Tool gets tooled

Posted by
Killem [legacy]
21 July 2005 00:00:00
Player Kill

Abborre's point of view, goddamn backstab misses :/


  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    29 July 2005 20:51:58

    I'll rather leave, then evolve, if evolve means throwing rocks at each others.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    29 July 2005 14:06:58

    Well I now know you don't have nay idea on what you are talking about. I have NEVER attempted of killed an ER EVER. So fuck you and your comments. You have no idea how i play this game and well screw it now. If you think cos i was Galadhrim i Participated in ER kills you are sadly wrong. You sir are a twat!

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    29 July 2005 07:09:29

    and as far as clients go, one mud trigger and a shitload of aliases. no abuse here unless you count abusing other peoples inadequate knowledge/control of their own clients

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    29 July 2005 07:08:28

    Tool, you were galadhrim, you have actively participated in pvp action against ers. How can you even POSSIBLY think you do not think you were a valid target? Fucking retard...

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    28 July 2005 21:10:39

    Has the game changed?

    Yes, It has. Everything changes. Now you have 2 choices...

    Evolve with it, or leave.

    Tool chose to leave. If he doesnt enjoy playing here anymore, then he made the right choice. However, I dont think the game has gone to shit, as he claims, it has just changed, evolved, into a modified form of the the MUD that was created way back in the mid 90's. Some things are better, some are depends on your point of view.

    I personally agree that this game is based on a war...and the ER's are the next step within this war. Do you think, in Tolkiens world, that any orc would say, hey, that particular elf hasnt killed any of my I think I will let him live?

    This is what the game has become. There is no arguing that. Some people will no doubt not like or enjoy it, as Tool has indicated.

    But like I said, the players here have 2 choices. its time to decide. sure, it sucks if you have put a couple years into playing and building your character...but dont be narrow minded. As many people enjoy these changes as dislike it, and they have been playing for just as long.

    Good luck, Tool, (and anyone else who decides to leave) I hope you find something enjoyable to fill your time with....

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    28 July 2005 19:56:29

    Some of the things i got off the T2T web page

    Player-Kill: Restricted <---------Yeah uh huh... sure i see that thats why everyone can get away with restricted PK's now

    Roleplaying Is Encouraged <--------What RP i never see any encouragement on RP or maybe i am getting the wrong sense of it. I never thought a Pk were a part of RP, but if it is I am sure seeing huge signs of encouraging that!

    Multi-Play: No <----- HAHAHAHAHA right sure, i am sure that happens


    We do not formally support clients here. If you use one, do not use it to bypass the restrictions coded into the game. Using any trigger, macro, etc to emulate commands or give yourself any unfair advantage or upsets the balance of the game could be subject to punishment. <-- Hands up who don't use triggers or clients to give them an advantage. I myself use these forms of Triggers and i don't know how half of them work!!!

    In general there are three guidelines for acceptable behavior:

    # Respect the MUD as a Community.

    # Respect the MUD as a computer system.

    # Respect other people's right to use and enjoy the system.<--- Well this ones says it all really.


    What qualifies as harassment is subject to judgement. Basically if someone asks you to stop and you don't, then it will generally be considered harassment unless it is a normal part of the game such as a solitary PK. (repeated PKs may be considered harassment).

    HINT: Treat others as you would have them treat you.

    Heh i am guessng if i ask any of these players to stop killing me they would say sure thing.. i am sorry for the grievement i have caused you. Sure i positive thats what they will say. Screw that. we have already heard what some players think. I deserved to die because.. Shit i still don't know. Cos i am guilded, cos i am a FR, cos i am an easy target? So why Killem was i supposed to die again? no wait thats right cos it is your job and i am a FR who goes out and kills ER's

    HINT: Ask yourself if your player-killing action is necessary. Use Common Sense! <---- yes of course KIllem's PK action is necessary i am not sure why though. Hmmmm Common sense... Iffy at best

    What am I supposed to do?

    Well...adventure! Have fun! <------ yep fun it is now

    Rules and regulations my arse

    This may be my last post here so good luck out there Arda

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    28 July 2005 19:10:30

    I deseved to be killed by you Killem? How on earth did I make you come to that decision?. I am just pondering your motives here. I have never attempted you as Killem, I may have as another Char but that would have been for guild resons, but i dont think i 'deserved' to be killed. Ok i knew that you and Abborre where online, but i thought i would be would not have to worry about you two cos i do not participate in killing ER's or have never attempted any of you. Saying i deserve it is a shallow argument and a shit one at that. Again all i see here is you trying to justify your role in this game which like it or not is a sad individual who gets off on PK's. And yes there are FR that do the same thing don't get me wrong and i have had words to the ppl in my guild about the same thing. And like you they really don't care either. The mentality of kill or be killed is the same as yours. Like i said before. why not stick to those power players that want the same game as you and leave the rest of us alone. I think i remembered once reading the rules about PK's being 'restricted' well my arse it is, and like Adremeth said I don't care if i get banned now cos I can now see I am not the only one willing to speak up on how shit the game has turned.

  • Author
    Adremeth [legacy]
    28 July 2005 12:24:06

    Killem, it does happen every time Nasira decides to go pk. It has happened to me personally but Nasira hunted off after I was attacked for whatever reason. Perhaps they thought I was bringing them to a lockup. I didn't bother to ask. Don't act like that's just something I made up for the sake of argument. As a player I've been on both sides of that fight and I know what happens.

    It's not just ERs though some seem to revell the in free kills. I didn't like it when Alkath and a few others went into Near Harad the day ERs opened again with the inferior gear ERs had and ran around killing anything they saw like dogs in a flock of sheep. I don't like seeing the overall effect here. It adds new meaning to 'hack and slash' gameplay.

    It is a game and it is supposed to be fun. This is not fun for many who cared about more than just pk. There are a lot of things that can be done to balance this screw up (which is exactly how I see it, Aule can hardban me too for my opinion if he wants), but frankly I don't see it worth my time to bother suggesting any longer. Like Krim, I'm just counting the minutes.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    28 July 2005 10:53:38

    It might have become a PK mud but the structure should be blamed rather the ER players since all they do is doing what they are supposed to do.

    Were there anyone calling it a pk mud when a few assassins pulled off kills on hundreds of ERs and could not even be hunted back? Were those high level legion related ERs or middle levels exploring NH? Hell, I don't think any FRs were complaning (and most were calling ERs whiners for complaining about it) about ER caravan before the same version of it was implemented at West Arda.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    28 July 2005 09:55:03

    Even assuming you are correct which takes a stretch of imagination at best. 5 man er bangs are fairly rare perhaps killing 5-10 people per boot. Hell, er kills in general are perhaps 20 kills on a good boot. That means assuming there are 100 people like tool and only people like him get killed that at most once per month they'll get killed and have to spend 2-3 hours remaxing. Big fucking deal. Tool admits he participated in pks and while i understand his sentiments for leaving (if you're not having fun dont play the game) he got exactly what he deserved. I personally have pulled bangs off of people I didn't think deserve to die, grimrod for example and do not target people who play the game in a similar manner. Once again, here's the distinction. Unguilded, helps everyone, not a jackass.

  • Author
    Adremeth [legacy]
    28 July 2005 08:36:56

    'Date: 27. Jul, 2005, 20:27:24 By: Killem


    If you really want to be neutral and stay out of it, don't fight ers. Don't join a guild. Be a genuine friend and aid to EVERYONE who asks. For examples of this see grimrod, redjack, and in earlier years pounder.'

    Yeah, that would be great except that Nasira uses her client to auto-hunt/attack anyone she looks at who is unfortunate enough to run into one of the 5-ER bangs she tends to lead and she keeps hunting in the bang if she decides they are high enough level to kill. Guilded or not, 'involved' in the war of the ring or not, it doesn't matter.

    Her answer to it when someone told her how suck that was of her was that if you don't want to be banged by ERs to stay in West Arda. So while you say that here Killem, I'm not buying it. There is no longer any room here on this game for anything BUT PK once you leave West Arda. Nasira's triggers is just 1 small example. It's really sad but Tool isn't the first person to say 'screw it' and go because all the pk bullshit has really ruined the game aspect of t2t.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    28 July 2005 03:21:05

    Thats right Killem i joined the Galadhrim to aid my family. But i joined a long time ago before the new ER's came out and when RP was a priority within the guild. To defend the tree and help out our allies within Arda. It never said anything about PK. Sure there were ome in teh guild that Participated in them nad yes I have too. But like i said that was not for sheer enjoymen.

    And yes Killem you do make good points and hopefully as Grimscar says we may find a middle ground. And if that is the case maybe there is hope. Ok lets let this subject go. Its over.. we can keep going tillwe are blue in the face. I am over it now,

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    27 July 2005 21:50:32

    Killem and Tool have made good points. Surely there is a middle ground we will find one day?

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    27 July 2005 20:27:24

    Everyone who plays in a guild is a combatant in one side of the war or the other. If you join galadhrim then be fully prepared to fight, kill, and die in the war of the ring. Whether you actively participate in pks or not you are supporting them with gold and gear and just by being galadhrim you are one of my primary targets.

    If you really want to be neutral and stay out of it, don't fight ers. Don't join a guild. Be a genuine friend and aid to EVERYONE who asks. For examples of this see grimrod, redjack, and in earlier years pounder. You simply can not join a guild that is actively devoted to the fight of shadowspawn and then expect to be excused from the war entirely.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    27 July 2005 16:53:35

    Killem by saying everyone should be involved in Pk's is proberly your way of sayign that the way you play the game is right. Well i am sorry to tell you, not all of us play like that. While most of them do now through need. Not every player out there is searching for a PK. I know i have been in situations where it has been called for a PK but thats because this certain person is after one of our guild member constantly and killing him.

    But like i said i do not think partaking in a FR/ER pk as fun. As much as i will admit it what is the desired result in me going after an ER. my name known to ER's as a PK target. Thats hardly how i want to be remebered. I don't enjoy running around watching my back. Ok if my guild was in a war so be it.. that a decision i made to go to war.. but a kill out of fun.. not so great.

    while you say that you only lose a small mount of stats and such, i have not been an overly active player so i dont get to gold much to replenish these lost skills. I am sorry but i you cant get it into your head that not everyone plays the same way as you. That is just being ignorant.

    And like i said before. Go attempt the guys that attempt you. They obviously want a piece of you. Leave the rest of us alone.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    27 July 2005 07:10:43

    In reference to tools earlier remarks about powerplaying, EVERYONE should be involved in pk not just 'powerplayers'. Pvp combat is by far the most enjoyable aspect of the mud. I understand the use of 'merciful' in certain contexts and think it has its place but overall the game is best served with having significant though not severe penalties for being defeated by a foe. As it is now, er vs fr deaths are hugely reduced in damage to the target. Three of the times that i've died i've lost 2 or less stats. Meaningless deaths lead to carelessness on both sides and a lack of fulfillment in success. As the mud stands now both sides have incentive both to interact in pvp and to do so as well as they are able too. In regards to pve rping, i do not accept that there is such a thing. RPing w/o player interaction PRIMARILY THOUGH NOT EXCLUSIVE in conflict w/ said other players is just another form of mental masturbation. Only interactions with other players matter and the most satisfying encounters have always been in a hard won conflict with an enemy.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    27 July 2005 00:45:20

    You know Naith i don't think we have had any encounters. Well maybe i am not sure.. i die lots :P. But i do not make these comments to make anyone feel bad. Thats just how i feel. If someone takes notice then well thats a good thing, but i doubt it will make a difference.As for mature players i dont think its about that. It is about playing a game that is fun. I man how many ppl like it when they die. not many i am guessing. Ppl are leaving cos they are disgrunteled with the game. and if my comments are controversial maybe.. just maybe its time to have a look

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 July 2005 17:40:42

    Seems the mature players continue to leave the MUD; maybe thats just the way of things but on the bright side you won't have to worry about me :)

    10fart naith

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    26 July 2005 17:37:13

    Wow Tool. I don't think I've ever spoken to you before, but think there's probably a good chance I might have attacked you at some point.

    Reading your comments makes me feel about 3 feet tall. I don't know how you managed to post controversial remarks, and yet still manage to come off head and shoulders above most people around here in terms of maturity levels.

    I hope you have fun wherever you're going. Sorry if I helped ruin things for you.


  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    26 July 2005 01:44:29

    Lol... you see. No one is gonna change the way they play so lets get over it.. I am gone. Killem took offence to the comment i made. No one cares. If thats the way the game is played now i suppose i should have got used to it, but instead i took another road. I did not mean to upset anyone or put anyones noses out. So lets let this topic die here.

    I have no hard feelings towards Killem or Abborre. I mean i have been killed by many over the years and since my return i have been killed by a few ERs. I just said that they made me realise.

    Oh and a point yeah PvP RP all good.. does not always have to end by death. Merciful used. take weapons from fallen victim.. bragging rights over the guild or player.

    Eh what was the point here again?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    25 July 2005 20:16:43

    But then we wouldn't have wizards, dunadan would be very rare, it would take months to travel from Bree to Minas Tirith and you wouldn't have any comms or be able to send tells.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    25 July 2005 20:16:02

    I think that would only be used if the target was to be held captive or tortured

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    25 July 2005 20:08:42

    I keep trying to find the place in the books where Aragorn asks the Evils to use merciful. Strange I can find it...

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    25 July 2005 19:12:08

    I think he was trying to point out that PK can be RP and become a way of enforcing it more strongly, as RP as 'roleplaying' covers that as well.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    25 July 2005 17:55:04

    Ok i dont quite think you understand what i am getting at and i dont care if you do.. no matter what i say or do now is not going to change on how you play. so don;t worry about it. But.... the point i am making you play for the trill of kill or get killed. I do not play like that. and this mud once before was a RP mud. i think thats why they put in merciful. to take the accidental deaths out of RP. Anyway no matter what happens here no one is gonna change the style they enjoy playing. i just hope this mud does not fall down to the point where ppl leave the game cos its not fun for them.

    Oh and Deb... i can't wait... and we will teach you how to play that silly game. So until we meet.. take care of yourself, and each other :P

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    25 July 2005 14:47:41

    Goodbye Tool, sad to see a worthy opponent go. Be good, and enjoy the cricket.. glad to know i'm not the only one that plays it anymore ;)

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    25 July 2005 12:42:03

    there is no rp in towers w/o pvp combat, its not a mush. You wanna fight evil, come and get it, you wanna talk the fight out, go play a larp or a mush

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    25 July 2005 12:07:40

    Goodbye Tool! You'll be missed but you're moving on to a better place so we shan't mourn you, rather celebrate your ascension to the next realm ;) (for those who don't get what I mean, I'm referring to reality)

    One of these days I'll drop by and then you and Duk can try to explain to me the finer points and value to playing cricket. Oh, and we must visit the Giant Earthworm Museum together. It's on my list of 100 things to do before I die.

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    25 July 2005 10:48:55

    Yeah sad to see me die.. but that's the nature of this game now isn't it. No longer is it a RP game. It is a game where Pkers get to get their rocks off and go around as ER's so they can kill without infringement.

    I know ther are a lot of FR that do it too, but that has been going around for years. Why cant you power plaers keep to yourselves and kill each other instead of ruining the game for everyone else. I suicided cos i am sick of watching my back waiting for an ER to attck me, or some guy who has a problem with my guild. What did i ever do to any of these player to make them want to kill me. I just want to play the game.. RP with the few that want to RP in this game and not have to worry about arse holes who are looking for PK.

    Anyway my leaving is not going to change that, but there are a lot of ppl out there who feel the same. It is not the the game it once was and thats sad cos it used to be fun.

    Anyway. i had fun for the last 4 years bar the recent few months. Thanks to Abbore and Killem for making me realise this is not the game that i am gonna waste any more of my time with

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    22 July 2005 12:39:00

    ooooh, I love those emotes

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    22 July 2005 12:25:49

    i've gotten a 3 massacre 1 crit w/ a shiv furystab w/ ancient short sword, did mega damage

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    22 July 2005 03:00:28

    if you had landed the shiv at the end, you would have gotten 2 more doses of the silver flask..too bad shiv sucks :(

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    22 July 2005 02:37:41

    Ever get 4 bites on that stab?

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    22 July 2005 02:02:40

    Yes I am paranoid, but it has kept me alive.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 July 2005 00:33:56

    Worried about something?

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    21 July 2005 19:24:50

    blah :(

  • Author
    Nareez [legacy]
    21 July 2005 19:21:46

    Meh :(

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    21 July 2005 19:13:33

    Sad to see he suicided.

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    21 July 2005 18:27:00

    I like two things in this log:

    1) the compulsive legending of Grimscar;

    2) the hasty camouflaging once the kill is complete.

    I didn't like Tool just standing there like a (erm, I don't have to spell it out) instead of running to inside Thranduils, which he had plenty of time to do.

  • Author
    Killem [legacy]
    21 July 2005 15:30:17

    once in a blue moon, miss >half my backstabs b/c cant get more than 60 in the skill

  • Author
    Scypio [legacy]
    21 July 2005 14:37:32

    Oh, you can backstab+shiv..