47:03

    and Delrin i readed your post before been removed, it was mp..

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:44:55

    dolas and billy? arent they freelancers? isnt yffern dh?

  • Author
    Delrin [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:42:34

    Uhm, let's try again.

    I was guy called Dolas, he is not a member of the Beornings but he was doing their services because of as I could see it, obvious mp reasons.

    There's this guy named Billy who had no reason at all to attack FRA, except for mping ones, and yet this Billy guy killed a FRA together with Skyman, weird, eh?

    This is as rude as calling Yffern a multiplayer. I don't see where I went any further then Veratyr did here.

  • Author
    Mendor [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:33:58

    Awesome log Adremeth..:P

  • Author
    Adremeth [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:32:09

    yeah rm of 8 was as much protection as wearing a wet paper bag for body armour:p

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:30:51

    The dogs being able to take your backstab hits isnt right. I thought that was fixed.

  • Author
    Teion [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:25:57

    time to train rm that strike looked painful

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    30 June 2005 23:23:46

    Woo Ady continius been my heroe :P

    Fra look bad 4 people and cant kill her.. what i am thinking she is


    Mrs suicided BadHead!

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    30 June 2005 22:36:47

    Zelindo rated it 3, he will do it better lol

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    30 June 2005 22:30:15

    Also the participation in that bang from Yffern is very funny. Forget about the mp, this guy for sure knows how to break a treaty.

  • Author
    Veratyr [legacy]
    30 June 2005 22:28:32

    Hmm, strange. I suffered a dislocated shoulder and suddenly all the FRA is out and about... This is not fair! Wait for meeee!