RealLogs test log

Posted by
Nicuramar [legacy]
20 July 2005 00:00:00

This is just a test log, originating from Therigion, to test the new support for RealLogs on the log site. If Java doesn't play for you, currently the log can't be viewed; Later on I'll work something out.


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    25 July 2005 04:17:35

    I smoke a pack a day. I need to quit, but dont think ill ever completely cut the habbit.

    Trying to cut back for starters... that cold turkey shit never workd for me :(

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    23 July 2005 22:40:12

    It didn't help me, but it might help you.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    23 July 2005 22:06:39

    I hate you, Miroth...and I have you know - it's been 4 months now, though the temptation will always be there methink.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 July 2005 21:05:08

    gothwin, have a smoke, on me. :P mmmm puff puff, that's good isn't it. i quit 2 or 3 weeks ago and don't have any cravings. must suck for you :P

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    21 July 2005 16:14:03

    Therigion indicated that it was easy to use triggers in zMUD to insert those tags.. I don't really know, but otherwise a proxy *shrug*. He didn't respond to my emails yet, since I put this in soo.. I don't know.

    As for other formats, ttyrec or whatever, I'd be happy to implement them if I get the necessary information. Just go ahead and mail :-).

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    21 July 2005 16:11:46

    Does count going to take several beers while talking about installing Debian? bah! I have to go to the beach, later! ;-))

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    21 July 2005 15:53:54

    Does having that beer with a buddy and talking about network traffic shaping count? :p

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    21 July 2005 15:28:21

    Hmm, now it works fine but yesterday didn't that's strange:P

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    21 July 2005 14:19:16

    last night

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    21 July 2005 14:04:22

    I wonder when the last time was you guys went out with someone and had... a beer?

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    21 July 2005 13:29:18

    Yeah, making it JS instead of Java applet would be cool, because (at least this particular log, I had no problem with the previous ones..) running this applet took like 5 minutes to my poor computer occupying most of its memory space and still didn't load correctly:P (the buttons were stripped of icons and pushing them didn't seem to have any effect).

    The format, I think is quite evident from the log:<!RL!15:33:2:781>=<!RL!hours:minutes:seconds:miliseconds> (hoping Therigion won't mind me explaining it here).

    Also, as far as I'm aware of, he's working on tools allowing for making such logs atm.

  • Author
    Castamir [legacy]
    21 July 2005 13:10:56

    Beh. Therigion is a lot better designer than me -- my viewer is butt-ugly. However, they're functionally identical, and while nearly all browsers can do JavaScript, Java functionality is not available everywhere -- either for technical (Java not installed), ideological (what, me or my OS running evil proprietary software?) or security (running invasive crap like the JVM?) reasons. Java is not available on a lot of workplaces, libraries, etc.

    Plus, the Java player doesn't degrade gracefully; using pure HTML with the timing information hidden in id='' tags and a <script=viewer.js> tag works in full colour in ELinks, and readably even on Lynx and WinCE MSIE.

    Thus, what about joining forces? Either you could design something in Javascript, --or-- even hack on my code.

    There is another issue. How are we supposed to post logs in your format if we don't get any tools to include the timing information. Therigion, could you post a link to your tool? The one on is not working.

    Alternately, you can use my proxy. I added an idiot-proof installer (, but without you releasing the spec for your format, my editor can't read nor write it. You can install my proxy for now and store the logs, but until Irmo re-enables posting ttyrec logs, Nicu adds ttyrec as an alternate format or Therigion implements or tells me how to implement a way to access .rl files, they can be posted only in ANSI.

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    21 July 2005 08:10:20

    very cool

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    20 July 2005 19:08:59

    Ok, I did the profile thing now. If you prefer to view all logs (when possible, which is always at the moment) as the normal colored HTML, set the 'View logs as HTML when possible?' checkmark in your profile.

    When set, RealLogs as well as normal logs are viewed as HTML. When not set (the default), RealLogs are viewed in the RealLogs java applet. You can still append ?format=1 to change this behaviour of course.

  • Author
    Drazhar [legacy]
    20 July 2005 18:58:37


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    20 July 2005 18:48:40

    For now, you can view RealLogs as normal logs by appending ?format=1 to the viewer URL. For this file for instance:

    <a href=""></a>

    Later on, there will be some profile settings.