Short arrested...

Posted by
Cordox [legacy]
07 July 2005 00:00:00

Thx Fofester,Wormbaneii and Hoshkebosh...


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 July 2005 10:48:38

    Precisely what he said. I've heard tell he and all his male relatives play it with each other at every family gathering.

  • Author
    Yamabushi [legacy]
    16 July 2005 03:39:49

    Cornholing is a game where you toss a corn bag (like a bean bag) into a hole about 20-30 feet away. It's basically like horseshoes, but for corn-fed folk.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 July 2005 14:01:29

    Good god, Naith, don't ask!

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    14 July 2005 12:24:25

    What is cornholing please?

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    13 July 2005 21:21:32

    Log needs color. :(

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    13 July 2005 20:18:45

    I cornholed Rhoads in a public restroom last night.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    12 July 2005 21:20:23

    Before anyone whines. *I* removed Kujo's comments and blocked him for flaming. There are better ways to try to make a point than the way he did. I presume his friends/people who agree with him will start to complain about it, if you choose todo so you can reach me at or mudmail me on the mud. And please, if you do so, make constructive points because any whining and cursing I will personally forward to /dev/null (Little joke for Castamir). ;)


  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    12 July 2005 20:47:17

    I love Kujo.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    12 July 2005 19:04:09

    Quote from

    Godwin's Law

    'As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.' There used to be a tradition in many groups that the thread would be closed once this occurred; whoever mentioned the Nazis was considered to have lost the argument that was in progress. If Godwin was right, the Law practically guaranteed a thread length limit in those groups.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    12 July 2005 18:32:36


  • Author
    Obxidian [legacy]
    12 July 2005 10:09:49


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    12 July 2005 08:18:46

    Or, as some people would prefer: j/k mithgil omg i did not mean to flame u u rawk this log makes me laff!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    12 July 2005 08:17:55

    Wise words from a lazy, lazy man.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 July 2005 07:36:17

    It's not failing if you never tried in the first place!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    12 July 2005 07:11:34

    Mithgil taught me trying sucks. Much better to fail, than to exert the effort to try and maybe succeed.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    12 July 2005 07:00:25

    Btw, Otoron, you're confusing me with your fancy way of expressing yourself. Could you speak your mind in a more simple manner, so us simple folk could understand you better? I know that's just need to try.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    12 July 2005 06:53:26

    I agree with Dorf.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 July 2005 04:39:35

    I agree with Benny.

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    12 July 2005 04:04:24

    I, too, agree with Otoron.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    12 July 2005 01:39:44

    Mithgil, I'm torn between saying 'thanks' and 'shut the fuck up'. To be on the safe side, let's use the latter.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 July 2005 00:12:40

    I agree with Otoron.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    11 July 2005 23:37:20

    And, no, I haven't, Gaudrin. :) Drinking alone's no fun, and most of those who would normally share a drink with me aren't around. Ah, well. Next time we meet we'll have a few!

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    11 July 2005 23:36:15

    In response to Otoron (I made this a bit earlier, but Gaudrin beat me to the punch):

    Or maybe they just don't care as much as you and some others seem to. More like 'Eh, his opinion fits. Don't need to rewrite it like everyone else on here is doing over and over again. Add a tally mark to that opinion.'

    They might be stupid or inarticulate, or maybe they only care enough to say what they said, instead of writing one of the behemoth posts that have been pointlessly made here.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 23:36:14

    Hi Dorf! Had anymore Guinness?

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 23:34:16

    I didn't bother reading past Sarys' comment and my comment is solely pointed at Otoron, so if anyone eles takes offense...forget you read my comment (below) and accept my apology.

    Otoron, did it ever occur to you that they don't give a rats ass whether their statement is acceptable to you or not and that they do not need 'justification' from you to post their agreement/disagreement with whatever is being posted?

    No? I didn't think so.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 22:33:40

    Rhoads, you're free to agree with/support whomever or whatever.

    But when the beginning and end of your commentary is 'I agree with X' without any goddamn reason, I frankly don't give a shit what you think, because obviously you're either too stupid or too inarticulate to give us a damned reason. Not you personally. The generic you. Stupid English.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 July 2005 22:15:40

    I guess you shouldn't be able to make a post unless you wanna whine/complain/flame about someone/something. I will make sure we have a filter here that will remove and automaticaly block everyone that agrees with anyone here. This page was designed for disagreement and endless whining, particulary the comments session.

    <Insert your god here> forbid that people might actually few that they should support someone whose post he agrees with, hell, they should let that guy show up to stand alone and let all the others throw tomatoes at him.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:41:29


    I just wanted to say that I agree with Draugluin. I felt maybe, in the midst of all the agreeing, you might forget that I agree with myself.

    Thanks. ;p

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:27:18

    I agree with Sarys.

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:17:39

    So, Krimpatul, do you actually get worked up irl when someone makes fun of you on this log page? Like, do you get up and storm about your room yelling and punching the air and cursing and what not? Enlighten me.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:09:29

    all this conversation here makes me to vomit, is there end of it?

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:07:51

    Wow. I didn't realize so many people actually had their feelings hurt... hahahahaha.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 July 2005 21:01:42

    I agree with Polk, though.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    11 July 2005 20:50:39

    I really hope you all aren't taking yourselves seriously. :)

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 20:32:08

    Good to know, Polk! I was just about to post, 'Gee, I wonder if Polk could tell us who he agrees with, and say absolutely nothing himself.' But you beat me to it! Mazel tov, kid. Mazel tov!

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    11 July 2005 20:02:52

    I agree with both Gothwin and Scypio.

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:49:46

    It's funny, one time Eredor posted something about us all being assholes for flaming. The irony is that we all think he's the asshole.

    Oh, and I'm pretty sure no one actually 'hates' another person on this mud. I mean, hate is a pretty strong word. Sure, I dislike a number of you, but I'd never say hate. Anyways, this log sux lol

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:48:59

    Eredor, as you are theorizing what is wrong with me and what might make me feel better, let me return the favor.

    It seems like you might have a big stick up your ass. Remove it, and relax along with the rest of us.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:47:59

    No, Eredor. I suggested a way in which you might be able to make a decent argument. Maybe you need to brush up on your comprehension, too.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:44:03

    i do not care about your reasons for harassing. even you admit you harass her. i am saying do not do it here.

    you can pick on my spelling and grammar all you want but that will not make your way of acting right either.

    it sounds that you have a lot of anger at deboraha. write her a hateful mudmail or email and get it out of you. feeling hate like this will give you a bad stomach.

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:39:04

    Breeding ground for hatred? Haha, you kids take this shit too seriously. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:37:38

    Look what you started Armand

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:31:30

    Eredor, last time I checked you weren't a mind-reader, just a pissant ten minute old char who can't compose a proper sentence who got a tiny bit of power in an internet forum.

    Don't you ever fucking deign to describe motive to my actions. You can claim I harass someone, it's a claim about acts I make or do not make which you can then present cogent arguments (something you seem to be really fucking pathetic at, as evidenced by every goddamn time someone disagrees with you) with both a claim and a warrant. Not just warrantless claims. About something we can verify. However, trying to tell me what I am thinking or hoping when I commit an act is absurd. Only I know why I do something, and, as most people here could probably tell you, half the time I don't even have a fucking clue.

    If you want to claim that I am harassing a couple people here, that would be fine. You can present examples, arguments, etc. Let's use Deboraha's typist as an example. You claim I harass her because I am trying to get her to leave the MUD. Not really. I like having such scum and filth there, the same way I like James Dobson being around in the American political world. It provides me with entertainment. One with a grasp of context and history might posit the idea that I harass Deboraha because she spent the better part of five years harassing my guild, and that my guild means more to me in Arda than anything else, including my characters or presence there. There are a myriad number of reasons, just as there are a myriad number of players who dislike her.

    But, see, that would require you to string together a thought more complex than 'if you don't think so you are wrong', which to date I've not seen evidence of. 'Otoron argues not for free speech but to harass people into not playing' isn't really convincing to me unless you can provide warrants to the claim. And, oddly enough, it is absolutely impossible for you to do so.

    So please stop your baseless slander and flaming, or I'm gonna have to report you to the admin of the log site.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    11 July 2005 19:07:41

    I still agree with Gothwin.

  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    11 July 2005 17:29:43

    Rhoads can play his alt in peace.

    Something occured to me as I sat here stroking my dic... ego. You know, this log page has been around a long time. People who come here know what to expect by now. They know that if they express their opinions on a public forum that there's a good goddamn chance that someone is going to criticize them. Why is it that the moderators feel like they must protect these people who put themselves at risk by commenting? If they can't handle the critism then perhaps they should just stop commenting? Let those of us who comment defend ourselves. You don't need to police our comment section and if anyone disagrees, well then, that person is a bit of a wuss.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 16:57:15

    ask him how he feels about it some time. he has already said he would like to be anonymous just so he can play in peace.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    11 July 2005 16:47:04

    There is perspective with Nicuramar, because there is historical value to the character. The fact he no longer exists doesn't really matter.

    The character Eredor is neither historical, not current, therefore there is no frame of reference.

    I understand the origin of your argument regarding anonymity counteracting abuse. It just doesn't look like that conclusion is actually working. And the fact that you would obviously expect abuse in the first place based on the nature of your alter ego probably doesn't aid the cause.

    If it hasn't been necessary for someone like, Rhoads, for example, I'm having trouble seeing why it would be necessary for you, other than to grant liberty to be as frank as you have been with Draugluin.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 16:40:24

    naith i understand the reason of your argument but i do not see how it is right except that you want history on me for the reasons i wrote before. no one has demanded that nicuramar be recreated so he can have a personal touch wit the mud. he has not been around for 3 years or more. why did you not demand he make or reveal a 'real' character yet?

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    11 July 2005 16:18:37

    Sounds like a bunch of monkies arguing about physics to me.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    11 July 2005 15:40:01

    Eredor, that's not the point I was making. The point is, you don't have to rummage for our identities, because they are the same as they are on the mud.

    If we all created 2 min disposable chars, and applied for accounts in that name, I doubt there'd be a very high success rate.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    11 July 2005 15:27:28

    Here's an idea. I think the main reason people refuse to use discussion forums is because they ain't used to its graphic user interface (GUI). I think it would be wise to make discussion forum exactly the same as the logs part gui and perhaps made as a start page for this site.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 15:22:58

    i do not ask to know who any one is. i have never done that and i do not see why i would.

    some players make alt information very open for all to see especially when one account is blocked and they log on the next account to keep going with the same flames or mp info or what ever that got them banned in the first place.

    so Naith that is more bullshit. i do not ask for any alt info. sure logs page admin, nicu and muaddib, CAN get that information but not moderators.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    11 July 2005 15:11:05

    You exacerbate your own position by adopting the perspective 'I want to know who you all are, but I don't want you to know who I am.'

    Using your own logic, if you freely admit to using your anonymity to protect you from all the abuse you anticipate, (how it'd be any more, I don't know) players who post here should be extended the same liberty for the same reasons you have pointed out. i.e. 'hi rhoads, i'm babs. i appreciate the fact i've only logged on for a couple minutes once ever, but create me a log account please, because i don't want otoron et al to flame me for being my alter ego.'

    This would be a lame development, but would be consistent with a policy you've adopted for yourself.

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    11 July 2005 14:55:38

    :) voila!

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 14:40:21

    one thing i forgot to say when was writing the seqel to naith's book is the whole complaint about the anonymous admin thing.

    my opinion is not that it has any thing to so with accountability as draugluin tried to say before or worry that i may be getting back at people without you knowing it. it has to do with players wanting to be able to throw arguments back at eredor from eredor's player history. 'you can not warn me for flaming. i rememebr on the logs page like 2 years ago all you did was flame so your warning means nothing man. you are no better than me.'

    you see it all the time on here and on the mud. i think it was bakal or maybe baklen i know some one will correct me here that said he could give logs of draugluin cheating and he was sayng it to say that draugluin shuld not punish any one as pol because draugluin was no better. that is the real reason people hate the anonymous moderator.

    oh and use the forums to complain. all this spam here is going to put this log in most comments soon=P

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    11 July 2005 13:55:42

    naith the answer was not 'i do not remember' it was that i did not close it and no one else who could have posted a reason. i could not tell you why it was closed and i do have a life besides moderating comments to see who will be the next asshole. there is a mountain of difference between 'i do not remember' and i do not know. i closed 1 thread here and i posted about it in the thread when it happened.

    when you write a book for criticism get things right first. this is like the stories about peopl being banned for just swearing or just saying stfu. stories. fiction. made up bullshit. yes i just cursed 2 times because cursing is allowed.

    people like otoron are not arguing for here for the right to free speach. they are aguing to use the logs page to try to bully and abuse players that they have decided should not be allowed to use the mud and the logs page. if you read over his tidbits and comments for the last 6 months i bet you can even make a list of who he has decided should not mud on towers or post on here just by seeing who he harassed.

    people like draugluin are just looking to be the cause for as much trouble as possible while saying he means only the best. he is not even very original with it.

    you are complaining that free speach is being stopped here and the freedom to have opinions and that is more bullshit. what is being stopped is people using the logs page to try to bash the typists of other players as much as possible and if the people bashing did not think they were hurting the feelings of others they would not do it and as much as they do it.

    people come here to enjoy in a game and unless they are banned from posting here then all the people shuld be able to enjoy in the game with out being harassed or abused by people who think that because they are sitting in front of a computer that there is nothing that can happen to them so it does not matter what they say and do.

    i told one player here that if he can not think of any other way to win an argument here with out harassing some one then he needs to not post until he can and if that means the comment thread auto closes after 10 days and he still does not have a good way to win his argument it means he lost. imo any one who needs to harass to try to win a mud flame is already a loser no matter what point they want to make but that i just my opinion.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    11 July 2005 13:04:36

    basicly i explode as irl same here when i see kind of insults that have been removed here from page (what were reason for me posting this what i posted)but after some time it will pass me that feeling to tear appart or such, so i feel like i shouldn't do that. I respect you as person, till you remain as person.Am i pacifist, i dont know,ask ppls who know me irl, i know that i want tolerance stuff and lots of techno dancing.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    11 July 2005 12:44:23

    There are several things that concern me here; in this epic comments section, but also in in it's entirety in recent weeks.

    i. The whole Eredor saga. I think it was Vermond - (I can't be bothered to to rummage around to find the comment) - saying something to the effect of 'It's good to have a 10m old throwaway char moderating in the interests of bias'. Isn't it being a little naive, Vermond, to assume that Eredor is not the alt of other char(s) who are considerably older, and as such, do not inherit the objectivity you seem to think is so important? If this assumption is wrong, then, to you, Eredor, I offer an apology. If not, then I have to say, I think this is shabby, and, if I may quote Otoron, a little bit cowardly.

    ii. The consistency of censorship. A few logs ago, I asked why a log of me getting gangbanged by four or five Beornings was closed. In short, the response from Eredor amounted to not much more than 'I don't remember'. It's difficult to respect authority that isn't able to justify it's own actions.

    iii. This is really a continuation of ii, but I want to see how much I can count up to in roman numerals. The response I got when I asked 'What's the deal with this Krimpatul guy' one day, was 'He's a pacifist irl'. To whoever told me that, well done, you got one over on me. I guess I'm not bright enough to know when I'm getting my leg pulled. I'm a difficult person to shock, but the sheer consistency and extent of the vitriol regarding unspeakable ooc atrocities such as willfully adminstering fatal diseases, male rape after male rape comment, and generally any genre of ooc offence in the interest of eyebrow raising shock factor is abhorrent to me, as is the inconsistency in censoring comments like this, while deeming it necessary to censor other aspects of the logpage with explanations offered in retrospect equivalent to a blank stare and a shrug.

    If free speech is the order of the day, as I believe it should be, give us a break with the whole censorship megalomania, or exercise it properly.

    (addendum: I refreshed the comments midway through writing this, and I see that Krimpatul apologised. You win a lot of your brownie points back, buddy. It takes a different breed of man to admit he was wrong in a public pulpit.)

    iv. The amount of times Vermond uses the word 'maturity'. You are on a forum about a game. If you're really concerned about the maturity level of your audience, find a forum on the NASDAQ index.

    v. Gaudrin, if a man has to constantly explain his brand of humour, consider that it isn't because his humour is so high-brow that nobody get it, but rather that he just isn't fucking funny. Reading your humour is like reading a prescription.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    11 July 2005 11:50:42

    What subject do I have to study to understand Otoron's language?

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    11 July 2005 11:44:35

    warning passed and i'm back, i want to make apology to you Otoron for all that i posted here about you, now i see that you are very cool and calm and reasonable person, but it was me who was over reacting here on page.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 09:24:20

    How in the holy name of god did this thread get to here of all places?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 09:14:56

    I thought of various Balkan issues that occured during that time.

    But I'd maintain that in a case where a substantial part of the population has removed itself from politics due to ethnic intolerance the tyranny of the majority, the state can be removed from the 'democratic' mold, if we assume a respect of minority rights to be an integral part of liberal democracies.

    And I'd argue that Croatia in 1991 didn't even qualify as a 'Western democracy', for other reasons that we could spend hours debating, and I'm sure my guildmaster will hate me even more for saying :)

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    11 July 2005 08:41:14

    Otoron wrote:

    'Gaudrin, when was the last time a Western democratic state was invaded?'

    Serbia invaded Croatia when Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Not that it's really relevant for your flame war, just wanted to mention it.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 05:11:05

    Gaudrin, my codes of ethics and conduct do not involve petty nationalism. In fact, I'd argue that most ethical codes do not. Certainly not most Western ethical norms, as they predate the nation-state. I'd love to hear your brilliant code of ethics that involves arbitrarily seperating the worth of human beings and one's obligations to them based upon things as trivial as where they were born, or the citizenship of their parents.

    Hell, I'll play Devil's Advocate and argue even further that voluntarily abdicating responsibility and choice in your actions, and placing them in the 'higher authority' of the repressive organs of a nation-state is in fact a cowardly action. One made even more cowardly by the knowledge that more often than not the actions taken by those organs are neither just nor necessary.

    But then, I also know Sean's joining the military because he's got nothing better to do, the pay is ok, and they'll pay for school when he's done. And he'd never do it if he thought there was even a remote possibility Canada would be involved in a war.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    11 July 2005 05:09:06

    Im not going to read over all this crap again... Did someone receive a warning for cursing?

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 04:59:15

    and btw, about cursewords...

    fucking A right Goddamnit! :)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 04:58:45

    Denezar, that is not what I meant at all nor were my comments directed at anyone other than Otoron. I'll talk to you on the mud but you also have a misunderstanding of the Soldier in general and why he/she serves.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    11 July 2005 04:18:26

    And btw, we who use so called 'curse words' do not feel that we are somehow imature in doing so. In fact, we feel that we are even more mature in being able not to make a big fuss about it. Fucking TSPs.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    11 July 2005 04:13:53

    Just because some of us wouldn't trust our government to use and treat us properly as soldiers doesn't mean that we are somehow inferior to those who do.

    And I read somewhere down there Vermond saying that Krimpatul used something as an example and thats why he shouldn't have gotten a warning and would like to say that that isn't true, because I got a warning for using something as an example, as you can see in the discussion forums. Just think of how quickly I would have been banned if I had said that I hoped that Eredor was raped like the guy on deliverance himself IRL. (Which I do not wish, btw)

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 03:19:26

    Invaded, what counts as an invasion here funnyman, perhaps one attack, two attacks, multiple attacks on our own soil (feel free to apply that to your aforementioned western democratic states)? Anyways...

    Like I said, it's beyond your understanding. Maybe one day you will develop a sense of honour and a code of conduct and ethics...then Otoron, then you'll understand what people who have the guts like Iarla's typist have done and continue to do for their Countries.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 July 2005 01:51:55

    Gaudrin, when was the last time a Western democratic state was invaded?

    Not in our parent's lifetime, assbag. Defending his country how precisely?

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    11 July 2005 01:22:35

    You know, I tried to laugh at that one. I mean everyone KNOWS the depth of Iarla's character. Unfortuneatly for you Otoron, Iarla is now a REAL Soldier, he doesn't just play one.

    Say what you will but stepping up and defending your country takes more character, than you could possibly understand. Besides, I'm pretty sure you've used this joke before. You're about as used up as the only sorority freshman at an 8-keg frat party.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 July 2005 19:33:04

    Gaudrin, I don't look for anything but surface meanings in thing said by someone whose intellect is as shallow as Iarla's character.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    10 July 2005 18:37:19

    I'll admit right now that I didn't even read Otoron's novel. I just read his second post :)

    Otoron, you are assuming quite a bit in your second post. I'm sure Ming will thank you later for making an ass out of him along with yourself. I'm sorry I used such highbrow humor that it kicked off this idiocy. Maybe next time you do us a favor and google 'jackass' and use that for your char pic ok funnyman?

    Next time, stop and think 'hmm, was he saying that directly at me or was it more of a generalization of the mud...?' and then stop yourself and recall that contrary to your delusions of grandeur (not the sex ones, you perv) the mud (and definitely not this Logpage) does not revolve around you.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    10 July 2005 17:25:54

    Good breaking skills though.

  • Author
    Usul [legacy]
    10 July 2005 15:49:42

    Thank you all for taking away the fun of reading this site. Great job.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    10 July 2005 12:29:13

    Wow. What a bunch of loosers.

  • Author
    Connor [legacy]
    10 July 2005 11:20:14

    im driunk now and it's still fucking dstupid

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 July 2005 08:30:12

    To paraphrase a great man, this is the comment section for COMMENTS, not the 'write us a fucking book' section. Daimen must've logged into the wrong character or something.

    Otoron is a beautiful, beautiful man :)


  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    10 July 2005 07:16:00

    Otoron sux, Krimpatul rox!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 July 2005 06:36:36

    Feel free, everyone, and please do, in fact, ignore that.

    Gaudrin just needs to know he isn't the only one who can type 'slander' into google.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 July 2005 06:35:59

    You referred to actionable slander, Gaudrin. You mentioned going to the police. And yet, you leave out the pertinent part of the page for such an action- the sort of thing we were both talking about. Feel free to read it below. Leper.

    Actionable words are of two descriptions; first, those actionable in themselves, without proof of special damages and, secondly, those actionable only in respect of some actual consequential damages. Words of the first description must impute: - 1st. The guilt of some offence for which the party, if guilty, might be indicted and punished by the criminal courts; as to call a person a 'traitor,' 'thief,' 'highwayman;' or to say that he is guilty of 'perjury,' 'forgery,' 'murder,' and the like. And although the imputation of guilt be general, without stating the particulars of the pretended crime, it is actionable. - 2d. That the party has a disease or distemper which renders him unfit for society. An action can therefore be sustained for calling a man a leper. But charging another with having had a contagious disease is not actionable, as he will not, on that account, be excluded from society. A charge which renders a man ridiculous, and impairs the enjoyment of general society, and injures those imperfect rights of friendly intercourse and mutual benevolence which man has with respect to man, is also actionable. - 3d. Unfitness in an officer, who holds an office to which profit or emolument is attached, either in respect of morals or inability to discharge the duties of the office in such a case an action lies. - 4th. The want of integrity or capacity, whether mental or pecuniary, in the conduct of a profession, trade or business, in which the party is engaged, is actionable as to accuse an attorney or artist of inability, inattention, or want of integrity or a clergyman of being a drunkard; Of the second class are words which are actionable only in respect of special damages sustained by the party slandered. Though the law will not permit in these cases the inference of damage, yet when the damage has actually been sustained, the party aggrieved may support an action for the publication of an untruth unless the assertion be made for the assertion of a supposed claim. Action upon the case for Defamation but it lies if maliciously spoken. The charge must be false; the falsity of the accusation is to be implied till the contrary is shown. The instance of a master making an unfavorable representation of his servant, upon an application for his character, seems to be an exception, in that case there being a presumption from the occasion of the speaking, that the words were true. The slander must, of course, be published, that is communicated to a third person; and if verbal, then in a language which he understands, otherwise the plaintiff's reputation is not impaired. A letter addressed to the party, containing libelous matter, is not sufficient to maintain a civil action, though it may subject the libeler to an indictment, as tending to a breach of the peace; the slander must be published respecting the plaintiff; a mother cannot maintain an action for calling her daughter a bastard. To render words actionable, they must be uttered without legal occasion. On some occasions it is justifiable to utter slander of another, in others it is excusable, provided it be uttered without express malice. It is justifiable for au attorney to use scandalizing expressions in support of his client's cause and pertinent thereto. Members of congress and other legislative assemblies cannot be called to account for anything said in debate. Malice is essential to the support of an action for slanderous words. But malice is in general to be presumed until the contrary be prove except in those cases where the occasion prima facie excuses the publication. SLANDERER - A calumniator, who maliciously and without reason imputes a crime or fault to another, of which he is innocent. For this offence, when the slander is merely verbal, the remedy is an action on the case for damages; when it is reduced to writing or printing, it is a libel.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    10 July 2005 05:36:27

    Also, Mr. I'm-such-****-I-can't-even-get-a-joke, the part about libel and slander was a joke. Ass.

    and btw, quit quoting Spiderman movies for your legal briefs.


    SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.

    The defaming a man in his reputation by speaking or writing words which affect his life, office, or trade, or which tend to his loss of preferment in marriage or service, or in his inheritance, or which occasion any other particular damage. In England, if slander be spoken of a peer, or other great man, it is called Scandalum Magnatum. Falsity and malice are ingredients of slander. Written or printed slanders are libels.

    LIBEL - Published material meeting three conditions: The material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; The defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and, The material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. published; distinguished from slander.

    Criminal Law. A malicious defamation expressed either in printing or writing or by signs or pictures, tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead, with intent to provoke the living; or the reputation of one who is alive and to expose him to public hatred, contempt or ridicule. It has been defined perhaps with more precision to be a censorious or ridiculous writing, picture or sign, made with a malicious or mischievous intent.

    So, as you can see technically either will work for what goes on in this game. I would just like to point out that I was making a joke in that last portion but somebody didn't get it so you all get this!


  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    10 July 2005 05:08:09

    and you looked dead sexy doing it too. you BEAST YOU!!

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    10 July 2005 04:54:20

    I don't feel like reading all the comments, so I can only assume they're all regarding the fact that not only am I in this log, but I'm geared, out of the hall, and leading a party.

    I'm pretty sure I saw a pig hovering over Minas Tirith on the way, too.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    10 July 2005 04:45:08

    If I was a moderator here I would sure want to be anonymous too. I wouldn't want all the bullcrap that goes on here affecting the little bit of playtime that I have on T2T. This all gets rather pathetic and Rhoads has a huge set to be able to put up with all this crap and keep doing what he is doing.

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    10 July 2005 04:04:58

    or have a few beers but honestly calm down, its a game?

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    10 July 2005 04:04:25

    You are all angry people, chill out and get laid or something

  • Author
    Connor [legacy]
    10 July 2005 01:42:09

    This is the dumbest fucking shit I have ever read.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    10 July 2005 01:12:36

    feeeeeelinsg sick :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hlpl me!

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:22:45

    [new] Date: 09. Jul, 2005, 23:03:43 By: Otoron Remove

    You presume the Macedonian police have internet access, Gaudrin.

    fdl, see, now if your going to flame and make me read 100 comments. Please atleast make me laugh like this did.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:21:17

    Ok, Eredon. Then they're the liars. Because I deleted that from my harddrive the second I posted it up here. But it was hilarious- like half a dozen people on the MUD asked 'is that really you?'. I guess my reputation is -that- bad.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:19:46

    Talk to me on the mud sometime if you need to know more.

    Only, don't. Because I'm silenced for another four and a half days, so it might be a one-sided conversation.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:19:17

    Not really Mr 'Knows How Shit Works'. As this is 'printed', it would be libel, not slander (spoken). And libel is almost impossible to prove anyway. There's no economic damage, no damage to reputation (as Gaudrin is not a person), and no reasonable person would believe anything he read on a MUD log page website.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:06:48

    Otoron, I was assuming since you are such an intellectual fellow that you would have some knowledge of how law enforcement works. Give me a holler on the Mud sometime and I'll explain it to you.

    On the other hand, drawing the police's attention to this website might also cause them to refer slander charges on several individuals. Including myself, maybe, so err, let's not do that, ok? thanks bye now.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:03:43

    You presume the Macedonian police have internet access, Gaudrin.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:03:22

    otoron i am going on the things the other moderators said about your char picture and that they removed it. if you want to call them liars fine.

    the new one is cute=) just do not threaten me with anthrax though ok?=(

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    09 July 2005 23:00:46

    Well in that case Otoron, I think Eredor (and all the Logpage Admin as well) is doing you a favor and pursuing a completely legal tract here. You see, if Krim actually does (or has done) any of the things he has espoused to enjoy happening to you or someone else does it...

    then this whole delicious page becomes police evidence. of course the page will probably be shut down at that point, etc etc. If they do remove the comments and something does happen to you Otoron, and you claim there is proof all over the log page but it was 'destroyed'...then the Logpage Admin could be charged with destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:59:12

    Eredor, when someone shows how something is the same, saying 'the differences are clear' isn't an argument, it's idiocy. Big surprise, there, I guess. Call the police? I in fact didn't even mail you, because I'm not a goddamn 12 year old. I didn't even want his comment removed. I was simply asking how something like that can stay, when referring to a factual event is grounds for a three-day ban. The fact that you're a liar (refer to you telling me in my ban I had posted my old char pic 'many times' after it had been taken down by moderators) and a coward (hiding behind anonymity) only makes me think you're dissembling here as well.

    Vermond, it couldn't only be understood that way 'with some effort', considering Krimpatul has posted rl threats against me on the log page in the past. And that same effort apparently was inferred even by Draugluin, who could hardly be said to be a vocal defender of mine.

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:47:26

    you aren't removing her post because she can explain what she means even if it shouldn't be posted, and you didn't initially remove krimpatul's post because otoron should have called the cops on him not asked for it to be removed? i'm confused about something, i guess. please explain. (editted for a typo)

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:33:22

    otoron i did not miss the point but i think you did.

    her comment remained. your comment did not. there were differences in your comments that were clear. think over those differences and see where your comment went wrong.

    again if you feel that adremeth needs to explain how she feels you do not separate your characters ask her.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:29:13

    Otoron, it was removed only because it could be understanded in another way like you claim with some effort. Perhaps if you had complained by mailing us instead of commenting here, it would be removed earlier.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:26:49

    i finally found out what theodrek was complaining about that he was flamed. i saw that. i thought to myself of words that fit in there including theodrek rubs draugluin's feet and that it could be taken as bad or not. i left it as something silly that could be taken several ways.

    i have not asked the other moderators about the anthrax/aids statement since if you feel your person is threatened you should call the police and not a log o mania moderator or even draugluin to come save you.

    however in all fairness and you want me to be fair he does not say 'some one should mail anthrax to otoron or some one should infect otoron with aids'. he said it would be wrong for some one to do those things. if he would enjoy those things happening to otoron is something for his conscience to deal with.

    also 2 moderators have seen this and left it and they work with me here and i respect the opinions of my work mates but i will ask them about their opinions on krimpatul feeling it is wrong for otoron to be infected with deadly sicknesses to make yu feel better about my fairnes.

    about the whole 'stfu' thing draulguin after your fit about lies and integrity about i am sure you understand when i ask them to tell who was banned for saying stfu becaue it really sounds like a stupid story being sent around. or at least they can have the so called stfu person mail nicuramar since only he removes blocks.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:23:17

    Sure, I can accept that its being discussed.

    I felt it was a fair question (re: the HIV/Anthrax stuff), and its been answered.

    Thanks Armand-who-is-not-Armath-but-that-can-be-hard-to-remember!

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:20:15

    new] Date: 09. Jul, 2005, 22:01:57 By: Draugluin Remove

    Rather than us 'non-mods' have to give you evidence about a post being removed that said 'stfu', I'd like to hear a moderator comment on why the comment about pumping HIV blood into someone, or sending Anthrax their way, was allowed to remain.

    Its quite simple. There has been a dispute among in the past 24hours about the type of flaming enforcement that goes on. Yeah, believe it or not a few of the nazi mods are fighting for you guys to be able to tell each other to fuck off every other comment. In the process of this, shit just got out of hand, and there have been dozens of flames that were posted and not removed, some should be left, others shouldnt. Some of the removed flames were valid, others were not.

    Now, im not going to sit here and sort through 500comments on threads to figure out who got screwed and who didnt. If you feel you were warned wrongly, mail nicu about it. it WILL be looked at.

    So, can anyone except this fact yet? chill out for now, and wait for the admin to adress how they want the mods to enforce log page rules.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:15:28

    I guess this means Zelindo's artistic abilities do not end at sandwiches!

    My favorite thing is the happy sun. It's too bad he didn't give me the handlebar mustasche that I wanted!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:09:42

    Eredor, you once again miss the point. It seems to be something you're quite good at.

    She made an accusation about me. I stated a fact that happened. Mine got me banned, hers was left intact. There's some absurdity there.

    I find it cute that Krimpatul's comment was removed 14 hours after it was made, and only after I commented on your abject failure as an admin in leaving it, as opposed to other things, up.

    In honor of all of this, I have a new char pic, which was handcrafted for me by Zelindo, and is entirely thematic and based on the MUD, unlike any previous char pic I have ever had! Rule!

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:06:24

    It is removed if it insults you so deeply, however the way I understood from his sentencing is that he was just giving an example, but I guess it can be understood in the way that you are supposed to be punished etc.. so it is removed.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:03:25

    regarding your complaint about adremeth feeling you do not separate your characters feel free to mail her and ask her about it. she seems eager to tell you exactly what she thinks of you.

    i am sure the 2 of you will have a fine conversation in saying exactly how little you each care for the other. you can save the mails and show them to friends at parties if you want. benny will certainly want copies. he says he likes flames.

    as for your comments that were removed and resulted in your warning, if you can not find a better reply to use that what you posted then do not post a reply until you can. if that means that the thread is automatically closed at 10 days old and you still have not found a reply that will not get you another warning then you will just have to live with it.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:03:23

    To an earlier post. Actually, Krimpatul, perhaps you need a civics lesson. Democracy is about popular control over government. Whether or not you can insult someone without getting insulted is a whole other issue. One in which varying democratic states do differently. In most all, if I walk up to you on the street and say the foulest, rudest, most horrible thing to you, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, legally. The UK is one potential exception, because it has absurdly expansive slander and libel laws. But if I tell you that I hope something incredibly graphic and foul happens to your sister than involves eighteen donkeys and four midgets, as it's not slander, you're shit out of luck.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:01:57

    Rather than us 'non-mods' have to give you evidence about a post being removed that said 'stfu', I'd like to hear a moderator comment on why the comment about pumping HIV blood into someone, or sending Anthrax their way, was allowed to remain.

    Is it because those topics don't violate the flaming rules, or because he (oh so cleverly?) made sure to insert 'if'?

    Not that I plan to follow suit, but I can see that at least two moderators have commented in this thread since that was posted, and it still exists, so that seems like evidence it is 'ok'.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 July 2005 22:01:43

    [new] Date: 09. Jul, 2005, 21:47:57 By: Urgnath Remove

    but i thought eredor was trustworthy and unbiased, why would a situation arise where someone would have to go above his head in order to fix something he did or didn't do?

    There are many times when a warning is given that the someone doesnt agree with it. The moderator obviously gave the warning because he thought it valid. When you disagree, you mail the admin. That is how it works.

    As I just said, all of you who are bitching about the recent flaming enforcemtn... stfu already, we heard your bitching, and a re-vamp on how the admin and moderators want the page moderated is being discussed right now.

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:47:57

    but i thought eredor was trustworthy and unbiased, why would a situation arise where someone would have to go above his head in order to fix something he did or didn't do?

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:47:02

    who exactly was blocked for posting 'stfu'?

    miroth said the same thing in the forum then said it was an example and not some thing that actually happened.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:37:37

    You should really try mailing Nicuramar or someone in admin about it then.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:34:10


    stfu = unacceptable

    advocating giving someone a fatal disease (AIDS or Anthrax) = ok

    Great fucking logic there!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:33:10

    I seriously have to question how my comment referring to an action a character made on the mud that has multiple witnesses to it was 'flaming' and I got in trouble for it, but the slander about me from the source (Adremeth) about 'not being able to seperate my characters' was totally acceptable (I mailed eredor about it but have gotten no reply).. or how Krimpatul's advocating pumping HIV-infected blood into my veins is somehow acceptable. I don't CARE that either people said these things, or want these comments removed. I just want to understand the logic behind those not being 'flames'.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:27:57

    It's already been removed, Vermond, if you didn't read what I said.

    If you can't read, you shouldn't be playing a text based game or moderating a forum for said game.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:27:32

    Bluesbreaker, care to explain what you said or prove? I believe that when Nicuramar was nuked it was because of something unrelated to here.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:27:26

    The lvl of flame enforcement is being reviewed right now by the moderators and admin. Calm down, and chill for a bit. We get the point that your pissed, and feel like you are being treated unfairly.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:25:00

    It is also amusing how a long gone character returns to whine at the admin from the midst of nothing. If you were blocked, it was for a reason, if you try to bypass it, it will hit back at you. Try to cool down or something.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:23:19

    Could you be so kind enough to direct me to Wasach's flame as I can not see any made by him in a long while?

    Oh, and I personally am not removing anything considered flaming unless it is personal, although I don't disagree with Eredor, I believe that it is pointless because of people like you who are not mature enough to display their opinions without calling people names or insulting them, so if your comment is removed, it won't be by myself.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2005 21:03:02

    'In fact, being a throwaway 10-minute character is much better than being a guilded older character when it comes to moderatorship as there will be less bias involved, if any. '

    How. does. that. make. sense? It's still the same person at the fucking keyboard. You make no sense. Here's the thing. Eredor's obviously afraid of the repercussions to his character if he's not showing his face. The only reason he has to be afraid is if he knows he's being a douchebag. He's removed numerous comments I've made and blocked me from commenting twice so far.

    He's blocked people for saying 'stfu', less than 20 minutes after they made the post. When Wasach made a 2 page long post flaming everyone, know how long it took to be removed? Krimpatul made a flame towards me, and guess what? It wasn't removed. I even attempted to notify Eredor about that comment TWICE. And it's still there. That's a little bit more than 'convenient'.

    He, and you, can claim he's not biased all you fucking want. But as soon as he steps up and proves it, public opinion's going to say, 'Hey! He's not being fair!' and that's why people want him dead.

    Vermond, this isn't a flame, this is personal opinion.

    You're a fucking chode. Thanks.

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    09 July 2005 16:51:27

    So when are comments on logs going to be removed completly? After all this is Log-o-Mania not Flame-o-Mania.

    <adds fuel>

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    09 July 2005 16:31:11

    I agree with Gothwin.

  • Author
    Gaudrin [legacy]
    09 July 2005 15:25:14

    to summarize:

    flame flame flame MP flame MP flame flame flame...

    Flames Removed, MP flame removed, players banned

    players use alts to flame and harrass, flames removed, alts banned

    players cry that Logpage Mods are biased and unfair, debate about anonymous Mods ensues, debate continues but only serves to show why Eredor shouldn't let his prime character be known.

    It's funny but Eredor has managed to get atleast one person from every portion of the Mud society, pissed off at him. Granted there are more from certain portions than from others...I would suppose that does mean he is fair and unbiased.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    09 July 2005 14:10:27

    Trustworthy? Hardy fucking har. That would explain the quest info we've found on this very site like a month ago, right? I believe Nicu lost some characters one time for it as well!

    Anyways, ban me too please.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    09 July 2005 13:39:56

    Summarise first plz!

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    09 July 2005 13:33:07

    Summarise? CLOSE IT!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    09 July 2005 13:13:02

    Can someone summarise this thread for me? :(

    My brain ain't good at inputting too much data.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 12:08:26

    Dear Ketan: I fail to understand how knowing his character name would affect anything if you are not one of those that intend to bash him. Before you start about trust, he was trusted by the administration when he was made a moderator, so that should be enough unless he disproves his trustability, which he hasn't done as he has been doing his job on a fair basis. Also, he is not doing anything related to mud politics or so other than removing the flaming, which keeps his characters unrelated. The fact that he doesn't have a character name does not make him no-one or an orc target, it is Eredor, who is a moderator here. If you speak about him without knowing him, he will return the favour as anyone would and it is not like he was wrong in that comment.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    09 July 2005 11:14:49

    is all this text in context, what happend?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 July 2005 11:04:28

    Date: 09. Jul, 2005, 0:09:33 By: Vermond


    The major reason people want to bash him is because he is blocking their flaming as it has been a problem with Rhoads. The so-called bad air created by anonymity is the fact that they have no one to bash or accuse of being biased now as it was done to Rhoads.

    Dear Vermond: I have a problem with Eredor's anonymity, and it has nothing to do with my inability to 'bash him' or 'accuse him of being biased.' Not everyone here is a 3rd grader with a dislike for authority, and not all of us want to be mean to him.

    Draugluin did a very good job explaining why people dislike it when their administrator is anonymous. I'm sure you've already read it, but I encourage you to go read his post again. Also, you mentioned that ainur get namechanges when they immort to conceal their past identities. That's true, to some extent, but we mortals still have a loooooong time to become familiar with their new identites before they're given a lot of power. Never in the history of T2T has a new Power been created just so he could nuke people without having to be held accountable for his actions; sadly, that's almost exactly what's happened here.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 July 2005 10:50:06

    [new] Date: 08. Jul, 2005, 23:11:04 By: Eredor

    ketan i hope you will say that every time someone screams at rhoads over the thieves guild and say that he is unbiased because a lot of your friends are the ones who scream most about that.

    Dear Eredor: Please don't ever speak to me as if you know something about me (in this case, who my friends are) unless you're willing to back it up with a real, credible character name. In the meantime, I'll treat you like any other random Orc-target who logs on and starts talking as if he knows me: 'Hi! I don't care who you think you are or what you think you know! If you really mattered, you wouldn't be hiding behind an alt.'

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    09 July 2005 10:14:18

    Krimpatul is one deeply disturbed individual.

  • Author
    Krimpatul [legacy]
    09 July 2005 08:09:24

    well i agree with Vermond, point is that some posts supose to be removed because they are insults about someone's OOC or insultings that have nothing todo with game or log. Nobody have right for doing that. If I for example IRL insult Otoron like he do that here he can sue me on court. Also if i beat the hell out of him IRL kicking and smashing him splashing his face on the sidewalk, punching his face until i make his nose equal to his cheek, he can also sue me on court and i'll get punishment. In game if you pk, attempt or steal you will get punishment. So why you complain then? Nobody have right to go over other person. Democracy is in expressing your thoughts till the moment when they will start humiliating other ppls rights.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    09 July 2005 01:58:24

    Damn you guys got a lot of time on your hands. ;)

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:24:26

    I think you're right there too, Armand. Suicided/nuked characters who have currently playing alts shouldn't use those suicided/nuked characters to discuss current events on the mud, and should be blocked if they do.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:13:08

    [new] Date: 09. Jul, 2005, 0:04:07 By: Curr Remove

    OK, let me spell it out: the major reason anyone wants to bash him in the first place is the bad air created by his anonymity. Yes, people don't want anonymous throwaway characters moderating them. That's why your reasoning is circular.

    Ive tried to understand both sides of this argument. I understand it can be adjetating to not know who someone is thats issuing you warnings. I can also see how the moderators dont want to eat so much shit about doing their jobs, you guys should be mailing the admin about it, not harassing them, or accusing someone of being bias due to guild relations or anything.

    But, keep in mind, if your going to bitch this much about eredor not having a known character, and him not being accountable for his actions here: Every one of you who complained about blocks placed on suicided/nuked chracters can STFU. You will loose your rights here also, and ill perm block each of you myself even if your not flaming and causing problems.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:10:28

    If you don't disagree with my logic, you can just say it out. Stop acting like I do not understand you or bending my words.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:09:33


    The major reason people want to bash him is because he is blocking their flaming as it has been a problem with Rhoads. The so-called bad air created by anonymity is the fact that they have no one to bash or accuse of being biased now as it was done to Rhoads.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:04:07

    OK, let me spell it out: the major reason anyone wants to bash him in the first place is the bad air created by his anonymity. Yes, people don't want anonymous throwaway characters moderating them. That's why your reasoning is circular.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 July 2005 00:01:49

    No it just proves that someone is so interested in bashing that person for it that the anonymity is needed.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:59:23

    Vermond, the fact that people offer 10k to learn the idendity of an anonymous character does not prove that the anonymity was needed. It's circular reasoning ;)

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:58:48

    I can't stand the serious talking, I'm off this thread.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:55:22

    I don't know about closing threads all together, but it's good to see that someone is finally making an effort in curbing the excessive flaming and verbal abuse a certain number of people seem to find acceptable. This whole place has been a breeding ground of hatred for too long, with more and more people carrying this attitude over to the mud. That's not cool - it's sad, very sad.

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:52:37

    It's a private website so the admin can setup as moderators whoever they want.

    And same goes for rules on flaming.

    So, STFU or make a better one.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:52:04

    And Curr, your guild relations and whatsoever really affects what people think of you, some might believe you are sensible and mature, others will always think otherwise.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:50:39

    new] Date: 08. Jul, 2005, 23:36:23 By: Urgnath Remove

    i think that unless a comment includes MP info, quest info, or racial/gender slurs that are directed towards someone actually of that race/gender, that it shouldn't be removed. (i.e. we could flame a lot and it'd be cool)

    Myself, and some of the other moderators are in agreement, and working on this point. hmmm, I think ive said this somewhere else. oh yeah the forum?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:49:58

    Oh, and the very fact that people are offering 10k to learn his alts or get them killed shows the maturity and why being unknown is needed. It is in fact about getting back at the person. You don't need to trust someone for them to delete flaming.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:48:34

    'No, that's really not true. It's actually the other way around. See, someone either is really trying their damned best to be impartial and fair, or they are not. If they are not, knowing who they are on the mud *helps*, because people then can apply what they know about that person and see through the unjust decisions. If they are, knowing who they are also *helps*, because people know them on the mud as mature cool-headed players (and no other kind of player ought to be a moderator here) , even if they not always agree with them, and that adds to their authority here'

    Actually, seeing the maturity level of people who flame here, they would just flame him for being partial as they did to Rhoads. Hell, Rhoads was flamed because he enforced a COMPLETELY set rule with Thieves Guild and accused of having an alt there.

    About Draug and whatsoever, don't you talk about it before you know all details, not to mention that ainur do get namechanges which changes their identity hiding their past when they are through the immorting process.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:43:17

    Oh, and by the way, the very fact that he wants to hide his identity only makes people suspicious that if they knew who he was, they wouldn't trust his impartiality anyway.

    And the conversations he had with Draugluin on the forums, where Draug went 'here's why I think anonymous moderation is a bad idea', and Eredor's idea of a good reply was 'you're just saying that because you want to take over the logpage' gives me grave doubts about his maturity or ability to be fair here.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:39:23


    'It is not like he is involved in any of flaming in any side. In fact, being a throwaway 10-minute character is much better than being a guilded older character when it comes to moderatorship as there will be less bias involved, if any.'

    No, that's really not true. It's actually the other way around. See, someone either is really trying their damned best to be impartial and fair, or they are not. If they are not, knowing who they are on the mud *helps*, because people then can apply what they know about that person and see through the unjust decisions. If they are, knowing who they are also *helps*, because people know them on the mud as mature cool-headed players (and no other kind of player ought to be a moderator here) , even if they not always agree with them, and that adds to their authority here.

    Tell me, when was the last time anyone tried to PK Rhoads or Armand on the mud for decisions taken as moderators here?

    You seem to be assuming I'm mad at Eredor for removing my guildmates' comments. I'm not (nor do I welcome deleting insults against my guild). I'm just trying to explain what a screwed-up situation it is when an anonymous moderator applies their power harshly and widely based on an inexact set of rules (and deciding what is and isn't a flaming contest is VERY inexact). It WILL make people angry and mad, and such an anonymous entity will NOT be trusted. These are very basic things about social life online. If you hang around various web-forums , blog communities, Usenet, other kinds of internet-based forums with moderation, you will eventually understand the very real importance of not being anonymous about moderation.

    You seem to think it's all about people 'getting back' at the t2t character for moderation decisions, but it is not (see above about Armand and Rhoads). It's about knowing who the person is; saying to yourself, oh right, it's that guy, I remember him from that time back in that guild, or from that comm conversation, or whatever, and I have this mental image of him and this degree of credibility I assign him. The degree of credibility of a 10-minute throwaway char is ZERO. And repeating over and over again 'he's anonymous but fair in his decisions' isn't going to change that.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:38:55

    Urgnath, check some of the flaming on past logs, none of these were used, yet it was pretty sick. Check my other comments. If you still have a problem with how it is done, take it to forums

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:36:23

    i think that unless a comment includes MP info, quest info, or racial/gender slurs that are directed towards someone actually of that race/gender, that it shouldn't be removed. (i.e. we could flame a lot and it'd be cool)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:28:54

    It is also amusing that you told someone you don't know at all to die because he was preventing you from flaming. They can show their anger all they want on tells or MSN, et cetera, but when on here it just leads to flaming to eachother over and over which keeps getting more and more personal and more and more sick to the point where RL threats are made. Of course you can do all you want, but everyone else shouldn't have to listen to it or become a part of it just because you do it on a public comment section.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:22:19

    I take no offense to what insults people give our guild, because I know the truth in most cases. It's better to let them say their trash and show their hostility than to hide their anger (it can cause depression :P). I don't know about others, but sometimes I can see flaming as a fun thing to read. And then having the thought of how they can lay so much energy into it. Amusing indeed.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:14:49

    armand i was hoping you would open your log for comments again to see if we could get as many comments as you had shots of whiskey=P

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:11:04

    ketan i hope you will say that every time someone screams at rhoads over the thieves guild and say that he is unbiased because a lot of your friends are the ones who scream most about that.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:09:37

    and hell, I even restored the Pallasch log so you guys could bitch it out there and keep the spam issolated! Still you cant even do that.

    I think your all hopeless really.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:09:02

    and damn it, go read the forum. I dont feel like repeaeting myself here. Most of this stuff is explained there.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:08:04

    [new] Date: 08. Jul, 2005, 23:04:13 By: Ketan Remove

    Vermond, try looking at Rhoads. He manages to be unbiased AND not be an anonymous 10m old character. If Eredor's not capable of that, he shouldn't be a moderator. Period. Using anonymity to cover for his unwillingness to be accountable is not acceptable.

    the issue isnt being capable, its you guys accusing him of being biased when he is not. Im glad you mentioned rhoads. Ill let rhoads respond and tell you how many times he has been accuses of being biased because of his charcter.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:07:46

    If you can't live with the set rules and have to take it out of someone when it is enforced on you, don't even comment. Period.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:06:58

    Being unanonymous and unbiased is possible, however anonymousity does help since as you said you will not be accountable for whatever you did. Perhaps it is just me, but it does seem screwed up that someone should take responsibility on a MUD character for enforcing set rules on a website. Of course it must suck not to be able to harass someone because he removes your flaming.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:04:13

    Vermond, try looking at Rhoads. He manages to be unbiased AND not be an anonymous 10m old character. If Eredor's not capable of that, he shouldn't be a moderator. Period. Using anonymity to cover for his unwillingness to be accountable is not acceptable.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:03:31

    I, personally, like to see the insults that people throw at my friends.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 23:02:08

    Although I disagree with removing comments and so on, it is almost amusing how you guys take it out of someone when you can't flame eachother freely. Nareez (and other Beornings) should be happy some of the rather harsh personal insults to certain guildmates of theirs was removed with the poster being punished.

    Cool down?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:58:58

    'A throwaway 10-minute character by default has zero credibility. If they can't provide a discernible personality, nothing they say can be trusted.'

    It is not like he is involved in any of flaming in any side. In fact, being a throwaway 10-minute character is much better than being a guilded older character when it comes to moderatorship as there will be less bias involved, if any.

    'There is no 'Eredor'. There's some sad case somewhere with power gone to their head, deleting comments and closing down threads as they see fit, and not even willing to take responsibility for it. It's a truly bizarre situation, and I wonder why whoever's in charge of introducing moderators here ever thought it would be a good idea.'

    First off, he or any of us wouldn't have to delete comments or close down threats if they didn't become Beornings-FRA flaming contests or <insert random guilds at war> flaming contests. Some things said about your guildmates were also deleted as things your guildmates said. I'm sure you would rather not have those personal insults there as whoever you insulted wouldn't either.

    Not willing to take responsibility? Moderatorship is supposed to be OOC. If you take it out of someone's T2T character for enforcing the rules it will ruin the whole purpose and cause bias. He does take his responsibility but before the admins of log'o'mania, not before your bullying.

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:58:34

    I hate to say it, but I've been planning on it for a long time now, holding my mouth shut. Because you're probably someone I know from a different character or something, but, I'm not sure, so Eredor, this is for you: die

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:40:55

    A flame? More like a beating.

    A throwaway 10-minute character by default has zero credibility. If they can't provide a discernible personality, nothing they say can be trusted.

    There is no 'Eredor'. There's some sad case somewhere with power gone to their head, deleting comments and closing down threads as they see fit, and not even willing to take responsibility for it. It's a truly bizarre situation, and I wonder why whoever's in charge of introducing moderators here ever thought it would be a good idea.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:35:38

    Draugluin is my hero all of a sudden.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:10:49

    actully i was thinking more about what was quoted from you from the main comm about it but what's said to the players there probably not as reliable information as it could be.

    and if you wonder where i heard that the players have posted about it here but i have also seen your email.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    08 July 2005 22:04:04

    Wow, flame between a moderator and Draug? interesting...

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    08 July 2005 21:27:55


  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    08 July 2005 21:11:47

    Also...not the fuck true.

    Jesus. I guess you're just trying quote the email I sent to Nicuramar, saying that if he and Muaddib ever decided to quit (quit, hi, it means to give up doing something) to let me know...that we'd consider hosting a log site then, so as to avoid the situation where our users ips and alt information are given to whoever-takes-over-that-might-not-be-as-trustworthy-as-nicuramar-and-muaddib-have-proven-to-be.

    Maybe if you minded your own business more you wouldn't end up throwing shit around thats not true, and looking like an ass.

    Then again, maybe not - but if you think I'm going to sit around and let you misquote me or outright lie about what I have or haven't said, you're mistaken.

  • Author
    Eredor [legacy]
    08 July 2005 21:05:45

    no he did not want to make a new one. he just wanted to take this one over. that was his offer=)

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    08 July 2005 20:44:28

    No I'm not.

    I guess you missed the boat, Rhoads, so let me clarify for you:

    We made forums, for discussion of problems and new ideas regarding the game. We also included a Reality Lounge for discussing the infamous 'real world'...for fun.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    08 July 2005 20:37:24

    Draugluin is making one, you should go there. I am sure he won't censor anything you guys say and will give everyone the complete freedom everyone wants to :)

  • Author
    Armath [legacy]
    08 July 2005 20:33:46

    wow they are closing threads like nothing, lets make a new page!

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    08 July 2005 18:13:45

    Los pinos son rectos!

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    08 July 2005 10:33:40

    I think sex is funny. Sex! Haha!

    Wait, please don't close this thread, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! I don't have opinions about anything, I promise.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    08 July 2005 10:24:21

    <Oxygen and Heat>

  • Author
    Warmonger [legacy]
    08 July 2005 09:38:48

    Hmm <insert stupid comment to insite flames>

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    08 July 2005 08:51:49


  • Author
    Benny [legacy]
    08 July 2005 01:13:13

    sweet logs man, post more =)

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    08 July 2005 01:04:44

    This. Is. A. Quality. Log. I. Like. The. Arresting. Part.

  • Author
    Nuitari [legacy]
    08 July 2005 01:01:29

    I flame Cordox here!!!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 July 2005 00:10:55

    Hahaha @ Taudrek. LOL GUD LOG CORDOX!

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    07 July 2005 22:49:56

    You don't get reimbursements for arrests, Short.